
Showing posts from August, 2019

The hidden planet in Vedic astrology!

Hello all, Namaste! Before proceeding with the post, just an announcement. I am planning to go back to the Google feed burner email subscription service and planning to shut down the Specific feeds email feed. I find that the specific feeds, is coming with numerous advertisements below the particular blog post. I don't like my subscribers to be bogged down with the advertisements. For that matter, I myself don't like advertisements. So, I should not bother my dear subscribers with random advertisements from a feed service. So, please look for the email from Google feed burner and resubscribe again to my blog. Thank you for your cooperation. (Re-posting from last week, once more). Last week we discussed how due to our own negligence we are decimating our home . It has been long time since we discussed Vedic astrology. So, thought today we would again give a peek at astrology. What is the real purpose of Astrology? People sometimes become addicted with chart analysi...

Earth-Are we decimating our own home?

Hello all, Namaste! Before proceeding with the post, just an announcement. I am planning to go back to the Google feedburner email subsciption service and planning to shut down the Specific feeds email feed. I find that the specific feeds, is coming with numerous advertisements below the particular blogpost. I don't like my subscribers to be bogged down with the advertisements. For that matter, I myself don't like advertisements. So, I should not bother my dear subscribers with random advertisements from a feed service. So, please watch for an email from Google feedburner soon and resubscribe again to my blog. Thank you for your cooperation. Hope you had a great week where you were able to find the self-trust to take the exact actions that are needed for your life to bloom in every direction. Last week we discussed how it is very important to trust ourselves-our intuition, our judgements and our perspectives. These come from our own life experiences as well as deep intern...

Trust thyself!

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to tap into the power of your being. Last week we discussed how all of us are powerful beings and have enormous creative potential hidden within us. But many times our focus as a human is to the outside. Humans are social creatures. So, the group or the tribe is important, and we are conditioned from very young age to act according to the social norms and be one with the tribe. This teaches us to look outside always for guidance whether from our parents, teachers, or other leaders. Yes, we indeed need their guidance. But in this process we leave out an important aspect--ourselves.  Where are we in this picture? What about the guidance that comes inbuilt within us? As we are conditioned from a very young age to look outside of ourselves for guidance, many times we are not even aware of this. This is about the familial and social conditioning. Above this comes the conditioning through our DNA. The DNA we h...

Most liked ones!

Moola Nakshatra - A Curse or a blessing?

Ardra nakshatra - The inconsolable human!

Satyam Vada! Dharmam Chara! (Speak your truth! Walk your purpose!)

Ashwathama - A lesson to be learned!

Kannagi - The incensed lady!

Ganda Moola Nakshatra -The transformation!

Draupadi -The bold Queen!