Who am I? - Part 3

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic week where you were able to clear the mind of all pre-conceived notions and ideas and keep the slate of mind as blank as possible, with an attitude of the lord, Ganesha . But it is so easy to say, 'clear your mind and keep the mind as a blank slate'. So easy to say, but so difficult to do. So, today let us explore why we have such a tough time to come out of the preconceived notions and attitudes we have for our life? Why is it easier said than done? As we have discussed many times in this blog, I as a person have a very strong intuition that we as a Soul go through lifetimes after lifetimes. As I have mentioned before, this blog is not to prove any theory, hypothesis or attitude. This blog is about how to use the ancient wisdom of Vedic philosophy for modern times. So, according to what I intuit, there are numerous lifetimes, we as a Soul go through. All of us have been around the block may be million or thousand times, ...