My word - My law!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to pursue the passions, talents, and interests you want to blossom for your life. Last few weeks we were discussing how to pursue our purpose, how to watch our dreams, how to conquer our mind, and how to use our intentions to co-create. From this week onwards, I am writing a series for next few weeks where I would start the title as My-My. So for each 'My', please put yourself in the My position and read the Blog from the perspective of the person reading the Blog, means the reader becomes the first person or the 'I'. That way each one of us can think how our own actions or words do matter to us and our Karma. Okay, hope, what I suggested is clear.
We discussed a lot about Brahman, Karma, us humans being part of the Universe, awareness, mind and much more. Today I am going to discuss one of the very fundamental Spiritual laws, which we many times don't know, many times are not aware, or many times ignore.
What is one of the most important tools we use to communicate with? Our words. (Here I am writing this post about spoken words, written words also are very important as well. Words, written or spoken, both are important.) Anytime do we consider that our words are totally important from a spiritual perspective? Can we use the words as we want, sometimes to inspire, sometimes to criticise, sometimes to congratulate, sometimes to bring someone down, sometimes to create a negative impact in another person, or sometimes to make the person so doubtful of themselves that they end up not taking any actions towards their life? Can we use our words, whichever way we want?
Do we have all the freedom to use our words as it comes to our mind? Do we? Then let me make clear a very important spiritual law that is totally effective in our life. It is 'My word-My law'. It literally means my words are literally the law to me. So whatever we say we have to think about the consequences of our words. But do we do that any time? We brag, boast, criticize, crib, cry, gossip and what not.
But the way we are supposed to treat our words is with respect, care, and regard. Now, why is that? Any idea? Is it that the divine, put a random spiritual law and asked us to follow? Most probably not. This is because we have discussed as before, behind every action or the law the Universe has, there would always be a very specific purpose. So now let us start our dissection.
My intentions: (Just once more, wherever I put 'my', please put yourself as the person saying My.) Before we discussed the difference between our thoughts and intentions. Intentions are the one that helps to make our needs come into our physical reality. But how do they come to our physical reality? Intentions are the focused thoughts in our mind. So still it is very much in the mental realm. But how do they come to the physical realm? Do they just appear as magic, when the divine uses its wand? Here is where the importance of our words comes.
My word: Our intentions come to our physical reality by the words we use. This can be the literal words we speak out, or the mental words we speak to ourselves, or about others. If we use our intentions, which are focused thoughts to speak as our words with determination and intention, it becomes our physical reality, either today or sooner than later. It would manifest into our physical reality in some form or another.
So shouldn't we use our words with more care and concern? Okay now, how do our words manifest into physical reality? Is there any particular method by which it happens? Okay, let us dive in more.
Vibrations: As many of us know, every single thing is made up of matter. Whether it is tree, humans, birds, animals, or stone, it vibrates according to the way the atoms zoom around in the thing. The uttered words are made up of sound waves, which are longitudinal waves that vibrates. So the sound waves also vibrates. The vibration is a form by which the Universe operates, whether it is of atoms, matter, or galaxies. That is the form or method by which the Universe functions.
Now here we are using the words or the vibrations to gossip, criticize, or put somebody down. So the words in the form of vibration are going out into the ether or the greater Universe. Let us take an example, there is a person A who hates being in a chaotic situation. Every time A is in a crowd, mall or a fair, he/she becomes upset, frustrated, and angry. He/she tries to move away from the crowds. But he/she becomes so bothered, they complain about the crowd to the spouse, the neighbor, the friend or the relative. Every time he/she sees someone they are complaining their heart out with their words.
Okay, what would be the result? Our person A is putting out his/her complaints as words/vibrations into the Universe. The Universe listens to the vibrations that are coming, notes that "Okay A is saying about chaotic environments. I think he/she wants it more, isn't that why they are putting out that vibrations through words. Let me send them more of it". Soon enough there would be a noisy neighbor next door, construction of a mall happening down the road, road work just around the corner, and a highway/expressway on the backside of the house. Now Universe is content that it provided exactly what our complainer A asked for. See how it manifests.
So many times we use our words so carelessly. Talking, or chitchatting is fine. Because that talk we don't give out our thoughts as strong intentions. But complaining with strong emotions, gossiping about people where you are holding a grudge, the underlying emotions are extremely strong. These heavy emotions lead to strong vibrations, that the Universe heed to as our requests. Soon enough what we really didn't want in our life appears at our very front door.
The universe as vibrations: As mentioned before, the Universe exists and functions as vibrations. Everything vibrates, whether it is a stone, bird, human, a water molecule or even a soul. But the rate of vibrations is different. A stone vibrates at a very low rate compared to a human, hence it becomes an inanimate object. A soul vibrates at a very high rate compared to the human physical body. So as our physical body is at a lower vibration compared to our soul, we cannot see, hear or touch a soul. Only many times we have an inkling that there is a higher power/source within us.
So vibrations are like a code by which the Universe operates. People or higher souls who have taken birth as humans in a physical body, masters like Ramana Maharshi or others know this fact, that the Universe heeds to vibrations. So they know whatever they utter out of their mouth carries so much of weight and needs the proper respect. So they don't gossip, use random useless words, put down others or make negative criticisms.
Chanting of Veda mantras or hymns in a church or mosque carries the same principle behind it. These chants are of very high vibrations for the prosperity and welfare of the people and the world. So the Universe heeds to that vibration and many times that good effect starts to appear in the society. The same with the effects of fights, arguments, and chaos. Those too carry vibrations to which the Universe pays attention. (Now these are principles I have understood through my spiritual research as well as the inklings that comes from my higher Self through intuition. Again for my scientist readers, proof? No way! ;-))
Bad words: Now let us differentiate. Bad words like arguments, fighting, chaos also carry vibrations. Now when we fight with somebody, along with the bad words, there are many times underlying bad intentions. So here comes the difference between a bad fight and a good fight. Let us take an example.
Say we go to the mall. We see someone bullying a small kid or adolescent. The child is terrified and crying. He/she is looking at us with pitiful eyes. Even though we don't want to get into a fight, the kid's sad state make us fight on behalf of the kid. Here even though we are in a fight, our underlying intention is good, to protect the kid. So here the Universe would send us help in the form of a security officer who helps us with the situation. But the other person who was involved in the fight had the bad intention of hurting the kid. For them, the Universe responds as a police officer with handcuffs.
Another thing to be noted is that bad words with bad intentions carry very low vibrations, near to the dark forces of the Universe, like guilt, fear, shame, anger, ego etc. That is why people who use bad words, due to the vibrations they put out find themselves in situations of fear, anger, ego, etc. Why do we have to call these emotions dark forces? Because they keep the soul in an ignorant state, where the light, love and the compassion of the divine never penetrates the thick rusty shield of negativity they wear.
Underneath this rusty crust of negativity is the pure high vibrational energy of the soul, that is actually a small piece of the divine itself. It would be only through divine grace, such a person can remove their negativity to know the seat of the divine that is already inside to help them with their life and purpose. Instead, they keep on trying to change others, fix others, and use their words carelessly to bring in more of the negativity to their life. Totally a vicious cycle.
Good and inspirational words: Now, what about the words we utter to bring inspiration, kindness, and love into somebody's life? How about these vibrations? God or divine is considered as pure love, which sometimes is depicted as the light of a thousand brilliant Suns. So kindness and compassion are shades of love that is depicted as the divine. So these three and similar qualities carry the highest vibration any human can access through their words.
So kind, inspirational, loving words bring out the highest vibration or the love energy or the divine within us. So using these words bring the loving energy into our life as well as the person we are using it for. That is why people who are kind and compassionate, usually find themselves in a more happier state compared to others who fill their life with negativity. Also here, the underlying intention is to help oneself while also extending that compassion to another. That way also the vibration is of the highest level that brings abundance and prosperity into the person's life.
My word - My law! So now think isn't the words we use in our lives, literally our law? This same principle applies to honesty as well as lies. Honesty is the pure truth with very high vibrations, while lies are information that is not truthful, used to deceive somebody, to take something from someone for our advantage. Again very low vibrations and use of our words with total carelessness without any concern for the consequences that we are creating for ourselves.
A second layer that comes here is with whatever words we put out, according to the intentions we had we get the exact Karma we deserve. This layer always functions beneath every action we human beings take. That is a perpetual spiritual law we can only escape with our duty towards our highest Dharma using our pure, honest and true words and actions.
So isn't 'My word, My law'? Shouldn't we use our words more carefully than using it for whatever our mind feels like doing? Now, should we put this principle into practice in our life? Would the Universe come with a stick behind us? No, and Yes! No, because we have our free will and choice to do anything we want. Yes, because the stick comes in the form called 'Karma".
So let us try to use our words with love, kindness, and compassion, carefully, so that the brilliant Sun of the divine shines brightly in our lives!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: My thoughts - My reality!
Note: Images from,, and by Swaroopa Blog.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to pursue the passions, talents, and interests you want to blossom for your life. Last few weeks we were discussing how to pursue our purpose, how to watch our dreams, how to conquer our mind, and how to use our intentions to co-create. From this week onwards, I am writing a series for next few weeks where I would start the title as My-My. So for each 'My', please put yourself in the My position and read the Blog from the perspective of the person reading the Blog, means the reader becomes the first person or the 'I'. That way each one of us can think how our own actions or words do matter to us and our Karma. Okay, hope, what I suggested is clear.
We discussed a lot about Brahman, Karma, us humans being part of the Universe, awareness, mind and much more. Today I am going to discuss one of the very fundamental Spiritual laws, which we many times don't know, many times are not aware, or many times ignore.
What is one of the most important tools we use to communicate with? Our words. (Here I am writing this post about spoken words, written words also are very important as well. Words, written or spoken, both are important.) Anytime do we consider that our words are totally important from a spiritual perspective? Can we use the words as we want, sometimes to inspire, sometimes to criticise, sometimes to congratulate, sometimes to bring someone down, sometimes to create a negative impact in another person, or sometimes to make the person so doubtful of themselves that they end up not taking any actions towards their life? Can we use our words, whichever way we want?
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Our words are important! Image courtesy - |
Do we have all the freedom to use our words as it comes to our mind? Do we? Then let me make clear a very important spiritual law that is totally effective in our life. It is 'My word-My law'. It literally means my words are literally the law to me. So whatever we say we have to think about the consequences of our words. But do we do that any time? We brag, boast, criticize, crib, cry, gossip and what not.
But the way we are supposed to treat our words is with respect, care, and regard. Now, why is that? Any idea? Is it that the divine, put a random spiritual law and asked us to follow? Most probably not. This is because we have discussed as before, behind every action or the law the Universe has, there would always be a very specific purpose. So now let us start our dissection.
My intentions: (Just once more, wherever I put 'my', please put yourself as the person saying My.) Before we discussed the difference between our thoughts and intentions. Intentions are the one that helps to make our needs come into our physical reality. But how do they come to our physical reality? Intentions are the focused thoughts in our mind. So still it is very much in the mental realm. But how do they come to the physical realm? Do they just appear as magic, when the divine uses its wand? Here is where the importance of our words comes.
My word: Our intentions come to our physical reality by the words we use. This can be the literal words we speak out, or the mental words we speak to ourselves, or about others. If we use our intentions, which are focused thoughts to speak as our words with determination and intention, it becomes our physical reality, either today or sooner than later. It would manifest into our physical reality in some form or another.
So shouldn't we use our words with more care and concern? Okay now, how do our words manifest into physical reality? Is there any particular method by which it happens? Okay, let us dive in more.
Vibrations: As many of us know, every single thing is made up of matter. Whether it is tree, humans, birds, animals, or stone, it vibrates according to the way the atoms zoom around in the thing. The uttered words are made up of sound waves, which are longitudinal waves that vibrates. So the sound waves also vibrates. The vibration is a form by which the Universe operates, whether it is of atoms, matter, or galaxies. That is the form or method by which the Universe functions.
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Sound waves as vibration Image courtesy- |
Now here we are using the words or the vibrations to gossip, criticize, or put somebody down. So the words in the form of vibration are going out into the ether or the greater Universe. Let us take an example, there is a person A who hates being in a chaotic situation. Every time A is in a crowd, mall or a fair, he/she becomes upset, frustrated, and angry. He/she tries to move away from the crowds. But he/she becomes so bothered, they complain about the crowd to the spouse, the neighbor, the friend or the relative. Every time he/she sees someone they are complaining their heart out with their words.
Okay, what would be the result? Our person A is putting out his/her complaints as words/vibrations into the Universe. The Universe listens to the vibrations that are coming, notes that "Okay A is saying about chaotic environments. I think he/she wants it more, isn't that why they are putting out that vibrations through words. Let me send them more of it". Soon enough there would be a noisy neighbor next door, construction of a mall happening down the road, road work just around the corner, and a highway/expressway on the backside of the house. Now Universe is content that it provided exactly what our complainer A asked for. See how it manifests.
So many times we use our words so carelessly. Talking, or chitchatting is fine. Because that talk we don't give out our thoughts as strong intentions. But complaining with strong emotions, gossiping about people where you are holding a grudge, the underlying emotions are extremely strong. These heavy emotions lead to strong vibrations, that the Universe heed to as our requests. Soon enough what we really didn't want in our life appears at our very front door.
The universe as vibrations: As mentioned before, the Universe exists and functions as vibrations. Everything vibrates, whether it is a stone, bird, human, a water molecule or even a soul. But the rate of vibrations is different. A stone vibrates at a very low rate compared to a human, hence it becomes an inanimate object. A soul vibrates at a very high rate compared to the human physical body. So as our physical body is at a lower vibration compared to our soul, we cannot see, hear or touch a soul. Only many times we have an inkling that there is a higher power/source within us.
So vibrations are like a code by which the Universe operates. People or higher souls who have taken birth as humans in a physical body, masters like Ramana Maharshi or others know this fact, that the Universe heeds to vibrations. So they know whatever they utter out of their mouth carries so much of weight and needs the proper respect. So they don't gossip, use random useless words, put down others or make negative criticisms.
Chanting of Veda mantras or hymns in a church or mosque carries the same principle behind it. These chants are of very high vibrations for the prosperity and welfare of the people and the world. So the Universe heeds to that vibration and many times that good effect starts to appear in the society. The same with the effects of fights, arguments, and chaos. Those too carry vibrations to which the Universe pays attention. (Now these are principles I have understood through my spiritual research as well as the inklings that comes from my higher Self through intuition. Again for my scientist readers, proof? No way! ;-))
Bad words: Now let us differentiate. Bad words like arguments, fighting, chaos also carry vibrations. Now when we fight with somebody, along with the bad words, there are many times underlying bad intentions. So here comes the difference between a bad fight and a good fight. Let us take an example.
Say we go to the mall. We see someone bullying a small kid or adolescent. The child is terrified and crying. He/she is looking at us with pitiful eyes. Even though we don't want to get into a fight, the kid's sad state make us fight on behalf of the kid. Here even though we are in a fight, our underlying intention is good, to protect the kid. So here the Universe would send us help in the form of a security officer who helps us with the situation. But the other person who was involved in the fight had the bad intention of hurting the kid. For them, the Universe responds as a police officer with handcuffs.
Another thing to be noted is that bad words with bad intentions carry very low vibrations, near to the dark forces of the Universe, like guilt, fear, shame, anger, ego etc. That is why people who use bad words, due to the vibrations they put out find themselves in situations of fear, anger, ego, etc. Why do we have to call these emotions dark forces? Because they keep the soul in an ignorant state, where the light, love and the compassion of the divine never penetrates the thick rusty shield of negativity they wear.
Underneath this rusty crust of negativity is the pure high vibrational energy of the soul, that is actually a small piece of the divine itself. It would be only through divine grace, such a person can remove their negativity to know the seat of the divine that is already inside to help them with their life and purpose. Instead, they keep on trying to change others, fix others, and use their words carelessly to bring in more of the negativity to their life. Totally a vicious cycle.
Good and inspirational words: Now, what about the words we utter to bring inspiration, kindness, and love into somebody's life? How about these vibrations? God or divine is considered as pure love, which sometimes is depicted as the light of a thousand brilliant Suns. So kindness and compassion are shades of love that is depicted as the divine. So these three and similar qualities carry the highest vibration any human can access through their words.
So kind, inspirational, loving words bring out the highest vibration or the love energy or the divine within us. So using these words bring the loving energy into our life as well as the person we are using it for. That is why people who are kind and compassionate, usually find themselves in a more happier state compared to others who fill their life with negativity. Also here, the underlying intention is to help oneself while also extending that compassion to another. That way also the vibration is of the highest level that brings abundance and prosperity into the person's life.
My word - My law! So now think isn't the words we use in our lives, literally our law? This same principle applies to honesty as well as lies. Honesty is the pure truth with very high vibrations, while lies are information that is not truthful, used to deceive somebody, to take something from someone for our advantage. Again very low vibrations and use of our words with total carelessness without any concern for the consequences that we are creating for ourselves.
A second layer that comes here is with whatever words we put out, according to the intentions we had we get the exact Karma we deserve. This layer always functions beneath every action we human beings take. That is a perpetual spiritual law we can only escape with our duty towards our highest Dharma using our pure, honest and true words and actions.
So isn't 'My word, My law'? Shouldn't we use our words more carefully than using it for whatever our mind feels like doing? Now, should we put this principle into practice in our life? Would the Universe come with a stick behind us? No, and Yes! No, because we have our free will and choice to do anything we want. Yes, because the stick comes in the form called 'Karma".
So let us try to use our words with love, kindness, and compassion, carefully, so that the brilliant Sun of the divine shines brightly in our lives!
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Let the Sunshine brightly in our lives! |
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: My thoughts - My reality!
Note: Images from,, and by Swaroopa Blog.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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