
Showing posts from April, 2020

Spiritual power- Part 4!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last few weeks, we have been discussing the realms of the spiritual power, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the Soul. We also discussed how our mind has to be as calm and deep as an ocean where the surface is very calm, but thoughts as huge as the Blue whale lives. That is the difference between the mind of us, very normal beings and that of ascended Masters. Our mind is like a small sea with churning waves, small fish and other marine animals. Our mind is bogged down with every day thoughts and materialistic ideas. But the minds of ascended masters are like that of a deep ocean, calm, with no surface waves. But ideas and original thoughts as huge as blue whales or killer whales that never make much turbulence on the surface, live within. It is their own will power that has made their mind calm. That is th

Spiritual power- Part 3!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last week, we discussed the subconscious mind as well as the ability from the Soul to provide us protection and spiritual power. Only when the subconscious mind is aligned and the conscious, logical mind is aware, this power can be accessed. It is the life force that energizes every cell of the body, so that the person becomes hale and healthy. Why as a human race we have become more and more prisoners to drugs, and hospitals ? It is because we have lost that deep connection with our own higher Self or the Soul.  Healing: This doesn't mean that we don't need treatment. We do, many times. But it should become, we access the hospital only when we are sick and we cannot function as a normal adult. It should not be we are prisoners of chronic diseases that keep us tied to the hospital waiting rooms and the corridor

Spiritual power- Part 2!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last week, we elaborated on how our subconscious mind becomes our spiritual powerhouse that can help us or break us. We decide whether we are the puppet master of the subconscious mind or we are a puppet in it's hands. We as humans many times don't even realize we have this powerhouse within us. Here lies all the hurt and pain we have gone through in this lifetime and our ancestors through the eons. Here again lies the wisdom and knowledge our ancestors and lineage is ready to bestow on us. Subconscious mind: Now, it becomes our job to heal all the inner wounds and later acquire the wisdom gracefully that we have a born right to. Here I am writing about deep ancestral Karma and familial patterns. These wounds many times we as an individual would not have gone through. But it may be our great-grandfather who wa

Spiritual power- Part 1!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last week, we discussed how by our mindset we attract circumstances to our midst. As of now humanity is dealing with the ramifications of our very negative mindset and divisiveness. Many times random sporadic pockets of positiveness does nothing to the larger themes. If we want to really change the energy dynamics, a whole lot of people need to embrace positivity. This is not to scare anyone. But many times the truth hides in plain sight while we go searching behind falsehoods. As of now humanity's falsehood for the last ten years has attracted this scenario. My intuition is very much letting me know that. What were we doing as humanity for the last ten years? Many of the countries selected candidates who had or almost dreamt of dictatorial aspirations. Who is a dictator? According to Wikipedia , "A dictato

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Moola Nakshatra - A Curse or a blessing?

Ardra nakshatra - The inconsolable human!

Ashwathama - A lesson to be learned!

Kannagi - The incensed lady!

Satyam Vada! Dharmam Chara! (Speak your truth! Walk your purpose!)

Draupadi -The bold Queen!

Ganda Moola Nakshatra -The transformation!