Science and Spirituality - A Jugalbandi or entwined twins!

Hello all, Namaste! Until now we tried to discuss some Spirituality, Vedic astrology and Metaphysics. There is another area that is very close to my heart, which I want to discuss today. I want to write about Science and how I feel Science and Spirituality are stronger together than being apart and how after deep contemplation we may come to realize that one cannot stand apart from the other. I myself am not sure how to put my thought process into words. But I will give it my best try! To start with what does the word Jugalbandi means? 'Jugalbandi' is a performance in Hindustani classical music where a duet of two solo musicians is rendered. According to Wikipedia, it literally means 'entwined twins'. In the performance, both musicians act as principal players and they complement each other to bring a competitive spirit to the performance. So here I am trying to say Science and Spirituality are two lead performers creating their music together to bring out a great ...