The Word - Our life is our Creativity!

Hello all, 

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.

It is joyful again to come and say Hi to my blog readers. I feel more rested and refreshed in the realm of thoughts, ideas and perspectives. I only took a break from the blog, I was active on Quora, with my family/friend's group and with normal life happenings. But a small break from the constant deluge of concepts even though only with the blog was a welcome change. How are you all doing? 

Nothing changed within one month, isn't it? Actually, things may have become tougher with the Delta variant on a sickness rampage. The feature of the Delta variant, if no vaccine is taken, it can almost certainly kill the patient. That is how much it is contagious and inflammatory. Sometimes I feel angry and upset that due to human negligence that too of highly trained individuals the world is reeling with a pandemic. 

In one country it started and was not quickly informed to the global community and international travel was not curbed, in another country, as the propaganda of a previous administration was to uphold Coronavirus disease as a hoax, correct vaccine logistics and organization was not enforced. In a third country as the first wave came mildly, it was taken as easy and a second wave came to wipe out the joy of a curbed first wave. So many mistakes were made and the world is sitting with a self- created mess in our hands. This shows awareful, true and ethical leaders are needed for the world. Anyway, that is not the topic of this blog post. But I may write about science and ethics in another post.

We were in the series -word when I took a break. To not break the continuity, let me put one more blog post on the "Word" and most probably would write about another topic, next. There are so many concepts underlying Logos, the Word, who knows after another year I may write a few more posts on it, People have zero clue or idea about the word. Zero. Nowadays, due to the Internet and Social-media words fly out of our mouth, pen or computer without a care in the world. But a person who understands deeply the concept called the World would be deeply aware and thoughtful of what kind of words they use.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
Bible - John 1:1
Image credits - John Snyder, via Wikimedia Commons

In the beginning was the Word:
Bible, the New Testament starts with this phrase. According to the phrase, everything started with a Word. The same concept comes in Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). In the story Shiva, the destroyer and new world maker danced by drumming his small drum, Damaru. The sound that came from the drum created the Universe and later Brahma started making the Souls. It is the same concept Bible also says.

Before everything there was the word. Can we look deeper into that concept and analyze what it is really saying? To make the concept easy, let us take an example. Think about a kid who has just finished their high school. Now, they have to go to the college. Before going to the college, they are exploring their different options. Think they wanted to take Science (I was a science undergrad). So, the kid decided on science. They went and joined the college. Before joining the college, they are saying to their parents- "I wish to take science" - the word has been spoken. The first nail of the new reality that is going to appear in their life. "I wish or I want to take science."

Before that word was uttered, there was nothing and no sign of the new reality. The kid has just finished his/her school. The old reality of school days has come to an end. The new reality has not yet appeared. The energy dynamics is in a limbo- the old one has almost finished. But the new one has not come yet. It is only after a lot of thought and contemplation, when the kid utters their wish or want, the first step of the new reality has started to take baby steps. Until then, the old reality has ended, but the energy is in a dormant state till the spark for the new reality has been ignited.

The spark is the word or wish spoken by the kid that starts the engine of the new reality. Now, when the kid keeps on taking action, the engine of the new reality starts to chug along. I have discussed this concept before. What is the difference between a desire/wish and an intention? The desire or wish is just a wish. The wishing person is not taking any effort towards it. But intentions are different. The person above desiring starts to take actions towards it. So, here the kid first says his/her wish or desire. The Brahman or the Universal energy listens. "Okay, cool- you have a wish. What are you going to do?"

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
Word, the first brick of the new reality!
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Taking actions: To make the Universal energy to get plugged into the dynamics, the person should take actions. Start applying to colleges, study and write great essays, prepare for interviews, take up entrance exams. All actions are one more piece of the puzzle to show the Brahman or Universe, yes, I want this. I want this. But to make you question yourself, so that your intentions are as solid as diamond, the questions and self-doubts always creeps up- "Are you sure? Do you really want this? Are you positive?"

Many times, what happens? Due to these self-doubts, the person starts to doubt themselves and takes mediocre choices for themselves. The Soul has to think the other way around. The self-doubts are to make their intentions solid, strong and gleaming. Think about a sculpture. The sculptor keeps on chipping the extra pieces, so that finally the potential of an elegant and beautiful sculpture, which was sitting as potential within comes out. It is the same with humans as well. All of us have deep untapped potential within us. But to take it, sculpt it, mold it and finally make something of it is within our hands.

This is where we as humans topple. As humans, we have gone through huge struggles all through our lives. Cave man, dark ages, plagues, medieval persecutions, world wars, other religious, cultural, socioeconomic persecutions, the world was a very dark place. In those days doubts on one's own aspirations and actions kept one safe. For example, a Jew in a 1930s Poland went to his piano work without a care in the world, he would be killed, gassed or sent to a concentration camp. This is depicted very beautifully in the film- The Pianist. 

The main character was a very celebrated piano player. The Nazi regime of Hitler was sweeping through Germany and Poland. He was a piano player in Warsaw, capital of Poland. The movie is the struggles he had to go through to save himself. His whole family, around 3-4 siblings, parents are sent to the gas chamber and incinerated. Gone as smoke. There is a scene in the movie where after not having any food for two or three weeks, he gets a loaf of bread and he eats. Also, the kind German officer, if the Nazi regime found out could get killed, gives the Pianist a coat to wear. A simple, pure human who has been stripped off every kind of identification he had- the very raw human. If I am able to find that movie clip on YouTube, I will share it here. That is the kind of concepts I am trying to write here- the pure humanity and living as a human -from the heart. Above that let us have the culture and other trappings. Of course, as I am a Hindu, I share concepts more through Hindu mythology and stories.

Video credits - YouTube-

In such cases, the doubts used to save a human being and keep them alive as proceeding with blind over-confidence can take the life of a person- a Jew in the Nazi days or a scientist in the days of the medieval church. That doubt whether to proceed or not into an unknown territory kept them alive. But that is not the case of the modern times. Today in many countries we have freedom to live as we are, freedom to express and freedom to share our thoughts. Thank God, I was born in such a country (but things are changing there) and living in another country giving value to freedom of expression and thoughts.

So, it is the Self-doubt and not trusting oneself many times that obstructs the deep inner aspirations and with will power a being to go after what they want. But then, we have one life. If we bind ourselves into numerous invisible ropes of "getting in line", when will we live for ourselves and our loved ones. Yes, society and community are needed. But that societal pressure or of other humans also should not be stifling, a human is not able to breathe the air of freedom and joyfulness. So, in such cases, we have a duty or Dharma towards ourselves to exist as a free spiritual being who is having a physical human experience. It is our duty towards ourselves to decimate the obstructions or voices that stand against us, or even if it comes from within us.

Co-creation: Here, as the student keeps on taking actions towards their desires and wishes, the other part of the equation starts to operate. The Universal energy- Brahman starts to find and bring opportunities to the person as ideas, thought processes, random advertisements on TV, or a comment here or there. The untapped potential is being brought to the awareness of the smaller being.

Every being has come into this world with a Dharma- true purpose. That purpose only that particular being can do. Nobody else. They need to be made aware of their purpose first. Only then they can take actions towards it. (Now, why this drama and other shenanigans from the higher powers? I have no clue. That is how it is. If I get a thought, I will share it later.) It is in the path of Dharma or purpose; the person gets the highest authentic expression of oneself and the deepest fulfillment of heart and life. So, it is a given that the Soul needs to take actions towards their own life, career and creativity. They are not meant to sit on the sidelines of their own life and see life pass them by.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
The hidden potential of the being
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Unfortunately, that is what most human beings do. We don't take charge of our life by it's horns. We sit passively allowing every circumstance, toxic people or situations to take a toll on us. We are that surfer who is drowning in the material ocean with surf on one side and the board on the other side and we in the middle frantically swimming to make the ends meet. Is this how we are meant to live? Unfortunately, no. But we do it. We live as fearful, insignificant and weak beings.

Instead, we are always meant to live as powerful, strong and authentic beings who on the physical side operate as humans and in the emotional side has deep connections with the inner spirit and the spiritual realm. This gives a solid connection with ourselves and from that inner core of the being we can lead our best creative life. The spiritual team can only give insights and intuition, But the faculties that can take action are with the physical body- Karma (action) angas (organs). Karmangas. 

It is the human who has to take actions for their life. If we don't take actions for our own life with intent, purpose and determination, who else will? So, any desire or wish becomes intentions and outcomes only when we put our focus on the goal and take dedicated actions towards it. Otherwise, every desire and wish stays as a desire and wish. For example, I was given awareness about my spiritual gifts by my spiritual guides. That is all they did. But it was my duty whether to take actions or not on it. As long as I didn't act, it would have been just a random thought that crossed my mind.

Only after writing for around one year, the next step was shown. The platform Quora was brought in front of me. "Do you want to write here?" Next question by my spiritual guides. Took that task. After one year, do you want to start a website? See, like this, when we start to trust ourselves, the custom-built spiritual team sitting within us starts to lead us. Yes, sometimes it is deeply painful as we almost won't have any clue, when and how the next step shows up. No clue, that step is one bead in a garland of other beads or steps.

But as long as we don't take the step shown, the next step never comes about. This also shows everything has a reason and a season. This guidance many times the human cannot access because we are so much in our mind, that we as humanity have lost our own inner core or heart. The mind pulls the person in million different directions. The vehicle of life goes any which way behind such a mind. The person loses focus, determination and dedication towards their goal. The mind needs to be kept as a servant of the being. It should be willing to do what the human or their heart wants. Then the person can co-create with Brahman- Universe.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
I urge you to experience life, even the hidden potential
Image credits -

Words changes to life: Like this when we take a wish, set it as an intention and start working on it with the deepest of dedication, things start to happen. I had almost gotten this perfected during my early twenties. Then life as marriage, moving to another country, kids all happened and the single focused dedication got diluted a bit. So, that also is important. We can have every other thing that happens in our life. But as an under weaving cloth, our life as our creativity should always exist. Always. It is on this fabric of creativity; we paint our brilliant picture called life.

If that picture above career and creativity includes a whole lot of human Souls whose life, we touch that would become a life well-lived and worthwhile. Why do some Souls become humans, a whole lot of others look up to? For example, lives of Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr.? This is because above their family and friends these great Souls were dedicated enough to do things that touched the hearts of a whole lot of people. Nobody insisted or pushed Lincoln or Gandhi to take up such enormous challenge. It was their purpose. But they could always have objected and did things just for themselves and their family. Instead, they had the will power and grit to take up the challenge.

If these Souls can do great things in their own life, we may  be able to take up the Dharma for our own life as well, correct? The path of Dharma is very unique and one of a kind for each one. My path would be very unique for me. So, would be your path for you. Without taking up that path, how will we ever know, what we could achieve? Every human comes with deep untapped potential. But this hidden potential starts to open only in the path of purpose. Why did Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison achieve huge things, while we sit within our smaller and insignificant life?

Because they were courageous enough to follow the path of their heart and passion. When Tesla alighted the ship in New York city as a young lad from Serbia, he just had a piece of paper with the address of Thomas Edison written on it. That was the will power and grit of Tesla to go behind his dream and make something out of it for himself. If he can take up such humongous challenge, we too can. We are also the star dust made from the same fabric of the Universe. Only the being has to decide, deeply intent and take actions on it. That, of course is always a free will and personal choice!

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: The terror called Mangalik (Kuja Dosha) !
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay




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