Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to contemplate on the 'unwritten law' we discussed last week. A Soul who cannot see the 'dance of Shiva and Shakthi, Prakruthi and Purusha or divine masculine as the matter and the divine feminine as the energy' - the duality, which later merges as oneness, how can that Soul capture the highest echelons of the Universal consciousness? This is why a person or human being who sees divisions, 'us and they' everywhere is never able to break away from the same thing they are trying to break away from.
Here another important law also kicks into a start. 'Yadha drushti, thadha srushti' - Where you keep your focus, that increases in your life'. So, as long as a person is trying to bring up one group, putting down another group (look at politics, religion, and pretty much any group), the division always would be pervasive in the dynamics. Increasing something by literally fighting against it. That Soul never comes out of the fight it started whether about politics, religions or any groups. It is deemed to be always in that division.
Gratefulness: So, a Soul needs to explicitly decide even though they may work within a group, they would treat another person from a different group to be an inhabiter of the same magnificent planet Earth and treat them with their deserved respect. In this space, everyone treats another with the respect they deserve and share the resources that have been provided by Earth at their disposal. Let us be honest. We as human beings have never brought even an iota of energy ourselves. Either we were provided energy as a body/ actions or as resources of the Earth. Everything has been provided by the Earth and the Universal consciousness.
What have we made in the real sense? Everything, every single thing we took from one form of energy, using our thoughts made into another form. Whether of ore to metal, clay to brick, thoughts to innovation, or even us as humans- desire (another thought process, hence energy) to a new human being. We, as human beings are not really creating energy, but just transforming the energy we have been provided from one form to another.
So, actually about 'what on this Earth that we have been provided' should we fight about?? Instead shouldn't we be totally grateful for the chance at life we have been given to evolve from the Soul?? Gratefulness- for a chance at life, for a chance towards Soul evolution, for a chance to interact with other innumerous Souls, for a chance to help other Souls, for a chance to capture our own authentic Self (Swaroopa). So, first we, each one of us- the Soul has to get into this space. Then the Universe as the highest intelligence, from our own within as Soul and from without as 'nature'- Earth itself, starts to guide us.
Guidance: Now, an atheist or an agnostic can ask, 'Isn't the Universe dead'? Yes, for you. Because Universal consciousness is extremely intelligent, as long as a person doesn't find their own true nature and our deep connection to the Universe, the Universe is literally dead for that person. The Brahman (Universal consciousness) is a big energy boomerang. As the person is putting out the thought process of the "Universe as dead' that is exactly the energy the person receives back. They get experiences to show again and again, yes- the Universe is dead. Now, standing within this space, they try to change the thought process of others.
This is the same with the spiritual people as well. They are standing within the space of 'the Universe is vibrant, dynamic, and interactive'. This is the energy they put out. Now, they get experiences that prove to them that yes, the Universe is very interactive. Now, they go and try to make others realize, the Universe is highly interactive. Now, what happens? A fight ensues. Both groups are standing in their truths and fighting. This becomes a never-ending fight.
A Soul who realizes this fact never goes and tries to change anybody. They understand, every Soul at their own time and space, comes to realize that the highest intelligence is a giant energy boomerang and to access the help and guidance from the Brahman, one has to first acknowledge that the 'greatest teacher- there is- Brahman, Universal consciousness, source, Supreme intelligence, God' does exist, is not dead and is vibrant and highly interactive. Every soul at its own pace and time would eventually reach this space. Until then they have to go through numerous experiences to find their own truth deep within their well of wisdom inside.
Once they find that, they realize, yes, 'I am a very significant but small part of this humongous energy called Universe', we are first accepting our own deep root to existence, the 'I am' the Soul speck that exists, then we also acknowledge our part in the higher whole called Brahman and above that we acknowledge the existence of this very vibrant, interactive Universe. Perfect alignment of the conscious mind, subconscious mind, higher self, and the Universal Self - the Atman (the personal Self) with the Brahman (the Universal Self).
Without putting in our part of the 'inner work', should we think the highest intelligence that is there, that is billion times intelligent than us would lift it's finger (of course, metaphorical) to guide us? Is it stupid? No. It would wait patiently, eternally through our own numerous lifetimes for us to 'Wake up'. Remember the quote by Vivekananda- 'Uthishtatha, Jagrata, Prapya varan nibhodhatha'. This is the waking up, Master is mentioning. 'Wake up, become aware, don't stop until you have reached your goal'. The goal for each Soul is their own Dharma.
Once we wake up to this alignment of mind, heart, Atman, and Brahman, we can expect to see the vibrant and interactive dance of the Universe. Then we can expect the guidance flowing to us through our own life as signs and symbols. Have I come across this aspect? Yes. Otherwise, how can I ever write about it? Each day I am being more and more made aware of the guidance the Universe is ever-ready to bestow upon us. But are we ready to receive it? That is the question. Only when we become open to guidance, the guidance would be given. The Universe is not ready to confer guidance to souls who are not ready to listen.
Now, how should one listen? One should listen like Ganesha, the Hindu God. Big ears to listen. Bighead to analyze, the wisdom being given. With a trunk that can choose even the smallest of the stone or the big coconut leaf. Same way, we the Souls need to choose exactly that which we want for our life. Also, Ganesha has pasha (rope) as well as an axe. The rope to drag one towards the highest goals (Dharma) and the axe to cut attachments that distracts one from their Dharma or purpose. Ganesha is considered as the respectful and eternal student, the humble attitude a Soul should wear for the Brahman or the highest consciousness to become the Guru or the teacher. Now, how do the teachings come?
Nimitta or omens: The way the Brahman talks are not through words, but through signs and symbols. It can be considered as omens as well. Now, this talk is very specific to the person who observes nature. So, something that symbolizes happiness to someone may mean nothing to you. For example, someone may love rainbows. If that person sees a rainbow, then it is more meaningful to that person compared to another who cares nothing about rainbows. But for this to happen, first, a person needs to develop their awareness and what that particular view means to them.
Let me elaborate with an example from my own life. In 2013 to 2015, I was frustrated with what to do with my life. My life was stuck and stagnant and I just didn't know the way out of that deep stagnation of my career. I used to go for long, solitary walks analyzing what I am doing wrong. Until then, many planes have gone above my head. The place where I stay there are a lot of turkey vultures as well. Both the planes as well as the vultures never used to catch my attention. But as I was deeply asking questions to nature, these started capturing my attention. But I had no idea what to make of them. Any time, any thing captures our attention, it is the higher Self speaking to us.
But I started noticing the way the vultures were flying high up in the sky. How they were free, gliding in the sky with air under their wings. Same with planes, that were flying very high up in the sky. Slowly it dawned on me, after several deliberate days of analysis. I am supposed to look at my life, standing back from everyday happenings with a much higher perspective in my mind. Okay, higher perspective, but what does it suppose to mean?
Even before that from around 2010 onwards I used to see the number 11:11 on my oven clock, microwave clock, computer clock, and even house numbers. I just used to totally ignore it. My scientific mind would not even consider the possibility of I am being shown a message. You see I have given importance to experiments, facts, and proof for long 25 years of my life. So, a random but incessantly repeating number meant nothing to me. They are just numbers.
But when the Universe wants a Soul to understand the messages being sent, it can doggedly pursue that Soul. When I didn't care, the numbers started appearing everywhere, on car number plates, house numbers, telephone numbers on marketing pamphlets, anywhere and everywhere. It became so much, I felt am I losing a screw (basically going cuckoo). Now, I decided to look into numerology. That is how my numerology skill set opened.
Number 11: has two ones. One is single, alone, so it is not a group. So, I have to think as a single person. What is one? It starts really the number series. Before that of course, there is zero. But zero has no value. The number with the value that starts the number series is one. So, it is the first number. Who is always first, a leader. So, I am supposed to do something that shows leadership. Now, this one is repeated four times. So, the leadership has to be at least four times, so not a middle manager, but someone who has to do something for themselves. This is about one.
Now, eleven. I started searching on the internet. Eleven is a Master number. It has double the impact of one. Adding it brings two. So, there should be a two, or interaction with another person involved. Now, eleven is the number of teacher or educator. What? I am not even getting a Biotechnology job. What can I teach or educate people about? This is the interaction that is supposed to take place, as teaching or education. That too, it was not just one eleven. But, two elevens, 11:11. So, the eleven itself has double the impact. I saw 11:11 so many times, it drove me crazy.
Then in 2016, I had the epiphany where I was asked the question, 'Have you ever considered your spiritual gifts?' So, the airplanes/vultures, 11:11, as well as the epiphany as the question, pushed me to think outside of the box I had kept myself in. This led to my Swaroopa blog, then Quora answers and now my fledgling entrepreneurship. This is not to boast about the things I am doing, but to show when we give our trust towards Brahman as well as our highest Self, how Brahman starts to speak to us through signs and symbols.
Nimitta: Nimitta or symbolism is an important aspect of Vedic astrology. Many times a Vedic astrologer also develops a keen intuition and sense to look at nature and get answers to the queries they themselves have or the querent (the questioner) brings. Let me share some insights. For example, someone is asking a question, about anything. When they ask the sky is clear, the Sun is shining bright with a gentle breeze and the birds are singing and flying about. This shows that the answer to that question is a big 'Yes' from the Brahman or Universe. Everything is normal and nice. But if the same question is asked during a heavy rainy day with dark clouds and a thunderstorm brewing, then it shows that as of now, the answer is 'No' and maybe come back, later to the same question.
So, like this Brahman or the Universal intelligence is very much there, very interactive and very vibrant. Only in this modern-day living, we, human beings have lost our fine sense of intuition or inner knowing. We trust more of others than of ourselves. When we are doubtful of our own intuition, how can we ever trust a Universe that would speak only through signs and symbols? After losing this capacity, we treat or consider the 'Universe as dead'.
Isn't it plain arrogance and ego on our part to think that we know everything- this minuscule of intelligence in front of the Universal intelligence that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient? Is the Universe dead or we don't care enough to accept the guidance that is always being given?
Can anyone develop this capacity to fine-tune intuition to get guidance from the Universe? Yes, anybody can. But the first rule is, we have to be totally true and authentic with ourselves. Our truth should shine through our eyes and words. Brahman is very authentic and truthful. It stands strong in its truth. So, it would only deal with a person who is true and authentic in their words and actions. Hence Taittiriya Upanishad guided the humans 'Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara'- Speak your truth, and do your Dharma-true purpose.
Now, whether to speak one's own truth and do one's own purpose - that is always a Soul's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Who is Radha?
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for a subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The opinions and perspectives shared here are that of the author/owner only. Even though the author/owner will try to research well before posting the information, the author/owner of this blog does not make any portrayal of the accuracy or correctness of the content on this blog or the links provided. The author/owner will not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies occurred. The author/owner will not be liable for any damages or losses due to the use or display of this blog. These terms and conditions can change at any time.
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa LLC, 2019- Eternity
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to contemplate on the 'unwritten law' we discussed last week. A Soul who cannot see the 'dance of Shiva and Shakthi, Prakruthi and Purusha or divine masculine as the matter and the divine feminine as the energy' - the duality, which later merges as oneness, how can that Soul capture the highest echelons of the Universal consciousness? This is why a person or human being who sees divisions, 'us and they' everywhere is never able to break away from the same thing they are trying to break away from.
Here another important law also kicks into a start. 'Yadha drushti, thadha srushti' - Where you keep your focus, that increases in your life'. So, as long as a person is trying to bring up one group, putting down another group (look at politics, religion, and pretty much any group), the division always would be pervasive in the dynamics. Increasing something by literally fighting against it. That Soul never comes out of the fight it started whether about politics, religions or any groups. It is deemed to be always in that division.
Gratefulness: So, a Soul needs to explicitly decide even though they may work within a group, they would treat another person from a different group to be an inhabiter of the same magnificent planet Earth and treat them with their deserved respect. In this space, everyone treats another with the respect they deserve and share the resources that have been provided by Earth at their disposal. Let us be honest. We as human beings have never brought even an iota of energy ourselves. Either we were provided energy as a body/ actions or as resources of the Earth. Everything has been provided by the Earth and the Universal consciousness.
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The beautiful Earth, of which the human beings are the renters! Image credits - |
What have we made in the real sense? Everything, every single thing we took from one form of energy, using our thoughts made into another form. Whether of ore to metal, clay to brick, thoughts to innovation, or even us as humans- desire (another thought process, hence energy) to a new human being. We, as human beings are not really creating energy, but just transforming the energy we have been provided from one form to another.
So, actually about 'what on this Earth that we have been provided' should we fight about?? Instead shouldn't we be totally grateful for the chance at life we have been given to evolve from the Soul?? Gratefulness- for a chance at life, for a chance towards Soul evolution, for a chance to interact with other innumerous Souls, for a chance to help other Souls, for a chance to capture our own authentic Self (Swaroopa). So, first we, each one of us- the Soul has to get into this space. Then the Universe as the highest intelligence, from our own within as Soul and from without as 'nature'- Earth itself, starts to guide us.
Guidance: Now, an atheist or an agnostic can ask, 'Isn't the Universe dead'? Yes, for you. Because Universal consciousness is extremely intelligent, as long as a person doesn't find their own true nature and our deep connection to the Universe, the Universe is literally dead for that person. The Brahman (Universal consciousness) is a big energy boomerang. As the person is putting out the thought process of the "Universe as dead' that is exactly the energy the person receives back. They get experiences to show again and again, yes- the Universe is dead. Now, standing within this space, they try to change the thought process of others.
This is the same with the spiritual people as well. They are standing within the space of 'the Universe is vibrant, dynamic, and interactive'. This is the energy they put out. Now, they get experiences that prove to them that yes, the Universe is very interactive. Now, they go and try to make others realize, the Universe is highly interactive. Now, what happens? A fight ensues. Both groups are standing in their truths and fighting. This becomes a never-ending fight.
A Soul who realizes this fact never goes and tries to change anybody. They understand, every Soul at their own time and space, comes to realize that the highest intelligence is a giant energy boomerang and to access the help and guidance from the Brahman, one has to first acknowledge that the 'greatest teacher- there is- Brahman, Universal consciousness, source, Supreme intelligence, God' does exist, is not dead and is vibrant and highly interactive. Every soul at its own pace and time would eventually reach this space. Until then they have to go through numerous experiences to find their own truth deep within their well of wisdom inside.
Once they find that, they realize, yes, 'I am a very significant but small part of this humongous energy called Universe', we are first accepting our own deep root to existence, the 'I am' the Soul speck that exists, then we also acknowledge our part in the higher whole called Brahman and above that we acknowledge the existence of this very vibrant, interactive Universe. Perfect alignment of the conscious mind, subconscious mind, higher self, and the Universal Self - the Atman (the personal Self) with the Brahman (the Universal Self).
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The universe, every part is as important as the whole! Image credits - |
Once we wake up to this alignment of mind, heart, Atman, and Brahman, we can expect to see the vibrant and interactive dance of the Universe. Then we can expect the guidance flowing to us through our own life as signs and symbols. Have I come across this aspect? Yes. Otherwise, how can I ever write about it? Each day I am being more and more made aware of the guidance the Universe is ever-ready to bestow upon us. But are we ready to receive it? That is the question. Only when we become open to guidance, the guidance would be given. The Universe is not ready to confer guidance to souls who are not ready to listen.
Now, how should one listen? One should listen like Ganesha, the Hindu God. Big ears to listen. Bighead to analyze, the wisdom being given. With a trunk that can choose even the smallest of the stone or the big coconut leaf. Same way, we the Souls need to choose exactly that which we want for our life. Also, Ganesha has pasha (rope) as well as an axe. The rope to drag one towards the highest goals (Dharma) and the axe to cut attachments that distracts one from their Dharma or purpose. Ganesha is considered as the respectful and eternal student, the humble attitude a Soul should wear for the Brahman or the highest consciousness to become the Guru or the teacher. Now, how do the teachings come?
Nimitta or omens: The way the Brahman talks are not through words, but through signs and symbols. It can be considered as omens as well. Now, this talk is very specific to the person who observes nature. So, something that symbolizes happiness to someone may mean nothing to you. For example, someone may love rainbows. If that person sees a rainbow, then it is more meaningful to that person compared to another who cares nothing about rainbows. But for this to happen, first, a person needs to develop their awareness and what that particular view means to them.
Let me elaborate with an example from my own life. In 2013 to 2015, I was frustrated with what to do with my life. My life was stuck and stagnant and I just didn't know the way out of that deep stagnation of my career. I used to go for long, solitary walks analyzing what I am doing wrong. Until then, many planes have gone above my head. The place where I stay there are a lot of turkey vultures as well. Both the planes as well as the vultures never used to catch my attention. But as I was deeply asking questions to nature, these started capturing my attention. But I had no idea what to make of them. Any time, any thing captures our attention, it is the higher Self speaking to us.
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Life many times has to be viewed from a higher perspective! Image credits - |
Even before that from around 2010 onwards I used to see the number 11:11 on my oven clock, microwave clock, computer clock, and even house numbers. I just used to totally ignore it. My scientific mind would not even consider the possibility of I am being shown a message. You see I have given importance to experiments, facts, and proof for long 25 years of my life. So, a random but incessantly repeating number meant nothing to me. They are just numbers.
But when the Universe wants a Soul to understand the messages being sent, it can doggedly pursue that Soul. When I didn't care, the numbers started appearing everywhere, on car number plates, house numbers, telephone numbers on marketing pamphlets, anywhere and everywhere. It became so much, I felt am I losing a screw (basically going cuckoo). Now, I decided to look into numerology. That is how my numerology skill set opened.
Number 11: has two ones. One is single, alone, so it is not a group. So, I have to think as a single person. What is one? It starts really the number series. Before that of course, there is zero. But zero has no value. The number with the value that starts the number series is one. So, it is the first number. Who is always first, a leader. So, I am supposed to do something that shows leadership. Now, this one is repeated four times. So, the leadership has to be at least four times, so not a middle manager, but someone who has to do something for themselves. This is about one.
Now, eleven. I started searching on the internet. Eleven is a Master number. It has double the impact of one. Adding it brings two. So, there should be a two, or interaction with another person involved. Now, eleven is the number of teacher or educator. What? I am not even getting a Biotechnology job. What can I teach or educate people about? This is the interaction that is supposed to take place, as teaching or education. That too, it was not just one eleven. But, two elevens, 11:11. So, the eleven itself has double the impact. I saw 11:11 so many times, it drove me crazy.
Then in 2016, I had the epiphany where I was asked the question, 'Have you ever considered your spiritual gifts?' So, the airplanes/vultures, 11:11, as well as the epiphany as the question, pushed me to think outside of the box I had kept myself in. This led to my Swaroopa blog, then Quora answers and now my fledgling entrepreneurship. This is not to boast about the things I am doing, but to show when we give our trust towards Brahman as well as our highest Self, how Brahman starts to speak to us through signs and symbols.
Nimitta: Nimitta or symbolism is an important aspect of Vedic astrology. Many times a Vedic astrologer also develops a keen intuition and sense to look at nature and get answers to the queries they themselves have or the querent (the questioner) brings. Let me share some insights. For example, someone is asking a question, about anything. When they ask the sky is clear, the Sun is shining bright with a gentle breeze and the birds are singing and flying about. This shows that the answer to that question is a big 'Yes' from the Brahman or Universe. Everything is normal and nice. But if the same question is asked during a heavy rainy day with dark clouds and a thunderstorm brewing, then it shows that as of now, the answer is 'No' and maybe come back, later to the same question.
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Universe does answer through symbols, only if we care to notice! Image credits - |
So, like this Brahman or the Universal intelligence is very much there, very interactive and very vibrant. Only in this modern-day living, we, human beings have lost our fine sense of intuition or inner knowing. We trust more of others than of ourselves. When we are doubtful of our own intuition, how can we ever trust a Universe that would speak only through signs and symbols? After losing this capacity, we treat or consider the 'Universe as dead'.
Isn't it plain arrogance and ego on our part to think that we know everything- this minuscule of intelligence in front of the Universal intelligence that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient? Is the Universe dead or we don't care enough to accept the guidance that is always being given?
Can anyone develop this capacity to fine-tune intuition to get guidance from the Universe? Yes, anybody can. But the first rule is, we have to be totally true and authentic with ourselves. Our truth should shine through our eyes and words. Brahman is very authentic and truthful. It stands strong in its truth. So, it would only deal with a person who is true and authentic in their words and actions. Hence Taittiriya Upanishad guided the humans 'Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara'- Speak your truth, and do your Dharma-true purpose.
Now, whether to speak one's own truth and do one's own purpose - that is always a Soul's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Who is Radha?
Credits: Images and links from Wikimedia Commons and
Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance ; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried".
All rights reserved to Jayasree Padmanabhan and SwaroopaBlog.
To my Blog readers: As all of you know, the European Union has passed laws regarding the collection of the user data. This is just to inform all my EU blog readers, I just use Google Analytics, which Google provides, to look at from where readers are reading my blogs. I also use Specific feeds to use their service for a subscription list. I don't collect or intend to collect user data to sell or provide to third-party applications. Regards,
This blog is purely for informational purposes only.
©Jayasree Padmanabhan and Swaroopa LLC, 2019- Eternity
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