Intuition- The divine guidance!

Hello all,

 I want to let my blog readers know about my new It came live on Vijayadasami day, the last day of Navrathri, 7th of October 2019. This is my way of offering my services to anyone who needs it. The details are described on the website. The actual service offering may take another few months while I figure out the remaining technical details. Now to the post.

Last week, we discussed Prakruthi, Purusha, and the deep connection between them. One is complementary to the other. Above that, one is incomplete without the other. Once we understand the dual nature of this physical existence, we can try to work with these energies. But these energies are Universal energies. It is not easy to deal with them or tackle them.

Many times we humans spend our life swinging from one end of the spectrum, the Purusha, fire and  passion to the other end of the spectrum, Prakruthi, tears and emotions. Our life becomes a trapeze show trying to balance these emotions. In my younger days, I have swung back and forth between my deep passion towards Biotechnology and frustrated emotions of a stagnant career. Up and down, left to right, right to left, back and forth. 

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Yin-Yang- The energy of passion and emotions!
Image credits - Fanfwah [CC BY-SA 3.0]
The mind: Life itself becomes a struggle to find a place where we can exist comfortably in our 'I AM' presence. Finding this balance in life is very important. Only once we achieve this balance we can even think about making something of our life. If the mind is all over the place, how can we do anything? This is why in Vedic philosophy a person is asked to be 'Achanchala' (not swayed by mental emotions). Only in such a space, one can bring their mind towards their Dharma.

This mental balance is discussed as 'Wu Wei' in Taoism or the 'Middle way' in Buddhism. Once we can stand in this space with mental balance we can flow with our own life, whenever experiences or circumstances show up. But instead if our mind is unbalanced, how can we ever tackle the circumstances? Without realizing this fact, instead of balancing our own mind, we try  to tackle our outer circumstances. Now, things go haywire.

This is due to another concept that plays in all of our lives. 'Our inner reality shines outside'. As long as our mind is confused, that confusion shows up in our outer reality as well. That is the power of the mind. In Buddhism, mind is discussed as another sense organ. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, asks to control all the five sense organs. So, then what about the sixth sense organ? That also needs to be controlled. An uncontrolled mind can go behind any glittery, glitzy thing, and  this 'age of the internet' gels very well with that mind.

Above the confusion of the mind, more things such as the internet, social media, and other deluge of information has started to knock at our door. How can a mind ever survive such barrage of data and information? This is where we have to develop an intellect as sharp as a knife. This intellect should become the security guard that stands in front of the door of our mind. Nothing should pass across the door, which the intellect has not vetted.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Human mind- The realm that drives hundred
percent of our decisions!
Image credits- flickr [CC0]
We have seen in many English movies, outside a night club there would be two guards guarding the door, protecting the club and vetting who needs an admittance. Here our mind's guard should be the intellect, sharp, cutting and discerning. But many times being in society we become very complacent. We allow any and every information to enter into our mind. Now, the already confused mind becomes even more confused. Soon enough energies, people and circumstances that don't work for our life starts their march into our life.

The intellect: Look at any circumstance or experience in our own life. There would have been a point where we allowed that particular energy entry into the sacred space of our mind. The first time we would have not been vigilant and the energy asked permission to enter our life. This is also another truth of our life. We have the free will to choose what we want. But many times we completely ignore this free will. We have the free will to keep our energy at very high vibrations with very positive thoughts.

Positive thoughts are lighter and have higher vibration. In using our intellect to choose again and again positive thoughts, we train our mind to see the positivity in ourselves, in our family and in the world. Negativity or positivity first starts with us, the person. What do we choose? According to that we get experiences. Let us take an example. Say a college/ high school kid who has an excellent track record of academics and sports. A great kid.

This kid has to choose friends while in high school and college. Choice! Our free will to choose. According to the friends and people he/she surrounds with, the outcome can be very different. If the kid chooses friends who are very serious about their own studies/ sports, definitely this kid also would find themselves in a great college campus or a sports arena. Now, if the same kid chooses people who are not that interested in studies/ sports and are more interested in partying and drugs/ alcohol, their life would evolve another way.

So, in our life we are again and again given a chance to choose. We have the free will to choose what we want for our life. But many times people have no clue that we have a choice. In some cases, the choices are taken away from us due to life circumstances. For example a kid who is living in a camp in Turkey/Syria border has only so many options. Their home country has been torn apart due to civil war. They have been cheated of a good life, by people who are power and position hungry. In such a case, many times even if they want to choose, they don't have a choice.

So, here, the intellect becomes even more important. What type of leader should you choose? A leader who has a vision for the country for the next two hundred years or a leader who is all about themselves, greedy of power, position and wealth? This leader can come as a savior or as a dark horse. Hitler was the savior who tried to save people from those who can dilute their Aryan race. The term Aryan has been kidnapped by Hitler. He used this Vedic/Sanskrit term to decimate a whole population of Jews.

By sowing the seeds of superiority using this term in the minds of Germans, he used their mind towards his ends. See, how a mind can control other minds if people are not aware and sharp? He became the savior of the German people in his own mind. Now, because he was saving all his clan. It became okay to kill the Jews. Same way the Isis leader Abubakr-Al-Baghdadi was the dark horse. He sowed the seeds of anger and hatred in the minds of a section of Muslims against the infidel, a human who is living against the will of their God. Now, because the men under him felt they were  being taken advantage of, it became okay to decimate thousands of people. The self- proclaimed Kaliph started a man killing machine called Isis.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
The shining sword of the intellect!
Image credits-

How can it be okay to kill anyone? When according to the spiritual laws, if one doesn't have the permission even to take their own life, how can they take another's life or even brain wash them against their will? See, how our intellect plays a very important part in our own life? It should be sharpened again and again, to bring it to the glory of a shining sword. It should be used to choose again and again what we desire and want for our life. 

The only thing to keep in mind is, in choosing our desire, never ever hurt a person /life physically, mentally, emotionally or psychologically. Never! Now, standing in this space, choose, choose and choose with a cutting intellect and a crystal clear mind. Then we would never fall into the traps of unhealthy circumstances, people or situations.

Intuition: Even then a question can arise. Are we choosing well? Are we doing the very best for our life? Are we falling short in our attempt to capture our Dharma-true purpose? Here another faculty we have been provided, comes into our focus. Our intuition. This nowadays has been overlooked so much, ignored so much, many times people don't care about intuition. They dismiss it as some random inkling that pops  its head once a while.

But what if we have been sent to Earth, to navigate this material realm with this faculty? As soon as we ignore it, we have become handicapped, isn't it? This is what many times happen. In our youth the intuition tries to guide us. We ignore it and shut it down. Now, we really don't know where we are going. This divine guidance that could have shown us the correct path is not given its value. The mind becomes all in all with the intellect.

The servant becomes the master. The master gets trapped in the deep recesses of our own mind. Now, we the being listens totally to the mind. Yes, the mind is bright and it has the sharp intellect. But it has no roots. The root is the deep connection to the Divine. The Divine voice is the intuition. So, the mind without the roots has no anchor. It floats anywhere and everywhere. This is how it operates now. Internet? Great! Let me surf the web. Social media? Awesome! Let me post some hundred selfies! Apps? Fantastic! Let me download a few, so that I can keep updated myself.

But the question we have to ask ourselves is, with internet, social media, apps or news, one very important detail- Does it add value to my life? By doing that activity does it encompass a step towards my Dharma? Does this action, add value to the very limited amount of time and resources I have? All these are important questions. Now, who can show us the way through this maze of choices we have to take?
Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
The Anahata chakra -Heart space!
Image credits -
Our intuition! It is the voice of the source energy sitting within us, unique to us, ever ready to guide us. The Divine guidance! Every Master has guided us to listen to our heart. The sacred space of the heart (Hrudyakasa)- the realm of Anahata chakra, the sacred center that is green situated almost near our physical heart. This heart space should always be considered if we have to capture the highest potential for our own life.

It speaks to us through our intuition- an inner knowing, that every time a choice come around, yes, this is the correct choice. Yes, this is the path I am supposed to walk. This is the Dharma I am supposed to pursue. This intuition would guide us through the peaks, valleys and crevices of our own life. But any day it is ignored, we can be sure we may end
up in a space in our life where our energies and Soul stagnate. The day I started listening to my own intuition, my life started to unfold in an expansive way.

So, shouldn't each one of us use this amazing gift towards our own life? I urge everyone to give a thought to your own intuition. Now, whether to listen to it or not- that is always one's free will and choice!

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!😉

Next week: The flow of life!

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