Kuja (Mars) - The army chief! - Part2

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a good week where you captured your authentic Self by being a leader to your family, friends and the greater community. Last week we discussed how the Graha (astrological planetary energy of Mars) Kuja embodies the energy of the God Karthikeya and how capturing his true energy brings leadership, strategy, vision, and valor to our life. We also discussed a bit of mythology associated with Karthikeya. Today let us look at Kuja through the lens of astrology. What does he teach us through astrology? According to what I presume, every single thing whether it is Philosophy, Mythology, Astrology or even our earthly existence, all lead us towards the fact that we are here to learn about ourselves through experiences, research, knowledge and deep reflection. But many times we get caught in our experiences and are not able to come out of it to capture the true lesson that particular experience is trying to teach us. Once we can get out of that emoti...