Is it enough to be just smart?
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great time this week doing exactly what your heart nudged you towards. Last week we discussed how when we become adults, we leave the Universe or the Divine out of the picture and go behind what we ‘think’ as the best option for us. Ask me about it. I have done it for around 25 years of my life. Mind! The very best and the very worst asset we have.
As long as it is our master, we ARE its servant. It will ask us to act like monkeys, make us jump through hoops, and bring out the very lacklustre life we can have. We may ‘think’ we are having the best life. Yes, if somehow, we end up doing the exact thing our heart wants without any conscious realization. But, is it a given? No. Many times we live our life with in autopilot mode, we have no idea how to even use our own mind. Let us elaborate with an example.
The mind: Say, we got a computer, a brand new one. It has every accessory we can think of. The latest brand, the latest model. We set it up on our convenient table. We pushed the power button on. Now, think this particular model is the latest gadget in A.I. (Artificial intelligence), it can run its own programs, unending. It just can. It brings up newer, and newer programs or apps every second. So, if the computer is coming with its own apps or programs, are we, the one who owns the computer, anywhere in the picture?
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great time this week doing exactly what your heart nudged you towards. Last week we discussed how when we become adults, we leave the Universe or the Divine out of the picture and go behind what we ‘think’ as the best option for us. Ask me about it. I have done it for around 25 years of my life. Mind! The very best and the very worst asset we have.
As long as it is our master, we ARE its servant. It will ask us to act like monkeys, make us jump through hoops, and bring out the very lacklustre life we can have. We may ‘think’ we are having the best life. Yes, if somehow, we end up doing the exact thing our heart wants without any conscious realization. But, is it a given? No. Many times we live our life with in autopilot mode, we have no idea how to even use our own mind. Let us elaborate with an example.
The mind: Say, we got a computer, a brand new one. It has every accessory we can think of. The latest brand, the latest model. We set it up on our convenient table. We pushed the power button on. Now, think this particular model is the latest gadget in A.I. (Artificial intelligence), it can run its own programs, unending. It just can. It brings up newer, and newer programs or apps every second. So, if the computer is coming with its own apps or programs, are we, the one who owns the computer, anywhere in the picture?
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A peaceful mind with awareness is an asset to cherish! Image courtesy - |
That is what most of us as humans, are doing. We just sit enchanted with everything the mind goes behind. The mind is just doing its work. It is the computer programs running on the computer. We, the being is nowhere in the picture. Is there any wonder our life doesn't go the way we want? We are just allowing our mind to run our show. Instead, we have to take back our driver's seat, solidly drive our car of life. We should become the masters and our mind, the servant. Then we can make it our biggest tool that drives our life.
Remember, the mind is the biggest A.I., as of now, the man knows about. Only we have not realized its total potential, except some blessed Souls. If those Souls like Buddha, Jesus, or Krishna could do it, can't we as well, normal beings? Yes, we can. Only that would not happen when we allow our mind to run amok. Then the monkey mind would go any whichever way it wants. We the being, or more aptly the Soul who has incarnated sits watching the show helplessly. The person, who has no conscious awareness about it, goes totally behind the mind - 'The Maya'.
Maya - The Grand Illusion: We have discussed before, Maya, the grand illusion, the glitz and glam of the material world. The same computer program that is showing us the enchanting, exhilarating views. Let us take another example. Have you gone to any virtual rides? I have at the Universal Studios. It is called the 'Harry Potter ride', where they take you over the seas, above the mountains and through the dungeons of the castle. You come face to face with a dementor (a faceless ghost), a three-headed dog, and a fiery dragon.
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Maya - the mind maze we live in! This picture captures it very well! Image courtesy - |
Maya - The Grand Illusion: We have discussed before, Maya, the grand illusion, the glitz and glam of the material world. The same computer program that is showing us the enchanting, exhilarating views. Let us take another example. Have you gone to any virtual rides? I have at the Universal Studios. It is called the 'Harry Potter ride', where they take you over the seas, above the mountains and through the dungeons of the castle. You come face to face with a dementor (a faceless ghost), a three-headed dog, and a fiery dragon.
We are tied to the seat, with our lap bar on, and the bars to hold our hands. But in the rush of the ride, we forget we are on a ride, and it is just a virtual reality. We are totally immersed in the ride, the upward motion, the downward slide, the sideways jettison, and the upward throw towards the ceiling of the castle. We completely forget we are just on a ride. The thrill of the motion of going every which way, we have no time to think - 'The Harry Potter ride'!
Now, come to the real life. Are we living in a virtual reality? Are we really seeing the truth? Nothing, but the whole truth? Or is our mind doing tricks on us? Let us come to the next detail here. Our sense organs. How many are there? Five. Wrong! Wrong, how? Yes, this is the misconception we as humans are keeping.
Sense organs: Yes, sense organs. We humans usually consider sense organs as five. Sight, hearing, smell, sound, and touch. All these give us information about the outside world to us. We live using the information we receive. But even this is not the real truth. The sense organs just get the stimulus from outside and transmit it to the brain. It is the brain that interprets to make us realize, yes, indeed there is a world outside of us and there are others who coexist alongside us. So, in such a scenario even the question arises, does the world as we see, really exists? Or is it just the story our mind builds up?
Anyway, let us leave that for another time. So, back to the sense organs. So, is the number of the sense organs five? Actually, no. It is six. Even the thought or the mind was considered as a sense organs in very early Hinduism and Buddhism, it seems. In Manusmriti, there are even eleven sense organs including hands and feet. Anything that helps us to perceive and take actions about the outside world can be considered a sense organ.
Here from this perspective, the mind becomes the 'Master sense organ'. It is the one that is needed to control all the others including sight, sound, and speech. So, if we, the being don't have the reins of our mind in our own hand, think, what would happen? Either our own mind would take us someplace we don't prefer to go or some other being who has a stronger mind would pursue us to look at the world or our lives through their view. Then our or our Soul's view gets deleted from our own energy field.
Energy field: As all of you may be aware by now, we are energy beings. All of us underneath this physical body is pure energy beings. We have gone through so many lifetimes, we carry muck, energy debris, or parts that would have worked well for another lifetime. But for this lifetime it is not working. Only we ourselves have not realized that and are not aware. This energy debris also affects the way we think. It also has a big say in the way we process energy or the life flow in our own life. Here let me elaborate on my own energy debris or muck, I feel I carry. I am in the process of plucking it out from the root level and throwing it out. Hope I would be fully successful.
My demon was fear, pure inner fear. That drove me for a very long time in my life. The fear of not having a secure, and good foundation for myself and my family in the future. Not having enough of everything. This drove me to study well during my school and college days. I wanted to get into a great degree so that I would have a very secure financial and living foundation. I feel that is how I was born. Now after all my experiences, I feel I could have brought it from a previous lifetime.
Maybe in a previous lifetime, I could have been in a religiously, culturally, or economically deprived society. There every day could have been a fight to survive. The fear protected one. If you are not hiding from the oppressor, that could literally result in your death. Think about it. The Jews under the Romans or the slaves under the Pharaohs, or the socially persecuted people during the dark ages. At that time, being captured by the ruling might have literally put a person in the purest of terror. Or it could have been survival from the wild animals. Any where I could have been born and brought up. This is what I used to feel, pure terror when I thought I may not have a secure foundation.
In life nothing is guaranteed really, isn't it? So, this terror used to come up once in a while and I used to push it down again and again. So, to come out of this I studied well, putting my every effort and successfully completing all my degrees. But here what is the underlying energy I am putting out, to pursue my studies? Fear. So, what would the Universe give back to me? Of course fear. It gave back me loads of that, and due to the same fear of not finding a job/career, I literally, strongly attracted it to me.
Is there really any reason for me to complain? In a true esoteric sense? No. Because due to my own non-aware 'autopilot' mode I attracted the same fear manifesting circumstances of not having a job to myself. Is there any wonder this pattern continued for around 30 years? But my outer reality never had any money issues or poverty problems. I was always provided amply to survive well. But my constant underlying debris of old energy, most probably I brought from another lifetime, helped me to attract that chaotic job situations again and again. I just messed up my career and job prospects. Even with more than enough education, I ended up in the same circumstance, I was fearing.
There is a spiritual law, 'Whatever you resist, persists'. Here I was resisting fear, so it persisted. How much ever I tried to block it, it was there a constant companion in my life. The true autopilot mode. So, that fear was not working for my life. An energy pattern that has somehow got stuck in my life. I considered myself very smart. Totally smart. But was just being smart enough?
Smartness versus awareness: This is the point where it is just not enough to be smart. Smartness brings us great things. But being too smart can also blind us to what is really happening and what we are attracting. Smartness can bring us many good things. In the mundane everyday level, it would work. But to reach the realms of greatness, smartness alone is not enough. Many times deep within our life, some elements would be there that absolutely doesn't work for our life. But being smart or more like thinking ourselves very smart, we continue the same thing, again, again, and again.
In such cases, above smartness, we have to develop awareness. Here in my case, 'fear' was not working for my life. Being smart, I kept on sending resumes, calling recruiters, and applying to online job posters. But the result was nothing. Nothing happened. I could have continued another fifteen years doing the same thing.
Here is were true awareness comes into the picture. To look at our life in a very deep sense reflectively. Why is it not working for us? What are the elements that are keeping us stagnant, stuck from the flow of life? For that, we have to develop a deep contemplative ability to look at our life very comprehensively, to pinpoint the thoughts and actions we are taking for our own life. But in our outward-looking culture of modernity, we have lost that capacity to look deeply within, to look into our heart/Soul to see what are we desiring, and what is keeping us away from it.
So, here, to fix my career, I had to fix my fear, and needed to pursue my career and life with love, and inspiration. Yes, after long battles of inner struggle, I finally got the courage to look at a different path, to start a blog, to answer Quora questions. It would be two years, this April, since I started my new path. Yes, the fear is still there. But keeping it as a tiny, funny demon to support me in the palm of my hand (of course, metaphorically), I am today writing another post. Now, that demon reminds me of the place of deep, dark place of fear I existed before. It is a reminder of the past lives I may have taken.
It is also a reminder to look at our demons (fears) in its eye and take actions against it. Then, the mountain of fear becomes a molehill of fear. Here I also want to add, I am seriously deciding to start an online business (entrepreneurship) in this coming April/May. Now, my spiritual guides are pushing me to take that next step in my journey. If I have fear, can I move to the next step? No. Not possible. We have to look at our life critically and see what is not working. So, smartness alone is not enough.
We also should be smart enough to start developing deep inner awareness, so that the blessings of the whole Universe, starts pouring into our own lives. Don't ever be a drop in an ocean. But always an
'Ocean in a drop!'
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Ocean in a drop!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Now, come to the real life. Are we living in a virtual reality? Are we really seeing the truth? Nothing, but the whole truth? Or is our mind doing tricks on us? Let us come to the next detail here. Our sense organs. How many are there? Five. Wrong! Wrong, how? Yes, this is the misconception we as humans are keeping.
Sense organs: Yes, sense organs. We humans usually consider sense organs as five. Sight, hearing, smell, sound, and touch. All these give us information about the outside world to us. We live using the information we receive. But even this is not the real truth. The sense organs just get the stimulus from outside and transmit it to the brain. It is the brain that interprets to make us realize, yes, indeed there is a world outside of us and there are others who coexist alongside us. So, in such a scenario even the question arises, does the world as we see, really exists? Or is it just the story our mind builds up?
Anyway, let us leave that for another time. So, back to the sense organs. So, is the number of the sense organs five? Actually, no. It is six. Even the thought or the mind was considered as a sense organs in very early Hinduism and Buddhism, it seems. In Manusmriti, there are even eleven sense organs including hands and feet. Anything that helps us to perceive and take actions about the outside world can be considered a sense organ.
Here from this perspective, the mind becomes the 'Master sense organ'. It is the one that is needed to control all the others including sight, sound, and speech. So, if we, the being don't have the reins of our mind in our own hand, think, what would happen? Either our own mind would take us someplace we don't prefer to go or some other being who has a stronger mind would pursue us to look at the world or our lives through their view. Then our or our Soul's view gets deleted from our own energy field.
Energy field: As all of you may be aware by now, we are energy beings. All of us underneath this physical body is pure energy beings. We have gone through so many lifetimes, we carry muck, energy debris, or parts that would have worked well for another lifetime. But for this lifetime it is not working. Only we ourselves have not realized that and are not aware. This energy debris also affects the way we think. It also has a big say in the way we process energy or the life flow in our own life. Here let me elaborate on my own energy debris or muck, I feel I carry. I am in the process of plucking it out from the root level and throwing it out. Hope I would be fully successful.
My demon was fear, pure inner fear. That drove me for a very long time in my life. The fear of not having a secure, and good foundation for myself and my family in the future. Not having enough of everything. This drove me to study well during my school and college days. I wanted to get into a great degree so that I would have a very secure financial and living foundation. I feel that is how I was born. Now after all my experiences, I feel I could have brought it from a previous lifetime.
Maybe in a previous lifetime, I could have been in a religiously, culturally, or economically deprived society. There every day could have been a fight to survive. The fear protected one. If you are not hiding from the oppressor, that could literally result in your death. Think about it. The Jews under the Romans or the slaves under the Pharaohs, or the socially persecuted people during the dark ages. At that time, being captured by the ruling might have literally put a person in the purest of terror. Or it could have been survival from the wild animals. Any where I could have been born and brought up. This is what I used to feel, pure terror when I thought I may not have a secure foundation.
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We are pure energy beings! Image courtesy - |
In life nothing is guaranteed really, isn't it? So, this terror used to come up once in a while and I used to push it down again and again. So, to come out of this I studied well, putting my every effort and successfully completing all my degrees. But here what is the underlying energy I am putting out, to pursue my studies? Fear. So, what would the Universe give back to me? Of course fear. It gave back me loads of that, and due to the same fear of not finding a job/career, I literally, strongly attracted it to me.
Is there really any reason for me to complain? In a true esoteric sense? No. Because due to my own non-aware 'autopilot' mode I attracted the same fear manifesting circumstances of not having a job to myself. Is there any wonder this pattern continued for around 30 years? But my outer reality never had any money issues or poverty problems. I was always provided amply to survive well. But my constant underlying debris of old energy, most probably I brought from another lifetime, helped me to attract that chaotic job situations again and again. I just messed up my career and job prospects. Even with more than enough education, I ended up in the same circumstance, I was fearing.
There is a spiritual law, 'Whatever you resist, persists'. Here I was resisting fear, so it persisted. How much ever I tried to block it, it was there a constant companion in my life. The true autopilot mode. So, that fear was not working for my life. An energy pattern that has somehow got stuck in my life. I considered myself very smart. Totally smart. But was just being smart enough?
Smartness versus awareness: This is the point where it is just not enough to be smart. Smartness brings us great things. But being too smart can also blind us to what is really happening and what we are attracting. Smartness can bring us many good things. In the mundane everyday level, it would work. But to reach the realms of greatness, smartness alone is not enough. Many times deep within our life, some elements would be there that absolutely doesn't work for our life. But being smart or more like thinking ourselves very smart, we continue the same thing, again, again, and again.
In such cases, above smartness, we have to develop awareness. Here in my case, 'fear' was not working for my life. Being smart, I kept on sending resumes, calling recruiters, and applying to online job posters. But the result was nothing. Nothing happened. I could have continued another fifteen years doing the same thing.
Here is were true awareness comes into the picture. To look at our life in a very deep sense reflectively. Why is it not working for us? What are the elements that are keeping us stagnant, stuck from the flow of life? For that, we have to develop a deep contemplative ability to look at our life very comprehensively, to pinpoint the thoughts and actions we are taking for our own life. But in our outward-looking culture of modernity, we have lost that capacity to look deeply within, to look into our heart/Soul to see what are we desiring, and what is keeping us away from it.
So, here, to fix my career, I had to fix my fear, and needed to pursue my career and life with love, and inspiration. Yes, after long battles of inner struggle, I finally got the courage to look at a different path, to start a blog, to answer Quora questions. It would be two years, this April, since I started my new path. Yes, the fear is still there. But keeping it as a tiny, funny demon to support me in the palm of my hand (of course, metaphorically), I am today writing another post. Now, that demon reminds me of the place of deep, dark place of fear I existed before. It is a reminder of the past lives I may have taken.
It is also a reminder to look at our demons (fears) in its eye and take actions against it. Then, the mountain of fear becomes a molehill of fear. Here I also want to add, I am seriously deciding to start an online business (entrepreneurship) in this coming April/May. Now, my spiritual guides are pushing me to take that next step in my journey. If I have fear, can I move to the next step? No. Not possible. We have to look at our life critically and see what is not working. So, smartness alone is not enough.
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Be awake to the magnificence of the being as well as the Universe! Image courtesy - |
We also should be smart enough to start developing deep inner awareness, so that the blessings of the whole Universe, starts pouring into our own lives. Don't ever be a drop in an ocean. But always an
'Ocean in a drop!'
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Ocean in a drop!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and perspectives shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time.
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity
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