Shiva or Rudra -The divine masculine!

Hello all, Just a small request before I start. Unfortunately, I think somehow my previous subscription list was lost. So I have no idea if subscribers are getting their weekly emails. I have now moved to a different subscription service. Hopefully, now this service will work fine. It may be a good idea to click the subscribe button again once more. It is always the technical glitches, which one have to figure out somehow. Thank you. Namaste! Hope all of you are doing well and looking forward to holidays as part of Thanksgiving (U.SA.), Christmas and New year (the World). Many of you may be shopping, making plans and having resolutions for the new year. Wishing all of you success in all your holiday plans as well as your new year resolutions. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to Thank all my blog readers, my heartfelt Thanks for your support, comments, and encouragements. Knowing that there are people who are interested in reading my blog through that sharing my thoug...