Watch your dreams to catch your purpose!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to go one step further to capture your dreams for your life. In the last two weeks, we tried to find the Philosophy as well as the purpose for our life. How about this week let us go a bit further and analyze whether dreams have anything to do with our purpose?
Before that let us recapture slightly about the gist we discussed in the post on the 'Philosophical analysis' of life. In that post we discussed how beyond our physical realm, there is the subconscious, spiritual as well as the divine realms. If they don't have much purpose why do we need them? Because the intuition (of course, according to me. Yours can say something else), is suggesting that such higher realms do exist, they also most probably do need some purpose.
After some deep analysis, what I have come to realize is that in the Universe, nothing happens just like that. If something happens there is definitely a purpose. Think about a tree. Why does it grow ? Why does it flower? Why does it make fruits? Why does it makes seeds? For each question, here is the answer. A tree grows so that it can flower. It flowers, so it can produce fruits. It fruits so that it can produce seeds. It produces seeds so that it can propagate. (Now about the seedless fruits in the market, that is GMO products-Genetically modified Organisms used products, a subject for another entire blog post.)
Same way if other realms exist they definitely will have a purpose. What if one of their purposes is to guide us, Earthlings. Also, we have discussed a lot about the higher Self or the Soul all of us have. What if that also very much helps in the guidance? We discussed that the higher realms, the subconscious as well as the higher Self, contacts us through our intuition as well as inner voice. Think, what if there is another powerful way all these guidances come to us?
Yes! dreams! Many of us do dream during our sleep. It can be fluffy beautiful dreams or nightmares. Now, what are dreams? (Before that a disclaimer- I am not a Psychologist and didn't study Psychology. Almost all of the emotional/psychological attitudes I write here are from my own personal experiences, research as well as analysis. The information I am providing here is for everyone to look at their own lives, find their exact and true purpose and pursue it totally to lead a very fruitful and authentic life. I am not a Psychologist and anyone suffering from any sickness do need to consult a professional and take the appropriate actions to get back to good health and wellbeing.) Whatever I am writing here is always from a Philosophical point of view, how using what we are provided get the best outcome possible for our life.
Ok, back to the dreams. What are dreams? According to Wikipedia, 'A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.' Here we are not going to analyze how the dream is occurring, from where it is coming, what is the underlying scientific reason for it or what faculties are involved in making the dream. The brilliant neuroscientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists are doing excellent work on that. Here we are only going to concentrate on whether analyzing the dreams can we get hints and clues towards our life purpose.
What if the higher realms and our higher Self, are trying to give us hints through our dreams? If we ignore or neglect those, aren't we losing a piece of the important information towards the puzzle? Most of the times, our dreams. intuition, inner voice, feelings, emotions and all the other factors taken together gives us an almost whole picture of what may be our purpose. But even here the purpose may be abstract as our free-will and choice also come with the package. We can never take away that part of the equation. So finally according to what we want for ourselves, the final outcome can be slightly changed.
But the major part of the purpose, for example, the talents, passion, and interests we may have are almost certainly written in our DNA, the minute we are born. Of course many times we may need to develop those passions. But a musical family many times (of course exceptions are everywhere), has a higher chance of getting a baby/kid musically talented. Okay, now let us come back to our dreams. Do they give us hints about our purpose, which we can use towards pursuing ours?
According to what I have found out through my life, many times dreams do try to give us hints by way of some closely related incidents depicted in the particular dream. But then it is our job to analyze the dream and apply it properly to our waking life. Dreams do speak in signs and symbols, for that matter, the whole Universe speaks in signs and symbols. Only humans are not able to interpret the symbols. So by analyzing and thinking deeply about dreams, we can get some hints of our purpose.
Here, I am going to describe three of my dreams, which after analysis guided me to the path of a blogger/ writer. So here it is.
Dream 1: I am at the bus stop waiting for my bus to come. It is my exam day, even though I have prepared well for the exam, I am tensed up. Even at the bus stop, I am sitting on a bench and busy studying from my books. I do anxiously look for the bus. The bus finally arrives. As usual in India, the bus is totally crowded. I am standing with my hand on the support bar from falling when the bus applies brakes. Like this, I reach my college. There also until the very last minute I am trying to study. The bell rings announcing it is time for the exam to start.
For those who don't know college/University exams in India, we are supposed to carry a hall ticket or hall pass, which you go to college two weeks before the exam to collect. In that, our name will be there, and also there will be just a 7 or 8 digit number. This number we are supposed to write on our answer paper. Our name we are not supposed to write on the answer sheet. This is for the correction of the paper to be truthful, as the person correcting the paper will not have any idea who the student is. The marks the student is getting is exactly for whatever is written on the answer sheet. So if a student needs to write the exam, he or she needs the hall ticket, need to show it to the examination vigilence person, write it down on their answer sheet and then only write the exam. So this is how the examination procedure works.
So here the bell is ringing, the exam is about to start, I search for my hall ticket. I have forgotten it at home (Never happened in my waking life. :-)). There is no hall ticket in my handbag. I am upset and I am not able to write my exam. Note the first dream is about writing and I am not able to do it.
Dream 2: The second dream happens literally inside the exam hall. I am in a huge auditorium (almost the same auditorium, I used to attend during my third Master's classes, at University of Delaware) and every one is ready to write the exam. All are given the question papers and the answer sheets. (Literally, I am feeling very happy I don't have to write another exam in my life anymore. Have given too many exams. Now the exams I may write maybe only in the dreams. ;-)). I look for my pencil and take it and start writing my exam. I don't really know, why I don't have a pen, but it was a pencil. I start writing my exam and suddenly the lead of the pencil breaks. I don't have another pencil, pen or a sharpener. So I am sitting with a broken pencil not able to write the exam. Here also I didn't write the exam.
Dream 3: I am back at the bus stop, waiting for my bus. I have again an exam today. I am waiting and waiting. Now I am seeing the bus coming. It is coming. This is the normal private bus you see in states like Kerala. It is crowded with people, with people hanging even on the steps of the door. Remember, this is happening in India in most of my dreams. India has 1.1B people. So buses are indeed very crowded.
But it went away without stopping at my bus stop, due to already the crowd in the bus. I am totally disheartened and very upset knowing, I am going to miss writing my exam, as the next bus is much later and I am sure by the time I reach my college, the exam time would be already half done.
Now let us go to the analysis. What did I take away from my dreams? At this time, look at your life. Are there any recurring dreams, which you need to analyze. Maybe they are giving you some hints how to proceed with your life or proceed with your dreams.
All the three dreams, the setting was in India. It was either the bus I used to catch, the college I used to attend (Even though the big Auditorium looked like at University of Delaware, in the dream I was aware I was in India.) or the surrounding when I was growing up. These type of dreams started coming around 2010 to 2011, as soon as I finished my third Masters.
In all the dreams, I was a 20-24-year-old female. This is one point to note as this is the age at which everyone is busy pursuing their careers. At that age, the whole focus of the life is the career. From this, we can get a clue that this was a guidance towards my career. And all of them happened in a setting around my hometown, in India, again showing the age I was totally pursuing my career.
But as I was always writing my exam or going for an exam, after analyzing the dreams I came to the conclusion that the dreams are showing I need to pursue my Biotech career more fiercely. So taking this fact into consideration, I renewed my will to pursue Biotech with more vigor. This led to more applications, more phone calls, more recruiters, more cover letters and more interviews. This was in the period of 2013-2014. But absolutely no job. I was totally dejected. What am I doing wrong? I am pursuing my career exactly as I am being shown in the dreams. But why no results?
So this was the time in my physical world, I stopped sending resumes, making calls, filing in my applications or finding references. I stopped everything completely. Mentally I was in the process of analyzing my dreams. What are they trying to tell me? These are just three dreams I described. Like this, I had some 10-12 dreams.
In every dream, either the pencil is not there, I cannot reach the exam center in time, I sleep and miss the exam or the pencil is broken or some such scenario. Every single time I am ending up not writing the exam and feeling very upset about it. In the physical life, I am not getting a job and in my mental world, I am not able to figure out the guidance I am being given. What a predicament to be in.
Now when I look back, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. Only when you are truly Self-aware, you get to realize the true wisdom that is being given. I started my quiet walks with more vigor. I needed to unravel this puzzle. I do have a few favorite Gods ( more like energies, whom I ask for guidance). So during these walks, I used to chant their mantra and ask the energies to guide me to the proper field I was being shown.
This continued for some time. Suddenly one day it dawned on me during one walk. Every single dream was about exam, writing, and pencil. Even though the subject may have been Biotechnology, the action needed is 'writing an exam using a pencil'. Somehow pen never came into the dreams. The lead of a pen cannot break. Maybe a fun way the Universe was poking at me. I have come to the realization that the Universe is a very playful fun-filled energy the minute we become Self-aware and start working with it. Only we need to become Self-aware and realize it.
So here I am struggling metaphorically to 'write my exam with a pencil'. It dawned on me that the exam I am trying to write is not the literal exam, but the figuring out what the dream was showing me and what I am supposed to do with my career. The hall ticket is the sign that to write or figure out my dream I need a hall ticket. This hall ticket or hall pass is the Self-awareness or the guidance I need from my higher Self. Literally the ticket to get into the hall of my Self- awareness.
Now pencil and paper. That was another symbolism. What do we use a pencil and paper for? Just the simplest of the answers. We, humans, tend to complicate everything with our thought process. But many times the answers are very simple. So what do we use the pencil and paper for? Pure and simple - 'Writing'! So here I was literally complicating the process with Biotechnology, Regulatory affairs, research and what not, while the Universe was simply showing me to take up the pencil and start writing my thoughts on a paper.
As I was mentioning before the Universe, will show us our guidance. But it is for us to take that idea, work with it and make it our own. Here also the free-will to choose our own of way of putting it into practice is very much involved. So the Universe was showing just to start writing. It could have been a journal, a book, a diary, a blog or an opinion post. But here it was my own free will and choice to start a Blog.
Finally to Blogging: If I start a Blog and publish it weekly, I get time to think, process my thoughts, to write it and publish it. I am a person who likes to interact with people. Blogging leads to more interaction with people every week than sitting at home and writing a book where many times, you may absolutely have no interaction. With a Blog, I am able to give some small life suggestion, which people may be able to take into their lives and use it for their own empowerment.
So Universe was just showing me that I may have insights, which may be useful to other souls and I may also have the ability to write those thoughts, by virtue of which few souls may get some guidance. Literally co-creation. Also here the Universe also shows, we are all vessels, which the divine uses to bring its intentions through our own intentions, where both intentions come into the physical existence. The true intention of this Blog is that of the Universe and I am just a conduit that brings out that task.
Same way look at your dreams. Are there any recurring patterns? Can you analyze them? What are they saying? Do they give you the exact solution for your problems? Can you take the ideas being given to you in your dreams and make it your own by your free will and choice? Can you look at the dreams and take the simplest solution being provided to you? Dreams also can give us hints towards what next step we need to take in our life or it can also show us how we are proceeding or how our life is getting transformed. Only we need to have the Self-awareness and wisdom to unravel the puzzle.
Foot Note: From 2017 onwards, the time I decided to start my blog, I don't get dreams about exams, hall-tickets, pencil or paper. The minute I brought my blog into my physical reality, I passed my dream exams. ;-))
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Life - The power of the mind!
Note: Images made by Swaroopa and from
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs.I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to go one step further to capture your dreams for your life. In the last two weeks, we tried to find the Philosophy as well as the purpose for our life. How about this week let us go a bit further and analyze whether dreams have anything to do with our purpose?
Before that let us recapture slightly about the gist we discussed in the post on the 'Philosophical analysis' of life. In that post we discussed how beyond our physical realm, there is the subconscious, spiritual as well as the divine realms. If they don't have much purpose why do we need them? Because the intuition (of course, according to me. Yours can say something else), is suggesting that such higher realms do exist, they also most probably do need some purpose.
After some deep analysis, what I have come to realize is that in the Universe, nothing happens just like that. If something happens there is definitely a purpose. Think about a tree. Why does it grow ? Why does it flower? Why does it make fruits? Why does it makes seeds? For each question, here is the answer. A tree grows so that it can flower. It flowers, so it can produce fruits. It fruits so that it can produce seeds. It produces seeds so that it can propagate. (Now about the seedless fruits in the market, that is GMO products-Genetically modified Organisms used products, a subject for another entire blog post.)
Same way if other realms exist they definitely will have a purpose. What if one of their purposes is to guide us, Earthlings. Also, we have discussed a lot about the higher Self or the Soul all of us have. What if that also very much helps in the guidance? We discussed that the higher realms, the subconscious as well as the higher Self, contacts us through our intuition as well as inner voice. Think, what if there is another powerful way all these guidances come to us?
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Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson Image Courtesy- |
Yes! dreams! Many of us do dream during our sleep. It can be fluffy beautiful dreams or nightmares. Now, what are dreams? (Before that a disclaimer- I am not a Psychologist and didn't study Psychology. Almost all of the emotional/psychological attitudes I write here are from my own personal experiences, research as well as analysis. The information I am providing here is for everyone to look at their own lives, find their exact and true purpose and pursue it totally to lead a very fruitful and authentic life. I am not a Psychologist and anyone suffering from any sickness do need to consult a professional and take the appropriate actions to get back to good health and wellbeing.) Whatever I am writing here is always from a Philosophical point of view, how using what we are provided get the best outcome possible for our life.
Ok, back to the dreams. What are dreams? According to Wikipedia, 'A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.' Here we are not going to analyze how the dream is occurring, from where it is coming, what is the underlying scientific reason for it or what faculties are involved in making the dream. The brilliant neuroscientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists are doing excellent work on that. Here we are only going to concentrate on whether analyzing the dreams can we get hints and clues towards our life purpose.
What if the higher realms and our higher Self, are trying to give us hints through our dreams? If we ignore or neglect those, aren't we losing a piece of the important information towards the puzzle? Most of the times, our dreams. intuition, inner voice, feelings, emotions and all the other factors taken together gives us an almost whole picture of what may be our purpose. But even here the purpose may be abstract as our free-will and choice also come with the package. We can never take away that part of the equation. So finally according to what we want for ourselves, the final outcome can be slightly changed.
But the major part of the purpose, for example, the talents, passion, and interests we may have are almost certainly written in our DNA, the minute we are born. Of course many times we may need to develop those passions. But a musical family many times (of course exceptions are everywhere), has a higher chance of getting a baby/kid musically talented. Okay, now let us come back to our dreams. Do they give us hints about our purpose, which we can use towards pursuing ours?
According to what I have found out through my life, many times dreams do try to give us hints by way of some closely related incidents depicted in the particular dream. But then it is our job to analyze the dream and apply it properly to our waking life. Dreams do speak in signs and symbols, for that matter, the whole Universe speaks in signs and symbols. Only humans are not able to interpret the symbols. So by analyzing and thinking deeply about dreams, we can get some hints of our purpose.
Here, I am going to describe three of my dreams, which after analysis guided me to the path of a blogger/ writer. So here it is.
Dream 1: I am at the bus stop waiting for my bus to come. It is my exam day, even though I have prepared well for the exam, I am tensed up. Even at the bus stop, I am sitting on a bench and busy studying from my books. I do anxiously look for the bus. The bus finally arrives. As usual in India, the bus is totally crowded. I am standing with my hand on the support bar from falling when the bus applies brakes. Like this, I reach my college. There also until the very last minute I am trying to study. The bell rings announcing it is time for the exam to start.
For those who don't know college/University exams in India, we are supposed to carry a hall ticket or hall pass, which you go to college two weeks before the exam to collect. In that, our name will be there, and also there will be just a 7 or 8 digit number. This number we are supposed to write on our answer paper. Our name we are not supposed to write on the answer sheet. This is for the correction of the paper to be truthful, as the person correcting the paper will not have any idea who the student is. The marks the student is getting is exactly for whatever is written on the answer sheet. So if a student needs to write the exam, he or she needs the hall ticket, need to show it to the examination vigilence person, write it down on their answer sheet and then only write the exam. So this is how the examination procedure works.
So here the bell is ringing, the exam is about to start, I search for my hall ticket. I have forgotten it at home (Never happened in my waking life. :-)). There is no hall ticket in my handbag. I am upset and I am not able to write my exam. Note the first dream is about writing and I am not able to do it.
Dream 2: The second dream happens literally inside the exam hall. I am in a huge auditorium (almost the same auditorium, I used to attend during my third Master's classes, at University of Delaware) and every one is ready to write the exam. All are given the question papers and the answer sheets. (Literally, I am feeling very happy I don't have to write another exam in my life anymore. Have given too many exams. Now the exams I may write maybe only in the dreams. ;-)). I look for my pencil and take it and start writing my exam. I don't really know, why I don't have a pen, but it was a pencil. I start writing my exam and suddenly the lead of the pencil breaks. I don't have another pencil, pen or a sharpener. So I am sitting with a broken pencil not able to write the exam. Here also I didn't write the exam.
Dream 3: I am back at the bus stop, waiting for my bus. I have again an exam today. I am waiting and waiting. Now I am seeing the bus coming. It is coming. This is the normal private bus you see in states like Kerala. It is crowded with people, with people hanging even on the steps of the door. Remember, this is happening in India in most of my dreams. India has 1.1B people. So buses are indeed very crowded.
But it went away without stopping at my bus stop, due to already the crowd in the bus. I am totally disheartened and very upset knowing, I am going to miss writing my exam, as the next bus is much later and I am sure by the time I reach my college, the exam time would be already half done.
Now let us go to the analysis. What did I take away from my dreams? At this time, look at your life. Are there any recurring dreams, which you need to analyze. Maybe they are giving you some hints how to proceed with your life or proceed with your dreams.
All the three dreams, the setting was in India. It was either the bus I used to catch, the college I used to attend (Even though the big Auditorium looked like at University of Delaware, in the dream I was aware I was in India.) or the surrounding when I was growing up. These type of dreams started coming around 2010 to 2011, as soon as I finished my third Masters.
In all the dreams, I was a 20-24-year-old female. This is one point to note as this is the age at which everyone is busy pursuing their careers. At that age, the whole focus of the life is the career. From this, we can get a clue that this was a guidance towards my career. And all of them happened in a setting around my hometown, in India, again showing the age I was totally pursuing my career.
But as I was always writing my exam or going for an exam, after analyzing the dreams I came to the conclusion that the dreams are showing I need to pursue my Biotech career more fiercely. So taking this fact into consideration, I renewed my will to pursue Biotech with more vigor. This led to more applications, more phone calls, more recruiters, more cover letters and more interviews. This was in the period of 2013-2014. But absolutely no job. I was totally dejected. What am I doing wrong? I am pursuing my career exactly as I am being shown in the dreams. But why no results?
So this was the time in my physical world, I stopped sending resumes, making calls, filing in my applications or finding references. I stopped everything completely. Mentally I was in the process of analyzing my dreams. What are they trying to tell me? These are just three dreams I described. Like this, I had some 10-12 dreams.
In every dream, either the pencil is not there, I cannot reach the exam center in time, I sleep and miss the exam or the pencil is broken or some such scenario. Every single time I am ending up not writing the exam and feeling very upset about it. In the physical life, I am not getting a job and in my mental world, I am not able to figure out the guidance I am being given. What a predicament to be in.
Now when I look back, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. Only when you are truly Self-aware, you get to realize the true wisdom that is being given. I started my quiet walks with more vigor. I needed to unravel this puzzle. I do have a few favorite Gods ( more like energies, whom I ask for guidance). So during these walks, I used to chant their mantra and ask the energies to guide me to the proper field I was being shown.
This continued for some time. Suddenly one day it dawned on me during one walk. Every single dream was about exam, writing, and pencil. Even though the subject may have been Biotechnology, the action needed is 'writing an exam using a pencil'. Somehow pen never came into the dreams. The lead of a pen cannot break. Maybe a fun way the Universe was poking at me. I have come to the realization that the Universe is a very playful fun-filled energy the minute we become Self-aware and start working with it. Only we need to become Self-aware and realize it.
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Journal, book, or blog? Image courtesy - |
So here I am struggling metaphorically to 'write my exam with a pencil'. It dawned on me that the exam I am trying to write is not the literal exam, but the figuring out what the dream was showing me and what I am supposed to do with my career. The hall ticket is the sign that to write or figure out my dream I need a hall ticket. This hall ticket or hall pass is the Self-awareness or the guidance I need from my higher Self. Literally the ticket to get into the hall of my Self- awareness.
Now pencil and paper. That was another symbolism. What do we use a pencil and paper for? Just the simplest of the answers. We, humans, tend to complicate everything with our thought process. But many times the answers are very simple. So what do we use the pencil and paper for? Pure and simple - 'Writing'! So here I was literally complicating the process with Biotechnology, Regulatory affairs, research and what not, while the Universe was simply showing me to take up the pencil and start writing my thoughts on a paper.
As I was mentioning before the Universe, will show us our guidance. But it is for us to take that idea, work with it and make it our own. Here also the free-will to choose our own of way of putting it into practice is very much involved. So the Universe was showing just to start writing. It could have been a journal, a book, a diary, a blog or an opinion post. But here it was my own free will and choice to start a Blog.
Finally to Blogging: If I start a Blog and publish it weekly, I get time to think, process my thoughts, to write it and publish it. I am a person who likes to interact with people. Blogging leads to more interaction with people every week than sitting at home and writing a book where many times, you may absolutely have no interaction. With a Blog, I am able to give some small life suggestion, which people may be able to take into their lives and use it for their own empowerment.
So Universe was just showing me that I may have insights, which may be useful to other souls and I may also have the ability to write those thoughts, by virtue of which few souls may get some guidance. Literally co-creation. Also here the Universe also shows, we are all vessels, which the divine uses to bring its intentions through our own intentions, where both intentions come into the physical existence. The true intention of this Blog is that of the Universe and I am just a conduit that brings out that task.
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Finally settled on Blogging! Image courtesy - |
Same way look at your dreams. Are there any recurring patterns? Can you analyze them? What are they saying? Do they give you the exact solution for your problems? Can you take the ideas being given to you in your dreams and make it your own by your free will and choice? Can you look at the dreams and take the simplest solution being provided to you? Dreams also can give us hints towards what next step we need to take in our life or it can also show us how we are proceeding or how our life is getting transformed. Only we need to have the Self-awareness and wisdom to unravel the puzzle.
Foot Note: From 2017 onwards, the time I decided to start my blog, I don't get dreams about exams, hall-tickets, pencil or paper. The minute I brought my blog into my physical reality, I passed my dream exams. ;-))
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Life - The power of the mind!
Note: Images made by Swaroopa and from
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to the author (SwaroopaStargazer) and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs.I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and viewpoints shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time. This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©SwaroopaStargazer and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity.
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