Kuja (Mars) - The army chief! - Part2
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a good week where you captured your authentic Self by being a leader to your family, friends and the greater community. Last week we discussed how the Graha (astrological planetary energy of Mars) Kuja embodies the energy of the God Karthikeya and how capturing his true energy brings leadership, strategy, vision, and valor to our life. We also discussed a bit of mythology associated with Karthikeya. Today let us look at Kuja through the lens of astrology. What does he teach us through astrology?
According to what I presume, every single thing whether it is Philosophy, Mythology, Astrology or even our earthly existence, all lead us towards the fact that we are here to learn about ourselves through experiences, research, knowledge and deep reflection. But many times we get caught in our experiences and are not able to come out of it to capture the true lesson that particular experience is trying to teach us. Once we can get out of that emotional mess and look at the situation as a neutral observer, the lessons underlying the experience come to light. For example, if each one of us reading this post, look into our life where there has been an experience that had a heavy toll on us, look at that particular experience as a neutral observer, analyze it keeping away from the emotions. Look at it with a critical eye and reflect on it and after some reflection, leave it, give it some time. The lessons start to bubble up slowly from the depth of our own soul or subconscious. And this aspect of lessons is the real truth behind each and every experience.
The above particular paragraph was to make the point that even in Astrology, the planets give us clues to lead our life according to our Dharma, but it is up to us to take action. Without the action, a particular thought or an idea just stays as that-a thought or an idea. And who is the Graha that helps us to take the action needed? Kuja! So without Kuja in the picture absolutely no action is possible. Wherever Kuja sits in our horoscope, he helps us to take action through that house.
Qualities: Kuja as a planetary energy signifies action, passion, drive, ambition, leadership, courage, valor, bravery, willpower and strength in its positive form. He helps us to take a thought or an idea and using our manual work, whether it be using a computer, plain hands, machinery or robots, brings that thought or idea into physical existence with our sheer passion or ambition. So the thought or idea is a kind of energy form, which has energy embedded in it as a potential and once we take the idea and do something with it that potential gets turned into material energy in the form of a structure, organization or a company.
Now the same Kuja can also manifest in its lower vibrations. Then it becomes anger, abuse, violence, terrorism, fundamentalism, chaos, anarchy, dictatorship or lawlessness. Think of a leader. When he/she puts the people who are under him/her front and center he becomes a leader. But the same leader when he puts just himself/herself and his/her cronies first and uses an iron hand (Iron also is signified by Kuja! ;-)) to rule, that becomes a dictator. It is the same exact energy, one manifests in its higher vibration and the other in the lower form. Is Kuja as such bad energy due to all the lower manifestations it signifies, like abuse, anger, and violence? No, Kuja is just a neutral energy, it is just a tool, which can be used either way.
So here another important Graha comes into the picture. To take any action what do we need? Of course, the willpower and ambition are given by Kuja, but more than that what do we need? We need to put the mind or in other words our Moon, into action to bring in the good or the bad outcome. Take the example of a gun. It is just an iron tool. It works in somebody's hands according to the intention of whoever is having it. A gun in a trained policeman's hand is a tool to help innocent people to get out of a dire situation or to prevent or control crimes. But the same gun in an insane person, terrorist or a fundamentalist's hands, is a deadly weapon that can rain terror upon people, societies, and countries. So it is not really Kuja who brings the trouble, but the mind of the person who takes the wrong action and the same Moon/mind helps in the rationalization of whatever action one takes, whether good or bad. So it is the wisdom or knowledge we encompass in our mind that truly affects the outcome of the energy of Kuja. Another point, the gun is made of iron, Kuja and it emits fire and sparks, again Kuja! So that is the raw power of Kuja, signified to a tee.
(I was planning to use the example of a machete but thought that speaking about guns and putting that issue front and center is needed in these times. And those who are dilly-dallying around the issue of gun control whether in the USA or in another country is basically taking the right of a person to live and do their Dharma according to the sacred contract that person has with the divine. Those who support people getting killed, whether intentionally or un-intentionally is very much against the wisdom of the divine. According to the spiritual laws, one does not have the permission to take one's own life, which is a divine gift, then how is it okay to take another person's life??? No, that is against the divine. Period! And any type of justification to do that doesn't fly with the divine. Man's law can change, but spiritual laws are as solid as an ultra-high-carbon steel block. It doesn't give us any playing space when tampering with another person's Dharma! So deal carefully!)
Kuja, his manifestations: Many times in Astrology, Kuja gets a bad rap as a malefic planet. Is it really true? Let us take a scenario wherein a particular horoscope Kuja is very weakly placed. So in this particular horoscope, Kuja let us say, is placed in a debilitated position or is somehow weakened, then what will happen? That particular person will have low willpower, ambition or passion to make a change in his life. Consider this person is a young adult. His/Her Kuja is so much weakened he/she is a coward and is not able to take bold decisions and stand up and perform the decisions he/she took for himself/herself. So if there is a very bold and daring friend, he/she will attach to them and do exactly what the other person wants. So basically the weak Kuja person becomes the puppet in the hands of his/her friend and the friend's Moon (Mind) becomes the controller for both himself/herself and his/her friend. So is it good to have a weak Kuja, which does not help us to do our Dharma?
Now there can be another scenario as well. Let us say the Kuja is very strong and placed in Mesha (Aries, his own house) and along with him Surya (Sun) also is placed there or conjunct. Surya is considered a paramamitra (the bosom friend) of Kuja and is exalted in Aries, his friend's own house. Think how we will be extremely happy when we visit a close friend at his/her house. So in Aries, Surya is extremely happy and what does Surya represent in a horoscope? Surya is the ego, personality and our outer persona in the world. So here the person will feel extremely happy and because the Surya is placed in Aries and is exalted that ego can turn into arrogance. Now along with Surya, there is Kuja, which is also in a strong placement and this gives our arrogant egoistic person too much courage and bravery to do whatever he/she sets their mind to.
Let us throw another angle into this picture. Say this particular person's moon is not well placed. Then the real trouble happens. If the mind is weak, due to his/her arrogance and bravery he/she can do a lot of damage to themselves and their greater society. Think of all the brainwashing happening in this world due to the dictator/autocrat's propaganda. But say the person has a very strong Moon placed in Rishaba (Taurus); here Taurus is the exaltation sign for the Moon. Moon is also the significator of the mother in Astrology and same way Taurus is considered a nourishing sign for family, friends, and kids. So now what happens? Using the confidence (ego of Surya becomes confidence) Surya gives and the bravery, courage, and vision Kuja provides the person who has Kuja+Surya placed in Aries will become a mother like person for his/her family, society, and even country. Another thing to keep in mind, Aries is the sign of leadership as well. So using the leadership, confidence, courage, vision, and strategy this particular person will do good to the society, may be setting up orphanages, schools or hospitals, even veterinary hospitals or places where people or animals are cared for. So it is not really Kuja that creates havoc in a horoscope, more than that it is the placement of our Moon/mind/intention. Of course, a weak Moon and a strong Mars in a weak/debilitated position is a deadly combination of war, abuse, violence, and tyranny.
Mars-Houses: Mars rules two houses in Astrology. As mentioned before, Aries as well as Scorpio. Both these signs as different as day and night. Let us analyze each one.
Aries (Mesha): It is the first sign of the natural or Kalapurusha kundali or horoscope. The symbol of Aries is the male goat or a Ram with horns. As a Ram which goes and rams into things, this sign also tries to go and rams at obstacles, people or blocks that come against them. Their technique is to ram into that obstacle so much that the obstacle crashes into pieces. But mind you, if the obstacle is humongous, the Ram also obliterates into pieces. Aries is considered a cardinal sign or a sign which very much likes to take initiative. They are good at taking initiative, but the consistent effort needed to maintain or bring a project to completion, that other signs need to take care. By this time our Aries person would have moved to the next project or goal. As a Ram is usually seen in marketplaces and in farmlands or near social dwellings, an Aries person likes to hang out with friends, office people, and business localities. As this Mars is fiery, it can also represent police force, firefighters, military, guns and weapons used in war.
A person who has a strong Aries house likes to be first in everything, whether a competition, life or even in their career. This is because they are the first house in the natural or Kalapurusha chart and they embody the power of one or first. They like the adrenaline of the hunt of being first and the competitive edge gives them the thrill to out-compete another person and to win. They take their whole life as a competition and can even try to compete with their family members. If the family member is a Virgo or Capricorn who gives much importance to responsibility, then there sure is going to be a fight, as Virgo and Capricorn only compete with themselves and their opponent is always their previous Self. They are not interested in competing with anybody else.
Now Aries is the fire sign of Mars. It shows the pure fire of passion, drive, and ambition. The ambition and drive are so high, they try to bulldoze everything that comes in their way like a Ram. If the ascendant or lagna comes in Aries, they consider the world their arena of competition. They have leadership skills as well, but the pure Mars energy puts them front and center above everyone else. But if there are other energies that soften this, then we find a great leader who puts his/her whole energy to bring up the goal of the team, organization or the company. But the Kalapurusha horoscope starts with Aries and so the energy is very young and they have not matured at the soul level. This on close observation of the person can be viewed as the energy of a teenager who is just at the threshold of adulthood who is excited to be an adult to have all the freedom of the world and don't really care about the responsibility that comes with the adulthood. Due to this teenager status of the soul, they appear to be young in mind even in their old age (;-)). But if there are good placements to make them more grounded we get a leader who has abundant energy, vision, ambition, and strategy to note the facts, take initiative, start a project and later pass over the project to another person to tackle the next project. This is the fiery side of Mars.
Scorpio (Vrischika): Next to the watery side of Mars. Scorpio is the other sign ruled by Mars. This sign is extremely different from Aries, so much so that one will not be able to realize both signs are ruled by the same Kuja. Scorpio is signified by Scorpion as the name suggests. Where are the scorpions seen? Underneath rocks, in cool places and in the dark corners of a shed or an old house. Scorpions rarely come in the sunlight. These aspects can signify the secretive nature of Scorpio. They may not easily give away their opinion about somebody or some secret or hidden things that they come to know about. That remains as a hidden information with them and they many times feel their secret knowledge is power. Will they use that power of knowledge against anybody? In the higher vibrations definitely not, but lower vibrations, maybe. This is actually the powerful venom denoted by the Scorpio sign and sometimes this venom also comes out as pure jealousy for someone who has more achievements than them as well. Due to this secretive nature, the ascendants with Scorpio can be seen working in intelligence agencies, spies and espionage, secret service, and if the Scorpio house is not well placed, then the black market, drug, mafia, illegal dealings, and the underworld.
Another aspect Scorpio is signified by is a calm and waveless lake that is so deep, it is difficult to assess the depth and the bed of the lake. Someone who looks at the lake will be fooled by not knowing its depth. The Scorpio waters run very deep and the same way a Scorpio person has emotions so deep, only another Scorpio will be able to understand them fully. Remember the passion, the Mars energy possess? The Scorpio person shows that passions in their emotions due to the water element nature and a non-Scorpio person can get frightened by the intensity of their emotions. Due to this emotional secretive nature of Scorpio, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychoanalyst, and healers can be seen in Scorpio. Healers are also included as their emotions run so deep, they are able to understand almost every other sign emotionally and are able to help them.
Another point, in the Kalapurusha horoscope, Scorpio comes as the eighth house. Eighth house signifies the hidden sciences like Astrology, Philosophy, Metaphysics and occult sciences. So using the emotional, secret and occult knowledge the Scorpio person can become an astrologer, spiritual teacher or a tantrik (someone who uses magical rituals). Also as the eighth house is considered a Moksha sthaana (house of salvation), we can also see spirituality and otherworldly subjects running high here. A person with a higher vibration of the Scorpio energy uses their occult astrological and healing capacities for the betterment of the world, while the lower energy folks use it for their own selfish reasons.
So does the ambition/passion/leadership aspects comes into picture here? Of course! The Scorpio people use their leadership as well as their emotional intelligence, due to the deep running emotions to totally understand their competitors or teammates and take the best decision to get the best possible outcome. So compared to an Aries person, a Scorpio person is someone whom we need to keep as our friend as they are better as friends than enemies. They pour all their emotions as solid loyalty to a friend and will definitely use all that same emotions to make sure they come out on top of their competitors. Also, Scorpio is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac. So better as a friend than a competitor.
There are also many other points like natal houses Mars rules, exaltation, debilitation, retrograde, aspects, angles and trines between houses, house lords and much more that cannot be explained in a single blog post. Hope this post shows Mars from an astrological perspective and without the Mars energy, we will not have the drive, ambition or passion to make a reality, what we want for our life.We will be too docile to have a go-getter attitude and will be lethargic without the delightful and youthful energy of Mars. Let us finish with a sloka to Mars.
Dharani garbha sambhootham
Vidyut kanthi samaprabham
Kumaram sakthi hastam tham
Mangalam pranamamyaham.
Meaning: Someone who took birth out of the womb of the earth, someone who has the splendor of electricity, someone who has courage as his hands, to that youthful person (Kumara is also another name for Karthikeya as he embodies the energy of Mars and is always considered youthful), who is also auspicious incarnate (Mangalam), I give my bows.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Kuja dosha (Mangalik)-Who is the real victim?
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
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©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
Namaste! Hope all of you had a good week where you captured your authentic Self by being a leader to your family, friends and the greater community. Last week we discussed how the Graha (astrological planetary energy of Mars) Kuja embodies the energy of the God Karthikeya and how capturing his true energy brings leadership, strategy, vision, and valor to our life. We also discussed a bit of mythology associated with Karthikeya. Today let us look at Kuja through the lens of astrology. What does he teach us through astrology?
According to what I presume, every single thing whether it is Philosophy, Mythology, Astrology or even our earthly existence, all lead us towards the fact that we are here to learn about ourselves through experiences, research, knowledge and deep reflection. But many times we get caught in our experiences and are not able to come out of it to capture the true lesson that particular experience is trying to teach us. Once we can get out of that emotional mess and look at the situation as a neutral observer, the lessons underlying the experience come to light. For example, if each one of us reading this post, look into our life where there has been an experience that had a heavy toll on us, look at that particular experience as a neutral observer, analyze it keeping away from the emotions. Look at it with a critical eye and reflect on it and after some reflection, leave it, give it some time. The lessons start to bubble up slowly from the depth of our own soul or subconscious. And this aspect of lessons is the real truth behind each and every experience.
The above particular paragraph was to make the point that even in Astrology, the planets give us clues to lead our life according to our Dharma, but it is up to us to take action. Without the action, a particular thought or an idea just stays as that-a thought or an idea. And who is the Graha that helps us to take the action needed? Kuja! So without Kuja in the picture absolutely no action is possible. Wherever Kuja sits in our horoscope, he helps us to take action through that house.
Qualities: Kuja as a planetary energy signifies action, passion, drive, ambition, leadership, courage, valor, bravery, willpower and strength in its positive form. He helps us to take a thought or an idea and using our manual work, whether it be using a computer, plain hands, machinery or robots, brings that thought or idea into physical existence with our sheer passion or ambition. So the thought or idea is a kind of energy form, which has energy embedded in it as a potential and once we take the idea and do something with it that potential gets turned into material energy in the form of a structure, organization or a company.
Now the same Kuja can also manifest in its lower vibrations. Then it becomes anger, abuse, violence, terrorism, fundamentalism, chaos, anarchy, dictatorship or lawlessness. Think of a leader. When he/she puts the people who are under him/her front and center he becomes a leader. But the same leader when he puts just himself/herself and his/her cronies first and uses an iron hand (Iron also is signified by Kuja! ;-)) to rule, that becomes a dictator. It is the same exact energy, one manifests in its higher vibration and the other in the lower form. Is Kuja as such bad energy due to all the lower manifestations it signifies, like abuse, anger, and violence? No, Kuja is just a neutral energy, it is just a tool, which can be used either way.
So here another important Graha comes into the picture. To take any action what do we need? Of course, the willpower and ambition are given by Kuja, but more than that what do we need? We need to put the mind or in other words our Moon, into action to bring in the good or the bad outcome. Take the example of a gun. It is just an iron tool. It works in somebody's hands according to the intention of whoever is having it. A gun in a trained policeman's hand is a tool to help innocent people to get out of a dire situation or to prevent or control crimes. But the same gun in an insane person, terrorist or a fundamentalist's hands, is a deadly weapon that can rain terror upon people, societies, and countries. So it is not really Kuja who brings the trouble, but the mind of the person who takes the wrong action and the same Moon/mind helps in the rationalization of whatever action one takes, whether good or bad. So it is the wisdom or knowledge we encompass in our mind that truly affects the outcome of the energy of Kuja. Another point, the gun is made of iron, Kuja and it emits fire and sparks, again Kuja! So that is the raw power of Kuja, signified to a tee.
(I was planning to use the example of a machete but thought that speaking about guns and putting that issue front and center is needed in these times. And those who are dilly-dallying around the issue of gun control whether in the USA or in another country is basically taking the right of a person to live and do their Dharma according to the sacred contract that person has with the divine. Those who support people getting killed, whether intentionally or un-intentionally is very much against the wisdom of the divine. According to the spiritual laws, one does not have the permission to take one's own life, which is a divine gift, then how is it okay to take another person's life??? No, that is against the divine. Period! And any type of justification to do that doesn't fly with the divine. Man's law can change, but spiritual laws are as solid as an ultra-high-carbon steel block. It doesn't give us any playing space when tampering with another person's Dharma! So deal carefully!)
Kuja, his manifestations: Many times in Astrology, Kuja gets a bad rap as a malefic planet. Is it really true? Let us take a scenario wherein a particular horoscope Kuja is very weakly placed. So in this particular horoscope, Kuja let us say, is placed in a debilitated position or is somehow weakened, then what will happen? That particular person will have low willpower, ambition or passion to make a change in his life. Consider this person is a young adult. His/Her Kuja is so much weakened he/she is a coward and is not able to take bold decisions and stand up and perform the decisions he/she took for himself/herself. So if there is a very bold and daring friend, he/she will attach to them and do exactly what the other person wants. So basically the weak Kuja person becomes the puppet in the hands of his/her friend and the friend's Moon (Mind) becomes the controller for both himself/herself and his/her friend. So is it good to have a weak Kuja, which does not help us to do our Dharma?
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Kuja, Mangala or Mars See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Now there can be another scenario as well. Let us say the Kuja is very strong and placed in Mesha (Aries, his own house) and along with him Surya (Sun) also is placed there or conjunct. Surya is considered a paramamitra (the bosom friend) of Kuja and is exalted in Aries, his friend's own house. Think how we will be extremely happy when we visit a close friend at his/her house. So in Aries, Surya is extremely happy and what does Surya represent in a horoscope? Surya is the ego, personality and our outer persona in the world. So here the person will feel extremely happy and because the Surya is placed in Aries and is exalted that ego can turn into arrogance. Now along with Surya, there is Kuja, which is also in a strong placement and this gives our arrogant egoistic person too much courage and bravery to do whatever he/she sets their mind to.
Let us throw another angle into this picture. Say this particular person's moon is not well placed. Then the real trouble happens. If the mind is weak, due to his/her arrogance and bravery he/she can do a lot of damage to themselves and their greater society. Think of all the brainwashing happening in this world due to the dictator/autocrat's propaganda. But say the person has a very strong Moon placed in Rishaba (Taurus); here Taurus is the exaltation sign for the Moon. Moon is also the significator of the mother in Astrology and same way Taurus is considered a nourishing sign for family, friends, and kids. So now what happens? Using the confidence (ego of Surya becomes confidence) Surya gives and the bravery, courage, and vision Kuja provides the person who has Kuja+Surya placed in Aries will become a mother like person for his/her family, society, and even country. Another thing to keep in mind, Aries is the sign of leadership as well. So using the leadership, confidence, courage, vision, and strategy this particular person will do good to the society, may be setting up orphanages, schools or hospitals, even veterinary hospitals or places where people or animals are cared for. So it is not really Kuja that creates havoc in a horoscope, more than that it is the placement of our Moon/mind/intention. Of course, a weak Moon and a strong Mars in a weak/debilitated position is a deadly combination of war, abuse, violence, and tyranny.
Mars-Houses: Mars rules two houses in Astrology. As mentioned before, Aries as well as Scorpio. Both these signs as different as day and night. Let us analyze each one.
Aries (Mesha): It is the first sign of the natural or Kalapurusha kundali or horoscope. The symbol of Aries is the male goat or a Ram with horns. As a Ram which goes and rams into things, this sign also tries to go and rams at obstacles, people or blocks that come against them. Their technique is to ram into that obstacle so much that the obstacle crashes into pieces. But mind you, if the obstacle is humongous, the Ram also obliterates into pieces. Aries is considered a cardinal sign or a sign which very much likes to take initiative. They are good at taking initiative, but the consistent effort needed to maintain or bring a project to completion, that other signs need to take care. By this time our Aries person would have moved to the next project or goal. As a Ram is usually seen in marketplaces and in farmlands or near social dwellings, an Aries person likes to hang out with friends, office people, and business localities. As this Mars is fiery, it can also represent police force, firefighters, military, guns and weapons used in war.
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Aries, The Ram Unknown author (Unknown) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
A person who has a strong Aries house likes to be first in everything, whether a competition, life or even in their career. This is because they are the first house in the natural or Kalapurusha chart and they embody the power of one or first. They like the adrenaline of the hunt of being first and the competitive edge gives them the thrill to out-compete another person and to win. They take their whole life as a competition and can even try to compete with their family members. If the family member is a Virgo or Capricorn who gives much importance to responsibility, then there sure is going to be a fight, as Virgo and Capricorn only compete with themselves and their opponent is always their previous Self. They are not interested in competing with anybody else.
Now Aries is the fire sign of Mars. It shows the pure fire of passion, drive, and ambition. The ambition and drive are so high, they try to bulldoze everything that comes in their way like a Ram. If the ascendant or lagna comes in Aries, they consider the world their arena of competition. They have leadership skills as well, but the pure Mars energy puts them front and center above everyone else. But if there are other energies that soften this, then we find a great leader who puts his/her whole energy to bring up the goal of the team, organization or the company. But the Kalapurusha horoscope starts with Aries and so the energy is very young and they have not matured at the soul level. This on close observation of the person can be viewed as the energy of a teenager who is just at the threshold of adulthood who is excited to be an adult to have all the freedom of the world and don't really care about the responsibility that comes with the adulthood. Due to this teenager status of the soul, they appear to be young in mind even in their old age (;-)). But if there are good placements to make them more grounded we get a leader who has abundant energy, vision, ambition, and strategy to note the facts, take initiative, start a project and later pass over the project to another person to tackle the next project. This is the fiery side of Mars.
Scorpio (Vrischika): Next to the watery side of Mars. Scorpio is the other sign ruled by Mars. This sign is extremely different from Aries, so much so that one will not be able to realize both signs are ruled by the same Kuja. Scorpio is signified by Scorpion as the name suggests. Where are the scorpions seen? Underneath rocks, in cool places and in the dark corners of a shed or an old house. Scorpions rarely come in the sunlight. These aspects can signify the secretive nature of Scorpio. They may not easily give away their opinion about somebody or some secret or hidden things that they come to know about. That remains as a hidden information with them and they many times feel their secret knowledge is power. Will they use that power of knowledge against anybody? In the higher vibrations definitely not, but lower vibrations, maybe. This is actually the powerful venom denoted by the Scorpio sign and sometimes this venom also comes out as pure jealousy for someone who has more achievements than them as well. Due to this secretive nature, the ascendants with Scorpio can be seen working in intelligence agencies, spies and espionage, secret service, and if the Scorpio house is not well placed, then the black market, drug, mafia, illegal dealings, and the underworld.
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Scorpio, The Scorpion Unknown author (Unknown) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Another aspect Scorpio is signified by is a calm and waveless lake that is so deep, it is difficult to assess the depth and the bed of the lake. Someone who looks at the lake will be fooled by not knowing its depth. The Scorpio waters run very deep and the same way a Scorpio person has emotions so deep, only another Scorpio will be able to understand them fully. Remember the passion, the Mars energy possess? The Scorpio person shows that passions in their emotions due to the water element nature and a non-Scorpio person can get frightened by the intensity of their emotions. Due to this emotional secretive nature of Scorpio, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychoanalyst, and healers can be seen in Scorpio. Healers are also included as their emotions run so deep, they are able to understand almost every other sign emotionally and are able to help them.
Another point, in the Kalapurusha horoscope, Scorpio comes as the eighth house. Eighth house signifies the hidden sciences like Astrology, Philosophy, Metaphysics and occult sciences. So using the emotional, secret and occult knowledge the Scorpio person can become an astrologer, spiritual teacher or a tantrik (someone who uses magical rituals). Also as the eighth house is considered a Moksha sthaana (house of salvation), we can also see spirituality and otherworldly subjects running high here. A person with a higher vibration of the Scorpio energy uses their occult astrological and healing capacities for the betterment of the world, while the lower energy folks use it for their own selfish reasons.
So does the ambition/passion/leadership aspects comes into picture here? Of course! The Scorpio people use their leadership as well as their emotional intelligence, due to the deep running emotions to totally understand their competitors or teammates and take the best decision to get the best possible outcome. So compared to an Aries person, a Scorpio person is someone whom we need to keep as our friend as they are better as friends than enemies. They pour all their emotions as solid loyalty to a friend and will definitely use all that same emotions to make sure they come out on top of their competitors. Also, Scorpio is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac. So better as a friend than a competitor.
There are also many other points like natal houses Mars rules, exaltation, debilitation, retrograde, aspects, angles and trines between houses, house lords and much more that cannot be explained in a single blog post. Hope this post shows Mars from an astrological perspective and without the Mars energy, we will not have the drive, ambition or passion to make a reality, what we want for our life.We will be too docile to have a go-getter attitude and will be lethargic without the delightful and youthful energy of Mars. Let us finish with a sloka to Mars.
Dharani garbha sambhootham
Vidyut kanthi samaprabham
Kumaram sakthi hastam tham
Mangalam pranamamyaham.
Meaning: Someone who took birth out of the womb of the earth, someone who has the splendor of electricity, someone who has courage as his hands, to that youthful person (Kumara is also another name for Karthikeya as he embodies the energy of Mars and is always considered youthful), who is also auspicious incarnate (Mangalam), I give my bows.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Kuja dosha (Mangalik)-Who is the real victim?
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
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©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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