Ketu - The past!

Hello all,

Namaste! Hope all are doing well, after a heavy dose of the Rahu analysis and interpretation of how to handle his energy. He is the eternal desire architect and it is very difficult to control and tame his energy without the divine grace. Today in this world, we can see many examples of people who are driven by the materialistic desire for wealth, power or fame, not able to find even an iota of contentment. Let us hope for the blissful nectar of the divine grace on all of us.

Today let us go into the cut trunk of Rahu and the remaining snake-tail, Ketu. What is his guidance to us? What are the lessons we have to learn from him? How can we use his energy to the uplift our life? (Here, I want to mention that I use Rahu and Ketu as male gender, due to the fact that in Vedic mythology they are depicted as male characters. Energy as such is not male or female, but neutral and whether it becomes the nurturing female energy or the conquering male energy is the way we apply it to our life.) Now back to Ketu, how can we use his energy to bring ourselves and our life forward?

Before that let us just remind ourselves of how Rahu and Ketu were formed. They were formed when the asura Swayambharu was cut into two by the avatar of Vishnu (the divine) called Mohini. Now let us think when Rahu had gone and sat in the line of devas what did the part called Ketu do? It would have followed the head Rahu and the head got cut. 

1, Confusion: Once the head of an animal or a bird gets cut what happens? Where is our brain located? It is located in the head. Once the head is severed, the body is left without a head and a brain. Now the result of this will be total confusion. Head is the one that helps us to go through life and find our way. So this shows wherever Ketu is placed in our chart, it brings us confusion in that particular area of our life. We will not know the steps to take or the route to follow for that area of our life.

By E. A. Rodrigues [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

2, Directionless: Head or the brain is the part that provides us direction with our life. Once that part is gone, we become utterly directionless. How can we know the direction we are taking is the correct one? Or for that matter, how do we even know that there is a direction or a way for us to take? We will be utterly confused and will not know where to go, what to do or how to go about our life.  So Ketu becomes directionless and makes us totally confused about the direction we have to take in a particular area of our life.

To discuss the above said two points let us take an example. Assume that a person has Ketu in the tenth house of his/her horoscope, with aspects from malefic planets or in an enemy planet's house. In such a scenario Ketu is not getting any support from other planets or is strengthless by virtue of his position in an enemy house. The tenth house is the house which shows our career, our stand in the society or how the society perceives us via our profession or career.This is the persona the public see of us.

A damaged Ketu here brings confusion in the career of the person. He/she will have no clue of how to proceed with the career and which courses or education to do to help bring forth his/her career. Because of this helplessness and directionless status, they may not know whom to approach for help or even how to go about or figure out the career. So they will be thrashing around helpless in the darkness of that area of their life like a snake cut from its head.

3, Freeze: Once we don't know what to do or where to go, what we will do? We will freeze in that same spot or place for eternity. Because we have no idea of where to proceed we stay rooted to that spot and don't move an inch from that spot in a metaphoric sense. So this makes the person rooted to or not improve an inch from whatever capacity he/she was born within that particular area of his/her chart. Literally frozen in time in that area of the horoscope.

4, Fear: Once we are frozen to a spot what happens? An unknown fear of how to do that particular activity or what to do about it takes over. Think if we are not able to figure out something, won't we feel fearful about it? Rahu brings fear of unknown or foreign things, while Ketu brings fear of things which we are not able to figure it out, even if we may know the same thing subconsciously.

5, Knowledge: Now let us think, how big are the body and the tail of a snake compared to the head? Huge isn't it? And the body has all the internal organs compared to the head, which has only the brain. This symbolism shows that Ketu as a planet stores much more knowledge and wisdom compared to his counterpart Rahu. But like a dead snake trunk, we have no way of acquiring or imbibing that knowledge.

6, All absorbing: When Rahu went and sat in the line of devas, Ketu or the body and tail of the Rakshasa had no inherent knowledge of what Rahu the head was going to do. It simply followed the head and sat in the line. This shows that even though Ketu can give enormous knowledge and wisdom (previous point) to that person, he/she will have no inherent knowledge of knowing that they know that particular knowledge.

7, Blackhole: Another point, in Symbolism Ketu, is represented by a black hole or an all-engulfing hole. A black hole engulfs all the energy or substances in its energy field according to modern Physics and Astronomy. Same way wherever Ketu is sitting in the horoscope, the person keeps on getting or acquiring wisdom in that area of life but never imparts it to anyone or anything. The person becomes an all ensuing black hole in that particular matter.  

How to reap the rewards of Ketu?  Before proceeding with how to garner the essence of Ketu there is one more point we need to scrutinize. We discussed the knowledge aspect of Ketu before. This can be the knowledge or wisdom we acquired during this lifetime. But just consider if we have spent many lifetimes on this earth as well as on numerous unknown realms as suggested by Vedic/ Sanatana Dharma mythology ( I am not sure nor I have any idea), then Ketu represents all that knowledge that we have acquired across all the lifetimes. If we consider that knowledge as encoded in DNA, Ketu represents all the known and unknown knowledge of our lifetimes and the knowledge of our ancestors passed down to us through the DNA. That is a whole gamut of knowledge we have, but many times we may have no knowledge of knowing that we have this knowledge at our disposal. That is the very sad, yet funny part about Ketu.

Ketu in British Museum
CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

For example, Mozart was considered a child prodigy and he started composing at the age of five. Even though we can never be sure, there can be knowledge of music he acquired across many lifetimes or he inherited the musical ability of his ancestors through his DNA. Whatever the case maybe  Ketu represents the knowledge we bring through lifetimes or through our DNA.

Okay, now how can we use the knowledge Ketu brings to our advantage? Remember what we discussed last week? To make us remember once more, in a horoscope, Rahu and Ketu are separated by seven houses.They are the cut head and tail of the asura and the asura is constantly trying to become whole. So in every chart, there will be this push and pull between Rahu and Ketu according to the house they are placed.

So now how can we use the power of Ketu? For that, we need the help of Rahu. The one and the only way we can use the power of Ketu is to take the knowledge Ketu imparts, convert it into the wisdom we can use and go directly to the house in the chart where Rahu is placed and use it fully to improve and bring forward our Rahu. The single way to use Ketu is to improve our Rahu. Once we take the Ketu wisdom, go and work on our Rahu, the Rakshasa or the asura becomes alive in our chart. If we try to improve our Ketu, we will become totally confused as Ketu cannot guide us without a head.

Now think once Swayambharu becomes alive what happens? He is the asura who tried to hoodwink the divine and he is one of the Rakshasa and what are their qualities? Not so good to imitate isn't it? So should we be surprised if he advises us to lead a life of non-righteous path? 

This is the Rahu we are going to get if we don't have that smile of divine grace upon us. But if we have the providence of divine grace, then we take the Ketu wisdom, work to improve our Rahu, bring out our life purpose while working for the greater good. In this way in both the cases of Rahu as well as Ketu, we have to work on our Rahu to activate our life purpose so that our earthly rendezvous becomes successful. These are just a few of my perceptions on Ketu. There can be another thousand of them and this checklist is not exhaustive.

Finally, to conclude, let us go through a sloka of Ketu.

                                              Raudram,raudratmakam ghoram
                                                  tam ketum pranmamyaham

Meaning: Red as the Palasa flower, the one who is sitting on the forehead of the constellations, someone who induces fear, terribly induces fear, I bow to thee who is named Ketu.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: The Goddess Archetype!

Note: Images taken from Wikimedia Commons, in the Public domain of the U.S.A.

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".  

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