Ocean in a drop!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you are finding the best of yourself in everything you did this week. Last week, we discussed awareness, which is needed above smartness. Smartness does take us forward a lot, but above that to lead a life of the highest ideals and values, our awareness needs to be opened. Only then those highest ideals can come to us.
Now, another thing. In the realm of the highest ideals, it is not enough to say things. But, we need to only say things that we can practice. Saying things and doing the things say are two very different things. With saying we are just using our mind. As we have discussed before, the mind can float around like a balloon as long as it wants. But saying and later following up with actions is very different. Here the intention to act has already been made. Intentions are made from the heart. The minute intention comes into the picture we have started already mental actions.
Total alignment: Actions, that too correct actions, not the cooked up actions of the mind, always comes from our heart- our Dharma, our true duty. So, here we have decided to take actions on the things we are speaking. Talking the talk and walking the walk. To do this first our heart from the Soul field, our values, then our thoughts, , our mind-the conscious as well as the subconscious mind, our will and our body should be aligned. Only if all are aligned we can walk our path of Dharma.
If anyone of them is not aligned, we feel an obstruction in our path. If the heart is not there, soon we would lose interest. If the thoughts are not there, soon our thoughts would turn against what we are doing. If our mind is not there, of course, nothing is going to happen. We would feel distracted and our mind is pulled in a thousand different directions. We already have discussed so much on the mind. If we are just doing with our conscious mind, and no support of the subconscious, 80% of our mind would be working against our intentions.
All of us, every one of us is at some stage of our own Dharma path. For some, they think with a pure mind, intellectualization. The heart is nowhere in the picture. They don't perceive the Universe with pure all-encompassing love. So, they find things to fix, ever and everywhere. As we have discussed before, the Universe is a huge boomerang. So, here as people are putting out the energy of fixing, that is what they get. More and more things to fix. The minute they fix something, the next thing to fix in the society comes into their awareness. But, then for this lifetime, their Dharma may be to fix the imbalances in the society. They live a life of fixing the imbalances. So, here, in that case, a judgment is not needed. They are doing their Dharma.
But eventually a time in their Soul's life appears, where they would have learned every lesson about fixing, then they move to the next level. Now, some people only function from the heart space. They are all about love, compassion, and kindness. Great! But to bring this nature into society one needs the logic and rationality of the mind. The heartspace has love and oneness for everyone. But if proper action is not taken the love just stays within.
I have read that Mother Theresa was full of love and compassion. But above that, she was a shrewd entrepreneur who ran a huge organization. To bring out that message of 'kindness and compassion' she had to guide an army of her sisters, who were doing the work of compassion and kindness. So, here if Mother Theresa had just kept her compassion in her heart it would have just stayed there, Instead, she had to take that compassion, think with the rationality and logic of the mind, make the organization, and put her message to work in the greater world. A heart strengthened by the logic of her mind. Her sisters did her work, delivered her message, and made the world a more compassionate place to live.
Now, in case the heart and mind are aligned, but the body is not ready, then also the work becomes difficult. Now, think about Stephen Hawking, the great physicist. He had a brilliant heart ready to guide a lot of students with Physics, an amazing mind that could unravel many secrets of the Universe. But unfortunately, he had to deal with a degenerative muscular disease. He had to use the help of a computer from his middle age onwards. That didn't keep him from doing his work. But he needed the help of a lot of people, especially his wife and his students. Here if he had the speech capacity, he would have advised even more students, mentored even more educators. But he put to use his skills to the very best of use in his life, even with a debilitating disease.
So, the path of Dharma is not a bed of roses as anyone thinks. It is hard, internal work. Sometimes you feel like the mind bursting open under pressure due to constant thought and the contents spilling out. Many days after a few hours of thought, I have to move away from it and think about the normal mundane things or watch a movie or listen to some music. Music is the eternal inspirator. Many times listening to lyrics can bring a human up from the sometimes hard internal work of thought process. The path of Dharma is not for the faint-hearted. But the fact is every one of us is on our own journey. So, our heart would be built up to that strength when our time comes to take our own spiritual journey.
Now, once all the things are properly aligned, is it enough to just sit around? No. Otherwise, all the thoughts and ideas stay in the realm of the idea or imagination. It has to be followed through action. If I had just sat around with the idea of a blog, it would have just stayed in my mind. I had to take action. I had to compare between Blogger, WordPress.org, WordPress.com and my own website. I had to look at the cost-value analysis. I had to look at the extra work I needed to put in. I had to see whether it would work according to my own availability. I had to see whether putting high pixel images, would it take time to load my page. I had to keep all these things and do the research, and then take the action. Only then a proper blog would materialize.
So, to walk the path of Dharma, everything from the core of the being to the outward expression should be aligned. Then the being has become ready to start the work towards the purpose they came into this Earth realm for. But, unfortunately, many have not found that perfect alignment. Until then they go through all the lessons and experiences to get to that stage of perfect alignment with the Universe.
When the student is ready: In Confucius Analects or Tao Te Ching ( I am not really sure, which one, anyone can clarify would be helpful), it is written. When the student is ready, the Master appears. For many people, it may be a literal physical Master, who knows exactly how to guide the student to the next step in their Soul journey. For some, a physical Master is not provided.
There was a time in my own life, some few years back I was very much in search of a Master or Guru. Then I came across a video where it was given as advice to me that, everyone doesn't need a Master. For some, the Universe (or Brahman in Hinduism) is the Master. So, once we are perfectly aligned and we are ready to take that path of Dharma, now what happens?
Even now the student is not ready. They are not trusting themselves. They are always looking for self-help videos, self-improvement videos, or speeches of others, without a thought for their own guidance from within. I have done this as well. In 2014-2015, I used to go to the library and get ten books every month on spirituality and Philosophy to read. We can only read so much, we can only listen to the analysis of others so much, we can only borrow thought processes from others, so much.
There comes a time, nothing of that sort works. The only thing at that time we can do is to turn within. Trust ourselves. Trust that the Soul, which is a speck of the divine would lead and guide us correctly. But the thing is until now, we have lived and was conditioned to fix our problems from the outside. Suddenly how can we trust the guidance coming from within? I have struggled and many times is still struggling with this concept. But that is the only way to walk this path, there is no other way.
Commitment to the path: Once we have truly decided to walk the path of Spirituality, now the testing phase starts. How committed are you? Do you truly commit to the path? Do you have any doubts? Do you want to go back? I had to survive this phase. The minute I decided to walk this path in early 2017, there was an onset of a flood of job opportunities in Biotechnology. Until then there was a pure lull in recruiters calling, or a position coming in front of me, or a human resources personnel contacting. Suddenly there was an upswing and many opportunities started coming my way.
The testing phase! How committed are you? Is it just your thoughts or are you really going to embark on this path? The Universe doesn't spend energy on someone who is not true to their words. Its motto is, "Be very true to thy word!" It insists, okay I am going to spend energy on teaching and guiding you. But are you going to keep your end of the promise and study, learn and accept the guidance from the truest of your core? It is Divine. We cannot fool, it knows us from our core. We can very well fool ourselves, but not the infinite wisdom.
Is it just empty promise from your side? It wants to make extra sure, we are not just for the joy ride. We humans can always try to take the easy way out when we deal with humans. We talk, we give promises, but many times never having the intention to keep it. That attitude does not fly with the Brahman. It wants to make sure, we are committed, totally. hundred percent. from the heart, mind, body, and Soul. So, it would keep on asking again, again, and again, "Are you sure? Are you positive? Is it just empty words? Do you have the grit to hang on one day at a time, walking the path?"
The Universe keeps on sending opportunity after opportunity. I had to keep on rejecting. Sometimes I felt awful that I am rejecting an opportunity that looked awesome. But, I was positive, within a few months I would be back to square one of having no career again. The Divine tests you thoroughly showing you that exact thing you wanted for a pretty long time. But by now, we would be smart not to fall for those shenanigans. The Universe can be very playful at times, trying to trick us to see whether we would fall for the easy way out. But we have to show, yes, we are committed to this path from the deepest core of our fiber. I did.
Ocean in a drop: Once the Brahman or Universe is sure we are committed, then we can feel a change in the energy of our surrounding air. But this transition is not quick. During my 2016-2017 years, I used to wake up around 3 am in the morning, just like that. Every time the thought would be where am I going? What is the meaning of this constant chase behind Biotechnology? Is it worth the time, effort, stress, and struggle I am putting in? Why did I even come to this earthly realm? Is it just to have a great family, enjoy, and go back behind the curtain?
If there is a Soul, what am I really doing about it? Is it evolving? Am I learning anything in the higher schema of things? It was a constant scenario. I would wake up around 3:33 am, almost always. This number took a huge significance in my life. So, 3:33 was suddenly important and significant to me. Only I had no clue what it was and why I was seeing it almost every other night.
So, every other day I would wake up at this time. It would be exactly 3:33, in the clock. I was even thinking, am I going crazy? After a few weeks of this, I decided to search on the numbers. In numerology, number three is about communication, creativity through writing, and it is also internet and technology. Any idea what I am talking about? Any clue? Now, the number 33 is considered a Master number. It is double the 3, so double the communication, double the technology, and double the creativity. Who does that? Someone who uses technology, communication, and creativity to learn first for themselves, and then share the same for the benefit of others. So, it is double the time.
So, I delved into numerology for some time to make sense of these numbers. So, this was the Universe guiding me to become aware of what I am doing wrong. This waking up and seeing 3:33 continued for a pretty long time. The Universe is only made up of vibrations, sounds, and pictures. At the vibrational level, we are at, we just cannot make sense of what the Universe is trying to say. So, after a few months of research, it got into my head that I need to use communication and creativity to do something that uses double the amount of the same communication, technology, and creativity.
So, I started thinking about what to do. Then slowly this idea of a blog came into my awareness. So, I thought okay, blog. Now, what name? I do chant the hymn, Lalithasahasranama. In that, the name Swaroopa comes three times. So, when this question came into my mind, the day I was reading the hymn to the Goddess, my awareness got stuck in the Swaroopa three times that day. Before that, it has never happened like this. So, thinking about it brought the feeling. Swaroopa- someone who is helping humans to understand, their Swa (own) form (self)- authentic Self. Who is the one helping someone to realize their true form? Of course, the Mother Goddess, the easiest is her way. So, her name itself becomes Swaroopa- someone who helps to show the humans their truest core. So, what other name is best for a blog to help others realize their own authentic Self? Thus the name Swaroopa came into the picture., name of the Goddess itself.
I mentioned these two examples to show, how once we truly commit ourselves to the path, the whole Universe starts to guide us. Every word, every sentence that captures our attention becomes our guidance. Every comment, every video, every quotation that comes before our awareness has something to teach us. The only thing is, it should capture our attention or awareness, then it is coming from our higher self. Otherwise not. The awareness comes so that we realize that particular word, comment. video, talk or speech has embedded guidance in it, for us.
Suddenly we realize the whole Universe is working for us, not against us. Because this is the path we are born to do, Universe wants us to win, not to lose. This is the only path, the path of Dharma (true duty), where the Universe becomes our true partner, the Krishna, the charioteer, who would not fight for us, but who would guide us through the jungle of life. So, suddenly the Krishna takes importance in our life, the speck, the Brahman or the Soul. The Soul starts to grow into importance in our own life. Who is this Soul, of course the Brahman, the infinite wisdom. It has the same power of creativity embedded in it as the whole Universe itself. So, according to that logic, it is the Universe or the same energy itself.
Once we realize it's true power, our own creativity, our own way with our life is unleashed. The Brahman, pure Universal energy starts to play a big role in our own life. We become the vessel for that humongous Universe. The energy starts directing out through us. Do you think a simple person like me can really do such deep philosophical analysis of concepts without the grace of the divine? Absolutely not. The divine grace is very much needed. We become the conduit for that divine knowledge, whether it is through art, dance, writing, scripts, poems, theatre, film, music, or even the simple creativity like carpentry (Jesus was a carpenter.)
That energy, the ultimate energy of pure creation starts to flow through us. We become the bridge between the material and the spiritual worlds. Words start flowing. Ideas start bubbling up. Creativity starts to show up in our life. Opportunities start knocking at our door. The same home from which we were trying to run out for a career, becomes our haven for a very different, but even more magnificent career. (This, of course for me). We become very much aligned with our own true nature and above that the nature that is in tandem with the Universe. We become aligned with the Universe and that energy comes to reside within us. Thus, we move into the status of 'Ocean in a drop'!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The word wants to be written!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay.com
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Namaste! Hope all of you are finding the best of yourself in everything you did this week. Last week, we discussed awareness, which is needed above smartness. Smartness does take us forward a lot, but above that to lead a life of the highest ideals and values, our awareness needs to be opened. Only then those highest ideals can come to us.
Now, another thing. In the realm of the highest ideals, it is not enough to say things. But, we need to only say things that we can practice. Saying things and doing the things say are two very different things. With saying we are just using our mind. As we have discussed before, the mind can float around like a balloon as long as it wants. But saying and later following up with actions is very different. Here the intention to act has already been made. Intentions are made from the heart. The minute intention comes into the picture we have started already mental actions.
Total alignment: Actions, that too correct actions, not the cooked up actions of the mind, always comes from our heart- our Dharma, our true duty. So, here we have decided to take actions on the things we are speaking. Talking the talk and walking the walk. To do this first our heart from the Soul field, our values, then our thoughts, , our mind-the conscious as well as the subconscious mind, our will and our body should be aligned. Only if all are aligned we can walk our path of Dharma.
If anyone of them is not aligned, we feel an obstruction in our path. If the heart is not there, soon we would lose interest. If the thoughts are not there, soon our thoughts would turn against what we are doing. If our mind is not there, of course, nothing is going to happen. We would feel distracted and our mind is pulled in a thousand different directions. We already have discussed so much on the mind. If we are just doing with our conscious mind, and no support of the subconscious, 80% of our mind would be working against our intentions.
All of us, every one of us is at some stage of our own Dharma path. For some, they think with a pure mind, intellectualization. The heart is nowhere in the picture. They don't perceive the Universe with pure all-encompassing love. So, they find things to fix, ever and everywhere. As we have discussed before, the Universe is a huge boomerang. So, here as people are putting out the energy of fixing, that is what they get. More and more things to fix. The minute they fix something, the next thing to fix in the society comes into their awareness. But, then for this lifetime, their Dharma may be to fix the imbalances in the society. They live a life of fixing the imbalances. So, here, in that case, a judgment is not needed. They are doing their Dharma.
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Total alignment of Soul, heart, mind and body! Image courtesy - Pixabay.com |
But eventually a time in their Soul's life appears, where they would have learned every lesson about fixing, then they move to the next level. Now, some people only function from the heart space. They are all about love, compassion, and kindness. Great! But to bring this nature into society one needs the logic and rationality of the mind. The heartspace has love and oneness for everyone. But if proper action is not taken the love just stays within.
I have read that Mother Theresa was full of love and compassion. But above that, she was a shrewd entrepreneur who ran a huge organization. To bring out that message of 'kindness and compassion' she had to guide an army of her sisters, who were doing the work of compassion and kindness. So, here if Mother Theresa had just kept her compassion in her heart it would have just stayed there, Instead, she had to take that compassion, think with the rationality and logic of the mind, make the organization, and put her message to work in the greater world. A heart strengthened by the logic of her mind. Her sisters did her work, delivered her message, and made the world a more compassionate place to live.
Now, in case the heart and mind are aligned, but the body is not ready, then also the work becomes difficult. Now, think about Stephen Hawking, the great physicist. He had a brilliant heart ready to guide a lot of students with Physics, an amazing mind that could unravel many secrets of the Universe. But unfortunately, he had to deal with a degenerative muscular disease. He had to use the help of a computer from his middle age onwards. That didn't keep him from doing his work. But he needed the help of a lot of people, especially his wife and his students. Here if he had the speech capacity, he would have advised even more students, mentored even more educators. But he put to use his skills to the very best of use in his life, even with a debilitating disease.
So, the path of Dharma is not a bed of roses as anyone thinks. It is hard, internal work. Sometimes you feel like the mind bursting open under pressure due to constant thought and the contents spilling out. Many days after a few hours of thought, I have to move away from it and think about the normal mundane things or watch a movie or listen to some music. Music is the eternal inspirator. Many times listening to lyrics can bring a human up from the sometimes hard internal work of thought process. The path of Dharma is not for the faint-hearted. But the fact is every one of us is on our own journey. So, our heart would be built up to that strength when our time comes to take our own spiritual journey.
Now, once all the things are properly aligned, is it enough to just sit around? No. Otherwise, all the thoughts and ideas stay in the realm of the idea or imagination. It has to be followed through action. If I had just sat around with the idea of a blog, it would have just stayed in my mind. I had to take action. I had to compare between Blogger, WordPress.org, WordPress.com and my own website. I had to look at the cost-value analysis. I had to look at the extra work I needed to put in. I had to see whether it would work according to my own availability. I had to see whether putting high pixel images, would it take time to load my page. I had to keep all these things and do the research, and then take the action. Only then a proper blog would materialize.
So, to walk the path of Dharma, everything from the core of the being to the outward expression should be aligned. Then the being has become ready to start the work towards the purpose they came into this Earth realm for. But, unfortunately, many have not found that perfect alignment. Until then they go through all the lessons and experiences to get to that stage of perfect alignment with the Universe.
When the student is ready: In Confucius Analects or Tao Te Ching ( I am not really sure, which one, anyone can clarify would be helpful), it is written. When the student is ready, the Master appears. For many people, it may be a literal physical Master, who knows exactly how to guide the student to the next step in their Soul journey. For some, a physical Master is not provided.
There was a time in my own life, some few years back I was very much in search of a Master or Guru. Then I came across a video where it was given as advice to me that, everyone doesn't need a Master. For some, the Universe (or Brahman in Hinduism) is the Master. So, once we are perfectly aligned and we are ready to take that path of Dharma, now what happens?
Even now the student is not ready. They are not trusting themselves. They are always looking for self-help videos, self-improvement videos, or speeches of others, without a thought for their own guidance from within. I have done this as well. In 2014-2015, I used to go to the library and get ten books every month on spirituality and Philosophy to read. We can only read so much, we can only listen to the analysis of others so much, we can only borrow thought processes from others, so much.
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When the student is ready... Image courtesy - Pixabay.com |
There comes a time, nothing of that sort works. The only thing at that time we can do is to turn within. Trust ourselves. Trust that the Soul, which is a speck of the divine would lead and guide us correctly. But the thing is until now, we have lived and was conditioned to fix our problems from the outside. Suddenly how can we trust the guidance coming from within? I have struggled and many times is still struggling with this concept. But that is the only way to walk this path, there is no other way.
Commitment to the path: Once we have truly decided to walk the path of Spirituality, now the testing phase starts. How committed are you? Do you truly commit to the path? Do you have any doubts? Do you want to go back? I had to survive this phase. The minute I decided to walk this path in early 2017, there was an onset of a flood of job opportunities in Biotechnology. Until then there was a pure lull in recruiters calling, or a position coming in front of me, or a human resources personnel contacting. Suddenly there was an upswing and many opportunities started coming my way.
The testing phase! How committed are you? Is it just your thoughts or are you really going to embark on this path? The Universe doesn't spend energy on someone who is not true to their words. Its motto is, "Be very true to thy word!" It insists, okay I am going to spend energy on teaching and guiding you. But are you going to keep your end of the promise and study, learn and accept the guidance from the truest of your core? It is Divine. We cannot fool, it knows us from our core. We can very well fool ourselves, but not the infinite wisdom.
Is it just empty promise from your side? It wants to make extra sure, we are not just for the joy ride. We humans can always try to take the easy way out when we deal with humans. We talk, we give promises, but many times never having the intention to keep it. That attitude does not fly with the Brahman. It wants to make sure, we are committed, totally. hundred percent. from the heart, mind, body, and Soul. So, it would keep on asking again, again, and again, "Are you sure? Are you positive? Is it just empty words? Do you have the grit to hang on one day at a time, walking the path?"
The Universe keeps on sending opportunity after opportunity. I had to keep on rejecting. Sometimes I felt awful that I am rejecting an opportunity that looked awesome. But, I was positive, within a few months I would be back to square one of having no career again. The Divine tests you thoroughly showing you that exact thing you wanted for a pretty long time. But by now, we would be smart not to fall for those shenanigans. The Universe can be very playful at times, trying to trick us to see whether we would fall for the easy way out. But we have to show, yes, we are committed to this path from the deepest core of our fiber. I did.
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Commitment - Are you sure?? Image courtesy - Pixabay.com |
Ocean in a drop: Once the Brahman or Universe is sure we are committed, then we can feel a change in the energy of our surrounding air. But this transition is not quick. During my 2016-2017 years, I used to wake up around 3 am in the morning, just like that. Every time the thought would be where am I going? What is the meaning of this constant chase behind Biotechnology? Is it worth the time, effort, stress, and struggle I am putting in? Why did I even come to this earthly realm? Is it just to have a great family, enjoy, and go back behind the curtain?
If there is a Soul, what am I really doing about it? Is it evolving? Am I learning anything in the higher schema of things? It was a constant scenario. I would wake up around 3:33 am, almost always. This number took a huge significance in my life. So, 3:33 was suddenly important and significant to me. Only I had no clue what it was and why I was seeing it almost every other night.
So, every other day I would wake up at this time. It would be exactly 3:33, in the clock. I was even thinking, am I going crazy? After a few weeks of this, I decided to search on the numbers. In numerology, number three is about communication, creativity through writing, and it is also internet and technology. Any idea what I am talking about? Any clue? Now, the number 33 is considered a Master number. It is double the 3, so double the communication, double the technology, and double the creativity. Who does that? Someone who uses technology, communication, and creativity to learn first for themselves, and then share the same for the benefit of others. So, it is double the time.
So, I delved into numerology for some time to make sense of these numbers. So, this was the Universe guiding me to become aware of what I am doing wrong. This waking up and seeing 3:33 continued for a pretty long time. The Universe is only made up of vibrations, sounds, and pictures. At the vibrational level, we are at, we just cannot make sense of what the Universe is trying to say. So, after a few months of research, it got into my head that I need to use communication and creativity to do something that uses double the amount of the same communication, technology, and creativity.
So, I started thinking about what to do. Then slowly this idea of a blog came into my awareness. So, I thought okay, blog. Now, what name? I do chant the hymn, Lalithasahasranama. In that, the name Swaroopa comes three times. So, when this question came into my mind, the day I was reading the hymn to the Goddess, my awareness got stuck in the Swaroopa three times that day. Before that, it has never happened like this. So, thinking about it brought the feeling. Swaroopa- someone who is helping humans to understand, their Swa (own) form (self)- authentic Self. Who is the one helping someone to realize their true form? Of course, the Mother Goddess, the easiest is her way. So, her name itself becomes Swaroopa- someone who helps to show the humans their truest core. So, what other name is best for a blog to help others realize their own authentic Self? Thus the name Swaroopa came into the picture., name of the Goddess itself.
I mentioned these two examples to show, how once we truly commit ourselves to the path, the whole Universe starts to guide us. Every word, every sentence that captures our attention becomes our guidance. Every comment, every video, every quotation that comes before our awareness has something to teach us. The only thing is, it should capture our attention or awareness, then it is coming from our higher self. Otherwise not. The awareness comes so that we realize that particular word, comment. video, talk or speech has embedded guidance in it, for us.
Suddenly we realize the whole Universe is working for us, not against us. Because this is the path we are born to do, Universe wants us to win, not to lose. This is the only path, the path of Dharma (true duty), where the Universe becomes our true partner, the Krishna, the charioteer, who would not fight for us, but who would guide us through the jungle of life. So, suddenly the Krishna takes importance in our life, the speck, the Brahman or the Soul. The Soul starts to grow into importance in our own life. Who is this Soul, of course the Brahman, the infinite wisdom. It has the same power of creativity embedded in it as the whole Universe itself. So, according to that logic, it is the Universe or the same energy itself.
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The bridge between the material and spiritual! Image courtesy - Pixabay.com |
Once we realize it's true power, our own creativity, our own way with our life is unleashed. The Brahman, pure Universal energy starts to play a big role in our own life. We become the vessel for that humongous Universe. The energy starts directing out through us. Do you think a simple person like me can really do such deep philosophical analysis of concepts without the grace of the divine? Absolutely not. The divine grace is very much needed. We become the conduit for that divine knowledge, whether it is through art, dance, writing, scripts, poems, theatre, film, music, or even the simple creativity like carpentry (Jesus was a carpenter.)
That energy, the ultimate energy of pure creation starts to flow through us. We become the bridge between the material and the spiritual worlds. Words start flowing. Ideas start bubbling up. Creativity starts to show up in our life. Opportunities start knocking at our door. The same home from which we were trying to run out for a career, becomes our haven for a very different, but even more magnificent career. (This, of course for me). We become very much aligned with our own true nature and above that the nature that is in tandem with the Universe. We become aligned with the Universe and that energy comes to reside within us. Thus, we move into the status of 'Ocean in a drop'!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The word wants to be written!
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay.com
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and perspectives shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time.
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa, 2017- Eternity
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