Trust thyself!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to tap into the power of your being. Last week we discussed how all of us are powerful beings and have enormous creative potential hidden within us. But many times our focus as a human is to the outside. Humans are social creatures. So, the group or the tribe is important, and we are conditioned from very young age to act according to the social norms and be one with the tribe. This teaches us to look outside always for guidance whether from our parents, teachers, or other leaders. Yes, we indeed need their guidance. But in this process we leave out an important aspect--ourselves.
Where are we in this picture? What about the guidance that comes inbuilt within us? As we are conditioned from a very young age to look outside of ourselves for guidance, many times we are not even aware of this. This is about the familial and social conditioning. Above this comes the conditioning through our DNA. The DNA we have got through our family, what about the conditioning from that? Let us discuss some Molecular Biology before proceeding further.
DNA (Deoxyribo nucleic acid): It is a molecule that is made up of two chains that coil around each other to form the double helix structure. The scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick received Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for uncovering the structure of DNA. This DNA is the material that carries our genetic codes. What is a genetic code? It is the basic knowledge that is embedded in the DNA that makes us, human beings. This code comes from our parents-father and mother. The DNA then combines in unique ways to produce each one of us-unique. This is about us.
Now, our parents would have acquired their DNA from their parents. They from their parents. This is an unbroken chain. Outside we may look very different. Within us generations of ancestors, maybe around 15 generations live. Our DNA compared to our ancestors would not be exactly the same. First of all they had different parents. Next the genetic material or DNA could have combined in very different ways. People would have moved around, may be to a different part of the country or to an entirely different continent. The environment, the temperatures, the weather, the living conditions, every thing affects the DNA. Above this the way the family interacts, whether happy, sad, poverty, hunger, all these have a say in the DNA and how the genes express (shows up as physical and other features) in a person.
So, our DNA would have difference compared to our ancestors. But even then there would be huge similarities within the family. This is another level of conditioning that is happening on us from within. Assume, a few generations of our ancestors struggled with religious persecution. Now, the fear of being killed would have deeply encoded in the DNA. Fast forward some seven generations. The current generation has nothing to fear and there is no religious persecution. Even then the previous DNA encoded with fear is sitting within us, very much controlling us. So, when our subconscious mind formed, this deep hidden fear is already wired within us without our conscious knowledge. This is the true demon that we need to fight.
Our subconscious patterning: Every family may have something to overcome, whether it is fear, poverty mentality, guilt or shame. Consider that a few generations of our ancestors struggled with money. What are we going to face in our own life? Struggles to acquire money. Even before we become adults, the poverty mentality and struggles for money is already deeply wired within us. Now we have become adults. We go for our career and try to make our prosperity. Whatever we do things would not be happening, we would be struggling to find our success. Our own subconscious limiting beliefs would be the major block working against us. In Malayalam there is a proverb, 'Veli thanne vilavu thinnuka', Meaning- The fence itself is eating the produce. When the enemy is within, how can we ever find our success?
This patterning comes from our subconscious mind. Behaviors about which we have absolutely no clue. To realize these behaviors, our conscious mind should develop deep awareness. Awareness of ourselves, our behaviors and our own life. A person who has no awareness of this patterning would be a puppet in the hands of the subconscious mind. Consciously the person would be putting all the efforts to be successful and subconsciously they themselves would self-sabotage as well. As this is the energy that is being put out subconsciously, that would be the energy that would be boomeranged to us. The spiritual law, 'Our inner reality reflects outside', works perfectly. This energy we are putting out brings the exact circumstances, people, and conditions that help us to self-sabotage ourselves. What a perfect Universe!
We, the poor human being would sit and complain about the toxic people, toxic situations and circumstances that keeps on appearing in our reality. But the truth is the reality starts and ends with us. We are indeed the creators of our own reality. A person who becomes aware of this truth would start to become deeply aware of their own behaviors, how they themselves are working against them. The rewiring in case they attempt is not a simple process. As the behavior is subconscious, many times the conscious mind would have absolutely no idea. It would stay in its ignorant state. The proverb, 'Ignorance is bliss', is apt here. As long as we are ignorant, we have no work to do. We can be in the Maya, the grand illusion of the material realm and be in utter bliss of not knowing.
So, without us knowing many times our ancestors and family patterns that used to work during their times are living through us and at the present age doesn't add an iota of value to our life. But without developing our own intuition to 'see' through what is limiting us, what beliefs are holding us prisoners, we never may be able to overcome this. The same way many gifts and talents also may be bestowed on us through the DNA. Without deep awareness of ourselves and our life this also miss our awareness. For instance, during my adolescent years I used to spend a lot of time reading Arabian nights, Hindu mythology and associated concepts. Then I went ahead and took Biotechnology that was a far cry from the thing that I used to spend a lot of time on. Non-awareness. Even to know our true innate gifts that come from deep within, we need that awareness of self.
Intuition: Whatever we were discussing until now was about the mind, conscious as well as the subconscious. Behind this filter stays our metaphorical heart or the realm of the Soul. In Vedic philosophy, this place is called 'Hrudayakasa' (Heart space) where the Soul is thought to dwell. The only way that Soul can contact the body as well as the mind is through the intuition. But many times the mind, which is trying to make sense of our own life miss this guidance. Remember, this guidance comes from our Soul. This is a bypass to all the ancestral and familial conditioning. Whatever we have imprinted on our Soul is very much our own actions and thoughts we have taken in this lifetime or in the previous lifetimes.
Those actions could have consisted of good as well as bad choices. All those perceptions are imprinted on the Soul. But this wisdom compared to the knowledge that comes from our mind is enormous. These are the experiences and the related wisdom the Soul has acquired through lifetimes. Mind and it's intellectualization of knowledge never comes anywhere near to this. But as the mind is a huge barrier sitting between the Soul as well as us, the conscious being, this wisdom many times never reaches our conscious mind. We are not 'aware' of it. This is where the grace of the divine is needed. Only when that grace opens up we acquire the blessing to truly 'see' or intuitively know what the Soul is silently guiding us to do. If I had not caught the guidance I intuitively felt, I would have missed the chance at a blog and the other blessings that are opening up in my life.
This is the same with everyone. People who have become hugely successful in life most of the time would start to listen to their own intuitive guidance that come as silent promptings. If they can trust themselves, why can't we, the everyday normal being? Why should we look to an outside leader when our own leader/mentor/teacher is sitting within? This is where the inner trust or self-trust comes into picture. We as a modern human being, find it very difficult to trust ourselves. We want someone to take us by our hand and lead us to the beautiful brilliance of our own success. But another person has not gone through our experiences, our thought process and our life circumstances. How can they lead us? Of course, they can suggest, guide, or mentor us.
Self-trust: Trusting ourselves! If we can trust another person deeply, why can't we trust ourselves and our Soul? We can always get input from others for the deep decisions we need to take for our life. But after weighing the pros and cons, the final major decisions for our own life should be according to the guidance given by our higher Self. Here another point also comes into picture that needs to be discussed.
The sacred contract we have between us and the divine or the Universal intelligence. This many times we ourselves may not know. Our conscious mind may have no idea. When we ourselves don't have a clue about this, how can a person outside of ourselves have any idea about it? So, we spend again our life in our own ignorance about ourselves, who are we, what have we come here to do and how we can capture this destiny. We talk so much about destiny, but half the time we have absolutely no clue, what is our destiny, what are we supposed to do and how to capture it. We go around in life listening to leaders, reading concepts, debating about principles and trying to acquire our appreciation from others.
All this time, our Soul sits silently, the observer warching the shenanigans of the being that is provided with a very brilliant mind. Any day the Soul becomes fed up of the non-sense of the being, it interferes by bringing circumstances that starts to work against the person. It can be diseases, loss of a job, hospital stay, prison life, stagnancy of life or something that is so terrible, the mind that is running around all over the place cannot solve, would stop, turn inward to find answers and contemplate. This is many times our own true destiny unfolding. In my life it was the deep stagnancy of a dead career. I just could not figure a way to revive it. I tried. Oh! I tried so very much. Then I had to turn within to find my own answers.
Nowadays, this is what is missing from our own very 'modern' life. We are a bunch of kids running around with a mind that is behind everything that comes along, whether it is new gadgets, new foods, new tech toys, new concepts, new trends, new hypes, new social media sites or something new out there. Think of a four year old in a candy store going behind every candy there is. Isn't that the same emotion we as adults are embracing? We are busy. We have no time. We have million things to do. Million places to go. Slow down. Where are we rushing? Finally every one of us is going to the same place.
In this mad rush, our own life lose the deep grounding we need. When we are living in our head what is there to ground us? We are like that proverbial balloon having a cut string floating all over the sky. Is there any wonder people feel lost in their own life? So, to ground our life deeply we need to slow down, find our own intuition. We need to listen to what it is saying. Then live from this space deeply grounded in our own life. For that we need to trust ourselves first and foremost.
The wisdom of the higher Self would lead us, walking with us, guiding and mentoring us. Our deep inner light would start to shine. We will find the perfect place for ourselves in our life. This inturn would lead us to our perfect place in the world. I deeply believe each of us have a solid purpose that we have come to do that is as unique as us. Now, it is our task or Dharma to find it. Nobody else can help us in this journey. It is a journey of solitude. But to take this path we have to trust deeply ourselves from our inner core. Without that we can't proceed one inch. So, finally it all comes down to the quote made by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events.” Without that trust, we would feel very much separated deeply from our own life, a balloon floating away without a goal, objective or destiny. Therefore, Trust thyself!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Earth-Are we decimating our home?
Credits: Images from
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to tap into the power of your being. Last week we discussed how all of us are powerful beings and have enormous creative potential hidden within us. But many times our focus as a human is to the outside. Humans are social creatures. So, the group or the tribe is important, and we are conditioned from very young age to act according to the social norms and be one with the tribe. This teaches us to look outside always for guidance whether from our parents, teachers, or other leaders. Yes, we indeed need their guidance. But in this process we leave out an important aspect--ourselves.
Where are we in this picture? What about the guidance that comes inbuilt within us? As we are conditioned from a very young age to look outside of ourselves for guidance, many times we are not even aware of this. This is about the familial and social conditioning. Above this comes the conditioning through our DNA. The DNA we have got through our family, what about the conditioning from that? Let us discuss some Molecular Biology before proceeding further.
DNA (Deoxyribo nucleic acid): It is a molecule that is made up of two chains that coil around each other to form the double helix structure. The scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick received Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for uncovering the structure of DNA. This DNA is the material that carries our genetic codes. What is a genetic code? It is the basic knowledge that is embedded in the DNA that makes us, human beings. This code comes from our parents-father and mother. The DNA then combines in unique ways to produce each one of us-unique. This is about us.
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DNA - The code that creates us, humans! Image credits - |
Now, our parents would have acquired their DNA from their parents. They from their parents. This is an unbroken chain. Outside we may look very different. Within us generations of ancestors, maybe around 15 generations live. Our DNA compared to our ancestors would not be exactly the same. First of all they had different parents. Next the genetic material or DNA could have combined in very different ways. People would have moved around, may be to a different part of the country or to an entirely different continent. The environment, the temperatures, the weather, the living conditions, every thing affects the DNA. Above this the way the family interacts, whether happy, sad, poverty, hunger, all these have a say in the DNA and how the genes express (shows up as physical and other features) in a person.
So, our DNA would have difference compared to our ancestors. But even then there would be huge similarities within the family. This is another level of conditioning that is happening on us from within. Assume, a few generations of our ancestors struggled with religious persecution. Now, the fear of being killed would have deeply encoded in the DNA. Fast forward some seven generations. The current generation has nothing to fear and there is no religious persecution. Even then the previous DNA encoded with fear is sitting within us, very much controlling us. So, when our subconscious mind formed, this deep hidden fear is already wired within us without our conscious knowledge. This is the true demon that we need to fight.
Our subconscious patterning: Every family may have something to overcome, whether it is fear, poverty mentality, guilt or shame. Consider that a few generations of our ancestors struggled with money. What are we going to face in our own life? Struggles to acquire money. Even before we become adults, the poverty mentality and struggles for money is already deeply wired within us. Now we have become adults. We go for our career and try to make our prosperity. Whatever we do things would not be happening, we would be struggling to find our success. Our own subconscious limiting beliefs would be the major block working against us. In Malayalam there is a proverb, 'Veli thanne vilavu thinnuka', Meaning- The fence itself is eating the produce. When the enemy is within, how can we ever find our success?
This patterning comes from our subconscious mind. Behaviors about which we have absolutely no clue. To realize these behaviors, our conscious mind should develop deep awareness. Awareness of ourselves, our behaviors and our own life. A person who has no awareness of this patterning would be a puppet in the hands of the subconscious mind. Consciously the person would be putting all the efforts to be successful and subconsciously they themselves would self-sabotage as well. As this is the energy that is being put out subconsciously, that would be the energy that would be boomeranged to us. The spiritual law, 'Our inner reality reflects outside', works perfectly. This energy we are putting out brings the exact circumstances, people, and conditions that help us to self-sabotage ourselves. What a perfect Universe!
We, the poor human being would sit and complain about the toxic people, toxic situations and circumstances that keeps on appearing in our reality. But the truth is the reality starts and ends with us. We are indeed the creators of our own reality. A person who becomes aware of this truth would start to become deeply aware of their own behaviors, how they themselves are working against them. The rewiring in case they attempt is not a simple process. As the behavior is subconscious, many times the conscious mind would have absolutely no idea. It would stay in its ignorant state. The proverb, 'Ignorance is bliss', is apt here. As long as we are ignorant, we have no work to do. We can be in the Maya, the grand illusion of the material realm and be in utter bliss of not knowing.
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Our modern world of interconnectedness! Image credits - |
So, without us knowing many times our ancestors and family patterns that used to work during their times are living through us and at the present age doesn't add an iota of value to our life. But without developing our own intuition to 'see' through what is limiting us, what beliefs are holding us prisoners, we never may be able to overcome this. The same way many gifts and talents also may be bestowed on us through the DNA. Without deep awareness of ourselves and our life this also miss our awareness. For instance, during my adolescent years I used to spend a lot of time reading Arabian nights, Hindu mythology and associated concepts. Then I went ahead and took Biotechnology that was a far cry from the thing that I used to spend a lot of time on. Non-awareness. Even to know our true innate gifts that come from deep within, we need that awareness of self.
Intuition: Whatever we were discussing until now was about the mind, conscious as well as the subconscious. Behind this filter stays our metaphorical heart or the realm of the Soul. In Vedic philosophy, this place is called 'Hrudayakasa' (Heart space) where the Soul is thought to dwell. The only way that Soul can contact the body as well as the mind is through the intuition. But many times the mind, which is trying to make sense of our own life miss this guidance. Remember, this guidance comes from our Soul. This is a bypass to all the ancestral and familial conditioning. Whatever we have imprinted on our Soul is very much our own actions and thoughts we have taken in this lifetime or in the previous lifetimes.
Those actions could have consisted of good as well as bad choices. All those perceptions are imprinted on the Soul. But this wisdom compared to the knowledge that comes from our mind is enormous. These are the experiences and the related wisdom the Soul has acquired through lifetimes. Mind and it's intellectualization of knowledge never comes anywhere near to this. But as the mind is a huge barrier sitting between the Soul as well as us, the conscious being, this wisdom many times never reaches our conscious mind. We are not 'aware' of it. This is where the grace of the divine is needed. Only when that grace opens up we acquire the blessing to truly 'see' or intuitively know what the Soul is silently guiding us to do. If I had not caught the guidance I intuitively felt, I would have missed the chance at a blog and the other blessings that are opening up in my life.
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Are we seeing what we need to see? Image credits - |
This is the same with everyone. People who have become hugely successful in life most of the time would start to listen to their own intuitive guidance that come as silent promptings. If they can trust themselves, why can't we, the everyday normal being? Why should we look to an outside leader when our own leader/mentor/teacher is sitting within? This is where the inner trust or self-trust comes into picture. We as a modern human being, find it very difficult to trust ourselves. We want someone to take us by our hand and lead us to the beautiful brilliance of our own success. But another person has not gone through our experiences, our thought process and our life circumstances. How can they lead us? Of course, they can suggest, guide, or mentor us.
Self-trust: Trusting ourselves! If we can trust another person deeply, why can't we trust ourselves and our Soul? We can always get input from others for the deep decisions we need to take for our life. But after weighing the pros and cons, the final major decisions for our own life should be according to the guidance given by our higher Self. Here another point also comes into picture that needs to be discussed.
The sacred contract we have between us and the divine or the Universal intelligence. This many times we ourselves may not know. Our conscious mind may have no idea. When we ourselves don't have a clue about this, how can a person outside of ourselves have any idea about it? So, we spend again our life in our own ignorance about ourselves, who are we, what have we come here to do and how we can capture this destiny. We talk so much about destiny, but half the time we have absolutely no clue, what is our destiny, what are we supposed to do and how to capture it. We go around in life listening to leaders, reading concepts, debating about principles and trying to acquire our appreciation from others.
All this time, our Soul sits silently, the observer warching the shenanigans of the being that is provided with a very brilliant mind. Any day the Soul becomes fed up of the non-sense of the being, it interferes by bringing circumstances that starts to work against the person. It can be diseases, loss of a job, hospital stay, prison life, stagnancy of life or something that is so terrible, the mind that is running around all over the place cannot solve, would stop, turn inward to find answers and contemplate. This is many times our own true destiny unfolding. In my life it was the deep stagnancy of a dead career. I just could not figure a way to revive it. I tried. Oh! I tried so very much. Then I had to turn within to find my own answers.
Nowadays, this is what is missing from our own very 'modern' life. We are a bunch of kids running around with a mind that is behind everything that comes along, whether it is new gadgets, new foods, new tech toys, new concepts, new trends, new hypes, new social media sites or something new out there. Think of a four year old in a candy store going behind every candy there is. Isn't that the same emotion we as adults are embracing? We are busy. We have no time. We have million things to do. Million places to go. Slow down. Where are we rushing? Finally every one of us is going to the same place.
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How much do we trust ourselves? Image credits - |
In this mad rush, our own life lose the deep grounding we need. When we are living in our head what is there to ground us? We are like that proverbial balloon having a cut string floating all over the sky. Is there any wonder people feel lost in their own life? So, to ground our life deeply we need to slow down, find our own intuition. We need to listen to what it is saying. Then live from this space deeply grounded in our own life. For that we need to trust ourselves first and foremost.
The wisdom of the higher Self would lead us, walking with us, guiding and mentoring us. Our deep inner light would start to shine. We will find the perfect place for ourselves in our life. This inturn would lead us to our perfect place in the world. I deeply believe each of us have a solid purpose that we have come to do that is as unique as us. Now, it is our task or Dharma to find it. Nobody else can help us in this journey. It is a journey of solitude. But to take this path we have to trust deeply ourselves from our inner core. Without that we can't proceed one inch. So, finally it all comes down to the quote made by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events.” Without that trust, we would feel very much separated deeply from our own life, a balloon floating away without a goal, objective or destiny. Therefore, Trust thyself!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Earth-Are we decimating our home?
Credits: Images from
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