Rahu - The future!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you were able to read and assimilate the formation of Rahu and Ketu in our previous post. The Asura Swayambharu thus became the head Rahu and the headless body with a snake tail, Ketu. Now Rahu and Ketu are very important in Vedic astrology. Today let us analyze what Rahu represents in our horoscope as well as our life. Can we use his power to move our life forward? What is his guidance to us?
Remember how Rahu was formed? When he was in the asura form through deception he tried to get the Amrit from the divine. He realized that Mohini was actually deceiving the asuras by giving the Amrit or the eternal elixir to devas alone. He was quick thinking and went and sat between the Sun and the Moon. Even though he was an asura he was able to partake the Amrit. But later Sun and Moon showed him to the divine. So now let us start the analysis.
1, Deception: Rahu or the uncut asura Swayambharu through deception tried to get the Amrit. Remember when we discussed Samudra Mathana, we analyzed the true meaning of Amrit. What is really Amrit? Remember? It is the divine knowledge that makes one eternal.What was the technique Rahu used? He tried to get the eternal knowledge behind the back of the divine or by trying to deceive the divine. This points us towards the fact that wherever Rahu is placed in the horoscope, Rahu will try to get the Amrit in the form of knowledge, power or wealth or a material aspect without putting in the effort.
Let us take an example. Say Rahu is in the fifth house in a chart. Few of the things fifth house represent are art, culture, paintings, theater, politics, one's children and all things related to creativity. Now a person who has the Rahu in fifth house, but is afflicted by the aspect of a malefic planet, or in a debilitation house or in conjunction with an enemy planet, think is a musician. He does have the talent to produce original work or he may have no talent, but pretends to have talent. Remember here that Rahu pretended as a deva by going and sitting in their line. Rahu wants the knowledge without the effort of putting in long hours or using short cuts. So what will this person do? He/she may try to take the work of another person and change a few words or phrases here and there and show the work as his/hers. Or he/she may use the work of another person entirely and show it as his/hers. He/she can also make another person do all the work and take the credit as his/hers. He/she wants to get the power of the fifth house without putting in the work.
But if say the same 5th house Rahu is in a friendly place, well aspected and the lord of the 5th house is well placed, then the same Rahu may take another person's work, modify it thoroughly and acknowledge the original person's work and add his own name also to the artistic endeavor. Also if the same Rahu is placed excellently then he/she can also produce a work, which was never been produced before and is too original to fathom.
2, Analysis and Vision: Now let us take another aspect. Consider how Rahu or Swayambharu was the only asura who realized that devas are the only ones getting the Amrita. What can we deduce from this? Rahu has a brilliant mind for analysis. He also has an intense vision to see the things others cannot see. But for Rahu to bestow this brilliance and vision, Rahu has to be placed well in a horoscope. Rahu rules three asterisms (nakshatras -नक्षत्रः) namely Ardra, Swati, and Satabhishek. To analyze the vision and brilliance aspect, let us take a horoscope where Rahu is placed in Swati star.
Swati comes in the house of Libra or Thula. What is the symbol of Thula? It is a balance. A balance shows that you take a matter, analyze the pros on one side and cons on the other side and come to a balanced decision. So here in this place, Rahu has the mind of a brilliant lawyer who can analyze the pros and cons of a matter, bring in his vision and brilliance into the picture and take the best path possible to get the best result for his side. Remember how Rahu saw things, which the other asuras didn't see? Same way the Rahu lawyer will see points, which the other side will have no clue about. The movie 'Miss Sloane' depicts this aspect of Rahu very thoroughly. The female character 'Madeleine Elizabeth Sloane' becomes the epitome of Rahu in that movie with deception as well as the far sighted vision aspect.
Usually, visionary leaders may have a strong aspect of Rahu that has to be complimented by other planets like Saturn or Jupiter, so that they use their vision and farsightedness to the welfare of the world and not for selfish reasons.
3, Uncontrolled desire: Now let us take another aspect. Before Vishnu could cut the asura's head using his disc Rahu was very quick to gulp down his ladle of Amrita. He also due to his desire for Amrita, took the twisted path of going and sitting in the line of devas. This shows that Rahu imparts unending desire towards the aspect represented by the house where Rahu is placed in a chart. The twisted path Rahu took also shows that Rahu can give ideas to get his desire using not so respectable paths according to societal norms. Rahu is the person who tries to get his end using get rich quick schemes or ponzi scams.
4, Eclipse: Rahu went and sat in between Sun and Moon. What do Sun and Moon represent in Astrology? Sun is the soul or the Self and Moon is the mind. When Rahu or Ketu comes very close to Sun or Moon it is called Eclipse or Grahan. So when Sun or Moon gets affected by Rahu, the reality or the truth gets blocked and the person perceives a very different thing as reality. Thus Rahu eclipses the soul or the mind of the person and the person ends up believing a lie as reality.
5, The future: Another point to analyze. Before any asura could even perceive the reality or the future of not getting Amrit, Swayambharu perceived the reality of not getting the eternal nectar. This aspect shows Rahu is everything about the future and the technology and advances associated with the future. The instant a second is passed, it becomes a thing of the past and it has nothing to do with Rahu. Rahu is all about the next second that is yet to come. So in the seventies and eighties, Rahu was the telephone and the television; in the nineties and two thousand, it was the internet. At this present moment, Rahu can be said as associated with Artificial intelligence (AI), space exploration and solar industry. The moment something is over it is not Rahu anymore, it becomes Kethu.
6, Foreign aspect: Rahu went and sat in a line of devas. At that particular instant, Rahu was the outsider among the devas. This shows that Rahu represents everything outside the normal or foreign. Anything not like us is Rahu. For example for a person from the east, Rahu is the western culture. For a western person, Rahu represents the eastern culture. Foreign persons, foreign culture, exotic places, exotic people all are Rahu. Something which is foreign or alien from us is Rahu.
7, Fear or Phobias: So Rahu can signify unknown knowledge, unknown realm or unknown culture. Because many times we may not fully understand different culture or people, this lack of knowledge brings a fear or phobia into our mind or in other words this eclipses our mind or thought. In this way Rahu signifies fear or phobia. But once we know a person or a culture the fear aspect of Rahu is removed. So Rahu brings in the deception or a smoke screen in front of our mind. This smoke screen can disillusion or enchant us. But many times it will not be anything near to reality.
How to garner the power of Rahu? After all this analysis, now how can we use this power of vision, brilliance, pursuance of future and full blown desire to our advantage? Any ideas or thoughts? Okay, let us examine. Who were the devas who realized that Rahu is an asura sitting among the devas? It was the Sun and the Moon. In Astrology, Sun is the soul and Moon is the mind (may be a topic for a later time). The soul is considered the essence, which is a part of the divine in each one of us. The soul is the guidance we get from the Universal intelligence or divine wisdom. Now the soul or the Sun acts through what? The Moon or the mind. So to get a clear vision of the reality we should have the divine grace, along with clarity of thought from our soul and mind. That is the one and only way to come out of the smoke screen, illusion or the Mohmaya (the illusion of desire) Rahu creates. But we should not be doubtful about the pursuance of our desire as once the divine grace comes into the picture, Rahu is the one and only Graha, which truly shows our true life purpose in the horoscope. Without this divine aspect, pursuance of Rahu desires becomes hollow and truly materialistic in nature. Once the divine aspect is entwined, we truly become empowered to go behind our desires while keeping the greater good as our underlying fabric.
Once we bring under control the desire Rahu brings into the person by virtue of his placement in the chart, we put our soul and mind to work towards the achievement of the desire by using what? Here is where Ketu comes. We will discuss this next week, the power and essence of Ketu.
So we are supposed to look at Rahu in a chart, find our life purpose and start working towards it with soul, mind, and heart. Putting the work towards it lights up the whole chart and the chart becomes alive to help the person to fulfill her/his life purpose. Of course, the house placement, aspects, Nakshatras or constellations, conjunction of other Grahas with Rahu all change the stick or the carrot Rahu can give. These are just a few of my perspectives on Rahu. There can be another hundred of them and this list is not exhaustive.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Ketu - The past!
Note: Images taken from Wikimedia Commons, in the Public domain of the U.S.A.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds for their service for subscription. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
© SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017.
Namaste! Hope all of you were able to read and assimilate the formation of Rahu and Ketu in our previous post. The Asura Swayambharu thus became the head Rahu and the headless body with a snake tail, Ketu. Now Rahu and Ketu are very important in Vedic astrology. Today let us analyze what Rahu represents in our horoscope as well as our life. Can we use his power to move our life forward? What is his guidance to us?
Remember how Rahu was formed? When he was in the asura form through deception he tried to get the Amrit from the divine. He realized that Mohini was actually deceiving the asuras by giving the Amrit or the eternal elixir to devas alone. He was quick thinking and went and sat between the Sun and the Moon. Even though he was an asura he was able to partake the Amrit. But later Sun and Moon showed him to the divine. So now let us start the analysis.
Rahu By E. A. Rodrigues [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Let us take an example. Say Rahu is in the fifth house in a chart. Few of the things fifth house represent are art, culture, paintings, theater, politics, one's children and all things related to creativity. Now a person who has the Rahu in fifth house, but is afflicted by the aspect of a malefic planet, or in a debilitation house or in conjunction with an enemy planet, think is a musician. He does have the talent to produce original work or he may have no talent, but pretends to have talent. Remember here that Rahu pretended as a deva by going and sitting in their line. Rahu wants the knowledge without the effort of putting in long hours or using short cuts. So what will this person do? He/she may try to take the work of another person and change a few words or phrases here and there and show the work as his/hers. Or he/she may use the work of another person entirely and show it as his/hers. He/she can also make another person do all the work and take the credit as his/hers. He/she wants to get the power of the fifth house without putting in the work.
But if say the same 5th house Rahu is in a friendly place, well aspected and the lord of the 5th house is well placed, then the same Rahu may take another person's work, modify it thoroughly and acknowledge the original person's work and add his own name also to the artistic endeavor. Also if the same Rahu is placed excellently then he/she can also produce a work, which was never been produced before and is too original to fathom.
2, Analysis and Vision: Now let us take another aspect. Consider how Rahu or Swayambharu was the only asura who realized that devas are the only ones getting the Amrita. What can we deduce from this? Rahu has a brilliant mind for analysis. He also has an intense vision to see the things others cannot see. But for Rahu to bestow this brilliance and vision, Rahu has to be placed well in a horoscope. Rahu rules three asterisms (nakshatras -नक्षत्रः) namely Ardra, Swati, and Satabhishek. To analyze the vision and brilliance aspect, let us take a horoscope where Rahu is placed in Swati star.
Swati comes in the house of Libra or Thula. What is the symbol of Thula? It is a balance. A balance shows that you take a matter, analyze the pros on one side and cons on the other side and come to a balanced decision. So here in this place, Rahu has the mind of a brilliant lawyer who can analyze the pros and cons of a matter, bring in his vision and brilliance into the picture and take the best path possible to get the best result for his side. Remember how Rahu saw things, which the other asuras didn't see? Same way the Rahu lawyer will see points, which the other side will have no clue about. The movie 'Miss Sloane' depicts this aspect of Rahu very thoroughly. The female character 'Madeleine Elizabeth Sloane' becomes the epitome of Rahu in that movie with deception as well as the far sighted vision aspect.
Usually, visionary leaders may have a strong aspect of Rahu that has to be complimented by other planets like Saturn or Jupiter, so that they use their vision and farsightedness to the welfare of the world and not for selfish reasons.
3, Uncontrolled desire: Now let us take another aspect. Before Vishnu could cut the asura's head using his disc Rahu was very quick to gulp down his ladle of Amrita. He also due to his desire for Amrita, took the twisted path of going and sitting in the line of devas. This shows that Rahu imparts unending desire towards the aspect represented by the house where Rahu is placed in a chart. The twisted path Rahu took also shows that Rahu can give ideas to get his desire using not so respectable paths according to societal norms. Rahu is the person who tries to get his end using get rich quick schemes or ponzi scams.
4, Eclipse: Rahu went and sat in between Sun and Moon. What do Sun and Moon represent in Astrology? Sun is the soul or the Self and Moon is the mind. When Rahu or Ketu comes very close to Sun or Moon it is called Eclipse or Grahan. So when Sun or Moon gets affected by Rahu, the reality or the truth gets blocked and the person perceives a very different thing as reality. Thus Rahu eclipses the soul or the mind of the person and the person ends up believing a lie as reality.
5, The future: Another point to analyze. Before any asura could even perceive the reality or the future of not getting Amrit, Swayambharu perceived the reality of not getting the eternal nectar. This aspect shows Rahu is everything about the future and the technology and advances associated with the future. The instant a second is passed, it becomes a thing of the past and it has nothing to do with Rahu. Rahu is all about the next second that is yet to come. So in the seventies and eighties, Rahu was the telephone and the television; in the nineties and two thousand, it was the internet. At this present moment, Rahu can be said as associated with Artificial intelligence (AI), space exploration and solar industry. The moment something is over it is not Rahu anymore, it becomes Kethu.
6, Foreign aspect: Rahu went and sat in a line of devas. At that particular instant, Rahu was the outsider among the devas. This shows that Rahu represents everything outside the normal or foreign. Anything not like us is Rahu. For example for a person from the east, Rahu is the western culture. For a western person, Rahu represents the eastern culture. Foreign persons, foreign culture, exotic places, exotic people all are Rahu. Something which is foreign or alien from us is Rahu.
7, Fear or Phobias: So Rahu can signify unknown knowledge, unknown realm or unknown culture. Because many times we may not fully understand different culture or people, this lack of knowledge brings a fear or phobia into our mind or in other words this eclipses our mind or thought. In this way Rahu signifies fear or phobia. But once we know a person or a culture the fear aspect of Rahu is removed. So Rahu brings in the deception or a smoke screen in front of our mind. This smoke screen can disillusion or enchant us. But many times it will not be anything near to reality.
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Rahu and his assembly See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Once we bring under control the desire Rahu brings into the person by virtue of his placement in the chart, we put our soul and mind to work towards the achievement of the desire by using what? Here is where Ketu comes. We will discuss this next week, the power and essence of Ketu.
Here is one more interpretation. In a horoscope, Rahu and Ketu are separated by seven houses.They are the cut head and tail of the asura and the asura is constantly trying to become whole. So in every chart, there will be this push and pull between Rahu and Ketu according to the house they are placed. Once each person can place himself in the middle and stay balanced with the power of this asura or Rakshasa, we can proceed ahead with our life purpose. And it is Rahu, which shows and guides us to our future.
So we are supposed to look at Rahu in a chart, find our life purpose and start working towards it with soul, mind, and heart. Putting the work towards it lights up the whole chart and the chart becomes alive to help the person to fulfill her/his life purpose. Of course, the house placement, aspects, Nakshatras or constellations, conjunction of other Grahas with Rahu all change the stick or the carrot Rahu can give. These are just a few of my perspectives on Rahu. There can be another hundred of them and this list is not exhaustive.
Let us conclude with a mantra to Rahu, who is one of the shadow planets included in the Navagrahas.
Ardhakayam Mahaveeram,
Simhikagarbha Sambootam
TamRahum Pranamamyaham
Ardhakayam Mahaveeram,
Simhikagarbha Sambootam
TamRahum Pranamamyaham
Meaning: The one who has only half the body, who is very brave, who was crushed by Sun and Moon, who came out of the womb of Simhika, I bow down to thee who is known as Rahu.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Ketu - The past!
Note: Images taken from Wikimedia Commons, in the Public domain of the U.S.A.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds for their service for subscription. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
© SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017.
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