My thoughts - My reality!

Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic week where you were able to put in the effort to capture exactly the purpose for your life. Last week we discussed how in the higher realms of spirituality our word carries so much weight that it becomes a law unto itself. Many times we use our words so carelessly, without any thought to the underlying intentions we are putting into the Universe. So whatever we put in whether with the intention or not, that comes straight into our life, whether we want it or not. (As noted in my last post , please put yourself, the blog reader at the ' My' position in the title and read the Blog from that perspective. So each blog reader is saying, "My thoughts, my reality"). So now from the word let us go back to the thoughts. What is the importance of thoughts? To start with what are thoughts? According to Wikipedia , ' Thought encompasses a goal-oriented flow of ideas and associations that lead to a reality-oriented co...