Prakruthi - The true nature!
Hello all,
Namaste! Wishing all my blog readers a very happy Navrathri (The nine nights of the Goddess!) May her wisdom flow through our mind. May her sword of intellect cut through our illusion! May her spear of intelligence help to focus our vision sharply on our Dharma! May her dhanda (rod) of guidance lead us to our own true nature - Prakruthi! Let her divine wisdom prevail!
On this auspicious time I want to let my blog readers know about my new It came live on Vijayadasami day, the last day of Navrathri. This is my way of offering my services to anyone who needs it. The details are described on the website. The actual service offering may take another few months while I figure out the remaining technical details. Now to the post.
Last week we discussed how the energy of material existence, Samsara Sagara can affect us and our perception. It is the emotional and physical ocean of existence that surrounds us. Let us discuss how this Sagara-ocean keeps us in its knuckle hold. Each of us are born into a family. Before being born itself, our DNA has been decided by that of our parents. So, nothing that is not in our parents DNA gets passed down to us. Both the DNA join specifically to make our unique DNA. But this DNA is deeply etched with our parental as well as ancestral patterns.
So, if our grand Dad had a musical capability, that talent may be deeply hidden within us. If our family had a disease gene like alcoholic tendency, most probably we can be positive, we may have a propensity towards it. Now, once we are in the world, we have to start behaving according to the norms and routines of our family. Later this expands to accommodate the norms of the community, society and the country we live in.
Without us realizing, these conditioning ensnares to keep us exactly in a place in our life. Even the culture and language puts their influence on us. The food we eat, the music we hear, the friends we have, the place we live in, the news we listen to, the websites we browse, the courses we take, the college we go to, every thing has their say in our life. Thus, each of us develop into unique individuals. But many times we have absolutely no clue about it.
By the time we are twenty-five or thirty, our behaviors and attitudes are set deeply. We start to identify with our culture, community and the place we have grown up at home and our ways are set for us in this world. But the question remains, underneath all these conditioning, even below the DNA, and ancestral conditioning, who are we? To realize this part we need to detach ourselves from the Samsara sagara- the mere material existence.
Collective unconscious: We have previously discussed the concept called 'Collective unconscious'. The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung has written extensively about this. It is the stories and the behaviors humans adapt as a collective or the collective human psyche. It's influence on us is enormous. The ancestral patterning is a section of this. When we understand this enormous influence, we can realize, how deeply stuck we humans are in emotional status quo.
We think, we have free will to take any decision for our life. But this collective unconscious as well as the familial and ancestral patterning sit within our subconscious mind and influence us even without our knowledge or permission. Truly the blind spot of a human. In Vedic astrology, the subconscious mind is shown by the twelfth house. This is the house just before the lagna- ascendant. Think of it as the back of our head. Can we see it? No. Same way these behaviors and patterns skip our awareness.
To realize this, we need to develop awareness. The subconscious mind is 85-90% of the total mind. That is a lot of mind capacity that is not being taken care of. If not aware, it behaves very separately from our conscious existence- the logical mind. When we are in a reverie mode, dreams state or in sleep, it is active. We, the poor being, operate on just the 10-15% of the conscious mind at our disposal. Think of the amount of mind potential that is going unnoticed.
Let me take the example of my own life. I pursued biotechnology for twenty-five years. That is all I did, study, learn, research and analyze data, biotechnology books and journals. Sometime when I catch up time to relax, I would be reading a philosophy book or analyzing some random chart. The conscious, logical, the 15% of the mind was fully involved in biotechnology, while the subconscious was reveling in astrology and philosophy. So, 90% of the mind was desiring something, while my career I was trying to move forward with the available 15%.
Nowadays, I even feel I studied biotechnology so that I can write about ancestral patterns, how they can be transferred through DNA and how I intuit the introns (long, seemingly junk DNA in between working genes) may have a lot to do with our own hidden talents. If I had to explain these concepts to anyone else, first I need to understand this. So, my own life asked me to study biotechnology, so that all that would align very well later towards my purpose. I only studied enough biotechnology to understand the protein, DNA and the interplay of molecules. I didn't need a PhD for that. So, once, I got enough education to explain the concepts, I was cut short with my biotech studies.
Subconscious mind: Many times as a human being we have no awareness about these deep energies, whether ancestral or collective unconscious, patterns that play with our life. All these energies have their grasp on the subconscious mind. Here in this realm, even the knowledge of our previous births may become deeply etched. This is a huge treasury of knowledge. But in this sphere, the good, the bad and the ugly exists. What are the good, the bad and the ugly?
An example again would make it clear. Let us say one family has deep creative talents like painting. Almost everyone in the family is a painter, whether pencil sketch, oil paints or painting of houses. Now, in the same family many are struggling with alcoholism. When they ingest alcohol, they take on an energy of demonic proportions. The same family- three different energies playing out. The goodness of creativity (painting), the bad nature of alcoholism and the ugly raging after effects of alcoholism that can make a person do atrocious actions.
A person who is unaware would swing between the good, the bad and the ugly. One day they would be painting. Another day they would be swirling a glass of wine in their hand and the next week they would be in the full blast of drinking. This alternating pattern continues throughout their own life. In between they would also try their hands at abstinence (not drinking alcohol), rehabilitation centers and detoxification of the body. They would go in and out of sobriety throughout their life.
Now, if the same person is very aware, they would realize alcohol creates havoc in their life. They would use their will power to stand and work against alcohol so that they can pursue the divine art of painting. Such a person if they use their will power to bring in high levels of sobriety, this new pattern would start to get etched into their subconscious. Here the pattern of a family is getting rewired. It can save the future generations. Don't think this is easy. It is not.
Many times ancestral patterns have been carried on for centuries. Four to five generations could have struggled with alcoholism without any way to come out of it. Many would have become victims of alcohol. The influence of the DNA sitting within us is enormous-just huge. People become helpless victims to this enormous energy. Many times we worry about the devils or demons attacking us from outside. But we forget about the demon sitting inside.
Our own deep subconscious patterns that create havoc in our life. We would have to struggle to come out of it. It can be laziness, distraction, fear, jealousy, anything and everything. We would be fighting an enemy deep hidden within us. Sometimes the sad thing is, we won't even realize we have an enemy. An unknown enemy is more dangerous than a known enemy. Think about a truck in a blind spot while we are driving. It can totally decimate and kill us.
Prakruthi- True nature! Here is where awareness need to dawn. What are we doing? Do our activities work towards our life? To answer these questions we need to find our prakruthi. Our own inner nature. Many times this gets masked by our own ancestral, familial and social conditioning. When we have layers of gunk laid on top of our deep inner nature, that too when the subconscious is working against us from within, we need the support of every tool we can get.
Here it becomes using the mind to know its own nature. It is a bitter cup of tea. Using the same mind to unravel the knot of our own life. I struggled with this issue from 2012 to 2017. I wanted to know what I was doing wrong, using the same mind that was pushing me to pursue biotechnology that was not working. A small percent of the mind is working for you and the other bigger percent is working against you. What a paradoxical situation!
This is why Bhagavad Gita screams to control the mind and Upanishads shouts to know who you are. Who you are? It becomes imperative to know own true nature. This is the master key to every single problem that appears in our life. This key nobody can bestow on us. We have to go within to know who we are. What are the gifts and talents we have developed through the rendezvous of our own journey as a Soul thorough lifetimes? The wisdom that sits in our subconscious mind that is overpowered by our own ancestral and familial patterning.
This is the realm of Kethu, the shadow planet. In Hindu mythology, Kethu is the headless snake body. Think about a huge python. Compare it's head to the body. The head, is very small. But the body is huge. Same way Rahu is the head, the 15% logical mind. Kethu is the huge body, all the spiritual knowledge we need to lead an awesome life towards that 15%. But the unfortunate part is Kethu has no head. Headless! It can never figure out its own knowledge. For that it needs a head.
The head can come in two ways. One Rahu, the snake head- the charmer who can lead the being astray towards material and greedy pursuits. It is Rahu. If Rahu guides that is what we would find. But if the same Rahu is guided by a higher force such as Jupiter or Shani, both planets of abundant wisdom, then Rahu behaves to bring the greatest good for oneself and others.
Here there is an ingredient that should be added to find this wisdom of Kethu. Divine grace. That divine grace opens up the blessings of Jupiter or Saturn, so that Rahu the head is guided properly to find the abundant spiritual knowledge of Kethu. Without the grace of that ultimate intelligence, it is very difficult to find one's own true nature. The mind itself would become the biggest obstacle towards it. When we ourselves are working against us, the outside influences becomes lesser.
But understanding our own deep nature, Prakruthi unravels the gifts of Kethu. Mind you, this is not about Prakruthi, the nature as in Earth. That is considered as a female aspect. Here the prakruthi we are discussing is of the Soul. our own innate nature. It is the deepest Dharma of each being to find their prakruthi to understand themselves, their own true nature. That would start to open up the gifts of Kethu, the headless shadow planet, which we can carry towards Rahu, our Dharma for this current life.
See, how the key nicely turns inside the lock to open up our Dharma. But for this the grace of the Universal intelligence is needed. Now, whether to pursue it or not, that is always the free will and choice of the being!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Kethu- Wisdom of the Soul!
Credits: Images from Wikimedia Commons and
Namaste! Wishing all my blog readers a very happy Navrathri (The nine nights of the Goddess!) May her wisdom flow through our mind. May her sword of intellect cut through our illusion! May her spear of intelligence help to focus our vision sharply on our Dharma! May her dhanda (rod) of guidance lead us to our own true nature - Prakruthi! Let her divine wisdom prevail!
On this auspicious time I want to let my blog readers know about my new It came live on Vijayadasami day, the last day of Navrathri. This is my way of offering my services to anyone who needs it. The details are described on the website. The actual service offering may take another few months while I figure out the remaining technical details. Now to the post.
Last week we discussed how the energy of material existence, Samsara Sagara can affect us and our perception. It is the emotional and physical ocean of existence that surrounds us. Let us discuss how this Sagara-ocean keeps us in its knuckle hold. Each of us are born into a family. Before being born itself, our DNA has been decided by that of our parents. So, nothing that is not in our parents DNA gets passed down to us. Both the DNA join specifically to make our unique DNA. But this DNA is deeply etched with our parental as well as ancestral patterns.
So, if our grand Dad had a musical capability, that talent may be deeply hidden within us. If our family had a disease gene like alcoholic tendency, most probably we can be positive, we may have a propensity towards it. Now, once we are in the world, we have to start behaving according to the norms and routines of our family. Later this expands to accommodate the norms of the community, society and the country we live in.
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DNA- The code that makes us, humans! Image credits - |
Without us realizing, these conditioning ensnares to keep us exactly in a place in our life. Even the culture and language puts their influence on us. The food we eat, the music we hear, the friends we have, the place we live in, the news we listen to, the websites we browse, the courses we take, the college we go to, every thing has their say in our life. Thus, each of us develop into unique individuals. But many times we have absolutely no clue about it.
By the time we are twenty-five or thirty, our behaviors and attitudes are set deeply. We start to identify with our culture, community and the place we have grown up at home and our ways are set for us in this world. But the question remains, underneath all these conditioning, even below the DNA, and ancestral conditioning, who are we? To realize this part we need to detach ourselves from the Samsara sagara- the mere material existence.
Collective unconscious: We have previously discussed the concept called 'Collective unconscious'. The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung has written extensively about this. It is the stories and the behaviors humans adapt as a collective or the collective human psyche. It's influence on us is enormous. The ancestral patterning is a section of this. When we understand this enormous influence, we can realize, how deeply stuck we humans are in emotional status quo.
We think, we have free will to take any decision for our life. But this collective unconscious as well as the familial and ancestral patterning sit within our subconscious mind and influence us even without our knowledge or permission. Truly the blind spot of a human. In Vedic astrology, the subconscious mind is shown by the twelfth house. This is the house just before the lagna- ascendant. Think of it as the back of our head. Can we see it? No. Same way these behaviors and patterns skip our awareness.
To realize this, we need to develop awareness. The subconscious mind is 85-90% of the total mind. That is a lot of mind capacity that is not being taken care of. If not aware, it behaves very separately from our conscious existence- the logical mind. When we are in a reverie mode, dreams state or in sleep, it is active. We, the poor being, operate on just the 10-15% of the conscious mind at our disposal. Think of the amount of mind potential that is going unnoticed.
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The collective unconscious- The human psyche! Image credits - |
Let me take the example of my own life. I pursued biotechnology for twenty-five years. That is all I did, study, learn, research and analyze data, biotechnology books and journals. Sometime when I catch up time to relax, I would be reading a philosophy book or analyzing some random chart. The conscious, logical, the 15% of the mind was fully involved in biotechnology, while the subconscious was reveling in astrology and philosophy. So, 90% of the mind was desiring something, while my career I was trying to move forward with the available 15%.
Nowadays, I even feel I studied biotechnology so that I can write about ancestral patterns, how they can be transferred through DNA and how I intuit the introns (long, seemingly junk DNA in between working genes) may have a lot to do with our own hidden talents. If I had to explain these concepts to anyone else, first I need to understand this. So, my own life asked me to study biotechnology, so that all that would align very well later towards my purpose. I only studied enough biotechnology to understand the protein, DNA and the interplay of molecules. I didn't need a PhD for that. So, once, I got enough education to explain the concepts, I was cut short with my biotech studies.
Subconscious mind: Many times as a human being we have no awareness about these deep energies, whether ancestral or collective unconscious, patterns that play with our life. All these energies have their grasp on the subconscious mind. Here in this realm, even the knowledge of our previous births may become deeply etched. This is a huge treasury of knowledge. But in this sphere, the good, the bad and the ugly exists. What are the good, the bad and the ugly?
An example again would make it clear. Let us say one family has deep creative talents like painting. Almost everyone in the family is a painter, whether pencil sketch, oil paints or painting of houses. Now, in the same family many are struggling with alcoholism. When they ingest alcohol, they take on an energy of demonic proportions. The same family- three different energies playing out. The goodness of creativity (painting), the bad nature of alcoholism and the ugly raging after effects of alcoholism that can make a person do atrocious actions.
A person who is unaware would swing between the good, the bad and the ugly. One day they would be painting. Another day they would be swirling a glass of wine in their hand and the next week they would be in the full blast of drinking. This alternating pattern continues throughout their own life. In between they would also try their hands at abstinence (not drinking alcohol), rehabilitation centers and detoxification of the body. They would go in and out of sobriety throughout their life.
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The subconscious mind- Kethu! Image credits - |
Now, if the same person is very aware, they would realize alcohol creates havoc in their life. They would use their will power to stand and work against alcohol so that they can pursue the divine art of painting. Such a person if they use their will power to bring in high levels of sobriety, this new pattern would start to get etched into their subconscious. Here the pattern of a family is getting rewired. It can save the future generations. Don't think this is easy. It is not.
Many times ancestral patterns have been carried on for centuries. Four to five generations could have struggled with alcoholism without any way to come out of it. Many would have become victims of alcohol. The influence of the DNA sitting within us is enormous-just huge. People become helpless victims to this enormous energy. Many times we worry about the devils or demons attacking us from outside. But we forget about the demon sitting inside.
Our own deep subconscious patterns that create havoc in our life. We would have to struggle to come out of it. It can be laziness, distraction, fear, jealousy, anything and everything. We would be fighting an enemy deep hidden within us. Sometimes the sad thing is, we won't even realize we have an enemy. An unknown enemy is more dangerous than a known enemy. Think about a truck in a blind spot while we are driving. It can totally decimate and kill us.
Prakruthi- True nature! Here is where awareness need to dawn. What are we doing? Do our activities work towards our life? To answer these questions we need to find our prakruthi. Our own inner nature. Many times this gets masked by our own ancestral, familial and social conditioning. When we have layers of gunk laid on top of our deep inner nature, that too when the subconscious is working against us from within, we need the support of every tool we can get.
Here it becomes using the mind to know its own nature. It is a bitter cup of tea. Using the same mind to unravel the knot of our own life. I struggled with this issue from 2012 to 2017. I wanted to know what I was doing wrong, using the same mind that was pushing me to pursue biotechnology that was not working. A small percent of the mind is working for you and the other bigger percent is working against you. What a paradoxical situation!
This is why Bhagavad Gita screams to control the mind and Upanishads shouts to know who you are. Who you are? It becomes imperative to know own true nature. This is the master key to every single problem that appears in our life. This key nobody can bestow on us. We have to go within to know who we are. What are the gifts and talents we have developed through the rendezvous of our own journey as a Soul thorough lifetimes? The wisdom that sits in our subconscious mind that is overpowered by our own ancestral and familial patterning.
This is the realm of Kethu, the shadow planet. In Hindu mythology, Kethu is the headless snake body. Think about a huge python. Compare it's head to the body. The head, is very small. But the body is huge. Same way Rahu is the head, the 15% logical mind. Kethu is the huge body, all the spiritual knowledge we need to lead an awesome life towards that 15%. But the unfortunate part is Kethu has no head. Headless! It can never figure out its own knowledge. For that it needs a head.
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The wisdom of the Soul- True nature, Prakruthi! Image credits - |
The head can come in two ways. One Rahu, the snake head- the charmer who can lead the being astray towards material and greedy pursuits. It is Rahu. If Rahu guides that is what we would find. But if the same Rahu is guided by a higher force such as Jupiter or Shani, both planets of abundant wisdom, then Rahu behaves to bring the greatest good for oneself and others.
Here there is an ingredient that should be added to find this wisdom of Kethu. Divine grace. That divine grace opens up the blessings of Jupiter or Saturn, so that Rahu the head is guided properly to find the abundant spiritual knowledge of Kethu. Without the grace of that ultimate intelligence, it is very difficult to find one's own true nature. The mind itself would become the biggest obstacle towards it. When we ourselves are working against us, the outside influences becomes lesser.
But understanding our own deep nature, Prakruthi unravels the gifts of Kethu. Mind you, this is not about Prakruthi, the nature as in Earth. That is considered as a female aspect. Here the prakruthi we are discussing is of the Soul. our own innate nature. It is the deepest Dharma of each being to find their prakruthi to understand themselves, their own true nature. That would start to open up the gifts of Kethu, the headless shadow planet, which we can carry towards Rahu, our Dharma for this current life.
See, how the key nicely turns inside the lock to open up our Dharma. But for this the grace of the Universal intelligence is needed. Now, whether to pursue it or not, that is always the free will and choice of the being!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Kethu- Wisdom of the Soul!
Credits: Images from Wikimedia Commons and
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