Hinduism - Why are there thousands of Gods and Goddesses?

Hello all, Namaste! Before proceeding with this post, I would like to clarify something. I am of the outlook that each person should choose the religion he/she feels comfortable with or relate to. If they feel they don't need a religion to express themselves, that also is an individual's choice. I am writing this post about Hinduism, only to write my thoughts on the title. It is never my idea or intention to propagate Hinduism. Another fact, I want to put forward is, the original name of Hinduism was 'Sanatana Dharma ' or the 'Eternal way'. It is not a religion, more of a way of life and I like to view it that way . In Vedic scriptures, there is not a term called ' Hindu '. It has been thought that people who had traded with or invaded India started calling the culture as the 'culture of the people near the river Sindhu' , which later transformed into Hindu and the culture they practiced to Hinduism. Sindhu is now known as the river Indus ...