Horoscope - A clue to our destiny!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic workweek and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend, where all are able to do things that bring joy and happiness to mind. Today, before proceeding with our post, let us just recapture the essence of this Blog. This blog as well as whatever we share in these posts are all about finding our own 'Swaroopa' or authentic Self, whether it is Philosophy, Mythology, Psychology, Vedic Wisdom, Vedic Astrology, Spirituality or even Metaphysics. Every single thing and even the physical life or the physical existence we take in this material realm leads to the one and only truth, that we need to have the realization of our true Self.
Once we know ourselves thoroughly we can stand in that power and along with the help of the Universal wisdom co-create our destiny or life-purpose. Let us take an example, think of a drop of water in an Ocean.When we look at that drop, it is just a drop of water. But when we add the same drop to the Ocean and then look at the water droplet, we can consider the water droplet getting transformed into the whole ocean. Now the water droplet has the power of the whole Ocean behind it. Same way when we think that we are the true masters of our own destiny we are like the droplet, we have only the power of the droplet. But instead, if we consider ourselves as the Self who along with the Universal wisdom co-create, we become the water droplet in the Ocean, who is having the power of the whole ocean or the divine behind it.
This is to clarify the fact that a horoscope or the natal chart, which we are born with shows the potential we are born to co-create our destiny along with the divine. Even in a horoscope the divine play or the divine timing is very much involved. Say a person has a fantastic planet in an awesome place in his/her horoscope. But even with such a fantastic planet if the Dasha (or the time the planet becomes activated) doesn't occur in his/her lifetime, then the planet can only give so much of effects. So even after knowing our own horoscope, it falls upon us to put in the necessary wisdom and effort to bring our life purpose aligned with that of the divine intention and work towards co-creating our destiny to its fullest potential. In my native language Malayalam, there is a proverb,'Than pathi daivam pathi' (à´¤ാൻ à´ªാà´¤ി, à´¦ൈà´µം à´ªാà´¤ി), which means we put half the work and God or the divine puts the remaining half; so even with the horoscope, we are supposed to put in the effort and co-create our destiny. (This post is to show how a horoscope can give clues to our destiny and not as such about learning Astrology). Now let us proceed with the post.
Horoscope: What is a horoscope? A horoscope is the snapshot of the zodiac (Signs like Aries, Taurus etc), houses (1-12 houses) and the planets that were placed in particular stations in the sky at the particular time we came into physical being in this earth. This is just the simplest explanation. Now each one of us took birth at a particular moment and the zodiac that was rising in the eastern horizon at that moment is of particular importance in the horoscope. This is called the ascendant or the Lagna. The Lagna becomes the first house of the horoscope and all the other houses are set according to Lagna and the first house. Here we will be discussing the South Indian chart in Vedic Astrology as I am comfortable with that system.
Kalapurusha: In classic books like 'Brihat Parasara Hora Sashtra', the discussion on Astrology is started using the horoscope of 'Kalapurusha' (Cosmic Man). Now, who is Kalapurusha? He is the deity or the keeper who takes care of the time or if we consider the eternal concept called Time as a person, his horoscope is the 'Kalapurusha Kundali' (Kalapurusha horoscope). This is considered as the natural (the model concept) house horoscope system. The Lagna or the first house in the Kalapurusha horoscope always starts from the house called Aries and proceeds to the right as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Even though the natural house system starts with Aries always, for us humans it can start in any Lagna or house as per the time of our birth. So in each of our chart, there is a layer of analysis where our personal chart (according to our natal Lagna) is done, then there is the analysis according to the Cosmic man chart (which is same for everyone) and how both these charts interact to bring out a very different outcome than both.
The House (H) System: In the above chart, the house number one starts with Aries and always starts with Aries, but for a normal person it can be different. Let us say for example person H (for the house), the zodiac that was at the eastern horizon at the time of his/her birth was Leo, then the first house for that person according to his/her Lagna starts from Leo and that becomes his/her natal first house. Then Virgo becomes the second house, Libra the third house and so on. Even here there is the interaction between the natural house system (here onwards natural means Kalapurusha chart) as well as his/her own personal natal house system. So in the case of the Kalpurusha, the person has a 5th house as Leo while in his/her natal system it is first house or Lagna. In the Kalapurusha chart, fifth house deals with arts, theatre, politics, creativity, and children. So in person H's horoscope as the 5th house Leo becomes first house the personality or the body of the person shows the above qualities or in other words, the person can be a theatre artist, painter, politician or a person with multiple kids. In this way, both the natural and natal chart interact with each other and many times it becomes a well-designed puzzle, which the astrologer has to unravel. The percentage of each interaction differ in every person's chart. So see how fine-tuned the study of Astrology is? Below is the Kalapurusha chart along with the chart of H to show how the house number system changes according to the Lagna.
The houses whether in natural or natal systems have also some special names and functions. Houses Lagna(1), 4, 7 and 10 are given special status called 'Kendra' (square) or houses of the 'Divine Masculine'. If we consider the horoscope as a house, these four houses are the four pillars on which the house stands. If these four houses are strong by virtue of planets, house positions or Lagna status then the horoscope itself becomes very strong and that reflects in the life of the native.
Now again Lagna (1), 5 and 9 are called 'Kona' (trine) or the houses of 'Divine Feminine'. These three houses are the embellishments like paint, plumbing and the interior decorations of the house. If in a native's chart these houses are strong then the person acquires wealth, vehicles and other material accessories. As we can see in both square as well as trine the Lagna or the first house is listed. Thus the first house or Lagna acquires a special status in the horoscope and we very much want this house to be strong. If this house has less strength then even if all the other houses are good, the person may miss many opportunities or may not reach their true potential. Now there are the houses 3,6,10,11, which are called the 'Upachaya' or supporting houses, which attain more and more strength as the natal chart person proceeds with his/her life. These houses support the Kendra and Kona houses.
Bringing in the Grahas: This is just simple analysis, but then the planets or Grahas come into the picture, which brings another layer of analysis. Let us add one more layer to our person H by assigning the planets to some random houses. The planets are Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Kuja), Venus (Sukra), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (loosely like Uranus) and Kethu (loosely like Neptune). We are just randomly adding the planets and will analyze a bit. (This is as per my 'Manodharma' or according to what my mind says, not at all of any person, ;-))
Character Analysis of H: Now here the natal Lagna has Mars, which gives the person H abundant energy of the body and fastness and because Mars is in the house of Leo whose ruler Sun is a friend of Mars, the person will be comfortable in showing his/her energy and personality to the outside world as Leo is an extrovert sign. The second house in the natal chart but the 6th house in the natural chart has Kethu. Kethu is a planet that gives 'Moksha' or salvation and because this spiritual planet is in the second house which denotes money and values and 6th house of healing, this person may have healing or spiritual capabilities and because the planet is Kethu, this person may not much care about his/her healing as well as spiritual capabilities as the Moksha planet wherever it stands brings detachment. Now the 5th natal/9th natural house Sagittarius has Jupiter in it. Sagittarius is Jupiter's own house and because he is very comfortable here and as this house denotes higher thinking and higher philosophies, this person may very much have higher philosophical thinking and as this is the 5th house in the natal chart this may kick start his/her creativity in philosophical realms. The sixth house has the Sun in Capricorn, which is also the 10th natural house. 6th house is again healing and as the house is the corporate/business world of Capricorn the person can have a company or can work in a job, which deals with healing or medicine. Also as it is the Sun placed here it can be an executive or a higher up position or even a governmental position as Sun denotes government and authorities.
Saturn is in Aquarius, which is its own house of network and friends circle. But here as it is Saturn, who is the master of restriction, the person may have enough friends and network but not worldwide friends or global networks. There is Rahu + Venus in the 8th natal/ 12the natural house. Both 8th, as well as 12th houses, are considered spiritual houses and as Rahu is considered the planet that shows our life purpose, this person has a life purpose to pursue spirituality. Also, Venus is here in Pisces, which is its house of exaltation, this again shows this person can be a Spiritual master, as Venus or Shukra is considered the Guru or teacher of the Asuras or demons. Now Mercury is in the natal tenth house of Taurus. Mercury is considered the messenger of Gods, so this person may bring spiritual and divine wisdom to the normal people and as 10th house is the career, will make it his career. The natal 12th house and the natural 4th house has Moon. Both these houses, 12 as well as 4 is considered Moksha houses and because Moon, his /her mind is placed there, the person will find comfort as well as relaxation in the Spiritual/ Moksha realm. Moon is the comfort or cozy place in our chart. See how many times the aspect of salvation/Moksha/Spirituality has come into the picture, thus we can definitely say this person will have a huge interest in Spirituality and will pursue it as their life purpose/ career. Thus from just Natural + Natal + Planets, how many details we can figure out. This is why Astrology becomes fascinating and wonderful to a person who has interests in the same, ;-).
Bringing in the Moon: Till now we did the analysis using the Kalapurush as well as natal Lagna (H) chart. Now we will bring in one more layer for the fun of it. This will be the last one, promise! The Lagna chart is the reality or the truth/destiny that happens in our life. But many times we perceive what is happening to us and our life through the sunglasses of the Moon house ( filtered light or awareness) we wear. So now in the above chart, Moon is placed in the 12th house of the Lagna chart. So if we take the house of Cancer as the first house for our Moon chart, then the whole chart, as well as our perspective, take another angle. Here what we perceive becomes very much different compared to the reality that is happening.
Now the Moon, which is in the 12th house or the subconscious house of the natal chart (H), comes into the picture. So for every decision he/she takes, they go to the previous house subconsciously, sit there and think from that standpoint. For example, his/her career and public recognition is the 10th house in the Lagna or the natal chart, namely Taurus (10H). But from the Moon chart, the 10th house becomes Aries. So now they sit and think as an Aries, how to improve their career in the world as a Taurus. ;-) and whatever they perceive is from the standpoint of Aries, not Taurus! See the paradox and the dilemma! Lol! Like this, each one of us is a very complex being with a lot of whims, attitudes, and personality. So many times we ourselves don't know what we want for our life. But in this chart, there are numerous instances where the clue is given that this person should go ahead with a spiritual or a divine purpose. Let us elaborate slightly.
1, The Second house of natal chart has Kethu, spiritual planet in the house of values and family.
2, Jupiter in 5th house natal chart/9th house Kalapurusha chart, another spiritual planet in the house of creativity (5) / higher ideals (9).
3, Rahu + Venus in the 8th house natal chart/12th house Kalapurusha chart, Rahu- planet of destiny, Venus-planet of extremely spiritual thought in very high vibrations (Guru or teacher of the Asuras/demons), in the house of hidden and occult knowledge (8) and the house of spiritual and subconscious knowledge (12).
4, Moon is in the 12th house of the natal chart/4th house in the Kalapurusha chart, both of which are again spiritual houses when the physical reality of the native comes into the picture.
Like this, a horoscope can provide clues to the destiny of the native, but ultimately it is the focused intentions and very much desire of the native that plays a big part in the unfolding of his/her life. What we discussed above is just a few aspects or layers of Astrology. There are many more, like every planet have aspects (called Drishti in Sanskrit) on each other, the interactions with each other and also according to the placement of each planet, there can be trines- planets 1, 5 or 9 to each other, square-planets 1,4,7,10 to each other and the same can happen in the case of the houses as well.
Once a person becomes confident in this analysis, then the next layer comes, which are the nakshatras (constellations of stars) each of the planets in every chart gets placed. There are 27 constellations + one special constellation that makes it 28 constellations. After this layer comes the layer of the Gods/Goddesses who rule the constellations as well as the planets. They will very much influence the person. Then his/her own Dharma (virtues), Artha (prosperity), Kama (desire) and Moksha (salvation) plays another very important layer and influence.
The horoscope when in the hands of someone who has first the divine grace, then the aptitude, knowledge and analytical capability can lay bare the attitudes and the personality of a native. Astrology is not the easy way to get ourselves what we desire without putting in the necessary effort as many assume nowadays. But it is very much a tool to pry open our own hidden talents, desires, and aspirations, to realize our authentic Self or Swaroopa. With the power of that knowledge and wisdom, we are asked to co-create a beautiful and purposeful life with the divine as our counterpart for ourselves and others in this physical reality. May the divine help each and every one of us to realize our true purpose and work incessantly to achieve our destiny!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Purushartha -The four pillars!
Note: Images made by Swaroopa.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds for their service for subscription. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
Namaste! Hope all of you had a fantastic workweek and are looking forward to a relaxing weekend, where all are able to do things that bring joy and happiness to mind. Today, before proceeding with our post, let us just recapture the essence of this Blog. This blog as well as whatever we share in these posts are all about finding our own 'Swaroopa' or authentic Self, whether it is Philosophy, Mythology, Psychology, Vedic Wisdom, Vedic Astrology, Spirituality or even Metaphysics. Every single thing and even the physical life or the physical existence we take in this material realm leads to the one and only truth, that we need to have the realization of our true Self.
Once we know ourselves thoroughly we can stand in that power and along with the help of the Universal wisdom co-create our destiny or life-purpose. Let us take an example, think of a drop of water in an Ocean.When we look at that drop, it is just a drop of water. But when we add the same drop to the Ocean and then look at the water droplet, we can consider the water droplet getting transformed into the whole ocean. Now the water droplet has the power of the whole Ocean behind it. Same way when we think that we are the true masters of our own destiny we are like the droplet, we have only the power of the droplet. But instead, if we consider ourselves as the Self who along with the Universal wisdom co-create, we become the water droplet in the Ocean, who is having the power of the whole ocean or the divine behind it.
This is to clarify the fact that a horoscope or the natal chart, which we are born with shows the potential we are born to co-create our destiny along with the divine. Even in a horoscope the divine play or the divine timing is very much involved. Say a person has a fantastic planet in an awesome place in his/her horoscope. But even with such a fantastic planet if the Dasha (or the time the planet becomes activated) doesn't occur in his/her lifetime, then the planet can only give so much of effects. So even after knowing our own horoscope, it falls upon us to put in the necessary wisdom and effort to bring our life purpose aligned with that of the divine intention and work towards co-creating our destiny to its fullest potential. In my native language Malayalam, there is a proverb,'Than pathi daivam pathi' (à´¤ാൻ à´ªാà´¤ി, à´¦ൈà´µം à´ªാà´¤ി), which means we put half the work and God or the divine puts the remaining half; so even with the horoscope, we are supposed to put in the effort and co-create our destiny. (This post is to show how a horoscope can give clues to our destiny and not as such about learning Astrology). Now let us proceed with the post.
Horoscope: What is a horoscope? A horoscope is the snapshot of the zodiac (Signs like Aries, Taurus etc), houses (1-12 houses) and the planets that were placed in particular stations in the sky at the particular time we came into physical being in this earth. This is just the simplest explanation. Now each one of us took birth at a particular moment and the zodiac that was rising in the eastern horizon at that moment is of particular importance in the horoscope. This is called the ascendant or the Lagna. The Lagna becomes the first house of the horoscope and all the other houses are set according to Lagna and the first house. Here we will be discussing the South Indian chart in Vedic Astrology as I am comfortable with that system.
Kalapurusha: In classic books like 'Brihat Parasara Hora Sashtra', the discussion on Astrology is started using the horoscope of 'Kalapurusha' (Cosmic Man). Now, who is Kalapurusha? He is the deity or the keeper who takes care of the time or if we consider the eternal concept called Time as a person, his horoscope is the 'Kalapurusha Kundali' (Kalapurusha horoscope). This is considered as the natural (the model concept) house horoscope system. The Lagna or the first house in the Kalapurusha horoscope always starts from the house called Aries and proceeds to the right as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Even though the natural house system starts with Aries always, for us humans it can start in any Lagna or house as per the time of our birth. So in each of our chart, there is a layer of analysis where our personal chart (according to our natal Lagna) is done, then there is the analysis according to the Cosmic man chart (which is same for everyone) and how both these charts interact to bring out a very different outcome than both.
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Horoscope of Kalapurusha (Cosmic man)
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Horoscope of Kalapurusha+Horoscope of Person H |
Now again Lagna (1), 5 and 9 are called 'Kona' (trine) or the houses of 'Divine Feminine'. These three houses are the embellishments like paint, plumbing and the interior decorations of the house. If in a native's chart these houses are strong then the person acquires wealth, vehicles and other material accessories. As we can see in both square as well as trine the Lagna or the first house is listed. Thus the first house or Lagna acquires a special status in the horoscope and we very much want this house to be strong. If this house has less strength then even if all the other houses are good, the person may miss many opportunities or may not reach their true potential. Now there are the houses 3,6,10,11, which are called the 'Upachaya' or supporting houses, which attain more and more strength as the natal chart person proceeds with his/her life. These houses support the Kendra and Kona houses.
Bringing in the Grahas: This is just simple analysis, but then the planets or Grahas come into the picture, which brings another layer of analysis. Let us add one more layer to our person H by assigning the planets to some random houses. The planets are Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Kuja), Venus (Sukra), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (loosely like Uranus) and Kethu (loosely like Neptune). We are just randomly adding the planets and will analyze a bit. (This is as per my 'Manodharma' or according to what my mind says, not at all of any person, ;-))
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Kalapurush + Natal houses + Planets |
Saturn is in Aquarius, which is its own house of network and friends circle. But here as it is Saturn, who is the master of restriction, the person may have enough friends and network but not worldwide friends or global networks. There is Rahu + Venus in the 8th natal/ 12the natural house. Both 8th, as well as 12th houses, are considered spiritual houses and as Rahu is considered the planet that shows our life purpose, this person has a life purpose to pursue spirituality. Also, Venus is here in Pisces, which is its house of exaltation, this again shows this person can be a Spiritual master, as Venus or Shukra is considered the Guru or teacher of the Asuras or demons. Now Mercury is in the natal tenth house of Taurus. Mercury is considered the messenger of Gods, so this person may bring spiritual and divine wisdom to the normal people and as 10th house is the career, will make it his career. The natal 12th house and the natural 4th house has Moon. Both these houses, 12 as well as 4 is considered Moksha houses and because Moon, his /her mind is placed there, the person will find comfort as well as relaxation in the Spiritual/ Moksha realm. Moon is the comfort or cozy place in our chart. See how many times the aspect of salvation/Moksha/Spirituality has come into the picture, thus we can definitely say this person will have a huge interest in Spirituality and will pursue it as their life purpose/ career. Thus from just Natural + Natal + Planets, how many details we can figure out. This is why Astrology becomes fascinating and wonderful to a person who has interests in the same, ;-).
Bringing in the Moon: Till now we did the analysis using the Kalapurush as well as natal Lagna (H) chart. Now we will bring in one more layer for the fun of it. This will be the last one, promise! The Lagna chart is the reality or the truth/destiny that happens in our life. But many times we perceive what is happening to us and our life through the sunglasses of the Moon house ( filtered light or awareness) we wear. So now in the above chart, Moon is placed in the 12th house of the Lagna chart. So if we take the house of Cancer as the first house for our Moon chart, then the whole chart, as well as our perspective, take another angle. Here what we perceive becomes very much different compared to the reality that is happening.
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Kalapurush + Natal houses + Planets+ Moon houses |
1, The Second house of natal chart has Kethu, spiritual planet in the house of values and family.
2, Jupiter in 5th house natal chart/9th house Kalapurusha chart, another spiritual planet in the house of creativity (5) / higher ideals (9).
3, Rahu + Venus in the 8th house natal chart/12th house Kalapurusha chart, Rahu- planet of destiny, Venus-planet of extremely spiritual thought in very high vibrations (Guru or teacher of the Asuras/demons), in the house of hidden and occult knowledge (8) and the house of spiritual and subconscious knowledge (12).
4, Moon is in the 12th house of the natal chart/4th house in the Kalapurusha chart, both of which are again spiritual houses when the physical reality of the native comes into the picture.
Like this, a horoscope can provide clues to the destiny of the native, but ultimately it is the focused intentions and very much desire of the native that plays a big part in the unfolding of his/her life. What we discussed above is just a few aspects or layers of Astrology. There are many more, like every planet have aspects (called Drishti in Sanskrit) on each other, the interactions with each other and also according to the placement of each planet, there can be trines- planets 1, 5 or 9 to each other, square-planets 1,4,7,10 to each other and the same can happen in the case of the houses as well.
Once a person becomes confident in this analysis, then the next layer comes, which are the nakshatras (constellations of stars) each of the planets in every chart gets placed. There are 27 constellations + one special constellation that makes it 28 constellations. After this layer comes the layer of the Gods/Goddesses who rule the constellations as well as the planets. They will very much influence the person. Then his/her own Dharma (virtues), Artha (prosperity), Kama (desire) and Moksha (salvation) plays another very important layer and influence.
The horoscope when in the hands of someone who has first the divine grace, then the aptitude, knowledge and analytical capability can lay bare the attitudes and the personality of a native. Astrology is not the easy way to get ourselves what we desire without putting in the necessary effort as many assume nowadays. But it is very much a tool to pry open our own hidden talents, desires, and aspirations, to realize our authentic Self or Swaroopa. With the power of that knowledge and wisdom, we are asked to co-create a beautiful and purposeful life with the divine as our counterpart for ourselves and others in this physical reality. May the divine help each and every one of us to realize our true purpose and work incessantly to achieve our destiny!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Purushartha -The four pillars!
Note: Images made by Swaroopa.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds for their service for subscription. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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