Spiritual power- Part 1!

Hello all,

Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.

Last week, we discussed how by our mindset we attract circumstances to our midst. As of now humanity is dealing with the ramifications of our very negative mindset and divisiveness. Many times random sporadic pockets of positiveness does nothing to the larger themes. If we want to really change the energy dynamics, a whole lot of people need to embrace positivity.

This is not to scare anyone. But many times the truth hides in plain sight while we go searching behind falsehoods. As of now humanity's falsehood for the last ten years has attracted this scenario. My intuition is very much letting me know that. What were we doing as humanity for the last ten years? Many of the countries selected candidates who had or almost dreamt of dictatorial aspirations.

Who is a dictator? According to Wikipedia, "A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power". How does a person manages to get brute power? Either by force, or propagating fear or hate. How did Hitler become the chancellor and later führer of Third Reich in Germany? The people who had Nazi affiliations were slightly afraid that Germany would not have power in the hands of Germans but other ethnicity. Hitler who saw the opportunity, through his words, writings and propagandist fiery speeches added fuel to the slow fire and made it into a raging inferno. Rest we know.
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Words very much matter!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

So, it matters. Words matter! Speeches matter! Thoughts matter and finally actions matter! Here many of the leaders of the countries were propagating a nationalistic or divisive agenda. People started to think us versus them, citizens versus aliens, believers versus infidels. Now, that divisiveness, hate and fear started to take root and grow. By words and speeches, many leaders started to fan the flames. The seeds of negativity started to grow. When  a whole lot of people began to 'feel' negative, things took a very dark turn.

Thinking versus feeling: As humans many times we don't realize the difference between thinking and feeling. We think, they are the same. We think and later we feel. No! Thinking comes from the mind. The mind keeps on producing thoughts, after, thoughts, after thoughts. Each thought bubble up from our core of the mind. Sometimes we take actions on it and some times don't. The mind likes to keep itself busy. If we the being gives it a job/purpose, it keeps itself busy on it. Otherwise, it keeps on bringing up random thoughts.

But the feeling comes from our deep inner core. Many times too much of thinking whether positive or negative reverses the flow. Now, from our conscious mind it goes back to the subconscious mind. Think one has been thinking in a negative mindset for days, weeks, and months. Now, this thinking from the conscious starts its flow towards the subconscious. Soon, the subconscious mind takes this fully into it. 

We, then as a human is in this negative mindset. The subconscious mind thinks that is our truth. Now, it accepts it. As a being that is what we want, isn't it? We are thinking in negative sense. So it starts to send feelings of negativity. First of all, we asked for it by thinking it. Now the subconscious is feeling negative and sending us even more. The subconscious mind is the most faithful servant a human has. The most faithful. Only the 'smart and dumb' conscious mind has no idea or no clue. 

See, the danger in this scenario, By our mere intense, negative thoughts we bring this feeling of doom and gloom' upon ourselves. Whatever we want, whatever we as a conscious being ask through our thoughts continuously, our subconscious mind- the extremely faithful servant helps us to achieve. If it is negativity, it would increase our feelings of negativity. If it is positivity, it increases the positivity and our own feelings of positiveness. Now from this space, think about this Bible verse.

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Emotions are the language of the subconscious mind!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

"Ask and ye shall receive".What are we asking here? By our mere conscious repeated thought process we are asking, big time. As of now, for last ten years what were we asking? We being negative in our thought process of negativity, fear, hate and divisiveness, were asking for more. With our thought process, we helped it to percolate into our subconscious mind. After some time, the subconscious mind started to help us. The faithful servant helped us to 'feel' negative. By putting out the negative feeling, we started the process of asking.

Ask and you shall receive. We as humanity in our non-awareness, asked for more,. We asked with deep feeling. Anything we ask with deep feeling, whether positive or negative, the Universe cannot deny. It just cannot deny. We received the manifestations of the negative thought process and mindset as a virus. Yes, negativity can manifest in any form. It doesn't have to be always an enemy in a human form. It can also come as an enemy in a viral form. We many times as humans don't understand the deep reality. Let us analyze the current situation metaphorically.

What happens in a war? Many times, people are lost in the war. People die. People get put in prisons. People are tired, weary, hungry and hopeless. There is fear, depression and commotion everywhere. What is happening in our current war? As of now, this second when I write, the death due to the Coronavirus stands at 50,000 globally. The infected cases are around one million, around the world. A whole lot of population are under critical care, wounded in the body deeply by respiratory distress and breathlessness, on ventilators. A major part of the population has become prisoners within their own homes, being fearful for their own safety and that of their loved ones. Isn't it really a war?

We, just read the sacred or old religious books with a rational mind and never go into the deeper meanings.  These books are not something to pray with. They are deep life manuals a human has to live by, if we understand. Ask and you shall receive- is basically the phrase that denotes the Law of attraction. With deep feeling anything we put out from our subconscious mind or our own body, the Universe responds. It responds to the maximum. As of now that is what has happened. We asked.

Subconscious mind- Our driver: The true driver of our own life is our subconscious mind. Any time we think about anything, nothing much happens. But when any thought we think a lot, it gets percolated into the subconscious. Once it is in the subconscious, our true servant awakens. By putting out the mere feeling of what our thoughts are we set our intentions. Now, we have started to feel what our thoughts are. This is intention. The Universe to this energy responds by sending exactly what we are asking. But in our non-aware dumbness we ask for things that are not good for us. As of now in the last ten years humanity asked for the energy that was not good for us. Unfortunately for us, the Universe responded.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Ask and ye shall receive!
Image credits - Wikimedia, Phillip Medhurst / FAL

So, from here, think, how important our thoughts are. And we, the educated and very rational beings have no clue of what we are doing. This also Jesus has said,"God, they don't know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). No, I have not read the Bible fully. But when I think of concepts, the exact phrase pops into my mind. I have plans to read Bible and Quran one day, just to know any concepts in their version of it. So, coming back to the point, it matters where our mind is and what our thoughts are.

Now, how to come out of this? We have to use the 'Law of attraction' to our advantage. Even in this dire, fearful, somewhat hope killing circumstances, we should embrace our positivity, have an eye for the tiny blessings in our life and give out positive feeling. Feeling and emotions are the language of the Universe. When a lot of us put out, deep, positive emotions with a lot of feeling, the Universe would respond. It would respond to our heart felt request and things would start to come back to normal and positivity.

Again the point comes front and center. It matters very much who our leaders are and whom we select as leaders. We should select very positive, genuine and efficient Souls as our leaders, not people with opportunistic, personal agendas. People need to become smarter and aware. It is when we are not fully aware of our own mind, desires and intentions, others can take advantage of us. Nobody can take advantage of a person who is aware. Because they know very much their own desires and intentions. Their intellect helps them to discern, circumstances, situations and people who don't sync with their intentions.

Spiritual power: So, it matters, where our thoughts are, how aware are we and what are our intentions. When we truly start to search answers to these questions, the fluff, chaff and superfluous things in our own life starts to fall off. Until then most probably our mind was in a fuzz of cotton ball. The cotton ball as soon as you try to pick at it, becomes even more fuzzier. It is the same with the mind. Someone who sits fully in their rational mind many times miss a lot of other points. But someone who uses the same rationality to look at their own life deeply with their eyes clear of all the fuzz, starts to 'see' things that were hidden before.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
The being plugged into their own spiritual nature!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

Remember, many of the mystics and masters always ask us to become 'aware' of our own true reality. This is not just the physical reality we see, but the spiritual reality that can be 'perceived' only with our opened mental eye. The physical reality is only 1/4th of the picture. Underneath that there is the 3/4 of the spiritual reality. The section on 'Thinking versus feeling' I was depicting the spiritual reality that we as humanity invited. A person who can perceive the spiritual reality has actually tapped into their own spiritual power.

Is this something only a random human being or a spiritual master can access? No. Every single human has the capacity. Some don't want to put in the effort. Some are not aware of it. Some become fearful even to turn towards their own inner truths. Humans come in many forms. No judgements needed. But when we become aware and use our own spiritual reality to our advantage, we start to truly take charge of our life. Until then we are in the illusion, we are in control of our life. We are not aware of what our subconscious mind is putting out, and we are puppets in the hands of our own subconscious patterns, whether ancestral, social or familial conditioning.

Many without even realizing they are puppets and their subconscious is the 'puppet master', goes behind the curtains once the life on this Earth realm is over. This is not even about another being, but our own subconscious mind. Another person comes only later. First we have to deal with our own subconscious patterns to take charge of our life. Here, remember, I mentioned the subconscious is our very faithful servant. That part comes later, once our conscious mind and we the being are fully in charge of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reality.

Until we are not aware of the 3/4th part- our own mental, emotional and spiritual reality, we are puppets to our puppet master- our own subconscious mind. I understood my own 3/4 part of the mind only in 2017/18. Until then I was also a puppet in the hands of my own subconscious mind. I was going after projects, positions and jobs that didn't really add much value to me or my life, The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung after his own experiments on his own mind has quoted this,“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This unconscious he was mentioning may be the deepest part of our own subconscious about which we have zero awareness.

The realization of our 3/4th of our own reality truly empower us. We get the whole picture. From then onward we don't miss out the critical points of our own life. The subconscious as a puppet master is a slave driver. We become slaves to our own patterns and mindsets. Think about people who are addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or the phone in the modern times. The conscious mind wants to break away from the habit. But the subconscious mind reels them in, again and again. The human battles with their own life between their conscious will and the subconscious mind.  

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
The power of the total spiritual being!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

So, never underestimate the power of the subconscious mind. It can be a great servant and a friend. It can also be a terrible enemy. Many times the human caught between their will and their patterns, fight that invisible fight until the end of their own life. So, subconscious mind is a powerhouse. A conscious mind, which has the will to control this powerful subconscious mind has access to their own huge spiritual power.
Many times we hear about some leaders who are said as 'A person of their own will'. We have to realize this is a very powerful position. 

Before expressing their will to others, they most probably would have tackled their own subconscious patterns. Now, the subconscious is their faithful servant. They 'will' something and they do it with setting of intentions and attracting the circumstances into their life. Look at the really powerful people of this world. They are not chasing, pursuing and running after something. They are sitting calmly in their own space and taking charge of their own life. Spiritual power! Plugged into their will and their own subconscious mind. The true spiritual nature- having a perspective of the whole picture. 

It is those who are powerless within, that chase, crib and cry after something. Yes, of course I was that person five years back chasing my own Biotech dreams. I was in total chase, never to really understand the dynamics of power. Our own true power is not outside. But within. Our spiritual nature. This spiritual nature here I am saying is from just the subconscious mind. Now, there is the even bigger power, that of our higher Self. 

Why don't we discuss that next week? So, once we access the true power of our subconscious mind and make it the faithful servant of our conscious will, then we have put in the key and opened the realm of our own spiritual power. So, next time, when we hear this proverb, think of it with all the spiritual power that a will has behind it from a powerfully supportive subconscious mind. The proverb is,

"If there is a will, there is a way"!

I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: Spiritual power- Part 2!

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons
and Pixabay



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