Path of light load!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to embrace your Divine Feminine side, more closely to bring out your creative side. For the last few weeks, we were discussing the Rakshasas (demons) that hold us tight in their grips like fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, and hatred. There is another emotion-anger, which we would discuss at a later date. Last week we also discussed, the Goddess Saraswathi, who can impart wisdom to open our mind and heart. But before wisdom can come into our consciousness we have to do some house cleaning, so that the tree of wisdom can take root.
Before proceeding with the post, I thought of changing the font color for my Blogs. For a few weeks I have been feeling, the red color may be too intense for the Blog readers and wanted to use a more soothing color. Anyway, this Blog is about capturing our authenticity from a calm, balanced space. So, shouldn't the blog also impart that kind of a vibe or ambiance? I felt this deep bluish grey would impart that kind of an emotion to my blog readers. Do let me know your feedback. If you feel the red was good, I can go back to it. But I feel this color puts us in the right space of mind. ;-))))
Lower emotions: Okay, back to the post. All of us have come to this beautiful Earth with a physical body to lead a material existence. But many times how are we living our life? Are we really using the powerful energy of our mind? This post is not about the physical burden, handicaps, or some disfigurement of the physical body. Unfortunately many times souls do take a life to learn their own lessons being in a diseased or handicapped body. We should truly feel for the burdens they carry in their life. But this post we are going to deal with our mental or emotional aspects. How are we truly leading our life?
Let us dissect. Many times we are taken prisoners by the lower emotions, fear of the unknown, fear of the diseases, fear of death, greed for money, possessions, and wealth. Jealousy for things others possess, things we cannot have, hatred for other groups, other sects, castes, religions. So, with all these what are we bringing into our inner world or reality? Chaos, divisions, anger, frustration, disappointments, regrets, and sorrows. We are deliberately bringing our mind and inner world to chaos, that brings down our energy in subtle levels.
We have discussed before. Underneath or surrounding our gross physical body, we have subtle bodies. These bodies many times people say as aura, astral body or light bodies. Even deep within the gross physical body, every tissue, every organ, even blood is made up of atoms that encompass energy. So, to put it in a nutshell, we all are energy beings. The physical body is just the gross manifestation. But underneath each of us is pure energy.
This energy can be of low or high vibrations. When any energy that has an underlying energy of chaos, anger, distraction, or unbalance whether it is of greed, jealousy, fear, guilt, or shame, it encloses lower heavy emotions. When our heart and mind are laden down with dark, lower emotions, how can it ever attain its full potential?
Collective unconscious: We have discussed before the 'power of the Collective Unconscious'. Its power is very binding. Yes, the human race has gone through ice-ages, dark-ages, the age of black plagues, civil wars, genocides, middle ages, world wars, cold wars, holocaust, ethnic cleansing, religious and economic persecution and many other very dark and depressive periods. Most probably all these dark times have been embedded in our collective human subconscious and even in our DNA.
Generations of humans have been trapped in this dark and depressive basal level of consciousness, where we are always gripped by fear of unknown, wild animals and death. We as a human race had to fight with wild animals, natural elements and feudal hierarchical systems. All these dark emotions have been etched in our DNA or human psyche. The hold of this on every human being is enormous. So, this is a battle, we humans fight relentlessly in our subconscious. As we have discussed before, 'Our inner reality reflects our outer reality.'
Now what happens? As a human race, we are in the grip of this collective unconscious. So, as we can see even today the world is mired in chaos, divisiveness, and fights. If we truly open our awareness we can see we humans are living the same pattern over and over again. Someone tries to bring progress to the human race. But the efforts become many times thwarted. Then we sink again into chaos. Then again a few souls trying to bring progress. Again the pattern evolve. How to break this pattern after pattern of chaos?
It may be difficult for the whole human race to switch from dark, lower emotions to suddenly a very lighter, higher vibration. But each individual human can try to come out of it. When many of the individuals start raising their own vibrations, then the whole humanity starts to ascend towards a higher existence. According to Vedic Philosophy, the way we have to live is to concentrate totally on our own life, capture it and then help a few fellow beings. Now, what are we really doing?
Our everyday burdens: As a human race, we become mired in the everyday struggles, emotions, and the frustrations of being alive. This is many times the energy of the collective unconscious, that keeps us in its vice grip. We never realize this when we have a colleague bringing toxicity into our life, an acquaintance becoming jealous of us, or we ourselves become angry by the constant chaos that plays out on the television, internet, or the social media. We fall victims to it. This same concept has another name given in Vedic Philosophy- 'Maya'- The Great Illusion. We become the pawns in the hands of the Maya, again and again, play acting the same themes and patterns.
Maya: Maya is the great illusion of the material realm of suffering, sorrow, pain, jealousy, greed, hatred and more, with once in a blue moon joy or happiness. As long as we are mired in 'Maya', the glam, glitter, and glitz of this physical world, the pain and suffering would be our constant companion. According to the normal religious Hinduism views, previously I always used to think, Maya, means whatever I am seeing as the physical world is not really there. But instead, there is totally something else. This was what I used to believe in my last forty years.
Then in the last five years, my perceptions started to change. The concept that there is no physical world, and there is something else is totally wrong. Instead, why don't we analyze, it a little bit different? It is like this. Yes, the physical world does exist. We see ourselves. I can see the computer I am typing on, I can see the jacket I am wearing, I can see the curtain hanging on the window, and I can see the cat walking near the curb through my window. Yes, everything is there on the gross level. But that is all that we see.
But how about we think deeper. Each object has the gross physical level, then the molecular level, the atomic level, and the pure energy level. So, beneath that physical level, there are three levels we are not seeing. This is about inanimate objects. Let us come now to humans. In the case of humans, there is the physical level, then there is the subconscious level, mental level, emotional level, astral level, psychological level, heart level, and finally the energy level. So, there are some six to seven levels underneath the physical level we see.
The funny part is many times when we interact with another human we only consider, remember the word is 'consider' the physical aspect. We never consider the other levels or aspects. So, that type of living is called the living in the grips of 'Maya'. Many times we feel upset or bothered. We just may not know, why? Physically we may be okay, but emotionally or psychologically we may not be okay. Because many times we never consider any of the other levels, we go round and round in the grip of illusion.This is a very tough subject. So finding it somewhat difficult, to explain it in a way blog readers, can get it.
The mind: Now what is the tool that can absolutely help us in our life's journey? The mind! But what as a human race we do? We load our mind with every emotion underneath the Sun, or in some cases, we totally remove or ignore the emotions. In many cases, we allow these emotions of the mind to rule us. So, in many cases who is the Master and who is the servant? In truth who should be the Master and who should be the servant? In many of our lives, our mind becomes the master and we the 'being' becomes the servant.
How in truth how it should be? We, the 'being' should be the Master and the mind, the servant should be under our control. That is why it is said a true Master is a person, who has his/her mind under their control. It is also said 'mastering the mind' is actually 'mastering the life' itself. But then are we really able to use the true power of the mind? No! Because we fill our minds with things that does nothing towards our life purpose.
What all the goodies do we fill it with? We fill it with our past regrets, disappointments, frustrations. We fill it with sadness or sorrow about the missed opportunities. We fill it with the greed for money, material stuff. We fill it with our jealousy for the things we perceive we don't have, but others do have. We fill it with hatred towards other groups, sects, cultures, religion. We fill it with shopping lists, errands, TV channels, and internet websites. So, our mind is literally filled to the neck with junk.
So, now what are the things we leave behind? We leave behind our purpose, our vision for our life, our strategy, our plan to capture our destiny, our life path, and finally the power of our mind itself. When we truly realize the 'power of our mind', we would throw away every single thing we don't need towards our true purpose of life.
Unburdening ourselves: So, what should we be really doing? We should literally start to throw out everything that doesn't work for our life. Let us take one by one. Jealousy- energy directed towards another, out! Greed- energy towards hoarding due to underlying fear, out! Fear- keeping us stuck in the same spot all through our life, out! Doubt- keeping us paralyzed without underlying trust in ourselves, out! Hatred- just misdirected energy totally getting wasted, out! Then anger- energy of the same creative aspect used in a negative way, out! See, how much junk we collect? When the whole space of mind is loaded with junk, how can we use it towards useful stuff? Once we unburden ourselves and throw away all the rubbish, now we can start using our mind properly.
Power of the mind: As a human race we have not realized the power of the tool each one of us has - our mind! That is the power tool we have in our hands. But we use it totally in an undisciplined, irresponsible way. A disciplined, determined, focused, mind- is a true treasure chest. It has amazing capabilities hidden inside it. We discussed the story of Chanakya in the post 'Life-Power of the mind'. In that, we elaborated on how single-mindedly he brought down the Nanda empire to shreds and incorporated the empire of 'Chandra Gupta Maurya', who was also called 'Vikramaditya' (as brave and brilliant as the Sun). That is the true capability of a powerful mind at its display.
But we don't have to use our mind to bring anyone down. But shouldn't we use it to bring ourselves up? But then how, if we are allowing our mind to run amok with the newest technology, newest paraphernalia or newest toy in town? Also how, if we are allowing the emotions to rule us, other's to influence us, or our own mind to deceive us? So, the mind needs to be totally under control, otherwise, the monkey mind makes us jump through fire hoops, walk on kindling coal, or put us under enormous stress and pressure. So, all these negative emotions that take a toll on our mind needs to be removed, wiped the slate clean of the existing social perceptions, notions, and conditioning.
Path of light load: Once we do that, soon we start to feel the mind very light. Of course, there would be emotions. But the emotions won't hold us or our mind captive. We feel something sad for some time if a major event happens, then we take the lessons that particular experience provides, use it towards our life and move to the next experience with an alert, focused, and sharp mind that is not burdened with emotions, perspectives, and notions. Totally light!
As we have discussed before, each of us come to this material realm with our very own unique purpose. But to walk that path we need to embrace just a very light load. Just a knapsack full of our beautiful memories, light emotions, and a fresh, open attitude. Then also look around. We would see the same dramas of live TV, fake news, chaotic incidents, popular news, internet, social media, electronic paraphernalia, technology hype and more.
But we have trained our mind so that, our mind is focused on our strategy, vision, and purpose for our life. Krishna from Mahabharata has shown this exact principle with his life. "Be in this world, but not of this world." Krishna was very much involved in his story of life, whether as a small kid in Gokula, the cow herd in Vrindavan, the king in Mathura, the advisor to Pandavas, and the brother of Balbhadra and Subhadra. But his mind was very much under his control and balanced. Nothing could sway him from his Principles. A true 'Jivan Muktha' (someone who has become free of the material world). He didn't run to a mountaintop and become a hermit (Yogi). Instead, he was very much involved in his own life, but taking decisions for his life exactly as he desired. Jivan Muktha!
Once we have brought our mind to such a state, now we can think about our life path! But before going into the life path post, I would like to discuss another emotion, anger. So, next week it would be about anger.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Anger - Another demon!
Note: Images from
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to embrace your Divine Feminine side, more closely to bring out your creative side. For the last few weeks, we were discussing the Rakshasas (demons) that hold us tight in their grips like fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, and hatred. There is another emotion-anger, which we would discuss at a later date. Last week we also discussed, the Goddess Saraswathi, who can impart wisdom to open our mind and heart. But before wisdom can come into our consciousness we have to do some house cleaning, so that the tree of wisdom can take root.
Before proceeding with the post, I thought of changing the font color for my Blogs. For a few weeks I have been feeling, the red color may be too intense for the Blog readers and wanted to use a more soothing color. Anyway, this Blog is about capturing our authenticity from a calm, balanced space. So, shouldn't the blog also impart that kind of a vibe or ambiance? I felt this deep bluish grey would impart that kind of an emotion to my blog readers. Do let me know your feedback. If you feel the red was good, I can go back to it. But I feel this color puts us in the right space of mind. ;-))))
Lower emotions: Okay, back to the post. All of us have come to this beautiful Earth with a physical body to lead a material existence. But many times how are we living our life? Are we really using the powerful energy of our mind? This post is not about the physical burden, handicaps, or some disfigurement of the physical body. Unfortunately many times souls do take a life to learn their own lessons being in a diseased or handicapped body. We should truly feel for the burdens they carry in their life. But this post we are going to deal with our mental or emotional aspects. How are we truly leading our life?
Let us dissect. Many times we are taken prisoners by the lower emotions, fear of the unknown, fear of the diseases, fear of death, greed for money, possessions, and wealth. Jealousy for things others possess, things we cannot have, hatred for other groups, other sects, castes, religions. So, with all these what are we bringing into our inner world or reality? Chaos, divisions, anger, frustration, disappointments, regrets, and sorrows. We are deliberately bringing our mind and inner world to chaos, that brings down our energy in subtle levels.
We have discussed before. Underneath or surrounding our gross physical body, we have subtle bodies. These bodies many times people say as aura, astral body or light bodies. Even deep within the gross physical body, every tissue, every organ, even blood is made up of atoms that encompass energy. So, to put it in a nutshell, we all are energy beings. The physical body is just the gross manifestation. But underneath each of us is pure energy.
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Deep within, humans are pure energy! Image courtesy - |
This energy can be of low or high vibrations. When any energy that has an underlying energy of chaos, anger, distraction, or unbalance whether it is of greed, jealousy, fear, guilt, or shame, it encloses lower heavy emotions. When our heart and mind are laden down with dark, lower emotions, how can it ever attain its full potential?
Collective unconscious: We have discussed before the 'power of the Collective Unconscious'. Its power is very binding. Yes, the human race has gone through ice-ages, dark-ages, the age of black plagues, civil wars, genocides, middle ages, world wars, cold wars, holocaust, ethnic cleansing, religious and economic persecution and many other very dark and depressive periods. Most probably all these dark times have been embedded in our collective human subconscious and even in our DNA.
Generations of humans have been trapped in this dark and depressive basal level of consciousness, where we are always gripped by fear of unknown, wild animals and death. We as a human race had to fight with wild animals, natural elements and feudal hierarchical systems. All these dark emotions have been etched in our DNA or human psyche. The hold of this on every human being is enormous. So, this is a battle, we humans fight relentlessly in our subconscious. As we have discussed before, 'Our inner reality reflects our outer reality.'
Now what happens? As a human race, we are in the grip of this collective unconscious. So, as we can see even today the world is mired in chaos, divisiveness, and fights. If we truly open our awareness we can see we humans are living the same pattern over and over again. Someone tries to bring progress to the human race. But the efforts become many times thwarted. Then we sink again into chaos. Then again a few souls trying to bring progress. Again the pattern evolve. How to break this pattern after pattern of chaos?
It may be difficult for the whole human race to switch from dark, lower emotions to suddenly a very lighter, higher vibration. But each individual human can try to come out of it. When many of the individuals start raising their own vibrations, then the whole humanity starts to ascend towards a higher existence. According to Vedic Philosophy, the way we have to live is to concentrate totally on our own life, capture it and then help a few fellow beings. Now, what are we really doing?
Our everyday burdens: As a human race, we become mired in the everyday struggles, emotions, and the frustrations of being alive. This is many times the energy of the collective unconscious, that keeps us in its vice grip. We never realize this when we have a colleague bringing toxicity into our life, an acquaintance becoming jealous of us, or we ourselves become angry by the constant chaos that plays out on the television, internet, or the social media. We fall victims to it. This same concept has another name given in Vedic Philosophy- 'Maya'- The Great Illusion. We become the pawns in the hands of the Maya, again and again, play acting the same themes and patterns.
Maya: Maya is the great illusion of the material realm of suffering, sorrow, pain, jealousy, greed, hatred and more, with once in a blue moon joy or happiness. As long as we are mired in 'Maya', the glam, glitter, and glitz of this physical world, the pain and suffering would be our constant companion. According to the normal religious Hinduism views, previously I always used to think, Maya, means whatever I am seeing as the physical world is not really there. But instead, there is totally something else. This was what I used to believe in my last forty years.
Then in the last five years, my perceptions started to change. The concept that there is no physical world, and there is something else is totally wrong. Instead, why don't we analyze, it a little bit different? It is like this. Yes, the physical world does exist. We see ourselves. I can see the computer I am typing on, I can see the jacket I am wearing, I can see the curtain hanging on the window, and I can see the cat walking near the curb through my window. Yes, everything is there on the gross level. But that is all that we see.
But how about we think deeper. Each object has the gross physical level, then the molecular level, the atomic level, and the pure energy level. So, beneath that physical level, there are three levels we are not seeing. This is about inanimate objects. Let us come now to humans. In the case of humans, there is the physical level, then there is the subconscious level, mental level, emotional level, astral level, psychological level, heart level, and finally the energy level. So, there are some six to seven levels underneath the physical level we see.
The funny part is many times when we interact with another human we only consider, remember the word is 'consider' the physical aspect. We never consider the other levels or aspects. So, that type of living is called the living in the grips of 'Maya'. Many times we feel upset or bothered. We just may not know, why? Physically we may be okay, but emotionally or psychologically we may not be okay. Because many times we never consider any of the other levels, we go round and round in the grip of illusion.This is a very tough subject. So finding it somewhat difficult, to explain it in a way blog readers, can get it.
The mind: Now what is the tool that can absolutely help us in our life's journey? The mind! But what as a human race we do? We load our mind with every emotion underneath the Sun, or in some cases, we totally remove or ignore the emotions. In many cases, we allow these emotions of the mind to rule us. So, in many cases who is the Master and who is the servant? In truth who should be the Master and who should be the servant? In many of our lives, our mind becomes the master and we the 'being' becomes the servant.
How in truth how it should be? We, the 'being' should be the Master and the mind, the servant should be under our control. That is why it is said a true Master is a person, who has his/her mind under their control. It is also said 'mastering the mind' is actually 'mastering the life' itself. But then are we really able to use the true power of the mind? No! Because we fill our minds with things that does nothing towards our life purpose.
What all the goodies do we fill it with? We fill it with our past regrets, disappointments, frustrations. We fill it with sadness or sorrow about the missed opportunities. We fill it with the greed for money, material stuff. We fill it with our jealousy for the things we perceive we don't have, but others do have. We fill it with hatred towards other groups, sects, cultures, religion. We fill it with shopping lists, errands, TV channels, and internet websites. So, our mind is literally filled to the neck with junk.
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Chaos, a mind can accumulate! (Metaphorical) Image courtesy - |
So, now what are the things we leave behind? We leave behind our purpose, our vision for our life, our strategy, our plan to capture our destiny, our life path, and finally the power of our mind itself. When we truly realize the 'power of our mind', we would throw away every single thing we don't need towards our true purpose of life.
Unburdening ourselves: So, what should we be really doing? We should literally start to throw out everything that doesn't work for our life. Let us take one by one. Jealousy- energy directed towards another, out! Greed- energy towards hoarding due to underlying fear, out! Fear- keeping us stuck in the same spot all through our life, out! Doubt- keeping us paralyzed without underlying trust in ourselves, out! Hatred- just misdirected energy totally getting wasted, out! Then anger- energy of the same creative aspect used in a negative way, out! See, how much junk we collect? When the whole space of mind is loaded with junk, how can we use it towards useful stuff? Once we unburden ourselves and throw away all the rubbish, now we can start using our mind properly.
Power of the mind: As a human race we have not realized the power of the tool each one of us has - our mind! That is the power tool we have in our hands. But we use it totally in an undisciplined, irresponsible way. A disciplined, determined, focused, mind- is a true treasure chest. It has amazing capabilities hidden inside it. We discussed the story of Chanakya in the post 'Life-Power of the mind'. In that, we elaborated on how single-mindedly he brought down the Nanda empire to shreds and incorporated the empire of 'Chandra Gupta Maurya', who was also called 'Vikramaditya' (as brave and brilliant as the Sun). That is the true capability of a powerful mind at its display.
But we don't have to use our mind to bring anyone down. But shouldn't we use it to bring ourselves up? But then how, if we are allowing our mind to run amok with the newest technology, newest paraphernalia or newest toy in town? Also how, if we are allowing the emotions to rule us, other's to influence us, or our own mind to deceive us? So, the mind needs to be totally under control, otherwise, the monkey mind makes us jump through fire hoops, walk on kindling coal, or put us under enormous stress and pressure. So, all these negative emotions that take a toll on our mind needs to be removed, wiped the slate clean of the existing social perceptions, notions, and conditioning.
Path of light load: Once we do that, soon we start to feel the mind very light. Of course, there would be emotions. But the emotions won't hold us or our mind captive. We feel something sad for some time if a major event happens, then we take the lessons that particular experience provides, use it towards our life and move to the next experience with an alert, focused, and sharp mind that is not burdened with emotions, perspectives, and notions. Totally light!
As we have discussed before, each of us come to this material realm with our very own unique purpose. But to walk that path we need to embrace just a very light load. Just a knapsack full of our beautiful memories, light emotions, and a fresh, open attitude. Then also look around. We would see the same dramas of live TV, fake news, chaotic incidents, popular news, internet, social media, electronic paraphernalia, technology hype and more.
But we have trained our mind so that, our mind is focused on our strategy, vision, and purpose for our life. Krishna from Mahabharata has shown this exact principle with his life. "Be in this world, but not of this world." Krishna was very much involved in his story of life, whether as a small kid in Gokula, the cow herd in Vrindavan, the king in Mathura, the advisor to Pandavas, and the brother of Balbhadra and Subhadra. But his mind was very much under his control and balanced. Nothing could sway him from his Principles. A true 'Jivan Muktha' (someone who has become free of the material world). He didn't run to a mountaintop and become a hermit (Yogi). Instead, he was very much involved in his own life, but taking decisions for his life exactly as he desired. Jivan Muktha!
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Be in this world, but not of this world! Krishna's teaching to the world through his life! |
Once we have brought our mind to such a state, now we can think about our life path! But before going into the life path post, I would like to discuss another emotion, anger. So, next week it would be about anger.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Anger - Another demon!
Note: Images from
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and perspectives shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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