Path of light load!

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to embrace your Divine Feminine side, more closely to bring out your creative side. For the last few weeks, we were discussing the Rakshasas (demons) that hold us tight in their grips like fear , guilt, shame , jealousy , and hatred . There is another emotion-anger, which we would discuss at a later date. Last week we also discussed, the Goddess Saraswathi , who can impart wisdom to open our mind and heart. But before wisdom can come into our consciousness we have to do some house cleaning, so that the tree of wisdom can take root. Before proceeding with the post, I thought of changing the font color for my Blogs. For a few weeks I have been feeling, the red color may be too intense for the Blog readers and wanted to use a more soothing color. Anyway, this Blog is about capturing our authenticity from a calm, balanced space. So, shouldn't the blog also impart that kind of a vibe or ambiance? I felt thi...