Spiritual power- Part 2!
Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week, we elaborated on how our subconscious mind becomes our spiritual powerhouse that can help us or break us. We decide whether we are the puppet master of the subconscious mind or we are a puppet in it's hands. We as humans many times don't even realize we have this powerhouse within us. Here lies all the hurt and pain we have gone through in this lifetime and our ancestors through the eons. Here again lies the wisdom and knowledge our ancestors and lineage is ready to bestow on us.
Subconscious mind: Now, it becomes our job to heal all the inner wounds and later acquire the wisdom gracefully that we have a born right to. Here I am writing about deep ancestral Karma and familial patterns. These wounds many times we as an individual would not have gone through. But it may be our great-grandfather who was a slave, or outcast or even a land owner who was treated very badly at that time. Our human history is filled with pain and atrocities. Humans didn't have an easy life.
Those experiences most probably our ancestors have gifted us as wounds, which we carry even without knowing we are carrying it. It manifests as fear, guilt, shame, rage, anger and what not. We won't even understand why we feel, what we feel. Because the original emotion was felt by the ancestor. We are only carrying the haunting of that long lost memory in ourselves through our DNA. Think about it. The true enemy within! That is why the subconscious is given the twelfth house in astrology. It symbolizes the back of our head. We as a human can never see there by our own physical eyes. Of course, we can use a mirror or a highly perceptive mental eye.
Anything related to the twelfth house, an individual cannot fix through normal actions. No. Physical eyes cannot perceive it. It can only be fixed by deliberate, intentional, repeated action taken through the perception of our mental eye or the third eye energy center. The Ajna chakra- The chakra of command (Ajna)! In other words, we literally with our will power has to command our subconscious mind to change with repeated affirmations. Then make it our devoted servant to 'will' what we want to achieve in our life.
This is where business administration, design, master plan, individual will power, intention, affirmations, energy work, ancestors, metaphysics, our own rational and emotional mind, our patterns and gifts, spirituality, philosophy and many other disciplines meet. Truly multidisciplinary or inter-disciplinary. But in this class room, there is only a single. solitary individual. In your case, you and in my case me. No one can help us, guide us or cheer us. The deep inner work is very much a solitary path. Of course a good mentor/guide can suggest or show a path. The walking and finding more about themselves becomes the individual's first Dharma.
That is how the Universe has set up the details. You want the credit card to use your creative/inspirational bank balance, first set up the account, remove all the debts you have accrued through the ancestors, family lineage. Remove all the emotional wounds, traumas, family patterns or ancestral Karma your family has gone through. At the same time start building up your good Karma through good thoughts and actions. Build up the bank balance. Only when your good credits (Karma) goes above the bad debts (Karma), the bank account even starts to become functional.
Until then there is no bank and there is no account as well. Then where is the topic of the credit card? That is why people who are in stressed out, dire, distressed situation cannot access their true creativity or inspiration. For the original creativity to flow, we have to have a calm and balanced mind, because the individual has to access the deep subconscious mind. Many people say about getting into a zone or the flow. This zone can only be accessed from a calm, relaxed and balanced mind.
But the problem is when we are in this state of emotional wound, that too which came to us from our ancestors or family, we don't even see the wisdom our ancestors have for us. Remember the planet Kethu, which we have discussed many time- headless, not aware and having a snake body. Snake and serpents look similar. Lower vibration is snakes and higher vibration becomes serpent.
In other words, the emotional wounds keep the Kethu as snake body- fear, hurt and darkness of ignorance. Look at the world today, in this very minute as you read this sentence. The global ancestral Karma or in other words the 'Collective Unconscious' as the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung put it. Every sacred book, esoteric wisdom and deep philosophy points to the same principles again and again. Same mountain top sacred sanctum. Only different paths lead to it. I chose Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) as the path, that is all.
As of now we as humanity has kept our collective Kethu as the snake body. It is high time, all humans realized this and collectively changed it to the serpent body. The transformation of every individual being from fear, pain, hurt and darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom, the connective power of the Universe, lightness of being and the ability to access our own deep inner creative spark. The divine spark and purpose. The transformation from the snake to the serpent. When we can truly understand the concepts, all the disciplines that feel so far away, weave together to become a beautiful rainbow colored fabric, whether it is spirituality, human mind, metaphysics, or Vedic astrology.
Creativity: All of us humans are highly creative beings. If my aptitude is in writing/ analysis, yours may be in music, or business or imagination. But as of now as a world we have made a global system where we are being taught to go for a profession/career/path that pays our bills, help us to have a comfortable life and lead a 'good life'. Yes. We are leading a good life. But in between many times what are we losing? Did anyone ever think about that?
To make it clear. I am not asking everyone to become an entrepreneur. No. Every one is not cut out for that. But if you have absolutely no passion towards the work, don't go for it. A person who loves to sing should not go for construction work. That work is reserved for someone who loves to work with their hands, be close to the element of Earth- whether wood, cement, metal or asphalt. The element of Earth. The person usually would have deep, solid groundedness. They are supposed to work with the element of Earth- the heaviest and most dense. So, a person who has to work in construction would have a body structure like that as well. They won't be flimsy and fragile.
But same way a musician has to work with their mind more than their body and hands. So, many times they would be built in such a way that they can think for a long time, use their mind, create, compose or play music. But in the last fifty to seventy years or even in the 150 years we have left this innate aptitude and talents behind and have gone fully after what gives us money and a good life. What did we leave behind? Our heart and our Soul.
We lost the deep truth of our heart and our inner nature. Why as of now we are so fearful and worried? With that collective deep negative feeling we may also have invited a huge crisis to our midst. This took a long time in coming. By our own loss of deep connection to ourselves, we became a bunch of afraid, terrified and worried beings and put out that energy into the Universe a lot. Into that slow fire, we added the fuel of rage, anger, hate and divisiveness. Already we have lost our deep connection with our own heart and above that we became totally confused in the chaos and confusion that ensued.
Why are we becoming fearful, worried and stressed out in the first place? Because we have lost touch with our own true nature. We have forgotten who we are. That is the specialty of this Earth realm. It makes us forget. Only with true grace a human comes across this knowledge and becomes aware. What is the truth? We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in this Earth plane! We are not just physical beings.
One month back, I was listening to a video from a Master of astrology. He was saying the Soul or our own inner spirit projects 2-2.5 inches outside our own physical body. In other words the aura people say a person has, is their spirit or Soul that is standing aligned encompassing their entire physical body. In my mind, I imagine it as a thin, flimsy film that encompasses the whole body having it's presence in each and every single cell. Our Soul. That is what we leave behind when we move very far away from our own Dharma or purpose.
Connection to the Soul: In my mind, true creativity or inspiration comes even deeper that our subconscious mind. Yes, it comes through the subconscious, but more from our Soul. The Soul which is much older and wiser that the physical body it encloses. There are ancient Souls like Ramakrishna Paramahansa or Sri Yuktheswari Giri who have Souls so ancient we normal beings would have no clue what their deeper mind thinks. So, Souls also come in many levels. Some are babies or young Souls and some are as wise as a sage. Very different.
But whatever it is, it is our Soul who took this physical body to finish it's Dharma or purpose for this Earth sojourn. How can we as a physical body say No to that which gives us life and life force itself? That is why when we ignore our passion. intuitions and the gifts from our Soul we feel 'lifeless'. Literally due to our ignorance, we lose the connections with the Soul, and the life energy gets blocked. We feel our life has become lifeless, which becomes the truth. By ignoring our own Soul, we have shrunk it to a lifeless, vibrancy less existence. By virtue of it our physical body also feels lifeless.
Another ramification, due to our loss of connection with this life force, we feel worried, stressed and fearful. We have no guiding light from within. It has been masked by layers of every day grind and conditioning. Above this as we are tapped into the emotional wound from our subconscious mind that becomes our guiding rod. Can we see the difference? Instead of tapping into our true wisdom from the Soul that through our creative subconscious mind helps to create a true, genuine purposeful life; we just tap into the emotional mind that too into the wound of ours or our ancestors.
Thus leading a joyful, creative life from the Soul, which we have a right to, we lead a life from the mind that brings up more stress and worry. Here as we 'feel' this deep pain, stress, and worry, we put out those emotions. Universe responds perfectly by giving back exactly what we asked for, due to the 'Law of attraction'. We get more circumstances to worry, stress out and be pressured. As of now with our collective negative mindset we have attracted a huge crisis to our midst.
Am I being rude? Unfortunately no. I wish I could have been gentler. But tough truth brings more clarity of mind, groundedness and focus of purpose compared to elegant lies. So, instead of connecting to our ancient wounds of the subconscious, which we may have, we have to release those wounds and get deeply connected to our own Soul, which lies deeper than our emotional mind. We as spiritual beings are not supposed to drag along dead woods of worry, pain and stress.
The evolution of human beings at the higher realms is not of the physical body, but of the mind. Think of the masters, Ramana Maharshi or Vivekananda. They were ordinary physical beings in the body. But it was the mind that was much expanded and deeper. Same with Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi. The higher realms of evolution in spirituality is in the mind. Only through such a clear mind we can understand the notions of the Soul that come through the intuition.
If we are carrying worry, pain and distress, either our own making or of that of our ancestors, then were is the clarity of mind. Without a clear mind, what intuition? Without intuition, what Soul and its gentle whispers. For everything a crystal clear mind is needed. Now in the modern age, what is happening? There is already the desire towards the glitz and glam of electronic, tech and modern gadgets and toys. Above this the mind gets confused with the chaos, ulterior intentions and personal agendas of people in power, position and even in the society.
So, the chances of having a very confused mind is extremely high. Above this we also have the emotional wounds, patterns or behavioral issues we carry. All this becomes heavy burden on the mind. A mind has to be very light, clear to tap into our own subconscious and later the intuition to receive our inner guidance. So, many times humans are not ready to face such humongous task. Already it is inner work. People don't like it. Above this they have to face their own negative patterns and mindsets. That becomes ever more painful. So, why not stay in the comfort zone of our status quo?
The gifts of the Soul: Only when we clear our own conscious logical mind of confusion, proceed to clear the emotional wounds, pain of the emotional mind and then proceed further we come to our heart. Our own true heart resides deeper than the logical conscious mind and the emotional subconscious mind. The heart, of course the metaphorical one is the true core- the Hrudya. In the Hrudya, there is the lotus of love called Hrudya Padma (Heart Lotus). My intuition says it as deeply situated near or within the Anahata chakra, (heart chakra. If any one knows more, please let me know. I myself am learning a lot of concepts and I can be very much in the dark).
This Hrudya Padma is the throne of the Soul. Notice, this throne or seat is within the Hrudya Padma, the heart lotus of love. What does this infer? Only a person who has removed all their confusion and burden and accessed their heart lotus of love, can access the knowledge from the Soul. Even before accessing our own unique Soul knowledge, we need to get into a state of love, not just for ourselves, but for others, humanity, the globe and even the Universe. The Universal form of love!
This is where people falter. Even I falter. The gift of Soul cannot be accessed with a selfish small mind. Yes. We can access some pieces of it. But the door to the total gifts fully open only from a space of true Universal love. That does not mean to allow anyone or everyone to steam roll over us. No. We have to put proper boundaries and give ourselves value as well. We, the individual human is also included in the Universal love. So, before everything, the first criteria is Self-love.
Not the selfish, let everyone fall and I will stand over them, love. But I am also very much part of the Universe, so, by having self-love and doing my individual duty, I will allow others also to do the same and become part of the same fabric called the Universe along side others. The Universal being! It is a given, without having this concept of Universal love, the door to the gifts of our own Soul always remains closed.
This door on the other side holds all the potential a being can become for themselves. Many reach until this door, never to open it and step into the other side. Our own ego, small mindedness, rage, anger, hurt, guilt, shame all keep us away from accessing this door. How can we ever feel the Universal love when as a human we feel every other human is 'out to get us'? See, how we miss the true great potential that await us? Without first having a deep love for everything in this Universe, we can never access that true power of the Soul.
This is the real test a being in the physical body has to go through. Can you see the same essence of the Universe in another being? Can you see the same Universe pulsating in the heart of the other person? Can you do "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Wikipedia). That is the test one has to go through before the door to the Soul ever opens.
This is the place where our next level of spiritual power lies, after our subconscious mind. The power of the Soul. The spiritual gifts that is much more abundant than any physical wealth we own. The true gifts of our own Soul- very unique, very creative, very abundant and very powerful. A person who has tapped into this suddenly finds their inner confidence. This confidence is not from the physical things we own, but from our own innate power. A person who can access this starts to feel powerful. Then what happens?
This inner confidence starts to pulsate through every cell, every nerve, every tissue of their body. The body has suddenly tapped into its own life surge- the life force. That is where the true spiritual protection of the Soul comes from. When the body is pulsating with the life force, won't every cell work to its very best, especially the immune cell? The second level of spiritual power and protection, deeper than the emotional, subconscious mind. This is what we as humanity are saying no to, just being too logical.
Think from this space now. Why the modern man has become so much a slave of medicine, tablets and illnesses? We have stopped accessing this power of protection. We have evolved very much into shallow, surface level beings. But only after Universal love, this protection opens up. That is the caveat or test a being has to go through. The way the Universe opens its rewards. Do the work and then earn the reward. No short cuts, zoom boxes or time travel. But deep, deliberate, effort driven inner work.
So, this is where the next level of the spiritual power lies, within our own Hrudaya Padma- heart of love. We have to make it wide open, so that later we can access the spiritual gifts as well as our true life force. This makes our life creative, inspirational, vibrant and elegant- a being as supposed to be!
Now, whether to proceed with that deep, arduous, personal, solitary inner work of recapturing our own heart and Soul- that is always an individual's free will and personal choice!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 3!
Image Credits: Pixabay
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week, we elaborated on how our subconscious mind becomes our spiritual powerhouse that can help us or break us. We decide whether we are the puppet master of the subconscious mind or we are a puppet in it's hands. We as humans many times don't even realize we have this powerhouse within us. Here lies all the hurt and pain we have gone through in this lifetime and our ancestors through the eons. Here again lies the wisdom and knowledge our ancestors and lineage is ready to bestow on us.
Subconscious mind: Now, it becomes our job to heal all the inner wounds and later acquire the wisdom gracefully that we have a born right to. Here I am writing about deep ancestral Karma and familial patterns. These wounds many times we as an individual would not have gone through. But it may be our great-grandfather who was a slave, or outcast or even a land owner who was treated very badly at that time. Our human history is filled with pain and atrocities. Humans didn't have an easy life.
Those experiences most probably our ancestors have gifted us as wounds, which we carry even without knowing we are carrying it. It manifests as fear, guilt, shame, rage, anger and what not. We won't even understand why we feel, what we feel. Because the original emotion was felt by the ancestor. We are only carrying the haunting of that long lost memory in ourselves through our DNA. Think about it. The true enemy within! That is why the subconscious is given the twelfth house in astrology. It symbolizes the back of our head. We as a human can never see there by our own physical eyes. Of course, we can use a mirror or a highly perceptive mental eye.
Anything related to the twelfth house, an individual cannot fix through normal actions. No. Physical eyes cannot perceive it. It can only be fixed by deliberate, intentional, repeated action taken through the perception of our mental eye or the third eye energy center. The Ajna chakra- The chakra of command (Ajna)! In other words, we literally with our will power has to command our subconscious mind to change with repeated affirmations. Then make it our devoted servant to 'will' what we want to achieve in our life.
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The creative magic of the subconscious mind! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
This is where business administration, design, master plan, individual will power, intention, affirmations, energy work, ancestors, metaphysics, our own rational and emotional mind, our patterns and gifts, spirituality, philosophy and many other disciplines meet. Truly multidisciplinary or inter-disciplinary. But in this class room, there is only a single. solitary individual. In your case, you and in my case me. No one can help us, guide us or cheer us. The deep inner work is very much a solitary path. Of course a good mentor/guide can suggest or show a path. The walking and finding more about themselves becomes the individual's first Dharma.
That is how the Universe has set up the details. You want the credit card to use your creative/inspirational bank balance, first set up the account, remove all the debts you have accrued through the ancestors, family lineage. Remove all the emotional wounds, traumas, family patterns or ancestral Karma your family has gone through. At the same time start building up your good Karma through good thoughts and actions. Build up the bank balance. Only when your good credits (Karma) goes above the bad debts (Karma), the bank account even starts to become functional.
Until then there is no bank and there is no account as well. Then where is the topic of the credit card? That is why people who are in stressed out, dire, distressed situation cannot access their true creativity or inspiration. For the original creativity to flow, we have to have a calm and balanced mind, because the individual has to access the deep subconscious mind. Many people say about getting into a zone or the flow. This zone can only be accessed from a calm, relaxed and balanced mind.
But the problem is when we are in this state of emotional wound, that too which came to us from our ancestors or family, we don't even see the wisdom our ancestors have for us. Remember the planet Kethu, which we have discussed many time- headless, not aware and having a snake body. Snake and serpents look similar. Lower vibration is snakes and higher vibration becomes serpent.
In other words, the emotional wounds keep the Kethu as snake body- fear, hurt and darkness of ignorance. Look at the world today, in this very minute as you read this sentence. The global ancestral Karma or in other words the 'Collective Unconscious' as the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung put it. Every sacred book, esoteric wisdom and deep philosophy points to the same principles again and again. Same mountain top sacred sanctum. Only different paths lead to it. I chose Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) as the path, that is all.
As of now we as humanity has kept our collective Kethu as the snake body. It is high time, all humans realized this and collectively changed it to the serpent body. The transformation of every individual being from fear, pain, hurt and darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom, the connective power of the Universe, lightness of being and the ability to access our own deep inner creative spark. The divine spark and purpose. The transformation from the snake to the serpent. When we can truly understand the concepts, all the disciplines that feel so far away, weave together to become a beautiful rainbow colored fabric, whether it is spirituality, human mind, metaphysics, or Vedic astrology.
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The beauty and elegance of creation from the heart! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
Creativity: All of us humans are highly creative beings. If my aptitude is in writing/ analysis, yours may be in music, or business or imagination. But as of now as a world we have made a global system where we are being taught to go for a profession/career/path that pays our bills, help us to have a comfortable life and lead a 'good life'. Yes. We are leading a good life. But in between many times what are we losing? Did anyone ever think about that?
To make it clear. I am not asking everyone to become an entrepreneur. No. Every one is not cut out for that. But if you have absolutely no passion towards the work, don't go for it. A person who loves to sing should not go for construction work. That work is reserved for someone who loves to work with their hands, be close to the element of Earth- whether wood, cement, metal or asphalt. The element of Earth. The person usually would have deep, solid groundedness. They are supposed to work with the element of Earth- the heaviest and most dense. So, a person who has to work in construction would have a body structure like that as well. They won't be flimsy and fragile.
But same way a musician has to work with their mind more than their body and hands. So, many times they would be built in such a way that they can think for a long time, use their mind, create, compose or play music. But in the last fifty to seventy years or even in the 150 years we have left this innate aptitude and talents behind and have gone fully after what gives us money and a good life. What did we leave behind? Our heart and our Soul.
We lost the deep truth of our heart and our inner nature. Why as of now we are so fearful and worried? With that collective deep negative feeling we may also have invited a huge crisis to our midst. This took a long time in coming. By our own loss of deep connection to ourselves, we became a bunch of afraid, terrified and worried beings and put out that energy into the Universe a lot. Into that slow fire, we added the fuel of rage, anger, hate and divisiveness. Already we have lost our deep connection with our own heart and above that we became totally confused in the chaos and confusion that ensued.
Why are we becoming fearful, worried and stressed out in the first place? Because we have lost touch with our own true nature. We have forgotten who we are. That is the specialty of this Earth realm. It makes us forget. Only with true grace a human comes across this knowledge and becomes aware. What is the truth? We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in this Earth plane! We are not just physical beings.
One month back, I was listening to a video from a Master of astrology. He was saying the Soul or our own inner spirit projects 2-2.5 inches outside our own physical body. In other words the aura people say a person has, is their spirit or Soul that is standing aligned encompassing their entire physical body. In my mind, I imagine it as a thin, flimsy film that encompasses the whole body having it's presence in each and every single cell. Our Soul. That is what we leave behind when we move very far away from our own Dharma or purpose.
Connection to the Soul: In my mind, true creativity or inspiration comes even deeper that our subconscious mind. Yes, it comes through the subconscious, but more from our Soul. The Soul which is much older and wiser that the physical body it encloses. There are ancient Souls like Ramakrishna Paramahansa or Sri Yuktheswari Giri who have Souls so ancient we normal beings would have no clue what their deeper mind thinks. So, Souls also come in many levels. Some are babies or young Souls and some are as wise as a sage. Very different.
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Creativity from the deep heart (Hrudaya)! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
But whatever it is, it is our Soul who took this physical body to finish it's Dharma or purpose for this Earth sojourn. How can we as a physical body say No to that which gives us life and life force itself? That is why when we ignore our passion. intuitions and the gifts from our Soul we feel 'lifeless'. Literally due to our ignorance, we lose the connections with the Soul, and the life energy gets blocked. We feel our life has become lifeless, which becomes the truth. By ignoring our own Soul, we have shrunk it to a lifeless, vibrancy less existence. By virtue of it our physical body also feels lifeless.
Another ramification, due to our loss of connection with this life force, we feel worried, stressed and fearful. We have no guiding light from within. It has been masked by layers of every day grind and conditioning. Above this as we are tapped into the emotional wound from our subconscious mind that becomes our guiding rod. Can we see the difference? Instead of tapping into our true wisdom from the Soul that through our creative subconscious mind helps to create a true, genuine purposeful life; we just tap into the emotional mind that too into the wound of ours or our ancestors.
Thus leading a joyful, creative life from the Soul, which we have a right to, we lead a life from the mind that brings up more stress and worry. Here as we 'feel' this deep pain, stress, and worry, we put out those emotions. Universe responds perfectly by giving back exactly what we asked for, due to the 'Law of attraction'. We get more circumstances to worry, stress out and be pressured. As of now with our collective negative mindset we have attracted a huge crisis to our midst.
Am I being rude? Unfortunately no. I wish I could have been gentler. But tough truth brings more clarity of mind, groundedness and focus of purpose compared to elegant lies. So, instead of connecting to our ancient wounds of the subconscious, which we may have, we have to release those wounds and get deeply connected to our own Soul, which lies deeper than our emotional mind. We as spiritual beings are not supposed to drag along dead woods of worry, pain and stress.
The evolution of human beings at the higher realms is not of the physical body, but of the mind. Think of the masters, Ramana Maharshi or Vivekananda. They were ordinary physical beings in the body. But it was the mind that was much expanded and deeper. Same with Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi. The higher realms of evolution in spirituality is in the mind. Only through such a clear mind we can understand the notions of the Soul that come through the intuition.
If we are carrying worry, pain and distress, either our own making or of that of our ancestors, then were is the clarity of mind. Without a clear mind, what intuition? Without intuition, what Soul and its gentle whispers. For everything a crystal clear mind is needed. Now in the modern age, what is happening? There is already the desire towards the glitz and glam of electronic, tech and modern gadgets and toys. Above this the mind gets confused with the chaos, ulterior intentions and personal agendas of people in power, position and even in the society.
So, the chances of having a very confused mind is extremely high. Above this we also have the emotional wounds, patterns or behavioral issues we carry. All this becomes heavy burden on the mind. A mind has to be very light, clear to tap into our own subconscious and later the intuition to receive our inner guidance. So, many times humans are not ready to face such humongous task. Already it is inner work. People don't like it. Above this they have to face their own negative patterns and mindsets. That becomes ever more painful. So, why not stay in the comfort zone of our status quo?
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The lightness of the being and joyfulness! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
The gifts of the Soul: Only when we clear our own conscious logical mind of confusion, proceed to clear the emotional wounds, pain of the emotional mind and then proceed further we come to our heart. Our own true heart resides deeper than the logical conscious mind and the emotional subconscious mind. The heart, of course the metaphorical one is the true core- the Hrudya. In the Hrudya, there is the lotus of love called Hrudya Padma (Heart Lotus). My intuition says it as deeply situated near or within the Anahata chakra, (heart chakra. If any one knows more, please let me know. I myself am learning a lot of concepts and I can be very much in the dark).
This Hrudya Padma is the throne of the Soul. Notice, this throne or seat is within the Hrudya Padma, the heart lotus of love. What does this infer? Only a person who has removed all their confusion and burden and accessed their heart lotus of love, can access the knowledge from the Soul. Even before accessing our own unique Soul knowledge, we need to get into a state of love, not just for ourselves, but for others, humanity, the globe and even the Universe. The Universal form of love!
This is where people falter. Even I falter. The gift of Soul cannot be accessed with a selfish small mind. Yes. We can access some pieces of it. But the door to the total gifts fully open only from a space of true Universal love. That does not mean to allow anyone or everyone to steam roll over us. No. We have to put proper boundaries and give ourselves value as well. We, the individual human is also included in the Universal love. So, before everything, the first criteria is Self-love.
Not the selfish, let everyone fall and I will stand over them, love. But I am also very much part of the Universe, so, by having self-love and doing my individual duty, I will allow others also to do the same and become part of the same fabric called the Universe along side others. The Universal being! It is a given, without having this concept of Universal love, the door to the gifts of our own Soul always remains closed.
This door on the other side holds all the potential a being can become for themselves. Many reach until this door, never to open it and step into the other side. Our own ego, small mindedness, rage, anger, hurt, guilt, shame all keep us away from accessing this door. How can we ever feel the Universal love when as a human we feel every other human is 'out to get us'? See, how we miss the true great potential that await us? Without first having a deep love for everything in this Universe, we can never access that true power of the Soul.
This is the real test a being in the physical body has to go through. Can you see the same essence of the Universe in another being? Can you see the same Universe pulsating in the heart of the other person? Can you do "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Wikipedia). That is the test one has to go through before the door to the Soul ever opens.
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Gifts of the Universe bestowed upon us through our Soul! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
This is the place where our next level of spiritual power lies, after our subconscious mind. The power of the Soul. The spiritual gifts that is much more abundant than any physical wealth we own. The true gifts of our own Soul- very unique, very creative, very abundant and very powerful. A person who has tapped into this suddenly finds their inner confidence. This confidence is not from the physical things we own, but from our own innate power. A person who can access this starts to feel powerful. Then what happens?
This inner confidence starts to pulsate through every cell, every nerve, every tissue of their body. The body has suddenly tapped into its own life surge- the life force. That is where the true spiritual protection of the Soul comes from. When the body is pulsating with the life force, won't every cell work to its very best, especially the immune cell? The second level of spiritual power and protection, deeper than the emotional, subconscious mind. This is what we as humanity are saying no to, just being too logical.
Think from this space now. Why the modern man has become so much a slave of medicine, tablets and illnesses? We have stopped accessing this power of protection. We have evolved very much into shallow, surface level beings. But only after Universal love, this protection opens up. That is the caveat or test a being has to go through. The way the Universe opens its rewards. Do the work and then earn the reward. No short cuts, zoom boxes or time travel. But deep, deliberate, effort driven inner work.
So, this is where the next level of the spiritual power lies, within our own Hrudaya Padma- heart of love. We have to make it wide open, so that later we can access the spiritual gifts as well as our true life force. This makes our life creative, inspirational, vibrant and elegant- a being as supposed to be!
Now, whether to proceed with that deep, arduous, personal, solitary inner work of recapturing our own heart and Soul- that is always an individual's free will and personal choice!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 3!
Image Credits: Pixabay
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