My thoughts - My reality!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic week where you were able to put in the effort to capture exactly the purpose for your life. Last week we discussed how in the higher realms of spirituality our word carries so much weight that it becomes a law unto itself. Many times we use our words so carelessly, without any thought to the underlying intentions we are putting into the Universe. So whatever we put in whether with the intention or not, that comes straight into our life, whether we want it or not. (As noted in my last post, please put yourself, the blog reader at the 'My' position in the title and read the Blog from that perspective. So each blog reader is saying, "My thoughts, my reality").
So now from the word let us go back to the thoughts. What is the importance of thoughts? To start with what are thoughts? According to Wikipedia, 'Thought encompasses a goal-oriented flow of ideas and associations that lead to a reality-oriented conclusion. Although thinking is an activity of an existential value for humans, there is no consensus as to how it is defined or understood.'
According to the above sentence, we really don't know scientifically what thought really is, even though we spend a major part of our day in our mind and thoughts. So are thoughts really important? Or is it something to just play around whenever we get some time and chance? Do thoughts have any major importance in our life? Let us elaborate.
Physical reality: All of us are living in this reality called our physical life. We come here as visitors for a short period of time, do something, don't do something, get old and one day, Pooh! Gone. Many times we don't even know what we are doing in this realm called Earth. Is there any underlying reason why we are here at the present time and do we have to do something in this time period called our physical life. We just go through life, every day doing something, not really realizing why we are doing it, do we really have to do it and what is the underlying point at doing some activity if at all we are doing it.
So literally we are in a daze, not knowing what is the point of this life, is there some underlying importance to it and whether we have to do any thing about it? Is life supposed to be lived like that where we have truly no idea what we are doing? Here I want to bring in the famous words of the Hindu/Indian Philosopher, Swami Vivekananda, "Uthishthatha, Jagrata, Prapya varan Nibhodhataa". We have discussed this many times. The meaning, 'Wake up, Become aware, Don't stop till you reach your goal'.
So now the first phrase,"Wake up!" From where should we wake up? We should wake up from the deep slumber or the dazed state we are in. Many times we live in an autopilot mode, not knowing what we want for our life, truly where we are going and how we can capture exactly what we want for our life? Just in a mental state of stupor not really using the mind to have a clear cut perspective for our life. We just go along with whatever experience comes in front of us. So many times we live our life going from one experience to the next one, reacting to every thing and every one that we meet along our path. So this is the meaning of waking up means. Wake up from the stupor like state of life we are in.
Now the second phrase,"Become aware". Become aware of what? Becoming aware of the opportunity we have been provided to be a human, which is the only creature that has the self-awareness to look back at a previous experience, analyze it, find the underlying gems of wisdom, and then take the best options for our life. Just go into that space and think about it. What an awesome opportunity we have been given. A cat or a dog can only live in the moment and respond and react to what it comes in contact with. But we the humans are provided with the awesome gift of self-awareness and consciousness. We the creatures are given this great gift, to use it to make something out of our life. But what do we do? We still walk our life in a stupor or daze.
Now to the third phrase,"Prapyavaran Nibhodhata", meaning 'Don't stop till you reach your goal'. What does this mean? 'Think about your life. Look at your life from the point of Self-awareness. What do you see? Now what do you want? Become aware of it. "Don't stop your effort till you capture exactly what you want for your life". This is what Vivekananda is telling us. "Don't just coast around and waste a life time you are being provided. You have been given an awesome opportunity. You never know whether you would be provided another opportunity/another chance at life".
Swami Vivekananda has given his viewpoint. Now how can we capture what we want for our life? How can we not stop till we capture what we truly want for our life? What are the tools we have been provided? We have discussed this before at some length as well.
My thoughts: Again coming back to the thoughts. What are thoughts? These are mental form patterns that keep on coming into our mind. So should we just keep on thinking random thoughts? We have discussed before in another post how our thoughts are the bridge that helps our mental inklings to take actions that bring things into our physical reality.
So once more to reiterate, we have our innumerable thoughts that pass through our mind. Most of the time the thought arises, we just leave the thought and go with our every day life. This is how many times we live our life. But what has Vivekananda said? Become aware. Yes, become aware of what type of thoughts we are feeding our mind. Here let us take a few examples and elaborate.
Example 1: Say there is a person D, who is a male. This person is very much interested in sports. As a young kid in school he used to play soccer and was always the goal keeper. He used to guard the post so well, no goals would escape his hands. Now the cricket coach for the school was watching his play one day. The focus, his attitude as well as his stance caught the coach's attention. He later approached the kid to ask whether he would be interested in playing another sport called as Cricket. Even though our D had not played cricket before, he decided to give the sport a chance.
The way he batted the ball, caught the eyes of the cricket board. Our D started eating, sleeping and living cricket. The way he dedicated himself to cricket from his core, got him the chances he needed, opened the opportunities he never imagined existed, and finally brought him to the world stage he always wished for. In between, even though his dad asked him to join the Railway cricket team of India, which he did listening to his dad, his heart was never there. He ran back home where he again started playing for the sports cricket teams, which later brought him the captaincy of the Indian cricket team itself. Yes, I am talking about the 'cool captain' of Indian cricket team-Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
If the same Dhoni had allowed his thoughts to go into thousand directions and didn't use a disciplined mental approach to go behind his dream, he would have never brought the Indian captaincy to his reality. When we have a thought that comes again and again and we think about it thoroughly, and when it takes deep root in our heart, the thought takes the form of an intention. As previously discussed once the thought has transformed into intention, even before the results have started appearing we have mentally decided and started already taking directed actions towards the same.
So here we are not just sitting and thinking random thoughts. Instead we have made the thoughts into intentions and have already started taking actions to bring that thoughts into physical reality. So see how we feed our mind, finaly really becomes our reality? If Dhoni had allowed himself to get distracted, his mental focus would have gone in hundred different directions and the discipline that brought him the captaincy would have dissipated into worthless mental charade. So the thoughts we feed our mind are very important as that is the reality that comes into our life.
Example 2: Now this example is not about any person we know. This is just about any person who does not realize the awesome power of the mind and the thoughts. Say there is a student, let us say N. They are in the school doing their studies. At present they are in high school. They are studying well and are being fully invested in what they want for their life.
Now one day the parents decided as our N is studying very well, to get him/her a smart phone. They got him one of the best phones that is available in the market. N was so happy to become the owner of the new cell phone. Now N has two options. In the cell phone, he/she can go to the websites that help him/her to know more about their school subjects. They can do independent research on many subjects and have a deep and wide knowledge about all the subjects. This would increase their knowledge as well as help them to become better in their school subjects. This inturn would get them to a great college and later a great career appears in their physical reality. See how really the thoughts and actions associated with it, drives the cart.
There is also another route, where they are going to random websites, looking at random information and wasting time on things that don't add any value to their thoughts. Here their mental energy is going in thousand different directions and finally nothing of value is added to the physical reality of their life. In this route they are not taking any actions that add value to their thoughts and finally to their physical reality.
My reality: So now to our reality. Many times we are not aware of the awesome power of the thoughts we possess. We randomly use it to just about to do anything with our mental power. But we need to understand the power of our thoughts. Whatever we feed our mind with eventually appears in our physical reality. This is due to the spiritual tenet, 'whatever is our reality inside, that gets reflected in the reality outside.' For example let us say, a person is watching news major part of their day. As all of us know, nowadays the News is full of chaos, fights, demonstrations, arguments, politics and what not. We keep on watching it. It is the chaos we are feeding our mind.
Soon enough our ability for deep contemplation, effective thinking, focused thought process is lost. We are constantly bombarded with news every second that is constanly stimulating our short term mind, while doing nothing to feed our long term contemplation and creativity. Now what happens, due to this constant stimulation, we are on thoughts that don't provide us anything and we are in a state of shallow awareness or mental confusion.
This confusion starts to creep into our every day life as well, as our thoughts ultimately bring out our physical reality. So now we as a human race are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Tumblr, YouTube and more. We are feeding so much into our mind, we have no time to see do we really need all this bombardment of information. Mind you, information is just information. But when the information, along with deep contemplation fortified with our life experiences becomes wisdom. So what are we feeding our mind? Chaff or gems? Chaos or Wisdom? Soul food or fake food?
Whatever we eat mentally soon enough it comes into our physical reality in one form or another. It can come as utter chaos in the mind, shallow existence in our every day life and a constant mental stimulation that keeps on asking for more and more. A form of addiction, but here for the news and the next stimulation that gives us the next high. Is this how we should use our mind power?
Yes, ofcourse people who are smart do get their advantage through their social media savviness, who can catch the fish in the muddy water. But the fish themselves are not aware of the muddy water, or the confused state they are in. Just think how the feeding of the mind through social media or any other form of entertainment is really influencing us? Should we prefer to stay as the fish or the person catching the fish?
So let us choose wisely what toy we are giving our mind to chew? What food are we feeding our mind? Are we the fish or the savvy fisherman catching the fish (or the information we exactly need that add value to our life) through the fishnet called the social media? Social media is good if we use it as a tool carefully and effectively. It is a great tool to add to our satchel to bring in exactly the thought process and later the physical reality for ourselves. Everything if used from a thourough perspective of mind indeed becomes truly powerful in our hands and life.
So let us choose our thoughts wisely so that our physical reality reflect exactly what we want for our life. Nothing more and nothing less. But then every human has their freewill and choice. So use that power of free will and choice wisely.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: My Focus - My growth!
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons,, and by Swaroopa Blog.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic week where you were able to put in the effort to capture exactly the purpose for your life. Last week we discussed how in the higher realms of spirituality our word carries so much weight that it becomes a law unto itself. Many times we use our words so carelessly, without any thought to the underlying intentions we are putting into the Universe. So whatever we put in whether with the intention or not, that comes straight into our life, whether we want it or not. (As noted in my last post, please put yourself, the blog reader at the 'My' position in the title and read the Blog from that perspective. So each blog reader is saying, "My thoughts, my reality").
So now from the word let us go back to the thoughts. What is the importance of thoughts? To start with what are thoughts? According to Wikipedia, 'Thought encompasses a goal-oriented flow of ideas and associations that lead to a reality-oriented conclusion. Although thinking is an activity of an existential value for humans, there is no consensus as to how it is defined or understood.'
According to the above sentence, we really don't know scientifically what thought really is, even though we spend a major part of our day in our mind and thoughts. So are thoughts really important? Or is it something to just play around whenever we get some time and chance? Do thoughts have any major importance in our life? Let us elaborate.
Physical reality: All of us are living in this reality called our physical life. We come here as visitors for a short period of time, do something, don't do something, get old and one day, Pooh! Gone. Many times we don't even know what we are doing in this realm called Earth. Is there any underlying reason why we are here at the present time and do we have to do something in this time period called our physical life. We just go through life, every day doing something, not really realizing why we are doing it, do we really have to do it and what is the underlying point at doing some activity if at all we are doing it.
So literally we are in a daze, not knowing what is the point of this life, is there some underlying importance to it and whether we have to do any thing about it? Is life supposed to be lived like that where we have truly no idea what we are doing? Here I want to bring in the famous words of the Hindu/Indian Philosopher, Swami Vivekananda, "Uthishthatha, Jagrata, Prapya varan Nibhodhataa". We have discussed this many times. The meaning, 'Wake up, Become aware, Don't stop till you reach your goal'.
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Swami Vivekananda -The Indian Philosopher |
So now the first phrase,"Wake up!" From where should we wake up? We should wake up from the deep slumber or the dazed state we are in. Many times we live in an autopilot mode, not knowing what we want for our life, truly where we are going and how we can capture exactly what we want for our life? Just in a mental state of stupor not really using the mind to have a clear cut perspective for our life. We just go along with whatever experience comes in front of us. So many times we live our life going from one experience to the next one, reacting to every thing and every one that we meet along our path. So this is the meaning of waking up means. Wake up from the stupor like state of life we are in.
Now the second phrase,"Become aware". Become aware of what? Becoming aware of the opportunity we have been provided to be a human, which is the only creature that has the self-awareness to look back at a previous experience, analyze it, find the underlying gems of wisdom, and then take the best options for our life. Just go into that space and think about it. What an awesome opportunity we have been given. A cat or a dog can only live in the moment and respond and react to what it comes in contact with. But we the humans are provided with the awesome gift of self-awareness and consciousness. We the creatures are given this great gift, to use it to make something out of our life. But what do we do? We still walk our life in a stupor or daze.
Now to the third phrase,"Prapyavaran Nibhodhata", meaning 'Don't stop till you reach your goal'. What does this mean? 'Think about your life. Look at your life from the point of Self-awareness. What do you see? Now what do you want? Become aware of it. "Don't stop your effort till you capture exactly what you want for your life". This is what Vivekananda is telling us. "Don't just coast around and waste a life time you are being provided. You have been given an awesome opportunity. You never know whether you would be provided another opportunity/another chance at life".
Swami Vivekananda has given his viewpoint. Now how can we capture what we want for our life? How can we not stop till we capture what we truly want for our life? What are the tools we have been provided? We have discussed this before at some length as well.
My thoughts: Again coming back to the thoughts. What are thoughts? These are mental form patterns that keep on coming into our mind. So should we just keep on thinking random thoughts? We have discussed before in another post how our thoughts are the bridge that helps our mental inklings to take actions that bring things into our physical reality.
So once more to reiterate, we have our innumerable thoughts that pass through our mind. Most of the time the thought arises, we just leave the thought and go with our every day life. This is how many times we live our life. But what has Vivekananda said? Become aware. Yes, become aware of what type of thoughts we are feeding our mind. Here let us take a few examples and elaborate.
Example 1: Say there is a person D, who is a male. This person is very much interested in sports. As a young kid in school he used to play soccer and was always the goal keeper. He used to guard the post so well, no goals would escape his hands. Now the cricket coach for the school was watching his play one day. The focus, his attitude as well as his stance caught the coach's attention. He later approached the kid to ask whether he would be interested in playing another sport called as Cricket. Even though our D had not played cricket before, he decided to give the sport a chance.
The way he batted the ball, caught the eyes of the cricket board. Our D started eating, sleeping and living cricket. The way he dedicated himself to cricket from his core, got him the chances he needed, opened the opportunities he never imagined existed, and finally brought him to the world stage he always wished for. In between, even though his dad asked him to join the Railway cricket team of India, which he did listening to his dad, his heart was never there. He ran back home where he again started playing for the sports cricket teams, which later brought him the captaincy of the Indian cricket team itself. Yes, I am talking about the 'cool captain' of Indian cricket team-Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
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The 'Cool' Indian Captain - Mahendra Singh Dhoni By Blnguyen [GFDL (CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5], from Wikimedia Commons |
If the same Dhoni had allowed his thoughts to go into thousand directions and didn't use a disciplined mental approach to go behind his dream, he would have never brought the Indian captaincy to his reality. When we have a thought that comes again and again and we think about it thoroughly, and when it takes deep root in our heart, the thought takes the form of an intention. As previously discussed once the thought has transformed into intention, even before the results have started appearing we have mentally decided and started already taking directed actions towards the same.
So here we are not just sitting and thinking random thoughts. Instead we have made the thoughts into intentions and have already started taking actions to bring that thoughts into physical reality. So see how we feed our mind, finaly really becomes our reality? If Dhoni had allowed himself to get distracted, his mental focus would have gone in hundred different directions and the discipline that brought him the captaincy would have dissipated into worthless mental charade. So the thoughts we feed our mind are very important as that is the reality that comes into our life.
Example 2: Now this example is not about any person we know. This is just about any person who does not realize the awesome power of the mind and the thoughts. Say there is a student, let us say N. They are in the school doing their studies. At present they are in high school. They are studying well and are being fully invested in what they want for their life.
Now one day the parents decided as our N is studying very well, to get him/her a smart phone. They got him one of the best phones that is available in the market. N was so happy to become the owner of the new cell phone. Now N has two options. In the cell phone, he/she can go to the websites that help him/her to know more about their school subjects. They can do independent research on many subjects and have a deep and wide knowledge about all the subjects. This would increase their knowledge as well as help them to become better in their school subjects. This inturn would get them to a great college and later a great career appears in their physical reality. See how really the thoughts and actions associated with it, drives the cart.
There is also another route, where they are going to random websites, looking at random information and wasting time on things that don't add any value to their thoughts. Here their mental energy is going in thousand different directions and finally nothing of value is added to the physical reality of their life. In this route they are not taking any actions that add value to their thoughts and finally to their physical reality.
My reality: So now to our reality. Many times we are not aware of the awesome power of the thoughts we possess. We randomly use it to just about to do anything with our mental power. But we need to understand the power of our thoughts. Whatever we feed our mind with eventually appears in our physical reality. This is due to the spiritual tenet, 'whatever is our reality inside, that gets reflected in the reality outside.' For example let us say, a person is watching news major part of their day. As all of us know, nowadays the News is full of chaos, fights, demonstrations, arguments, politics and what not. We keep on watching it. It is the chaos we are feeding our mind.
Soon enough our ability for deep contemplation, effective thinking, focused thought process is lost. We are constantly bombarded with news every second that is constanly stimulating our short term mind, while doing nothing to feed our long term contemplation and creativity. Now what happens, due to this constant stimulation, we are on thoughts that don't provide us anything and we are in a state of shallow awareness or mental confusion.
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Mental confusion due to thoughts? Image courtesy - |
This confusion starts to creep into our every day life as well, as our thoughts ultimately bring out our physical reality. So now we as a human race are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Tumblr, YouTube and more. We are feeding so much into our mind, we have no time to see do we really need all this bombardment of information. Mind you, information is just information. But when the information, along with deep contemplation fortified with our life experiences becomes wisdom. So what are we feeding our mind? Chaff or gems? Chaos or Wisdom? Soul food or fake food?
Whatever we eat mentally soon enough it comes into our physical reality in one form or another. It can come as utter chaos in the mind, shallow existence in our every day life and a constant mental stimulation that keeps on asking for more and more. A form of addiction, but here for the news and the next stimulation that gives us the next high. Is this how we should use our mind power?
Yes, ofcourse people who are smart do get their advantage through their social media savviness, who can catch the fish in the muddy water. But the fish themselves are not aware of the muddy water, or the confused state they are in. Just think how the feeding of the mind through social media or any other form of entertainment is really influencing us? Should we prefer to stay as the fish or the person catching the fish?
So let us choose wisely what toy we are giving our mind to chew? What food are we feeding our mind? Are we the fish or the savvy fisherman catching the fish (or the information we exactly need that add value to our life) through the fishnet called the social media? Social media is good if we use it as a tool carefully and effectively. It is a great tool to add to our satchel to bring in exactly the thought process and later the physical reality for ourselves. Everything if used from a thourough perspective of mind indeed becomes truly powerful in our hands and life.
So let us choose our thoughts wisely so that our physical reality reflect exactly what we want for our life. Nothing more and nothing less. But then every human has their freewill and choice. So use that power of free will and choice wisely.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: My Focus - My growth!
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons,, and by Swaroopa Blog.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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