Spiritual power- Part 4!
Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last few weeks, we have been discussing the realms of the spiritual power, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the Soul. We also discussed how our mind has to be as calm and deep as an ocean where the surface is very calm, but thoughts as huge as the Blue whale lives. That is the difference between the mind of us, very normal beings and that of ascended Masters. Our mind is like a small sea with churning waves, small fish and other marine animals. Our mind is bogged down with every day thoughts and materialistic ideas.
But the minds of ascended masters are like that of a deep ocean, calm, with no surface waves. But ideas and original thoughts as huge as blue whales or killer whales that never make much turbulence on the surface, live within. It is their own will power that has made their mind calm. That is the enormous spiritual power of their mind they have cultivated. We can also do the same if we put in our own will power and intention. Next comes the Soul, beyond the mind.
After the Soul comes the next inner level, of the spiritual guides, ascended masters and our ancestors. The Soul family. Each of us come with our own higher beings who guide us. But as long as we don't clear our own thoughts, mind and access our intuition, we are kept away from our inner guidance. (Now, mind you, these all are the intuitions and inklings I have. Some how I feel it and know it). No wonder, in every day Hinduism, this age is known as Kali yuga, the age of darkness. Here as of now in modern society we have lost the connection to our own inner realms.
Inner realms: We already discussed about the conscious, subconscious as well as Soul level. Now, let us go to the next inner level. This level is not reached that fast. For that there are many hurdles to be jumped. First the mind has to be transcended. The mind, both the conscious as well as the subconscious. The conscious mind is always involved in the materialistic activities. The subconscious mind is bogged down by ancestral patterns, unconscious behaviors and habits. Both these should be transcended.
To transcend is to keep the mind calm even when the whole material world is swirling around us. The global climate we are in now, can be taken as an example. As of now, we are in the middle of the Covid-19 season, not the Spring, Summer or Monsoon (in India). All of us are stressed out, slightly fearful, worried how long this would go on and what is going to happen next. The chaotic and confusing energy of the material realm.
As I was mentioning in another post, Earth is the densest of all elements. So, it vibrates at the lowest energy. Our emotional mind is the creative realm, as light as a butterfly, if we keep it calm and peaceful. But it is to here we are bringing the thick energy of the Earth. How can we fly as a butterfly to the higher realms, if we are bogged down by the details of the material world? We need to be in this material realm, but not affected by it. If the emotional mind is bogged down by the drama of the material realm, how can we go above and beyond our mind?
In this material realm, be the human we are, taking care of all the things in our life, but not affected by it, so that we transcend our mind. The conscious and subconscious mind is like a thick veil that keep our Soul hidden behind that curtain. We the personality, is standing on this side of the curtain, thinking the mind is the ultimate horizon. Only when we use our mind itself to overcome it, we transcend the mind.
The personality using the mind should even create a bridge to the Soul. This concept called "Anthakaranah" (अन्तःकरणः), we discussed in a previous post. So, if the mind is swayed by every day happenings and emotions, how can we ever transcend it? Think how difficult it is to transcend the mind for a normal householder? We are fully immersed in rituals, engagements and appointments. Mind is never free and calm to move to higher realms. No wonder yogis shun the every day life. They know, they would never be able to find peace within the every day life. For them to find that inner tranquility becomes easier in a mountain top or by the lake side. Not so easy for us, modern humans.
But without transcending our own mind, conscious as well as subconscious, we can never reach the higher creative as well as spiritual realms. We can ask why should we ever transcend the mind and go to the higher realms? Why can't we stay in the materialism itself? Unfortunately the greatest creative expression of a being happens, when we are able to capture the creative and spiritual realms. Original creativity and expression happens from there, not from the mind itself. Mind is just the vehicle that carries the being to the higher realms. Without the mind we have no access to these realms.
The Earth realm: Happy Earth day, all, (April 22, 2020)! Now, the beauty of the Earth realm. As we know, this is the only realm where we are given a physical body with limbs. A Soul has no limbs, body or sense organs. So, the great thing about the physical realm is, we can take actions. We the beings, who spend million of hours thinking should understand, it is only in the physical realm we can take actions- to hug, to embrace, to give a shoulder, to build a house, to cook a nice dish to eat, to sit together and chat using our face, voice and speech. There may be some other place where a Soul gets a body. But as of now, we don't know it.
Don't think Earth realm is not important. It is the realm of the physical work where we as being in can build or achieve something with pure physicality. Once we are out of this body into the Soul state, we can pretty much take no actions. We are devoid of the body, limbs and the sense organs. When we are having a body, unfortunately we don't much think about it. That is why it is said,"When we lose something, we realize it's value."
The very best way we can use the blessings of the Earth realm is when we are able to take our own innate idea, set intentions and bring it into the reality of the material realm. Think how much joyful Bill Gates would have felt when his concept/idea called Microsoft came into the physical reality and started becoming a profitable business. The best way to use our innate ability is to create our own original thought process into something solid in the material realm.
The technique is to be like a tree. Very light in our thoughts so that we can grow our branches to the higher realms of creativity and inspiration. But roots going deep within the ground, so that our life is grounded and thriving in the material realm as well. A tree as tall and solid as an Oak. Instead as humans, either we are always trying to run away from our reality into our thoughts or mind. Or we are so bogged down by our Earth circumstances, we find no respite from the deep energy of the Earth.
Both are not good. Instead we should use our inspiration/ creativity to make solid changes in our own life circumstances. For that we should use every tool available to us- whether our mind, intelligence, intellect, internet, phone, computer or the technology. This doesn't mean every one should be an entrepreneur or self-employed. Bring that tree concept into your life. Then, even as a plumber, in your eye, the plumbing becomes your art. You would become the best plumber in town. Same way an IT professional who brings this concept becomes the best employee in the team, always organized, efficient and giving the best presentations.
But we as humans switch between our mind and our reality, either this way or that way. Instead both mind as well as the physical reality should come through us. We become the vessel for the inspiration from higher realms to flow through us to make a solid presence in this world with our life. Our way! Our uniqueness. Until now, we discussed our conscious mind, subconscious mind, Soul and Soul family. All of them are available to help and guidance us. But we must develop our mind to access the guidance, we are being given. That is the work we have to do.
Co-creation: We have discussed co-creation before. It is when we are able to access the guidance from higher realms through our intuition using a calm, deep mind, we come to the concept called Co-creation. We are creating our life and life circumstances with our thoughts and intentions using the guidance provided through the intuition. In Malayalam, there is a proverb, "Than pathi, daivam pathi". Meaning- "I do half the work, the divine does the other half". In this the thoughts, guidance is the divine part. The actions and manifestations are ours alone-the human part.
But as humans we try the other way around. We wish/ desire for something. Then, we pray to the God to make it happen. Nothing happens. We sit, pray, and pray. The Divine would send us an idea/ intuition. We think about it for some time, realize it needs action from our part, above fear, out of our comfort zone. Our logical mind lets us know, "That is impossible. You are just a human. Don't try to have huge aspirations. Be here on Earth, small and insignificant". We think, yes true and we leave the idea. Then we restart our prayer.
Praying is extremely positive energy. Very good. It opens our mind to ideas/ aspirations/ desires. But it becomes our duty as a human to take actions. It is not correct, to sit, pray and ask God to take actions. Due to this fact, nothing happens in our life. Then around eighty years, we look back at our life and wish, "We should have done this. We should have done that". Instead we should keep our mind calm, access our intuition and use those original ideas to create the life we want within our own life. Then our Dharma starts to take shape and manifests in our life.
Humans have got it all wrong, upside down. I was also wrong until 2017. I have prayed my heart out to Divine, to bring a great career to me in my Biotech days. Of course, I also put every effort my logical mind brought out. My heart and intuition were not in the picture. My logical mind was a messy mush of conflicting ideas and thoughts. When you have such a mind, how can you access your intuition? You cannot. You have to calm down your mind first.
So, we are supposed to take the original ideas and thoughts and create our life. This is the true concept of "Aham Brahma Asmi". Meaning- I am the creator! Keeping this power within us, we pray to the Divine to help us. We are already provided with the help- us, the human with the body, limbs, senses, mind, brain, intelligence, intuition and a whole gang of spiritual family to go with it. Above this we also have the physical Soul family who stand by us, supporting, cheering and encouraging us. What more help do we need? That is why the Divine is putting up it's hands in frustration- "I am tired of the human"!
When I realized this in 2017, I laughed and cried at the same time. Laughed at my stupidity and cried at the amount of mind power and time I wasted, praying and trying to get help from others through an employment. You, the being is your greatest help. First help yourself. Then try to help a few Souls to help themselves. This is the inner power, spiritual power, we as humans have been provided and has a right to.
So, our Dharma is to co-create. We have every tool already with us. The only thing that has not been provided is the 'awareness', how to use it. That we have to develop and for that we have to pray for the grace. This is the main nodal point in Vedic astrology. It revolves around the mind. The whole chart becomes active through the mind, once the awareness develops. But many times is pure grace whether the querent develops awareness or not. That grace we acquire through our Karmas- cause and effect. The Vedic sages used to pray Gayatri mantra- the mantra towards Savitr- The brilliant Sun of enlightenment to bring awareness. In Hinduism it is kept as a mantra above all the other mantras. Now, from this space, think how important, awareness of the mind is.
Awareness: So, this is the fourth level of spiritual power. Awareness of the mind. Even if the human has the brightest/ biggest talent, if they have no awareness about themselves, their life and their talents, they spend their time worrying about something else. Another thing that interferes is the mind itself. The mind can overthink and make a forest out of the thoughts. The same mind gets stuck in the forest. Here I want to point towards another concept.
In Hindu mythology, the demon Swayambharu who was cut to become Rahu and Kethu, went and sat between Sun (Surya) and Moon (Chandra). Let us analyze this metaphorically. In Vedic astrology, Sun is the Atman- our Soul. Moon is the Manas - the mind. As we have already discussed in many posts the mind is needed to access the Soul. Here the demon, Swayambharu, went and sat between the Sun and Moon. The connection between the Soul and mind gets lost. As the mind is very fickle, it gets influenced by Swayambharu.
Swayambharu became two Rahu and Kethu. A mind influenced by Rahu overthinks and make a rabbit hole of thoughts for itself. Rahu rules technology, electricity, and the magic of the material realm-the glitz and glam. A mind affected by Rahu gets eclipsed and fall into this magical world of technology, electronic gadgets, tech toys, information and more. See the Rahu influence of these times. Now Kethu is the fear, and everything connected to fear. Here I am discussing the lower vibrations. In higher vibrations, things are very different.
Now, let us take the example of Covid-19. It is a fantastic example of Rahu/Kethu and the mind. It works to a tee. We go on the internet/ TV/news. Get the information of the virus, how it is spreading and all the analytical data- the Rahu side. We become fearful, afraid and terrified. How are we going to overcome this? Will we have our job, soon? Would we get the disease? Are our family members safe? Would I be able to find my footing in this scenario? The mind is stressed out. One side is Rahu- the information and the other side is Kethu- the fear. The poor mind in between.
Here, due to this push and pull, the bridge between Soul (Sun) and Mind (Moon) is either lost or never made. When the mind is totally stressed out, where is the chance of a calm mind? This is where the grace of Vishnu, the divine is needed. In the story, Vishnu came in the form of the sensual seductress Mohini and cut the head of Swayambharu and threw them away as Rahu and Kethu to two sides, never to meet again. So, in the Rasi chart, Rahu and Kethu are placed on the opposite sides of the chart, 180 degrees apart.
So, to come out of the grip of Rahu/Kethu, the grace of Vishnu via awareness is needed. Only when the mind is free and able to connect deeply with the Sun, Soul, the life of the person starts to bloom and blossom. As long as the mind, both logical as well as the emotional mind is not in the grip of the person with awareness, the same mind would lead the person thorough the rabbit hole of unending thoughts or fear. Above intelligence, an awareful mind is a must. Otherwise even with the brightest of the minds, the person may lead a mediocre or every day existence. Except for the mentally challenged, every other person can develop awareness with their effort and create the highest potential and the very best version of themselves. Only the divine grace is needed.
Finishing up with the Gayatri mantra from Sanatana Dharma.
Om! bhūr bhuvaḥ suvah
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt ||
– Rigveda 3.62.10
Meaning: Invocation of the Brahman (Om) in the realms of physical world (Bhu), mental realm (Bhuvar) and heaven or spiritual realm (Suvah). I meditate on that brilliant Sun called Savitr, or in other words the Universal intelligence, to illumine my dhi (intellect) to be inspired or enlightened.
In other words, a mantra to the Divine to bestow the grace of awareness. Wishing this majestic gift of the Divine, another aspect of the spiritual power on all of us, so that each one of us is able to bring in the highest potential of life for ourselves!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 5!
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last few weeks, we have been discussing the realms of the spiritual power, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the Soul. We also discussed how our mind has to be as calm and deep as an ocean where the surface is very calm, but thoughts as huge as the Blue whale lives. That is the difference between the mind of us, very normal beings and that of ascended Masters. Our mind is like a small sea with churning waves, small fish and other marine animals. Our mind is bogged down with every day thoughts and materialistic ideas.
But the minds of ascended masters are like that of a deep ocean, calm, with no surface waves. But ideas and original thoughts as huge as blue whales or killer whales that never make much turbulence on the surface, live within. It is their own will power that has made their mind calm. That is the enormous spiritual power of their mind they have cultivated. We can also do the same if we put in our own will power and intention. Next comes the Soul, beyond the mind.
After the Soul comes the next inner level, of the spiritual guides, ascended masters and our ancestors. The Soul family. Each of us come with our own higher beings who guide us. But as long as we don't clear our own thoughts, mind and access our intuition, we are kept away from our inner guidance. (Now, mind you, these all are the intuitions and inklings I have. Some how I feel it and know it). No wonder, in every day Hinduism, this age is known as Kali yuga, the age of darkness. Here as of now in modern society we have lost the connection to our own inner realms.
Inner realms: We already discussed about the conscious, subconscious as well as Soul level. Now, let us go to the next inner level. This level is not reached that fast. For that there are many hurdles to be jumped. First the mind has to be transcended. The mind, both the conscious as well as the subconscious. The conscious mind is always involved in the materialistic activities. The subconscious mind is bogged down by ancestral patterns, unconscious behaviors and habits. Both these should be transcended.
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The deep blue ocean of a mind of an Ascended master! (The ocean of a mind, compared to the normal beings on the shore, perfect example.) Image credits - Pixabay.com |
To transcend is to keep the mind calm even when the whole material world is swirling around us. The global climate we are in now, can be taken as an example. As of now, we are in the middle of the Covid-19 season, not the Spring, Summer or Monsoon (in India). All of us are stressed out, slightly fearful, worried how long this would go on and what is going to happen next. The chaotic and confusing energy of the material realm.
As I was mentioning in another post, Earth is the densest of all elements. So, it vibrates at the lowest energy. Our emotional mind is the creative realm, as light as a butterfly, if we keep it calm and peaceful. But it is to here we are bringing the thick energy of the Earth. How can we fly as a butterfly to the higher realms, if we are bogged down by the details of the material world? We need to be in this material realm, but not affected by it. If the emotional mind is bogged down by the drama of the material realm, how can we go above and beyond our mind?
In this material realm, be the human we are, taking care of all the things in our life, but not affected by it, so that we transcend our mind. The conscious and subconscious mind is like a thick veil that keep our Soul hidden behind that curtain. We the personality, is standing on this side of the curtain, thinking the mind is the ultimate horizon. Only when we use our mind itself to overcome it, we transcend the mind.
The personality using the mind should even create a bridge to the Soul. This concept called "Anthakaranah" (अन्तःकरणः), we discussed in a previous post. So, if the mind is swayed by every day happenings and emotions, how can we ever transcend it? Think how difficult it is to transcend the mind for a normal householder? We are fully immersed in rituals, engagements and appointments. Mind is never free and calm to move to higher realms. No wonder yogis shun the every day life. They know, they would never be able to find peace within the every day life. For them to find that inner tranquility becomes easier in a mountain top or by the lake side. Not so easy for us, modern humans.
But without transcending our own mind, conscious as well as subconscious, we can never reach the higher creative as well as spiritual realms. We can ask why should we ever transcend the mind and go to the higher realms? Why can't we stay in the materialism itself? Unfortunately the greatest creative expression of a being happens, when we are able to capture the creative and spiritual realms. Original creativity and expression happens from there, not from the mind itself. Mind is just the vehicle that carries the being to the higher realms. Without the mind we have no access to these realms.
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The Earth realm - the densest of all! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
The Earth realm: Happy Earth day, all, (April 22, 2020)! Now, the beauty of the Earth realm. As we know, this is the only realm where we are given a physical body with limbs. A Soul has no limbs, body or sense organs. So, the great thing about the physical realm is, we can take actions. We the beings, who spend million of hours thinking should understand, it is only in the physical realm we can take actions- to hug, to embrace, to give a shoulder, to build a house, to cook a nice dish to eat, to sit together and chat using our face, voice and speech. There may be some other place where a Soul gets a body. But as of now, we don't know it.
Don't think Earth realm is not important. It is the realm of the physical work where we as being in can build or achieve something with pure physicality. Once we are out of this body into the Soul state, we can pretty much take no actions. We are devoid of the body, limbs and the sense organs. When we are having a body, unfortunately we don't much think about it. That is why it is said,"When we lose something, we realize it's value."
The very best way we can use the blessings of the Earth realm is when we are able to take our own innate idea, set intentions and bring it into the reality of the material realm. Think how much joyful Bill Gates would have felt when his concept/idea called Microsoft came into the physical reality and started becoming a profitable business. The best way to use our innate ability is to create our own original thought process into something solid in the material realm.
The technique is to be like a tree. Very light in our thoughts so that we can grow our branches to the higher realms of creativity and inspiration. But roots going deep within the ground, so that our life is grounded and thriving in the material realm as well. A tree as tall and solid as an Oak. Instead as humans, either we are always trying to run away from our reality into our thoughts or mind. Or we are so bogged down by our Earth circumstances, we find no respite from the deep energy of the Earth.
Both are not good. Instead we should use our inspiration/ creativity to make solid changes in our own life circumstances. For that we should use every tool available to us- whether our mind, intelligence, intellect, internet, phone, computer or the technology. This doesn't mean every one should be an entrepreneur or self-employed. Bring that tree concept into your life. Then, even as a plumber, in your eye, the plumbing becomes your art. You would become the best plumber in town. Same way an IT professional who brings this concept becomes the best employee in the team, always organized, efficient and giving the best presentations.
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The mind where thoughts arise as bubbles! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
But we as humans switch between our mind and our reality, either this way or that way. Instead both mind as well as the physical reality should come through us. We become the vessel for the inspiration from higher realms to flow through us to make a solid presence in this world with our life. Our way! Our uniqueness. Until now, we discussed our conscious mind, subconscious mind, Soul and Soul family. All of them are available to help and guidance us. But we must develop our mind to access the guidance, we are being given. That is the work we have to do.
Co-creation: We have discussed co-creation before. It is when we are able to access the guidance from higher realms through our intuition using a calm, deep mind, we come to the concept called Co-creation. We are creating our life and life circumstances with our thoughts and intentions using the guidance provided through the intuition. In Malayalam, there is a proverb, "Than pathi, daivam pathi". Meaning- "I do half the work, the divine does the other half". In this the thoughts, guidance is the divine part. The actions and manifestations are ours alone-the human part.
But as humans we try the other way around. We wish/ desire for something. Then, we pray to the God to make it happen. Nothing happens. We sit, pray, and pray. The Divine would send us an idea/ intuition. We think about it for some time, realize it needs action from our part, above fear, out of our comfort zone. Our logical mind lets us know, "That is impossible. You are just a human. Don't try to have huge aspirations. Be here on Earth, small and insignificant". We think, yes true and we leave the idea. Then we restart our prayer.
Praying is extremely positive energy. Very good. It opens our mind to ideas/ aspirations/ desires. But it becomes our duty as a human to take actions. It is not correct, to sit, pray and ask God to take actions. Due to this fact, nothing happens in our life. Then around eighty years, we look back at our life and wish, "We should have done this. We should have done that". Instead we should keep our mind calm, access our intuition and use those original ideas to create the life we want within our own life. Then our Dharma starts to take shape and manifests in our life.
Humans have got it all wrong, upside down. I was also wrong until 2017. I have prayed my heart out to Divine, to bring a great career to me in my Biotech days. Of course, I also put every effort my logical mind brought out. My heart and intuition were not in the picture. My logical mind was a messy mush of conflicting ideas and thoughts. When you have such a mind, how can you access your intuition? You cannot. You have to calm down your mind first.
So, we are supposed to take the original ideas and thoughts and create our life. This is the true concept of "Aham Brahma Asmi". Meaning- I am the creator! Keeping this power within us, we pray to the Divine to help us. We are already provided with the help- us, the human with the body, limbs, senses, mind, brain, intelligence, intuition and a whole gang of spiritual family to go with it. Above this we also have the physical Soul family who stand by us, supporting, cheering and encouraging us. What more help do we need? That is why the Divine is putting up it's hands in frustration- "I am tired of the human"!
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The ceiling of Sistine chapel, painting by Michaelangelo! (A master of creativity!) Image credits - By Aaron Logan, CC BY 2.5 (Wikimedia Commons, rotated for clarity) |
When I realized this in 2017, I laughed and cried at the same time. Laughed at my stupidity and cried at the amount of mind power and time I wasted, praying and trying to get help from others through an employment. You, the being is your greatest help. First help yourself. Then try to help a few Souls to help themselves. This is the inner power, spiritual power, we as humans have been provided and has a right to.
So, our Dharma is to co-create. We have every tool already with us. The only thing that has not been provided is the 'awareness', how to use it. That we have to develop and for that we have to pray for the grace. This is the main nodal point in Vedic astrology. It revolves around the mind. The whole chart becomes active through the mind, once the awareness develops. But many times is pure grace whether the querent develops awareness or not. That grace we acquire through our Karmas- cause and effect. The Vedic sages used to pray Gayatri mantra- the mantra towards Savitr- The brilliant Sun of enlightenment to bring awareness. In Hinduism it is kept as a mantra above all the other mantras. Now, from this space, think how important, awareness of the mind is.
Awareness: So, this is the fourth level of spiritual power. Awareness of the mind. Even if the human has the brightest/ biggest talent, if they have no awareness about themselves, their life and their talents, they spend their time worrying about something else. Another thing that interferes is the mind itself. The mind can overthink and make a forest out of the thoughts. The same mind gets stuck in the forest. Here I want to point towards another concept.
In Hindu mythology, the demon Swayambharu who was cut to become Rahu and Kethu, went and sat between Sun (Surya) and Moon (Chandra). Let us analyze this metaphorically. In Vedic astrology, Sun is the Atman- our Soul. Moon is the Manas - the mind. As we have already discussed in many posts the mind is needed to access the Soul. Here the demon, Swayambharu, went and sat between the Sun and Moon. The connection between the Soul and mind gets lost. As the mind is very fickle, it gets influenced by Swayambharu.
Swayambharu became two Rahu and Kethu. A mind influenced by Rahu overthinks and make a rabbit hole of thoughts for itself. Rahu rules technology, electricity, and the magic of the material realm-the glitz and glam. A mind affected by Rahu gets eclipsed and fall into this magical world of technology, electronic gadgets, tech toys, information and more. See the Rahu influence of these times. Now Kethu is the fear, and everything connected to fear. Here I am discussing the lower vibrations. In higher vibrations, things are very different.
Now, let us take the example of Covid-19. It is a fantastic example of Rahu/Kethu and the mind. It works to a tee. We go on the internet/ TV/news. Get the information of the virus, how it is spreading and all the analytical data- the Rahu side. We become fearful, afraid and terrified. How are we going to overcome this? Will we have our job, soon? Would we get the disease? Are our family members safe? Would I be able to find my footing in this scenario? The mind is stressed out. One side is Rahu- the information and the other side is Kethu- the fear. The poor mind in between.
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Mohini distributing Amrutha (celestial nectar) to the Devas and Asuras! Image credits - Sagar_mathan.jpg: unknownderivative work: Redtigerxyz / Public domain |
Here, due to this push and pull, the bridge between Soul (Sun) and Mind (Moon) is either lost or never made. When the mind is totally stressed out, where is the chance of a calm mind? This is where the grace of Vishnu, the divine is needed. In the story, Vishnu came in the form of the sensual seductress Mohini and cut the head of Swayambharu and threw them away as Rahu and Kethu to two sides, never to meet again. So, in the Rasi chart, Rahu and Kethu are placed on the opposite sides of the chart, 180 degrees apart.
So, to come out of the grip of Rahu/Kethu, the grace of Vishnu via awareness is needed. Only when the mind is free and able to connect deeply with the Sun, Soul, the life of the person starts to bloom and blossom. As long as the mind, both logical as well as the emotional mind is not in the grip of the person with awareness, the same mind would lead the person thorough the rabbit hole of unending thoughts or fear. Above intelligence, an awareful mind is a must. Otherwise even with the brightest of the minds, the person may lead a mediocre or every day existence. Except for the mentally challenged, every other person can develop awareness with their effort and create the highest potential and the very best version of themselves. Only the divine grace is needed.
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Savitr -A brilliant form of Surya (The Sun-depicted here)! Image credits -bazaar arts / Public domain |
Om! bhūr bhuvaḥ suvah
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt ||
– Rigveda 3.62.10
Meaning: Invocation of the Brahman (Om) in the realms of physical world (Bhu), mental realm (Bhuvar) and heaven or spiritual realm (Suvah). I meditate on that brilliant Sun called Savitr, or in other words the Universal intelligence, to illumine my dhi (intellect) to be inspired or enlightened.
In other words, a mantra to the Divine to bestow the grace of awareness. Wishing this majestic gift of the Divine, another aspect of the spiritual power on all of us, so that each one of us is able to bring in the highest potential of life for ourselves!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 5!
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay
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