The truth of Dharma!
Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to uncover another little piece of your personal truth. Last week we discussed how our own personal truth can set us free . Personal truth also can be called our Dharma. Let us discuss more the truth laden in our personal Dharma, this week. What is Reality? As in this blog, we discuss the concepts from a platform of Hinduism, I am taking the concept as per Vedic Philosophy. According to Wikipedia , " In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with Ṛta , the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way of living". So, according to that Dharma becomes the right way of living. What is the right way of living? Who decides what is the right way? Are there any premises on which Dharma stands? Does Dharma change according to the country and region one is born? How can we be sure we are practicing t