Seetha-The brave Queen!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to work some more towards fulfilling the destiny you were born to do. Humans are the only life form that can go back into previous experiences, think about it, reflect on it and make changes necessary to capture a better outcome for themselves. All of us are born with this awesome capability, but in the race for everyday life, we forget this completely and go about the life as if a boat in the wind. Shouldn't we change that be the true driver of our boat of life?
Last week we discussed the divine feminine with Draupadi as an example with her own voice, freedom to speak her opinions and change the history as part of the Mahabharata in a major way. Today let us discuss another queen, Seetha and how she captured her own braveness in her life. She was another queen who in dire circumstances held on her own and is a great example for anyone having to struggle with their circumstances in their life. (Even though the examples discussed in these posts are about ladies, the same points can be applied to males also, as everyone at one point or other struggles with taking better decisions for ourselves. ;-)). So today let us discuss Seetha, who comes in Ramayana.
The story of Seetha: Seetha was born as the daughter of Janaka, the king of Mithila. But she was not born, she was seen in a plowed field and later Janaka adopted her as his child. (There are different versions of the birth of Seetha according to many classics, which can be read in Wikipedia. In Mythology, there are examples of every single thing, from adoption to abduction to foster parenting. So why not use these awesome features for our every day human life than keeping it hidden in some book in some library?). She grew up as the apple of the eyes of her parents, and when she became a young girl, she was taught all the sastras including Dharma, Yudha sastra, and other ethical texts. So here Seetha was also well knowledgeable in Dharma principles and was also considered good at war arts like archery and chariot riding.
There is a story about Seetha. When she was a young girl of 8 or 10 years old, she was playing with her sisters. At a point, in the merry of the play, Seetha goes and lifts the table on which the bow named 'Pinaka' (bow of Shiva given to Janaka was kept. Without much effort, Seetha lifts the table and after getting what she wanted, keeps the table back with the bow. Her father Janaka was watching this and made a point to use this bow during her Swayamvara (bridegroom choosing ceremony). This episode shows that Seetha was not a fragile, helpless lady; instead, she was strong, knowledgeable in Dharma, arts and war studies and was also a princess who was able to do debates on these Sastras.
Once she came of age, Janaka wanted to marry her off and kept the Swayamvara to choose the best and brightest groom for her. A lot of kings and princes came to attend the challenge. There was a table kept in the middle of the arena and on it was the same bow, Pinaka. Janaka announced, whoever was able to take it and string it will be Seetha's groom. Many princes and kings tried to lift it, but were not able to move it and failed in the competition miserably. Then, Rama who was splendorous and shining in his light blue (or is it black, I suspect it is dark skin, but with a beautiful tone to give it a blue appearance, who knows, we just have to take what is written in Mythology) color came, lifted the bow with ease and tried to string the bow. But the strong bow, which many of the princes were not even able to move, under the strength and pressure Rama was putting on its limb before even he got a chance to string it broke into two. Thus Rama became the bridegroom and later husband of Seetha.
Once Rama, Seetha and his brother Lakshmana (Rama and Lakshmana were taken by the sage Viswamitra when they were young lads to protect his penance and yagyas (fire rituals) from the Rakshasas (demons). Demons don't like sages doing penance.) came back to Ayodhya (capital city of the kingdom Kosala, where Rama was the prince), his dad Dasaratha was planning the coronation of Rama. In the meantime things happened, which led to Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha had to go to the forest for 14 years.
The abduction of Seetha: In the forest, Rama, Seetha, and Lakshmana were leading a peaceful life, eating berries, fruits and taking bath in the rivers and meeting many sages during their tryst with forest. At the same time Ravana, who was the king of Lanka (today's SriLanka), came to hear about Seetha and her beauty through the grapevine (in those days they had their own grapevine, like flying demons, magical nymphs and intuitive sages, ;-)) and decided to come and abduct her. For this, he asked one of his allies Maricha to become a golden deer (Need to remember the proverb, 'All that glitters is not gold'.) and go and entice Seetha.
Maricha who had heard about the prowess and archery skill of Rama was reluctant to go and do the job. But Ravana was, even more, a terror and thought at least he can die at the hands of Rama, who is the incarnation of the divine God, Vishnu. Talk about being caught between a devil and deep sea. The time when Rama going after the golden deer at the behest of Seetha and Lakshmana following him later, Ravana came as a sage for alms to Seetha. Before that when Lakshmana decided to follow Rama because Seetha ordered him to, Lakshmana had drawn a line around the perimeter of their hermitage and had asked Seetha not to cross it so that it will protect her. Now Ravana who knew that crossing that line called 'Lakshman Rekha' will kill him, asked Seetha pityingly to come outside that line and give him the alms.
Poor Seetha, not knowing the consequences, came out of the line and in an instant was abducted by Ravana, who changed into real Self with ten heads and took her to Lanka in an instant. There Seetha was put in a nature preserve called the 'Asoka Vana' (forest with Asoka trees), and was kept under vigil by the Rakshasis (female demons). Now anyone can ask the question, why Ravana had to keep Seetha in a forest and wait for her permission to marry her? Isn't it Ravana, the mighty emperor? If he has abducted Seetha, should we think before that he has kept his hands off other ladies? (Nowadays in the news also you can see this scenario playing out very much.)
Likewise, long back Ravana had gone and bothered a lady called Vedavathi when she was doing penance to marry Vishnu. Ravana bothered her and asked her to marry him and took hold of her hair. Vedavathi who was intent on marrying Vishnu cut off her hair and killed herself in the yogic fire she generated with her penance. Before entering the fire, she cursed him that if he ever touches a lady without her permission, his heads (10 heads!) will blow up into 1000 pieces. So coming back to Seetha, Ravana had to keep her at Asoka forest and wait for her permission.
Introduction of Hanuman: Now Rama and Lakshmana after losing Seetha are searching for her far and wide and come across a kingdom called Kishkinda, where Vanaras (human-like forms having monkey faces. Have read in some literature that even though their faces look as monkeys, Vanaras are even higher evolved beings that humans. So don't think of them less.) reside. There they meet a Vanara called Hanuman. The Vanara army with Sugriva, the King becomes ready to help Rama and Lakshmana and goes searching all over the place. They are frustrated, not able to find Seetha and meets a vulture called Sambati who directs them to go to Lanka where they will be able to find Seetha. Then all of them reach the southern tip of India and are doubtful how to cross the ocean to reach Lanka.
Then an elder among the Vanaras, but having a bear face called Jambavan calls Hanuman near and tells him that, Hanuman has the power to jump and cross the ocean to reach Lanka and look for Seetha. Hanuman when reminded of his power, jumps and crosses the ocean and reaches Lanka and starts searching for Seetha. Even though he searches a lot of palaces, his intuition tells him Seetha will not be sleeping happily away from her beloved Rama. Finally, he comes to the Asoka Vana and finds Seetha and asks her to come with him and he will be able to take her back to Rama. Seetha said, No and gave a 'Chudamani' (a jewelry for the hair), to show to Rama, so that he realizes Seetha is there in Asokavana, Country Lanka.
Rescue of Seetha: Hanuman, later goes to see Ravana as a messenger of Rama, to his court, where using his tail makes a big throne as high as the throne of Ravana and sits at the same level as Ravana. Then he tells Ravana that he has come as a messenger of Rama and asks to release Seetha and sent her back to Rama with due respects. For this Ravana says and emphatic No and says he will look forward to a battle with Rama. Above this to show his anger he asks his servants to catch Hanuman and set fire to his tail. Hanuman, with the burning tail, sets fire to many palaces in Lanka and again goes to see Seetha. Seetha pacifies him and asks him to go to Rama and narrate the details.
Hanuman comes back to Rama and reiterates the story and shows the Chudamani to Rama. With the help of the Vanaras, Rama and Lakshmana go to Lanka, crossing the ocean from the southern tip of India and sets up a war camp in Lanka. The fight between Rama and Ravana happens for thirteen days in which Ravana's brother Kumbhakarna gets killed and Lakshmana also almost gets killed. Finally, on the 13th day, Ravana gets killed and his last brother Vibhishana, who was a person of virtue and who had joined the camp of Rama before was made into the king of Lanka. Rama after rescuing Seetha takes her home to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, Seetha is asked to jump into the fire to prove her chastity and she does that and comes out of the fire without even a single hair burnt.
Exile of Seetha: Rama after returning to Ayodhya is coronated as king and Seetha become the queen. Rama rules the kingdom with justice and honesty. People where all very happy under the rulership of Rama and wellness and prosperity becomes the namesake of Ayodhya. In this meantime, a washerman who was infamous for his tongue, once when came to his house didn't see his wife. When she returns later home, he is raging with anger and throws her out of the house saying he is not Rama to take back a wife who has to spend time in another place for so long. (The Valmiki Ramayana ends with the coronation of Rama and this story comes in other scriptures like Padmapuran. But as this story has value for analysis, including here). The secret service agents who go among the people to collect information for king Rama hears this story and brings it back to Rama. Rama being the honorable king he gives utmost importance to the wishes of the people.
Hearing this story Rama is very upset and heartbroken. But even though he is a loving husband above that he is a king. So considering the wishes of his people, he exiles Seetha to forest who is pregnant that too with twins. Seetha stays in the hermitage of Valmiki where she gives birth to twins, Lava, and Kusha and brings them up.
End of Seetha: While Lava and Kusha were growing up, Rama decided to do an Aswamedha Yaga, a fire ritual where a white horse is left to roam many kingdoms and the soldiers go behind it. Whichever king tries to tie the horse is asked to wage a war with the soldiers and the king who left the horse. If the enemy king is defeated, the horse moves on to the next kingdom. This is a way for a king to become emperor by defeating the nearby kings. (Yudhishthira also does an Aswamedha in Mahabharatha).
Here when the horse comes to the ashrama of Valmiki, Lava and Kusha ties the horse and wait for the king to arrive. Rama after hearing the courage of the twins comes to fight with them. But seeing the brave twins he enquires whose kids they are and comes to realize that they are his own kids. He wants to bring them to his kingdom and accept Seetha back as his wife. Before that, he asks her again to go through an 'Agnipariksha' (proving her chastity using fire, again???). Seetha becomes very upset and prays to her mother, the Earth. (Remember, Seetha appeared as a girl baby in the plowed land in Mithila). Mother Earth not able to see the sadness of Seetha, opens under her and she is engulfed by the Earth and disappears into the lap of the Earth.Thus the end to the queen Seetha happens. Now let us analyze. Shall we? (It was really tough to narrate an epic as such a small story and had to leave many parts. ;-))
Analysis: Now let us look at the life of Seetha as a lady who lived her life during the mythological times.
1, As the young girl: Seetha as the young girl had great strength as mentioned in the episode where she was able to lift the table which had the bow, Pinaka while playing with her sisters.This shows that she was a lady of great physical strength and could have easily broken away from the grips of Ravana, if she had put her mind to. But in the divine scheme of things a Ramayana and the war between Rama and Ravana had to happen to show that good always trumps over evil. She also was no ordinary lady, being a princess had thorough knowledge of archery, Dharma (virtue) sastras and Science concerning war and rule of law. I suspect she would have given her opinions about rule of the kingdom when Rama became the king, a queen in the sense of being an empress who also knows how to run a country.
2, Going to the forest: When Rama was sent to the forest for 14 years, Lakshmana being very close to Rama and being his bosom friend accompanied Rama to forest. Here we see the nobility of Seetha as well. Being grown up as a princess and queen, she could have said no to going to the forest and stayed back in the palace itself. But being the noble wife she was, she accompanied her husband to the forest and slept on the same bare floor like her husband and ate the same food available in the forest. There is even a story where Lakshmana becomes emotional (Lakshmana is depicted as very emotional and wears his emotions on his sleeves, like becoming angry at a moment's notice compared to the cool and collected Rama, who is very good at controlling emotions.) seeing how the queen Seetha is destined to lead a forest life and sleep on the bare floor.
3, Enchanted by the golden deer: Maricha appears as a golden deer before Seetha and entices her. Seetha seeing the deer asks Rama to catch it. Rama tried to make her realize that there is no golden deer in nature and this could be a magic of some person. But Seetha being the strong princess doesn't want to hear any justifications and wants Rama to go and get the deer. Ladies can also be very assertive when they want something very much and can put all there intention and effort behind something. But here we also have to learn to listen to the voice of sense sometimes (whether male or female), which can come from elders, friends or family members. Also this story shows that every thing that glitters is not gold and in our race behind things many times we forget to verify if it is real gold, whether a person, thing or an opportunity. We need to have the wisdom to remove the real gold from the fool's gold.
4, Crossing the Lakshman Rekha: Before going to search for Rama, Lakshmana had drawn the line around the hermitage for the protection of Seetha. Ravana could have never come within this line as it would have burned him in an instant. But instead Ravana enticed Seetha to step outside the line. Here Seetha trusted the sage as an honest person. From this what can be understood? There can be scores of people to ready to deceive a lady if they are given a chance. The Lakshman Rekha or in our times the support and the sanctuary of family and friends is the real umbrella of protection against the eyes and intention of vultures of the society.
But many times women under the pretension of being progressive try to show the world that they don't want to stay in the structures of family and society. But this story shows that a wise lady while being progressive also choose to stay safe and never get into a situation where she is not able to protect herself. This is also a warning for the young girls who run away from their home because a parent or adult scolded them. The reality of the outside world is much darker and scarier than the simple scolding of a loved one. It is good to be wise and then be progressive. Progressive also can be of the thoughts, mind and ideas than simply being that of the physical existence and the body. (As mentioned before mythological stories have every kind of story that can be related to every day life.)
5, Abduction of Seetha: Now once Seetha crossed the line, obviously she was abducted by Ravana. Here I have read that the first time Seetha comes very close to the Lakshman Rekha, then after having a change of mind goes inside the line again. But it was at the constant insistence of Ravana, she makes a point to cross the line. What does this show? Our intuition when it rings the bell of danger, we need to listen to it. That is a reflex protective system provided by the divine to shield us from dangers. The first time most probably the warning bells would have rang inside Seetha not to cross the line. But instead of listening to that, she silenced it and went ahead and crossed the line. What is the point in crying once we don't listen to our intuition?
Now another point, the Ravana in these times can come in many forms, like the addictive things like drinks and drugs, people who can manipulate, take advantage and bring us down or situations which take the life out of us or that make us gasp for our own authenticity. In such cases the divine or the inner voice that warns us become our Lakshman Rekha and we need to listen to that gentle prodding and take the necessary action to protect ourselves from the vices of the society. Ravana can also be the fundamentalist ideas, propaganda and fake news that circulate in the media, which can abduct our mind, senses, and thoughts. So choose and take action wisely.
6, Seetha in the Asoka Vana: Now Seetha was taken to the Asoka forest and kept there under an Asoka tree with a few female demons put for vigil. Seetha here only needed a second to accept Ravana's proposition and become a queen of Ravana. Even though she made the mistake of crossing the line, here she didn't fall for the charms of Ravana. But every single day Ravana with fan and fare came and visited Seetha to change her mind. He put his best attire and accessories to woo her and also asked the lady demons to sing his praises during the hours Seetha was sitting under tree. Like this he continuously tried to entice her.
The strength of Seetha in this trying times was the unbending love and respect for her Rama. This also shows that ladies give a lot of value for love and emotional support. Wealth, riches and prosperity comes after that. To a husband or spouse who provides the love and support, she will be the most loyal wife to the end of the world. When Ravana used to visit her, Seetha never used to look at him. Instead she will pluck a grass from the earth put it before Ravana and talk to the grass. This can be interpreted as Seetha considering Ravana to be equal to a grass (तृणसमााः ) or that the grass is like a barrier between her and Ravana. Like this Seetha spends long time under the Asoka tree as the sad lady bereft of her spouse.
7, Seetha meets Hanuman: Seetha later meets Hanuman in the Asoka forest after searching all over Lanka. But Hanuman is not sure whether it is Seetha herself. He looks at her and saw the soiled clothes and the sadness that encases her body. (Something like the queen Devasena in the first part of Bahubali for movie lovers ;-)) Even then he is not sure. So sitting on one of the branches of the Asoka tree he narrates the story of Seetha and Rama with some intimate details known only to Rama and Seetha and finally wonders about some questions, for which Seetha gives the answers. Later Hanuman also shows the ring of Rama to confirm that he is indeed the messenger from Rama.
Hanuman offers to carry Seetha on his shoulders and take her to her husband's abode. This would have been the easiest way for Seetha to see Rama soon. But Seetha being the honorable queen rejects it and says the respect for a lady is when the husband comes and defends her honor. A married lady's honor is the love and care given by her husband or spouse. If we take the Asoka Vana as the situations that shows up in the life that challenges a lady's honor and status, then the way Rama came for his wife Seetha's rescue is an apt example for spouses how to act. A lady's respect and honor is the way a husband/spouse cares for her.
8, Seetha is rescued by Rama: Rama using the help of Lakshmana, the Vanaras and Vibhishana goes to war with Ravana for 13 days and at the end of it kills Ravana. Even after killing Ravana he does funeral rites for Ravana. Lakshmana questions this. Then Rama says even though Ravana had many vices, now he is killed and from the body he has become a spirit. Every spirit needs to rest in peace and even though he had done many evil acts, he deserves the respect as a human being. This was the true nature of Rama and why will not Seetha love such an honest person with all her heart? Many of the rulers nowadays can learn a lesson or two from this, how to give respect to an enemy even after his death. Seetha is ecstatic to see her Rama after a long time and thus Rama by killing his nemesis, protects the honor of his dear wife.
9, At Ayodhya Seetha, asked for the fire test: Once at Ayodhya, to prove to his people Rama asks Seetha to undergo an Agniparikshan or fire test. Seetha has to go in a fire and if she is unchaste the fire will burn her and if she had been loyal to Rama in Lanka the fire will not touch her. Seetha being the devoted wife agrees to the test and enters the fire. It seems the fire god (Agni Deva) could not tolerate the chaste energy of Seetha and bring her in his hands and gives her back to Rama saying
she is the most chaste among all.
Seetha could have rejected this test, instead of being the devoted wife she is, she went ahead and did it. Think how much love she has for her husband? But my personal opinion is, in modern times it is the unbroken trust that is the biggest fire test between a husband and a wife. The trust on each other is like the solid fire or Agni that burns with all the might and power. Only when that trust gets broken many times the help of family, friends, and others become necessary, otherwise never a third person is needed to bring in the truce in a relationship.
10, Seetha as the queen: Once the coronation is done for Rama (Rama Pattabhisheka), Seetha becomes the queen. She being the person knowledgeable in Dharma and rule of law and other strategies, helps Rama in the ruling of the kingdom. Most of the mythological ladies never sat in the kitchen just cooking and taking care of the food department. (Yes, this department is very important, but I am very much against ladies being shunned just to kitchen and not given a voice. There is a story where Parvathi gives alms to Shiva and she becomes known as Annapoornaswari, but there is also the story of Pandya princess Meenakshi (Parvathi) who rules Madurai city in Tamilnadu and Sundareswarar (Shiva) is considered the husband of Meenakshi and not the King. ;-)).
Along with cooking ladies were also very much involved in the affairs of the kingdom or ashram (hermitage) or war. There is a story of Rama's dad Dasaratha winning a battle with his second wife Kaikeyi, who runs the chariot for him. And in the middle of the battle the axle of the front wheel of the chariot breaks and Kaikeyi to make her husband win the battle puts her finger in the place of the battle and helps Dasaratha win the battle.( Make your wife, your partner in all affairs and see where it leads ;-)) Thus Kaikeyi becomes his favorite queen. Not sure when ladies started just getting tied up to the kitchen; the Hindu mythological stories never say so and gives much respect to ladies. And this can be seen also in the numerous Goddesses that adorn Hindu pantheon. There is even a story where it is said, a house where the lady is sad, the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi or prosperity never shows up. So treat one's lady well.
11, Rama asks Lakshmana to leave Seetha in the forest: Hearing the comment made by the washerman, Rama the honorable king after a lot of thought, even though heart broken and sad decided to discard Seetha and leave her in the forest. Rama asks Lakshmana to do the job. As Seetha was wishing to go and see some hermitages, while under the pretense of taking her to the hermitage, under the command of Rama leaves Seetha at the hermitage of Valmiki. Here Rama being the ultimate King had to do this tough choice for the benefit of his people. Once his people start doubting his good intentions, then he cannot be the King, so Rama had to take this tough decision and it is justified in the matter of being a good king.
But as this is a post about Seetha, let us look from her viewpoint. Seetha was the very loyal wife of Rama. In Lanks, Seetha didn't fall for the enticements of Ravana and waited patiently for Rama to come and rescue her. She believed that Rama rescuing her after battling Ravana will bring him glory and honor. Once back in Ayodhya at the request of Rama she was ready even to do the fire test and comes out successfully. Above that when Lakshmana leaves Seetha in the forest she was pregnant with twin babies. What a tragedy for a queen like Seetha to go through this. But she was brave and had huge self-respect for herself, she never came begging back to Rama to take her back.
She decided that what Rama thought was a good choice for the kingdom and Rama being even her king (though husband), she is supposed to obey the King's order. So here Rama becomes a good king, but a good husband???? (Some years back I was so angry at Rama to discard Seetha in the forest, when she was in a helpless state, whenever I used to go to a Rama temple, I used to complain to him in my mind, how can you leave your helpless wife in the forest like that? There are stories which show Seetha got a curse in her youth that she will be left by her husband. Even then where is the fairness and justice for Seetha in the kingdom of Maryada Rama (Rama who is the epitome of virtues)). So even in Mythology, sometimes ladies don't get justice. If that is the case of kings and Gods, what to say about humans? Divine feminine, Rise Up!! (Just wanted to reiterate, this post is from the viewpoint of Seetha, the woman. In the realm of Brahman as we discussed before there is no male or female, only energies. ;-))
12, Seetha ends her life: Seetha gives birth to sons, Lava, and Kusha at Valmiki's ashram and is leading a very quiet life as a mother and a hermit. She does not again interfere in the affairs of Ayodhya or Rama. She is happy to take care of the kids, showing them the right path and helping Valmiki with the hermitage affairs. Now again Rama enters into her life as the King who has left the horse for the 'Aswamedha' Yagya (fire ritual) and he is very happy to meet Lava and Kusha.
In the Aswamedha, he is supposed to do the rituals along with his wife. As Seetha has been discarded in the forest in place of her, he makes a golden statue of Seetha and keeps it along with his side during rituals. Now hearing about Lava and Kusha capturing the horse, he comes to the rescue of the horse and later realizes Lava and Kusha are his sons. He is ready to take his sons to Ayodhya, but to accept Seetha again into the Kingdom at the Aswamedha arena, he asks Seetha to do again and Agniparikshan. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Seetha becomes extremely upset and very sad and is not ready to undergo another fire test. Who can undergo continuous tests to prove themselves that they are worthy of love and affection? Seetha decided that is enough. She implores to her mother, the Earth from which she came very pityingly, "Mother, please rescue me from this trial. Please take me to back to your womb, where let me get my rest and peace". Mother Earth, always the loving and patient mother as she is, (Look how patient she has been with all the destruction, damage and exploitation, we humans have done to her. I am not really sure how much more longer patient she will be. Now itself, Tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons and earthquakes have started becoming a more regular occurrence.), opens up underneath Seetha's feet and takes her to the peaceful womb of hers. Thus Seetha rescues herself from further trials and tribulations.
Now look at Seetha's life from her perspective. Wasn't she a brave queen to go through all the trials and tribulations that was thrown at her by life? Did she become mad or run away from her responsibilities? No! She was thrown away after being utmost loyal. In every woman who is a wife, there is a Seetha, loyal, responsible and very loving. Let every lady capture that essence of Seetha and stand tall alongside her husband, her Rama, giving advice, having utmost loyalty and Self-respect for herself. That is the true power of the divine feminine when she becomes a wife and a mother, whether Parvathi in Ardhanariswara, Draupadi in Mahabharatha or Seetha in Ramayana.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Ramayana - A hidden interpretation!
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
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©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to work some more towards fulfilling the destiny you were born to do. Humans are the only life form that can go back into previous experiences, think about it, reflect on it and make changes necessary to capture a better outcome for themselves. All of us are born with this awesome capability, but in the race for everyday life, we forget this completely and go about the life as if a boat in the wind. Shouldn't we change that be the true driver of our boat of life?
Last week we discussed the divine feminine with Draupadi as an example with her own voice, freedom to speak her opinions and change the history as part of the Mahabharata in a major way. Today let us discuss another queen, Seetha and how she captured her own braveness in her life. She was another queen who in dire circumstances held on her own and is a great example for anyone having to struggle with their circumstances in their life. (Even though the examples discussed in these posts are about ladies, the same points can be applied to males also, as everyone at one point or other struggles with taking better decisions for ourselves. ;-)). So today let us discuss Seetha, who comes in Ramayana.
The story of Seetha: Seetha was born as the daughter of Janaka, the king of Mithila. But she was not born, she was seen in a plowed field and later Janaka adopted her as his child. (There are different versions of the birth of Seetha according to many classics, which can be read in Wikipedia. In Mythology, there are examples of every single thing, from adoption to abduction to foster parenting. So why not use these awesome features for our every day human life than keeping it hidden in some book in some library?). She grew up as the apple of the eyes of her parents, and when she became a young girl, she was taught all the sastras including Dharma, Yudha sastra, and other ethical texts. So here Seetha was also well knowledgeable in Dharma principles and was also considered good at war arts like archery and chariot riding.
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Seeta in exile at Valmiki's hermitage See page for author [CC BY 4.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons |
There is a story about Seetha. When she was a young girl of 8 or 10 years old, she was playing with her sisters. At a point, in the merry of the play, Seetha goes and lifts the table on which the bow named 'Pinaka' (bow of Shiva given to Janaka was kept. Without much effort, Seetha lifts the table and after getting what she wanted, keeps the table back with the bow. Her father Janaka was watching this and made a point to use this bow during her Swayamvara (bridegroom choosing ceremony). This episode shows that Seetha was not a fragile, helpless lady; instead, she was strong, knowledgeable in Dharma, arts and war studies and was also a princess who was able to do debates on these Sastras.
Once she came of age, Janaka wanted to marry her off and kept the Swayamvara to choose the best and brightest groom for her. A lot of kings and princes came to attend the challenge. There was a table kept in the middle of the arena and on it was the same bow, Pinaka. Janaka announced, whoever was able to take it and string it will be Seetha's groom. Many princes and kings tried to lift it, but were not able to move it and failed in the competition miserably. Then, Rama who was splendorous and shining in his light blue (or is it black, I suspect it is dark skin, but with a beautiful tone to give it a blue appearance, who knows, we just have to take what is written in Mythology) color came, lifted the bow with ease and tried to string the bow. But the strong bow, which many of the princes were not even able to move, under the strength and pressure Rama was putting on its limb before even he got a chance to string it broke into two. Thus Rama became the bridegroom and later husband of Seetha.
Once Rama, Seetha and his brother Lakshmana (Rama and Lakshmana were taken by the sage Viswamitra when they were young lads to protect his penance and yagyas (fire rituals) from the Rakshasas (demons). Demons don't like sages doing penance.) came back to Ayodhya (capital city of the kingdom Kosala, where Rama was the prince), his dad Dasaratha was planning the coronation of Rama. In the meantime things happened, which led to Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha had to go to the forest for 14 years.
The abduction of Seetha: In the forest, Rama, Seetha, and Lakshmana were leading a peaceful life, eating berries, fruits and taking bath in the rivers and meeting many sages during their tryst with forest. At the same time Ravana, who was the king of Lanka (today's SriLanka), came to hear about Seetha and her beauty through the grapevine (in those days they had their own grapevine, like flying demons, magical nymphs and intuitive sages, ;-)) and decided to come and abduct her. For this, he asked one of his allies Maricha to become a golden deer (Need to remember the proverb, 'All that glitters is not gold'.) and go and entice Seetha.
Maricha who had heard about the prowess and archery skill of Rama was reluctant to go and do the job. But Ravana was, even more, a terror and thought at least he can die at the hands of Rama, who is the incarnation of the divine God, Vishnu. Talk about being caught between a devil and deep sea. The time when Rama going after the golden deer at the behest of Seetha and Lakshmana following him later, Ravana came as a sage for alms to Seetha. Before that when Lakshmana decided to follow Rama because Seetha ordered him to, Lakshmana had drawn a line around the perimeter of their hermitage and had asked Seetha not to cross it so that it will protect her. Now Ravana who knew that crossing that line called 'Lakshman Rekha' will kill him, asked Seetha pityingly to come outside that line and give him the alms.
Poor Seetha, not knowing the consequences, came out of the line and in an instant was abducted by Ravana, who changed into real Self with ten heads and took her to Lanka in an instant. There Seetha was put in a nature preserve called the 'Asoka Vana' (forest with Asoka trees), and was kept under vigil by the Rakshasis (female demons). Now anyone can ask the question, why Ravana had to keep Seetha in a forest and wait for her permission to marry her? Isn't it Ravana, the mighty emperor? If he has abducted Seetha, should we think before that he has kept his hands off other ladies? (Nowadays in the news also you can see this scenario playing out very much.)
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Seetha being abducted by Ravana By Ramachandra Madhwa Mahishi Illustrated by Balasaheb Pandit Pant Pratinidhi [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Likewise, long back Ravana had gone and bothered a lady called Vedavathi when she was doing penance to marry Vishnu. Ravana bothered her and asked her to marry him and took hold of her hair. Vedavathi who was intent on marrying Vishnu cut off her hair and killed herself in the yogic fire she generated with her penance. Before entering the fire, she cursed him that if he ever touches a lady without her permission, his heads (10 heads!) will blow up into 1000 pieces. So coming back to Seetha, Ravana had to keep her at Asoka forest and wait for her permission.
Introduction of Hanuman: Now Rama and Lakshmana after losing Seetha are searching for her far and wide and come across a kingdom called Kishkinda, where Vanaras (human-like forms having monkey faces. Have read in some literature that even though their faces look as monkeys, Vanaras are even higher evolved beings that humans. So don't think of them less.) reside. There they meet a Vanara called Hanuman. The Vanara army with Sugriva, the King becomes ready to help Rama and Lakshmana and goes searching all over the place. They are frustrated, not able to find Seetha and meets a vulture called Sambati who directs them to go to Lanka where they will be able to find Seetha. Then all of them reach the southern tip of India and are doubtful how to cross the ocean to reach Lanka.
Then an elder among the Vanaras, but having a bear face called Jambavan calls Hanuman near and tells him that, Hanuman has the power to jump and cross the ocean to reach Lanka and look for Seetha. Hanuman when reminded of his power, jumps and crosses the ocean and reaches Lanka and starts searching for Seetha. Even though he searches a lot of palaces, his intuition tells him Seetha will not be sleeping happily away from her beloved Rama. Finally, he comes to the Asoka Vana and finds Seetha and asks her to come with him and he will be able to take her back to Rama. Seetha said, No and gave a 'Chudamani' (a jewelry for the hair), to show to Rama, so that he realizes Seetha is there in Asokavana, Country Lanka.
Rescue of Seetha: Hanuman, later goes to see Ravana as a messenger of Rama, to his court, where using his tail makes a big throne as high as the throne of Ravana and sits at the same level as Ravana. Then he tells Ravana that he has come as a messenger of Rama and asks to release Seetha and sent her back to Rama with due respects. For this Ravana says and emphatic No and says he will look forward to a battle with Rama. Above this to show his anger he asks his servants to catch Hanuman and set fire to his tail. Hanuman, with the burning tail, sets fire to many palaces in Lanka and again goes to see Seetha. Seetha pacifies him and asks him to go to Rama and narrate the details.
Hanuman comes back to Rama and reiterates the story and shows the Chudamani to Rama. With the help of the Vanaras, Rama and Lakshmana go to Lanka, crossing the ocean from the southern tip of India and sets up a war camp in Lanka. The fight between Rama and Ravana happens for thirteen days in which Ravana's brother Kumbhakarna gets killed and Lakshmana also almost gets killed. Finally, on the 13th day, Ravana gets killed and his last brother Vibhishana, who was a person of virtue and who had joined the camp of Rama before was made into the king of Lanka. Rama after rescuing Seetha takes her home to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, Seetha is asked to jump into the fire to prove her chastity and she does that and comes out of the fire without even a single hair burnt.
Exile of Seetha: Rama after returning to Ayodhya is coronated as king and Seetha become the queen. Rama rules the kingdom with justice and honesty. People where all very happy under the rulership of Rama and wellness and prosperity becomes the namesake of Ayodhya. In this meantime, a washerman who was infamous for his tongue, once when came to his house didn't see his wife. When she returns later home, he is raging with anger and throws her out of the house saying he is not Rama to take back a wife who has to spend time in another place for so long. (The Valmiki Ramayana ends with the coronation of Rama and this story comes in other scriptures like Padmapuran. But as this story has value for analysis, including here). The secret service agents who go among the people to collect information for king Rama hears this story and brings it back to Rama. Rama being the honorable king he gives utmost importance to the wishes of the people.
Hearing this story Rama is very upset and heartbroken. But even though he is a loving husband above that he is a king. So considering the wishes of his people, he exiles Seetha to forest who is pregnant that too with twins. Seetha stays in the hermitage of Valmiki where she gives birth to twins, Lava, and Kusha and brings them up.
End of Seetha: While Lava and Kusha were growing up, Rama decided to do an Aswamedha Yaga, a fire ritual where a white horse is left to roam many kingdoms and the soldiers go behind it. Whichever king tries to tie the horse is asked to wage a war with the soldiers and the king who left the horse. If the enemy king is defeated, the horse moves on to the next kingdom. This is a way for a king to become emperor by defeating the nearby kings. (Yudhishthira also does an Aswamedha in Mahabharatha).
Here when the horse comes to the ashrama of Valmiki, Lava and Kusha ties the horse and wait for the king to arrive. Rama after hearing the courage of the twins comes to fight with them. But seeing the brave twins he enquires whose kids they are and comes to realize that they are his own kids. He wants to bring them to his kingdom and accept Seetha back as his wife. Before that, he asks her again to go through an 'Agnipariksha' (proving her chastity using fire, again???). Seetha becomes very upset and prays to her mother, the Earth. (Remember, Seetha appeared as a girl baby in the plowed land in Mithila). Mother Earth not able to see the sadness of Seetha, opens under her and she is engulfed by the Earth and disappears into the lap of the Earth.Thus the end to the queen Seetha happens. Now let us analyze. Shall we? (It was really tough to narrate an epic as such a small story and had to leave many parts. ;-))
Analysis: Now let us look at the life of Seetha as a lady who lived her life during the mythological times.
1, As the young girl: Seetha as the young girl had great strength as mentioned in the episode where she was able to lift the table which had the bow, Pinaka while playing with her sisters.This shows that she was a lady of great physical strength and could have easily broken away from the grips of Ravana, if she had put her mind to. But in the divine scheme of things a Ramayana and the war between Rama and Ravana had to happen to show that good always trumps over evil. She also was no ordinary lady, being a princess had thorough knowledge of archery, Dharma (virtue) sastras and Science concerning war and rule of law. I suspect she would have given her opinions about rule of the kingdom when Rama became the king, a queen in the sense of being an empress who also knows how to run a country.
2, Going to the forest: When Rama was sent to the forest for 14 years, Lakshmana being very close to Rama and being his bosom friend accompanied Rama to forest. Here we see the nobility of Seetha as well. Being grown up as a princess and queen, she could have said no to going to the forest and stayed back in the palace itself. But being the noble wife she was, she accompanied her husband to the forest and slept on the same bare floor like her husband and ate the same food available in the forest. There is even a story where Lakshmana becomes emotional (Lakshmana is depicted as very emotional and wears his emotions on his sleeves, like becoming angry at a moment's notice compared to the cool and collected Rama, who is very good at controlling emotions.) seeing how the queen Seetha is destined to lead a forest life and sleep on the bare floor.
3, Enchanted by the golden deer: Maricha appears as a golden deer before Seetha and entices her. Seetha seeing the deer asks Rama to catch it. Rama tried to make her realize that there is no golden deer in nature and this could be a magic of some person. But Seetha being the strong princess doesn't want to hear any justifications and wants Rama to go and get the deer. Ladies can also be very assertive when they want something very much and can put all there intention and effort behind something. But here we also have to learn to listen to the voice of sense sometimes (whether male or female), which can come from elders, friends or family members. Also this story shows that every thing that glitters is not gold and in our race behind things many times we forget to verify if it is real gold, whether a person, thing or an opportunity. We need to have the wisdom to remove the real gold from the fool's gold.
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Rama chasing the golden deer, Maricha By Fazl , azl ,(Indian, Mughal dynasty)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
4, Crossing the Lakshman Rekha: Before going to search for Rama, Lakshmana had drawn the line around the hermitage for the protection of Seetha. Ravana could have never come within this line as it would have burned him in an instant. But instead Ravana enticed Seetha to step outside the line. Here Seetha trusted the sage as an honest person. From this what can be understood? There can be scores of people to ready to deceive a lady if they are given a chance. The Lakshman Rekha or in our times the support and the sanctuary of family and friends is the real umbrella of protection against the eyes and intention of vultures of the society.
But many times women under the pretension of being progressive try to show the world that they don't want to stay in the structures of family and society. But this story shows that a wise lady while being progressive also choose to stay safe and never get into a situation where she is not able to protect herself. This is also a warning for the young girls who run away from their home because a parent or adult scolded them. The reality of the outside world is much darker and scarier than the simple scolding of a loved one. It is good to be wise and then be progressive. Progressive also can be of the thoughts, mind and ideas than simply being that of the physical existence and the body. (As mentioned before mythological stories have every kind of story that can be related to every day life.)
5, Abduction of Seetha: Now once Seetha crossed the line, obviously she was abducted by Ravana. Here I have read that the first time Seetha comes very close to the Lakshman Rekha, then after having a change of mind goes inside the line again. But it was at the constant insistence of Ravana, she makes a point to cross the line. What does this show? Our intuition when it rings the bell of danger, we need to listen to it. That is a reflex protective system provided by the divine to shield us from dangers. The first time most probably the warning bells would have rang inside Seetha not to cross the line. But instead of listening to that, she silenced it and went ahead and crossed the line. What is the point in crying once we don't listen to our intuition?
Now another point, the Ravana in these times can come in many forms, like the addictive things like drinks and drugs, people who can manipulate, take advantage and bring us down or situations which take the life out of us or that make us gasp for our own authenticity. In such cases the divine or the inner voice that warns us become our Lakshman Rekha and we need to listen to that gentle prodding and take the necessary action to protect ourselves from the vices of the society. Ravana can also be the fundamentalist ideas, propaganda and fake news that circulate in the media, which can abduct our mind, senses, and thoughts. So choose and take action wisely.
6, Seetha in the Asoka Vana: Now Seetha was taken to the Asoka forest and kept there under an Asoka tree with a few female demons put for vigil. Seetha here only needed a second to accept Ravana's proposition and become a queen of Ravana. Even though she made the mistake of crossing the line, here she didn't fall for the charms of Ravana. But every single day Ravana with fan and fare came and visited Seetha to change her mind. He put his best attire and accessories to woo her and also asked the lady demons to sing his praises during the hours Seetha was sitting under tree. Like this he continuously tried to entice her.
The strength of Seetha in this trying times was the unbending love and respect for her Rama. This also shows that ladies give a lot of value for love and emotional support. Wealth, riches and prosperity comes after that. To a husband or spouse who provides the love and support, she will be the most loyal wife to the end of the world. When Ravana used to visit her, Seetha never used to look at him. Instead she will pluck a grass from the earth put it before Ravana and talk to the grass. This can be interpreted as Seetha considering Ravana to be equal to a grass (तृणसमााः ) or that the grass is like a barrier between her and Ravana. Like this Seetha spends long time under the Asoka tree as the sad lady bereft of her spouse.
7, Seetha meets Hanuman: Seetha later meets Hanuman in the Asoka forest after searching all over Lanka. But Hanuman is not sure whether it is Seetha herself. He looks at her and saw the soiled clothes and the sadness that encases her body. (Something like the queen Devasena in the first part of Bahubali for movie lovers ;-)) Even then he is not sure. So sitting on one of the branches of the Asoka tree he narrates the story of Seetha and Rama with some intimate details known only to Rama and Seetha and finally wonders about some questions, for which Seetha gives the answers. Later Hanuman also shows the ring of Rama to confirm that he is indeed the messenger from Rama.
Hanuman offers to carry Seetha on his shoulders and take her to her husband's abode. This would have been the easiest way for Seetha to see Rama soon. But Seetha being the honorable queen rejects it and says the respect for a lady is when the husband comes and defends her honor. A married lady's honor is the love and care given by her husband or spouse. If we take the Asoka Vana as the situations that shows up in the life that challenges a lady's honor and status, then the way Rama came for his wife Seetha's rescue is an apt example for spouses how to act. A lady's respect and honor is the way a husband/spouse cares for her.
8, Seetha is rescued by Rama: Rama using the help of Lakshmana, the Vanaras and Vibhishana goes to war with Ravana for 13 days and at the end of it kills Ravana. Even after killing Ravana he does funeral rites for Ravana. Lakshmana questions this. Then Rama says even though Ravana had many vices, now he is killed and from the body he has become a spirit. Every spirit needs to rest in peace and even though he had done many evil acts, he deserves the respect as a human being. This was the true nature of Rama and why will not Seetha love such an honest person with all her heart? Many of the rulers nowadays can learn a lesson or two from this, how to give respect to an enemy even after his death. Seetha is ecstatic to see her Rama after a long time and thus Rama by killing his nemesis, protects the honor of his dear wife.
9, At Ayodhya Seetha, asked for the fire test: Once at Ayodhya, to prove to his people Rama asks Seetha to undergo an Agniparikshan or fire test. Seetha has to go in a fire and if she is unchaste the fire will burn her and if she had been loyal to Rama in Lanka the fire will not touch her. Seetha being the devoted wife agrees to the test and enters the fire. It seems the fire god (Agni Deva) could not tolerate the chaste energy of Seetha and bring her in his hands and gives her back to Rama saying
she is the most chaste among all.
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Seetha doing Agni Pariksha (Fire test) By Jonoikobangali (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons |
Seetha could have rejected this test, instead of being the devoted wife she is, she went ahead and did it. Think how much love she has for her husband? But my personal opinion is, in modern times it is the unbroken trust that is the biggest fire test between a husband and a wife. The trust on each other is like the solid fire or Agni that burns with all the might and power. Only when that trust gets broken many times the help of family, friends, and others become necessary, otherwise never a third person is needed to bring in the truce in a relationship.
10, Seetha as the queen: Once the coronation is done for Rama (Rama Pattabhisheka), Seetha becomes the queen. She being the person knowledgeable in Dharma and rule of law and other strategies, helps Rama in the ruling of the kingdom. Most of the mythological ladies never sat in the kitchen just cooking and taking care of the food department. (Yes, this department is very important, but I am very much against ladies being shunned just to kitchen and not given a voice. There is a story where Parvathi gives alms to Shiva and she becomes known as Annapoornaswari, but there is also the story of Pandya princess Meenakshi (Parvathi) who rules Madurai city in Tamilnadu and Sundareswarar (Shiva) is considered the husband of Meenakshi and not the King. ;-)).
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Rama and Seetha Coronation (Rama Pattabhisheka) By Picture Publishing corporation [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Along with cooking ladies were also very much involved in the affairs of the kingdom or ashram (hermitage) or war. There is a story of Rama's dad Dasaratha winning a battle with his second wife Kaikeyi, who runs the chariot for him. And in the middle of the battle the axle of the front wheel of the chariot breaks and Kaikeyi to make her husband win the battle puts her finger in the place of the battle and helps Dasaratha win the battle.( Make your wife, your partner in all affairs and see where it leads ;-)) Thus Kaikeyi becomes his favorite queen. Not sure when ladies started just getting tied up to the kitchen; the Hindu mythological stories never say so and gives much respect to ladies. And this can be seen also in the numerous Goddesses that adorn Hindu pantheon. There is even a story where it is said, a house where the lady is sad, the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi or prosperity never shows up. So treat one's lady well.
11, Rama asks Lakshmana to leave Seetha in the forest: Hearing the comment made by the washerman, Rama the honorable king after a lot of thought, even though heart broken and sad decided to discard Seetha and leave her in the forest. Rama asks Lakshmana to do the job. As Seetha was wishing to go and see some hermitages, while under the pretense of taking her to the hermitage, under the command of Rama leaves Seetha at the hermitage of Valmiki. Here Rama being the ultimate King had to do this tough choice for the benefit of his people. Once his people start doubting his good intentions, then he cannot be the King, so Rama had to take this tough decision and it is justified in the matter of being a good king.
But as this is a post about Seetha, let us look from her viewpoint. Seetha was the very loyal wife of Rama. In Lanks, Seetha didn't fall for the enticements of Ravana and waited patiently for Rama to come and rescue her. She believed that Rama rescuing her after battling Ravana will bring him glory and honor. Once back in Ayodhya at the request of Rama she was ready even to do the fire test and comes out successfully. Above that when Lakshmana leaves Seetha in the forest she was pregnant with twin babies. What a tragedy for a queen like Seetha to go through this. But she was brave and had huge self-respect for herself, she never came begging back to Rama to take her back.
She decided that what Rama thought was a good choice for the kingdom and Rama being even her king (though husband), she is supposed to obey the King's order. So here Rama becomes a good king, but a good husband???? (Some years back I was so angry at Rama to discard Seetha in the forest, when she was in a helpless state, whenever I used to go to a Rama temple, I used to complain to him in my mind, how can you leave your helpless wife in the forest like that? There are stories which show Seetha got a curse in her youth that she will be left by her husband. Even then where is the fairness and justice for Seetha in the kingdom of Maryada Rama (Rama who is the epitome of virtues)). So even in Mythology, sometimes ladies don't get justice. If that is the case of kings and Gods, what to say about humans? Divine feminine, Rise Up!! (Just wanted to reiterate, this post is from the viewpoint of Seetha, the woman. In the realm of Brahman as we discussed before there is no male or female, only energies. ;-))
12, Seetha ends her life: Seetha gives birth to sons, Lava, and Kusha at Valmiki's ashram and is leading a very quiet life as a mother and a hermit. She does not again interfere in the affairs of Ayodhya or Rama. She is happy to take care of the kids, showing them the right path and helping Valmiki with the hermitage affairs. Now again Rama enters into her life as the King who has left the horse for the 'Aswamedha' Yagya (fire ritual) and he is very happy to meet Lava and Kusha.
In the Aswamedha, he is supposed to do the rituals along with his wife. As Seetha has been discarded in the forest in place of her, he makes a golden statue of Seetha and keeps it along with his side during rituals. Now hearing about Lava and Kusha capturing the horse, he comes to the rescue of the horse and later realizes Lava and Kusha are his sons. He is ready to take his sons to Ayodhya, but to accept Seetha again into the Kingdom at the Aswamedha arena, he asks Seetha to do again and Agniparikshan. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Seetha becomes extremely upset and very sad and is not ready to undergo another fire test. Who can undergo continuous tests to prove themselves that they are worthy of love and affection? Seetha decided that is enough. She implores to her mother, the Earth from which she came very pityingly, "Mother, please rescue me from this trial. Please take me to back to your womb, where let me get my rest and peace". Mother Earth, always the loving and patient mother as she is, (Look how patient she has been with all the destruction, damage and exploitation, we humans have done to her. I am not really sure how much more longer patient she will be. Now itself, Tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons and earthquakes have started becoming a more regular occurrence.), opens up underneath Seetha's feet and takes her to the peaceful womb of hers. Thus Seetha rescues herself from further trials and tribulations.
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Seetha being taken by her mother, The Earth (Bhoomi Pravesh), while Rama is watching Raja Ravi Varma [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Now look at Seetha's life from her perspective. Wasn't she a brave queen to go through all the trials and tribulations that was thrown at her by life? Did she become mad or run away from her responsibilities? No! She was thrown away after being utmost loyal. In every woman who is a wife, there is a Seetha, loyal, responsible and very loving. Let every lady capture that essence of Seetha and stand tall alongside her husband, her Rama, giving advice, having utmost loyalty and Self-respect for herself. That is the true power of the divine feminine when she becomes a wife and a mother, whether Parvathi in Ardhanariswara, Draupadi in Mahabharatha or Seetha in Ramayana.
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Ramayana - A hidden interpretation!
Note: Images from Wikimedia Commons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
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