The Soul and the Spirit - The difference!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- It came live on Vijayadasami day, the last day of Navrathri, 7th of October 2019. This is my way of offering my services to anyone who needs it. The details are described on the website. The actual service offering may take another few months while I figure out the remaining technical details. Now to the post. Hope all of you had a great week, where you were able to bring in exactly the kind of life you envisioned for yourself. Last week we discussed how Kethu can bring the wisdom from the Soul . Each of us has amazing potential and capabilities that are waiting to be unwrapped. The only way to unravel this is to trust our own intuition. But as we have discussed many times, we have been conditioned from young age to look outside for our guidance. This leads us to ignore our inner guidance. The same person who was attuned to their intuition at young age now after lots of schooling ...