The third eye-The Vision!
Hello all,
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week, where you were able to pursue your Dharma without even a care or eye on what another is doing. As we have the right to pursue our purpose, so does another Soul. The way we humans interfere in another's life, if we had used that energy towards our own life, we would have achieved so much in life. Whether we concentrate on another or ourselves we have only so much of energy to expend.
Think like this. We have an energy bank and energy is the currency to live our life. We get a particular amount of energy in the bank every day morning after a good sleep. By evening we have to spend that energy before we get a good night of sleep. When someone according to their body and nature has 1000 units of energy, another may have only 500. Whatever it is, we are given only so much. It becomes our choice whether to use it on ourselves or for others. By concentrating on others, we are indeed spending the energy we can use towards our life on others.
Many times, humans have no awareness about this. We concentrate on others and the energy for our own life gets depleted. Now our life is not going the way we want as we are not spending energy on it. After that we sit and crib that our life is not going the way we desire. The same way others can interfere in our life, and we end up doing the things others want and again we find our life flow in a stand still. As we are not supposed to interfere in another's life, same way we also have the right to maintain boundaries of our choices and wishes.
This is the case with many youngsters who join the political or religious organizations. Nothing wrong with being in a group. It gives a feeling of belonging and support. But is the youngster leaving college, studies and their family to join a group? Then most probably their energy is not working for them. In current times an educated youth has more opportunities than an uneducated youth. By the time the particular person wakes up to this fact decades would have passed. So, coming back to the concept of energy, there is only so much of energy a person is given.
The same with time. We only have the time between our first breath and our last breath. In between whatever seconds we get, that is all we have. It can be 100 years or it can be just 25 years. So, it becomes our duty to use that limited energy and time towards the exact thing we want to manifest in our life. This is where we have to ask ourselves some questions.
Where are we going? In life, where are we going? What do we want to achieve with our life? Where do we see ourselves when we are seventy years old, in case we are around until that time. After 75 or 78 we have only so much of energy to do anything. At that time regretting about the actions we didn't take brings sadness. But even at that time we can turn our energy totally towards our own life to better it than worrying how others are perceiving us.
So, coming back to the question- where are we going? This is one of the most important questions, we need to ask ourselves. That would bring our perception of life to a grinding halt. Yes, we are going to college or for job or doing an entrepreneurship or making our wealth. All that is good and totally okay. But are these just every day activities we do or is there a well aligned purpose behind it? A ship can coast along an ocean or it can have a GPS that takes the ship exactly to its destination. So, we need to decide are we the coasting ship or the GPS fitted ship?
This is where our Dharma or true purpose comes into awareness. Why are we here in this present life at this current time? We are not here to just spend days in an ignorant bliss. There should be some higher purpose for our existence. Nowadays my thought process is, each one of us have a very definite purpose. It is our duty to find this and start proceeding towards it. We have discussed many times about Dharma. Today let us discuss a related aspect to it. How do we know what we are supposed to do with our life?
This is where first our intuition and our own connection to a higher source comes into picture. This is something nowadays humans are finding a tough time to have. It is not enough to go to sacred spaces like temples or churches and pray. But that prayer should come from our heart space, a deep and true connection to the higher source of light there is. If we find this connection, even our home takes the stature of a temple or sacred space.
The same concept can be applied to our body. Our body becomes the sacred space where the divine resides. This divine is not some other worldly entity. It is the same spark or Soul that grows to encompass the whole body. This is why a person who truly aligns with their own inner nature of the Soul finds their sacred space in their own life. They have nothing to capture, nothing to prove and nothing to gain. But whatever is their Soul purpose it starts to manifest in their own life.
Here there is no chase, no pursuance or no fear. It is 'just to be'- to exist as the all encompassing Soul. But even with deep connection to the Soul, one question may desert us. What are we supposed to do? What is the point of this life at this current time. Here is where another aspect of our Dharma we need to develop. This is not developed until we start to bring our attention to it and start thinking about the question of- What is our purpose?
Our purpose: This is what we need to know to lead a very purposeful and fulfilled life. But many times this aspect abandons us. We have no way to know what we should do. Nobody outside us can help us. Our intuition may be guiding us. But we are not sure what to make of it. Here let us discuss from another angle. Look at the God Shiva of Hinduism. In his forehead he always has a third eye drawn. This eye is known as the mental eye.
Shiva using this mental eye can see events that are happening or that may happen. This is also called foresight, knowing about things beforehand itself. The Goddess Parvathi also many times is depicted as having this third forehead eye. Now, let us jump to Christianity for a second. In Christianity, it is expounded that 'Man was created in the image of God'. Let us take it to Hinduism. If man was made in the image of God, the man should have the third eye of Shiva as well, isn't it? (Use every religion in such a way that it works for our life. It is not the other way around. Our life should not work for the religion. Just my two cents.)
Here, I want to mention as Bible was written in the ancient times, all the writings were tailored towards man. But it is not man, but human. The 'human' was made in the image of God. So, it works for ladies as well as gents. Ladies are not excluded. Same way when Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, it was about the man he talked. But he wrote his essays in the 1800s when women were not much considered in the mental and intellectual realms. But the same words can be brought into the life of a woman as well.
It is the humans who differentiate between a man and a woman. The divine doesn't differentiate. A woman is given the same heart, mind, brain, emotions, intellect and intelligence, but in a slightly different way tailored to their needs and duties, that is all. There is another avenue that catches my attention many times. In Vedic astrology (Jyothisha) there are a bunch of yogas called 'Mahapurusha yogas'. Many astrologers consider this works only for the males and not for the ladies. This is not correct per my view.
The 'Mahapurusha' is not a male. But the 'Purusha' is the divine being or the Soul that is having such a yoga for that particular lifetime. In this case, the being (can be a man or a woman) is a Maha-great, purusha-being. A great being, that is all. In yesteryears ladies had lesser opportunities. But today, that is not the case. A lady can also be a great being. A lady who has 'Malavya Yoga' placed in an exalted or home position of Venus according to the chart would show artistic and Venusian abilities. Same way a lady who has the 'Bhadra yoga' of Mercury would possess shining intellectual and communicative abilities. So, a lady can access the same shining throne of fame and fortune like any man in her own way. Divine doesn't restrict her. But humans do. (Felt like mentioning this here.)
The third eye (Ajna chakra)-The vision: So, like Shiva a human can develop their third eye, the mind's eye that sits in the middle of the forehead between the brow. This is the third eye chakra or the sacred energy center of Ajna. In Sanskrit, Ajna means to command or to order. That is the power of this energy center. It takes some deep contemplation and meditation to open this energy center. A normal every day human being doesn't have an open Ajna chakra. Their awareness about their own life is limited.
Such a person bobs like a buoy through the emotional ocean of life (Samsara sagara) wherever the emotional tides take them. They have no idea what they want, how to get it and where to put their focus. But a person whose Ajna chakra is open starts to feel a deep awareness about their own life and their place in their life. They start to realize where they are spending unnecessary energy and how they can focus that energy back into their own life.
For instance, go to a business website or to a Master of business administration (M.B.A) institute. They speak about vision and how visionaries have changed the world. What makes a visionary different from an ordinary being? The difference is a visionary has a fully open Ajna chakra. Before they bring any change into their physical world, they have already seen that change in their mind's eye. It has already come into existence in their mental realm. Only now they have to work towards bringing it into their physical reality. Let us take a few examples.
Without having a vision, Mahatma Gandhi could have never led a nation to its freedom. He was considered a visionary. In his mind's eye probably he could have envisioned what can be possible. This vision of a 'free India' would have led his freedom struggle. Same way the long lonely nights of solitary imprisonment of Nelson Mandela would have developed his vision for his country. Keeping that vision alive, he took necessary step towards the freedom of South Africa from an apartheid regime. In the business world, Andrew Carnagie and Steve Jobs are considered visionaries. Their vision helped to develop their business acumen to such an extent that their companies thrived to the corners of the world. Andrew Carnegie quoted, "Aim for the highest".
If you don't know what to aim for, how can you aim for the highest? So, this is where developing the third eye and a vision for life becomes very important. What is your aim? What do you want to achieve? How do you envision your own life unfolding? These all are very important quesions to ask oneself. Nobody else can provide answers to these questions. If Shiva, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Andrew Carnegie and Steve Jobs can have a vision towards achieving something for themselves and others, why can't we, you and me?
These visionaries decided to put in the necessary intentions, thoughts, plans and actions to achieve their vision. For us, the lesser human beings, it becomes our duty towards ourselves to first develop a solid and strong vision towards our own life. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi through their pictures are hinting at this possibility of developing our own vision for our life. That is the one caveat. We should come up with our own vision. Working towards another's vision would only develop so much. In working for another's vision, our own Soul and true purpose doesn't come into the picture. That is a big No. It won't work. Our Soul wouldn't want anything to do with it.
So, it becomes our Dharma to develop our own vision for our life. This will help us to become the solid ship with GPS that takes us towards our destiny whatever it may be. This vision would become the guiding light in the emotional realm of the human life. It is not easy to overcome the Samsara sagara- material and emotional realm. We need every help we can get. The Ajna chakra and the vision it provides would become the helpful assistant in this long journey towards our Dharma.
Now, whether to develop and open the Ajna chakra- that is always a being's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Samsara Sagara-The ocean of material existence!
Credits: Images from Wikimedia Commons and
Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week, where you were able to pursue your Dharma without even a care or eye on what another is doing. As we have the right to pursue our purpose, so does another Soul. The way we humans interfere in another's life, if we had used that energy towards our own life, we would have achieved so much in life. Whether we concentrate on another or ourselves we have only so much of energy to expend.
Think like this. We have an energy bank and energy is the currency to live our life. We get a particular amount of energy in the bank every day morning after a good sleep. By evening we have to spend that energy before we get a good night of sleep. When someone according to their body and nature has 1000 units of energy, another may have only 500. Whatever it is, we are given only so much. It becomes our choice whether to use it on ourselves or for others. By concentrating on others, we are indeed spending the energy we can use towards our life on others.
Many times, humans have no awareness about this. We concentrate on others and the energy for our own life gets depleted. Now our life is not going the way we want as we are not spending energy on it. After that we sit and crib that our life is not going the way we desire. The same way others can interfere in our life, and we end up doing the things others want and again we find our life flow in a stand still. As we are not supposed to interfere in another's life, same way we also have the right to maintain boundaries of our choices and wishes.
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Energy-The currency we need for our life! Image |
This is the case with many youngsters who join the political or religious organizations. Nothing wrong with being in a group. It gives a feeling of belonging and support. But is the youngster leaving college, studies and their family to join a group? Then most probably their energy is not working for them. In current times an educated youth has more opportunities than an uneducated youth. By the time the particular person wakes up to this fact decades would have passed. So, coming back to the concept of energy, there is only so much of energy a person is given.
The same with time. We only have the time between our first breath and our last breath. In between whatever seconds we get, that is all we have. It can be 100 years or it can be just 25 years. So, it becomes our duty to use that limited energy and time towards the exact thing we want to manifest in our life. This is where we have to ask ourselves some questions.
Where are we going? In life, where are we going? What do we want to achieve with our life? Where do we see ourselves when we are seventy years old, in case we are around until that time. After 75 or 78 we have only so much of energy to do anything. At that time regretting about the actions we didn't take brings sadness. But even at that time we can turn our energy totally towards our own life to better it than worrying how others are perceiving us.
So, coming back to the question- where are we going? This is one of the most important questions, we need to ask ourselves. That would bring our perception of life to a grinding halt. Yes, we are going to college or for job or doing an entrepreneurship or making our wealth. All that is good and totally okay. But are these just every day activities we do or is there a well aligned purpose behind it? A ship can coast along an ocean or it can have a GPS that takes the ship exactly to its destination. So, we need to decide are we the coasting ship or the GPS fitted ship?
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Where are we going? Image |
This is where our Dharma or true purpose comes into awareness. Why are we here in this present life at this current time? We are not here to just spend days in an ignorant bliss. There should be some higher purpose for our existence. Nowadays my thought process is, each one of us have a very definite purpose. It is our duty to find this and start proceeding towards it. We have discussed many times about Dharma. Today let us discuss a related aspect to it. How do we know what we are supposed to do with our life?
This is where first our intuition and our own connection to a higher source comes into picture. This is something nowadays humans are finding a tough time to have. It is not enough to go to sacred spaces like temples or churches and pray. But that prayer should come from our heart space, a deep and true connection to the higher source of light there is. If we find this connection, even our home takes the stature of a temple or sacred space.
The same concept can be applied to our body. Our body becomes the sacred space where the divine resides. This divine is not some other worldly entity. It is the same spark or Soul that grows to encompass the whole body. This is why a person who truly aligns with their own inner nature of the Soul finds their sacred space in their own life. They have nothing to capture, nothing to prove and nothing to gain. But whatever is their Soul purpose it starts to manifest in their own life.
Here there is no chase, no pursuance or no fear. It is 'just to be'- to exist as the all encompassing Soul. But even with deep connection to the Soul, one question may desert us. What are we supposed to do? What is the point of this life at this current time. Here is where another aspect of our Dharma we need to develop. This is not developed until we start to bring our attention to it and start thinking about the question of- What is our purpose?
Our purpose: This is what we need to know to lead a very purposeful and fulfilled life. But many times this aspect abandons us. We have no way to know what we should do. Nobody outside us can help us. Our intuition may be guiding us. But we are not sure what to make of it. Here let us discuss from another angle. Look at the God Shiva of Hinduism. In his forehead he always has a third eye drawn. This eye is known as the mental eye.
Shiva using this mental eye can see events that are happening or that may happen. This is also called foresight, knowing about things beforehand itself. The Goddess Parvathi also many times is depicted as having this third forehead eye. Now, let us jump to Christianity for a second. In Christianity, it is expounded that 'Man was created in the image of God'. Let us take it to Hinduism. If man was made in the image of God, the man should have the third eye of Shiva as well, isn't it? (Use every religion in such a way that it works for our life. It is not the other way around. Our life should not work for the religion. Just my two cents.)
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What is our purpose for our life? Image |
Here, I want to mention as Bible was written in the ancient times, all the writings were tailored towards man. But it is not man, but human. The 'human' was made in the image of God. So, it works for ladies as well as gents. Ladies are not excluded. Same way when Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, it was about the man he talked. But he wrote his essays in the 1800s when women were not much considered in the mental and intellectual realms. But the same words can be brought into the life of a woman as well.
It is the humans who differentiate between a man and a woman. The divine doesn't differentiate. A woman is given the same heart, mind, brain, emotions, intellect and intelligence, but in a slightly different way tailored to their needs and duties, that is all. There is another avenue that catches my attention many times. In Vedic astrology (Jyothisha) there are a bunch of yogas called 'Mahapurusha yogas'. Many astrologers consider this works only for the males and not for the ladies. This is not correct per my view.
The 'Mahapurusha' is not a male. But the 'Purusha' is the divine being or the Soul that is having such a yoga for that particular lifetime. In this case, the being (can be a man or a woman) is a Maha-great, purusha-being. A great being, that is all. In yesteryears ladies had lesser opportunities. But today, that is not the case. A lady can also be a great being. A lady who has 'Malavya Yoga' placed in an exalted or home position of Venus according to the chart would show artistic and Venusian abilities. Same way a lady who has the 'Bhadra yoga' of Mercury would possess shining intellectual and communicative abilities. So, a lady can access the same shining throne of fame and fortune like any man in her own way. Divine doesn't restrict her. But humans do. (Felt like mentioning this here.)
The third eye (Ajna chakra)-The vision: So, like Shiva a human can develop their third eye, the mind's eye that sits in the middle of the forehead between the brow. This is the third eye chakra or the sacred energy center of Ajna. In Sanskrit, Ajna means to command or to order. That is the power of this energy center. It takes some deep contemplation and meditation to open this energy center. A normal every day human being doesn't have an open Ajna chakra. Their awareness about their own life is limited.
Such a person bobs like a buoy through the emotional ocean of life (Samsara sagara) wherever the emotional tides take them. They have no idea what they want, how to get it and where to put their focus. But a person whose Ajna chakra is open starts to feel a deep awareness about their own life and their place in their life. They start to realize where they are spending unnecessary energy and how they can focus that energy back into their own life.
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Lord Shiva! The third eye is visible! Image credits-Sharma Picture Publication[Public domain] |
Without having a vision, Mahatma Gandhi could have never led a nation to its freedom. He was considered a visionary. In his mind's eye probably he could have envisioned what can be possible. This vision of a 'free India' would have led his freedom struggle. Same way the long lonely nights of solitary imprisonment of Nelson Mandela would have developed his vision for his country. Keeping that vision alive, he took necessary step towards the freedom of South Africa from an apartheid regime. In the business world, Andrew Carnagie and Steve Jobs are considered visionaries. Their vision helped to develop their business acumen to such an extent that their companies thrived to the corners of the world. Andrew Carnegie quoted, "Aim for the highest".
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Ajna Chakra- The third eye! Image credits-Tsester [CC BY-SA 3.0] |
These visionaries decided to put in the necessary intentions, thoughts, plans and actions to achieve their vision. For us, the lesser human beings, it becomes our duty towards ourselves to first develop a solid and strong vision towards our own life. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi through their pictures are hinting at this possibility of developing our own vision for our life. That is the one caveat. We should come up with our own vision. Working towards another's vision would only develop so much. In working for another's vision, our own Soul and true purpose doesn't come into the picture. That is a big No. It won't work. Our Soul wouldn't want anything to do with it.
Now, whether to develop and open the Ajna chakra- that is always a being's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Samsara Sagara-The ocean of material existence!
Credits: Images from Wikimedia Commons and
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