Welcoming a crisp New Year!
Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic Christmas (whoever celebrates it) and others had a beautiful weekend. Now next week is the birth of young, fresh New Year, full of promises and hopes. Why don't we discuss today how to use the energy of this New chapter to get rid of the old baggage like old emotions, old regrets and old frustrations from our life. ( This post is also very much a reminder to myself as well to do the same for me. I am also in the same boat struggling to leave many regrets and frustrations behind and welcome fresh energy into my life. So this post is for all of us :-)). Life as a boat: Each of us has taken a physical existence and many times we live our life without a true awareness. It is always better to take an example to elaborate a point. So let us think of our this life as a boat (say a medium sized one with an engine, a rudder, and a sail) on the sea of the material realm. Many times in our life we just sit simply in the boat (means our