Karma - The cause and effect!

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to bring in exactly what you wished for your life. Last week we discussed the lonely being who is not in touch with their own emotions and who by virtue of it is not able to connect with others as well. Literally and totally alone! Hope all are able to make a beautiful life for themselves in this physical world. Today, let us concentrate on another concept called, 'Karma'. It has become trendy or 'cool' to use the word Karma and to put all the blame of whatever happens in our own life on Karma."Things are out of my hand. I cannot do anything about it. It is my Karma from my past life, previous times, which I cannot change at all. Totally sad, But what to do. That is how things are." Even if we haven't said it loudly we would have at least thought like that some time or other. Have I? Of course. I too am human. This was my thought process some 6-7 years back when nothing worked ...