Karma - The cause and effect!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to bring in exactly what you wished for your life. Last week we discussed the lonely being who is not in touch with their own emotions and who by virtue of it is not able to connect with others as well. Literally and totally alone! Hope all are able to make a beautiful life for themselves in this physical world.
Today, let us concentrate on another concept called, 'Karma'. It has become trendy or 'cool' to use the word Karma and to put all the blame of whatever happens in our own life on Karma."Things are out of my hand. I cannot do anything about it. It is my Karma from my past life, previous times, which I cannot change at all. Totally sad, But what to do. That is how things are." Even if we haven't said it loudly we would have at least thought like that some time or other. Have I? Of course. I too am human. This was my thought process some 6-7 years back when nothing worked with my career and Biotechnology. "What to do. My Karma. Maybe, I am supposed to have this vestige of a career".
Terrorism: This is also a segway into what is happening nowadays in this world. Only on Easter Sunday, another terror attack happened in Sri Lanka. The terrorist organizations whoever they are (there are thousands of them) are worried about the afterlife they are going to get once they do the 'brave act or martyrdom' of killing infidels before going into the afterlife. There would be palaces, beauties, gold, silver, wine, overflowing abundance and more there. So, isn't it better to just become a 'great warrior' by killing some large amount of infidels and go into the other side to enjoy that rich abundance waiting for them? What a nice or twisted logic!
Has anyone gone to the other side and come back to let us know, this is how things are-overflowing abundance and amazing amounts of wealth? Or is there a News or communication channel to let us know, and show us, this is how it is. What if it is nothing as it has been portrayed? What if the result waiting for us is totally determined on the actions we have taken according to the chance we have been given in this physical life? So, in such a case, things could be very wrong once we go to the other side, isn't it, if our actions have been to bring upon great evil on other people? This applies to anyone born in any religion, any political belief, caste, creed or class. Where the spiritual laws are concerned there is no difference according to the cultural and theological divisions. Only the intentions and actions of the soul or heart are taken into account.
Also once out of this physical life, the body is destroyed. In the case of terrorist attacks, the body of the terrorist himself/herself is destroyed to 1000 tiny pieces. Once even if the Soul wants to come back, there is no body. They are deemed to spend eternal time until they get another chance at physical life. Also, the Universe is regulated by higher spiritual and Universal laws. Even if a Soul who was a terrorist in the physical life wishes to have another physical body they may not get it as soon as they wish. So, in such a case isn't a human who went towards terror, taking mere stupid actions on the basis of some leader or propagandist who has an underlying agenda?
If they are supposed to fully listen to a leader or a propagandist, why that human himself/herself is given their own mind and brain? I have posted this question before. Isn't it enough to give thinking and rational mind to the leaders? Why is a mind and brain given to every single human being? (Of course, this question is not for the mentally challenged. They have other lessons to learn with their life). By virtue of having their own mind and brain, isn't it clear as crystal that their mind and brain also have the power to think, contemplate and critically analyze?
As I understand: Now, this is as I have understood from my own thought process, intuition and contemplation. Anyone can challenge or debate with me. But this what I feel. The Universe or the blessings of the Universe comes only when 'a Soul through their focused intentions take actions towards the greatest good of themselves and others'. The 'others' part is as important as the 'themselves' part as well. One cannot ignore the 'others' part. Now, let us comeback to the terrorist acts.
Here the so-called 'terrorist' is thinking for the good of themselves and their group. Great! But they are going and killing innocent Souls who had no idea or intention to go out of their physical life. Yes, the terrorist may be thinking it is 'great' I am working for the good of the others. But that is not the whole truth. They are working against the good of hundreds of others who became scapegoats in an evil plot. So, here the evil of the deed/action outweighs the good they have in their thoughts they are doing for themselves and for others who they feel are their tribe. That good is indeed negligible compared to the evil.
The second they have decided on an intention to do an evil act, it is not even necessary to take the action, the laws of Karma has been put into actions. This is the same with good and great acts for themselves and others as well. So, now instead of randomly discussing the effect of Karma, first let us look at Karma from a very logical and rational point of view. Anything as a human is better for us to first understand from a logical point of view. Then elaborate it to esoteric, metaphorical or metaphysical point of view.
Karma-what is it? Karma, in very simple terms, is cause and effect. Let us take a few very straightforward examples. If we fall on asphalt or concrete-cause, we are going to break our leg, scratch our skin or wound ourselves-effect. If we jump from the top of a building-cause, we are going to fall to our death-effect. If we concentrate on our studies well-cause, we are going to pass our exams with flying colors-effect. If we annoy a dog-cause, we are going to get bitten-effect. If we are not taking care of our body-cause, our health would deteriorate-effect. If we are not taking care of our mind-cause, our mind would work against us-effect.
So, this is Karma in simplest terms. If we are causing or becoming part of a cause, we also become part of the effect as well. Now, let us elaborate this a little more. If we are not taking charge of our life-cause, somebody would run our life-effect. Now, this particular premise let us elaborate more. Look around in the current world. As I previously mentioned all of us have been given a brilliant mind and brain. But how many are really using it? Eighty percent of us, aren't we just keeping our brain and mind, idle and allowing others to run our life?
Look at all the political, religious and other cultural spectrums. In most of the organizations, it is actually only the people at the top most echelons use their minds. The people who are under them are given instructions to do things, to further ahead the objectives of the organization or act in accordance with the will of the group. If we are always supposed to work according to the group mentality, why are we given individual mind, individual brain, and individual thought process? I am just wondering.
So, in such a case the people who do the atrocious acts, are they really using their mind? Aren't they only seeing the religious or the political or the cultural perspective? But the Karma, cause, and effect are individual. Totally individual. So, would the leaders or the top dogs of the organization come to help the individual, when the Karma comes knocking on the individual's door? No. Unfortunately No!
Cause-effect: Again, according to Karma, if a Soul is part of a cause, they are darn sure to be part of the effect as well. This works at a very individualistic level. At that time no leader is going to save us. Of course, the leader who strategized the whole terror act is going to get more of the effect, as the intention and idea came from their mind. Look how Osama-Bin-Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, or Saddam Hussein were killed. Did they die an honorable death? Now look how Lincoln, Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. were sent off after they died? Look how world looks at both sets. The difference!
Look at all the leaders of the terrorist organizations or even the terror states. Are they able to have a free life? Aren't they always on the run, hiding in safe houses, living underground, running from authorities, fearful for their life, fearing bomb or missile attacks, always apprehensive of whom to trust. The effect of their Karma! They are looking to go to heaven in the afterlife. But already they have made hell for themselves and others in the physical life.
What guarantee is there that they would have heaven after this life? What if the hell continues even in the afterlife according to the actions they took in the physical life? There is absolutely no guarantee. So, then as a Soul isn't it smart for us to take actions that lead to goodness, compassion, and kindness in this life itself, so that we continue having that after death in our afterlife as well. Isn't that the smartest and wisest thing to do?
Now, there can be group Karma. That usually runs in the family. Let us assume a grandfather or a great grandfather did terrible acts towards those they were supposed to take care of, whether of workers, family or other people who were tied to them. It is pretty much sure they would somehow get the effect. That effect can even continue in next generations. But the great-grandson or grandson, don't they have any say in that family cause and effect or Karma drama? Has the divine made such a system where the individual has no say in that matter?
No, definitely they have a say. The individual is given their own mind, thought process, brain, hands, legs, and sense organs to take action. By the very way they take action towards their own life and others, they can even rewrite the Karma of their own as well as that of the family. This is what many times humans completely forget. We as an individual is given great free will. But it is up to us whether to use it or not. Now, what do we as humans do?
We sit crib and cry on the Karma we have been dealt with. Have I done it? Of course, I have. I cried, whined, and frustrated myself to my very core for having a disastrous Biotechnology career. I wallowed in self-pity for around twenty years, with my stagnant, stale career. I wished and hoped someone would fix it for me. I searched through every contact or reference to give me a break. But the one person who could very well fix my career or Karma, I totally never paid attention to. The one and only person, who could really help me-myself!
The Soul-'I': This is the part every one of us forgets. The person who can fix our own Karma or difficulties in our own life is, 'Us, rather, the I'. That is why we have been provided with the individual mind, thought process, brain, emotions, senses, and limbs- to take charge of our own life, destiny, and Karma. In the realm of spirituality, I, the being is totally responsible for what I bring into my life. This is true for every being.
As a being, if we do things that help us and others to have a kind and compassionate life, that is what we find for ourselves. If we try to bring fear, terror, and tragedy, that is what we surround ourselves with. Look at a leader who brings in positivity and at a leader who brings in negativity. Their life, surroundings, and people who they surround with, speaks volumes of the Karma they are accruing. It is not necessary to go to the afterlife in search of heaven. Through our concerted and intentional actions, if we decide, we can even bring that heaven to the Earth. Why wait for an afterlife heaven? Create it now, in this physical life. Heaven on Earth!
But would the Brahman or the Divine ask us to do it? No. The Brahman is very much a progressive advocate of free will and choice, much more progressive than any world leader can boast about. So the divine allows us to take our own decision. What you sow, so shall you reap! If you sow goodness, you would reap goodness! If you sow terror, that is what you would reap, terror! The ultimate beauty of Karma!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Heaven on Earth!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay.com
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for a subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and perspectives shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time.
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa LLC, 2017- Eternity
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to bring in exactly what you wished for your life. Last week we discussed the lonely being who is not in touch with their own emotions and who by virtue of it is not able to connect with others as well. Literally and totally alone! Hope all are able to make a beautiful life for themselves in this physical world.
Today, let us concentrate on another concept called, 'Karma'. It has become trendy or 'cool' to use the word Karma and to put all the blame of whatever happens in our own life on Karma."Things are out of my hand. I cannot do anything about it. It is my Karma from my past life, previous times, which I cannot change at all. Totally sad, But what to do. That is how things are." Even if we haven't said it loudly we would have at least thought like that some time or other. Have I? Of course. I too am human. This was my thought process some 6-7 years back when nothing worked with my career and Biotechnology. "What to do. My Karma. Maybe, I am supposed to have this vestige of a career".
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The knot of Karma that is all enclosed! Image credits - Wikimedia Commons; Christopher J. Fynn [CC BY-SA 4.0] |
Has anyone gone to the other side and come back to let us know, this is how things are-overflowing abundance and amazing amounts of wealth? Or is there a News or communication channel to let us know, and show us, this is how it is. What if it is nothing as it has been portrayed? What if the result waiting for us is totally determined on the actions we have taken according to the chance we have been given in this physical life? So, in such a case, things could be very wrong once we go to the other side, isn't it, if our actions have been to bring upon great evil on other people? This applies to anyone born in any religion, any political belief, caste, creed or class. Where the spiritual laws are concerned there is no difference according to the cultural and theological divisions. Only the intentions and actions of the soul or heart are taken into account.
Also once out of this physical life, the body is destroyed. In the case of terrorist attacks, the body of the terrorist himself/herself is destroyed to 1000 tiny pieces. Once even if the Soul wants to come back, there is no body. They are deemed to spend eternal time until they get another chance at physical life. Also, the Universe is regulated by higher spiritual and Universal laws. Even if a Soul who was a terrorist in the physical life wishes to have another physical body they may not get it as soon as they wish. So, in such a case isn't a human who went towards terror, taking mere stupid actions on the basis of some leader or propagandist who has an underlying agenda?
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Terrorism and annihilation are not the solution! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
If they are supposed to fully listen to a leader or a propagandist, why that human himself/herself is given their own mind and brain? I have posted this question before. Isn't it enough to give thinking and rational mind to the leaders? Why is a mind and brain given to every single human being? (Of course, this question is not for the mentally challenged. They have other lessons to learn with their life). By virtue of having their own mind and brain, isn't it clear as crystal that their mind and brain also have the power to think, contemplate and critically analyze?
As I understand: Now, this is as I have understood from my own thought process, intuition and contemplation. Anyone can challenge or debate with me. But this what I feel. The Universe or the blessings of the Universe comes only when 'a Soul through their focused intentions take actions towards the greatest good of themselves and others'. The 'others' part is as important as the 'themselves' part as well. One cannot ignore the 'others' part. Now, let us comeback to the terrorist acts.
Here the so-called 'terrorist' is thinking for the good of themselves and their group. Great! But they are going and killing innocent Souls who had no idea or intention to go out of their physical life. Yes, the terrorist may be thinking it is 'great' I am working for the good of the others. But that is not the whole truth. They are working against the good of hundreds of others who became scapegoats in an evil plot. So, here the evil of the deed/action outweighs the good they have in their thoughts they are doing for themselves and for others who they feel are their tribe. That good is indeed negligible compared to the evil.
The second they have decided on an intention to do an evil act, it is not even necessary to take the action, the laws of Karma has been put into actions. This is the same with good and great acts for themselves and others as well. So, now instead of randomly discussing the effect of Karma, first let us look at Karma from a very logical and rational point of view. Anything as a human is better for us to first understand from a logical point of view. Then elaborate it to esoteric, metaphorical or metaphysical point of view.
Karma-what is it? Karma, in very simple terms, is cause and effect. Let us take a few very straightforward examples. If we fall on asphalt or concrete-cause, we are going to break our leg, scratch our skin or wound ourselves-effect. If we jump from the top of a building-cause, we are going to fall to our death-effect. If we concentrate on our studies well-cause, we are going to pass our exams with flying colors-effect. If we annoy a dog-cause, we are going to get bitten-effect. If we are not taking care of our body-cause, our health would deteriorate-effect. If we are not taking care of our mind-cause, our mind would work against us-effect.
So, this is Karma in simplest terms. If we are causing or becoming part of a cause, we also become part of the effect as well. Now, let us elaborate this a little more. If we are not taking charge of our life-cause, somebody would run our life-effect. Now, this particular premise let us elaborate more. Look around in the current world. As I previously mentioned all of us have been given a brilliant mind and brain. But how many are really using it? Eighty percent of us, aren't we just keeping our brain and mind, idle and allowing others to run our life?
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If we are part of the cause, we would be part of the effect as well-Karma! Image credits - CC-by-SA-2.5, Wikimedia Commons |
So, in such a case the people who do the atrocious acts, are they really using their mind? Aren't they only seeing the religious or the political or the cultural perspective? But the Karma, cause, and effect are individual. Totally individual. So, would the leaders or the top dogs of the organization come to help the individual, when the Karma comes knocking on the individual's door? No. Unfortunately No!
Cause-effect: Again, according to Karma, if a Soul is part of a cause, they are darn sure to be part of the effect as well. This works at a very individualistic level. At that time no leader is going to save us. Of course, the leader who strategized the whole terror act is going to get more of the effect, as the intention and idea came from their mind. Look how Osama-Bin-Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, or Saddam Hussein were killed. Did they die an honorable death? Now look how Lincoln, Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. were sent off after they died? Look how world looks at both sets. The difference!
Look at all the leaders of the terrorist organizations or even the terror states. Are they able to have a free life? Aren't they always on the run, hiding in safe houses, living underground, running from authorities, fearful for their life, fearing bomb or missile attacks, always apprehensive of whom to trust. The effect of their Karma! They are looking to go to heaven in the afterlife. But already they have made hell for themselves and others in the physical life.
What guarantee is there that they would have heaven after this life? What if the hell continues even in the afterlife according to the actions they took in the physical life? There is absolutely no guarantee. So, then as a Soul isn't it smart for us to take actions that lead to goodness, compassion, and kindness in this life itself, so that we continue having that after death in our afterlife as well. Isn't that the smartest and wisest thing to do?
Now, there can be group Karma. That usually runs in the family. Let us assume a grandfather or a great grandfather did terrible acts towards those they were supposed to take care of, whether of workers, family or other people who were tied to them. It is pretty much sure they would somehow get the effect. That effect can even continue in next generations. But the great-grandson or grandson, don't they have any say in that family cause and effect or Karma drama? Has the divine made such a system where the individual has no say in that matter?
No, definitely they have a say. The individual is given their own mind, thought process, brain, hands, legs, and sense organs to take action. By the very way they take action towards their own life and others, they can even rewrite the Karma of their own as well as that of the family. This is what many times humans completely forget. We as an individual is given great free will. But it is up to us whether to use it or not. Now, what do we as humans do?
We sit crib and cry on the Karma we have been dealt with. Have I done it? Of course, I have. I cried, whined, and frustrated myself to my very core for having a disastrous Biotechnology career. I wallowed in self-pity for around twenty years, with my stagnant, stale career. I wished and hoped someone would fix it for me. I searched through every contact or reference to give me a break. But the one person who could very well fix my career or Karma, I totally never paid attention to. The one and only person, who could really help me-myself!
The Soul-'I': This is the part every one of us forgets. The person who can fix our own Karma or difficulties in our own life is, 'Us, rather, the I'. That is why we have been provided with the individual mind, thought process, brain, emotions, senses, and limbs- to take charge of our own life, destiny, and Karma. In the realm of spirituality, I, the being is totally responsible for what I bring into my life. This is true for every being.
As a being, if we do things that help us and others to have a kind and compassionate life, that is what we find for ourselves. If we try to bring fear, terror, and tragedy, that is what we surround ourselves with. Look at a leader who brings in positivity and at a leader who brings in negativity. Their life, surroundings, and people who they surround with, speaks volumes of the Karma they are accruing. It is not necessary to go to the afterlife in search of heaven. Through our concerted and intentional actions, if we decide, we can even bring that heaven to the Earth. Why wait for an afterlife heaven? Create it now, in this physical life. Heaven on Earth!
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Heaven on Earth! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
But would the Brahman or the Divine ask us to do it? No. The Brahman is very much a progressive advocate of free will and choice, much more progressive than any world leader can boast about. So the divine allows us to take our own decision. What you sow, so shall you reap! If you sow goodness, you would reap goodness! If you sow terror, that is what you would reap, terror! The ultimate beauty of Karma!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Heaven on Earth!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay.com
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for a subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa LLC, 2017- Eternity
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