Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week we discussed the concept of Satchitananda! Let us delve into it more. In this modern age, where everyone is after happiness and fulfillment, this concept becomes even more important to discuss. The Upanishads, the Vedic treatise expands on such a concept. Last week, we discussed it as the bliss (Ananda) of a true (Sat) heart (Chit). But how can we find the true heart? The bliss of that heart comes only later. But first we need to get to the true heart.
We have discussed many times the difference between the heart and the mind. The heart we are discussing here, is not the physical heart, but the metaphorical one. Take many of the pictures in which the Master in Christianity, Jesus is depicted. He would have a red heart that is illuminated around with a halo. This halo we can interpret as Self-realization. At around the age of thirty, Jesus started his ministry of sermons. So, most probably he had his Self-realization before that.
Someone who needs to teach others, first should realize those concepts themselves. The spiritual and philosophical concepts are very deep and complex. A person who themselves don't know who they are cannot show the way to another. A guide who is ready to take you to the other side of the forest should know the path through the forest themselves. Here we are discussing the metaphorical jungle of life. So, Jesus, first realized who he was in his heart. This enlightened heart is what is depicted with the halo in many pictures.
Enlightenment: What is enlightenment? Light in its truest meaning is the wisdom. Anything that keeps us away from this wisdom is ignorance. So, as it keeps us away from the light, ignorance can be considered as darkness. Now, what is this darkness? We have many times discussed, that as a human we come to this physical plane to learn lessons through our life experiences.
These experiences are mainly emotional in nature. We come here to learn lessons about ego, greed, anger, guilt, shame, lust, rage, hate and more. These all are very heavy low vibration energies. A heart or a person bogged down with these darker energies are not ready to accept the light of wisdom. Think about it. A person is riddled with anger and regrets about some experiences in their life. They are bogged down by it. At that time, if someone goes and preaches to them about good will and positivity, will they accept it?
No. First they have to become comfortable in their inner space of regrets and anger and become okay with it. Once they are comfortable to look at it, they can understand those emotions and the lessons they bring. After embracing the lessons, the person can release those dark emotions. Until then, no amount of advising or guiding is going to help them. This is why inner work becomes extremely difficult. Only that person can do it. Others can guide or advise. But the work is theirs alone to do.
Only after working and releasing these lower emotions we can make our heart ready to accept the wisdom or light that wants to come. Take the example of an agricultural land. If it is overgrown by weeds, can you plant the seeds? First the weeds have to be taken out-removal of the lower energy. Then the land has to be tilled and made ready- the heart should be ready to accept the wisdom.
Only then the seeds of wisdom can be planted. Here, the emotion of Universal love becomes the water to nurture the seeds. That is why the seat of the higerSelf is in the heart and not in another place. Can we now realize why people take entirely different decisions when they listen to their heart than the mind. The heart is always provided with the emotion of Universal love, even above love for plants, animals and humans.
The heart which is open without all the vices and ready to accept the knowledge of one's own true nature- Self is the one that is depicted by the halo around the heart of Jesus. The readiness and acceptance of the light of Self-knowledge into one's heart- Enlightenment. Once all the lower energies that act as a mask are removed, the true heart and it's nature can come out. As long as we keep ourselves masked in energies that don't reflect who we are, how can the true nature come out.
Only after the removal of all the lower emotions, we can first find our heart itself- Chitha or Chit. Remember, this is the metaphorical heart, the knowledge of our own nature, who we are underneath, what are our deepest desires. But even after the removal of the vices, we may not become clear who we are. This many times escapes us. This is due to the fact, for that information of Self to bubble up, our heart space should be like the deepest still ocean.
Now, to access this, there is another humongous task we have to deal with first. We have to quieten our monkey mind. The heart lies much deeper than the mind. If the surface of the ocean is riddled with waves and eddies, how can we dive deep into the still ocean and collect our gems. So, once we make our heart clear, we have to work on our mind to keep it very quiet.
Heart vs Mind: Now, the tussle between the heart and the mind ensues. I have gone thorough this tussle. Even though in 2016, I cleared all the regrets and sadness I felt, due to a zero career in Biotechnology, the next internal question came up to me. Are you ready to fully leave Biotechnology? My rational mind said- "No way! How can you leave 20 years of Biotechnology just like that? Are you crazy? Don't go behind all these inner knowledge and intuition. You are wasting the years when you can work".
It became, if you want to know the next step, you need to close the previous door. I struggled with this decision almost for six to eight months. All those months I was kept very much in the dark of what is my identity and what truly I am meant to do. Total darkness. The question of trust and faith comes up again and again. Do you trust the guidance you are being given? Or are you going to keep your legs in two boats? You will fall into the middle. Either completely leave Biotechnology or just leave this inner search.
I looked back at my twenty years of Biotechnology and realized it has not given me much. So, why not take a chance and see. Around October 2016, I finally made that deeply painful decision to leave Biotechnology. Even after that my mind would poke me on the very wrong decision I was taking. Finally, the person would have to literally shut the mind down by commanding it so that it becomes quiet. A distracted mind is a nemesis to the deep inner work, hence people practice meditation, prayer and yoga.
I truly understand the struggle to keep a mind quiet. It has become even more challenging in this modern age of internet. When so many dazzling and glittering things are there to explore, who can keep the mind quiet and meditate. But it is even more needed in this internet age to tackle our mind, so that our life doesn't become a heap of distractions. Only a very focused mind can help the heart to tap into creativity. If the mind is distracted, how can it listen to the heart?
It is in our core, the knowledge about whom we are, our purpose and how to go with that flow is etched. We have to keep our mind very quiet, tap into our heart to know this information and then using our rational mind, make logical intentions, chart our rational steps and take the needed actions. Listen to any leader. This is what they say, "Follow your heart". Joseph Campbell said it as "Follow your bliss".
True heart: Only when we are deeply plugged into this knowledge, our life takes the form of the highest potential. You see, this is how the Universal energy has tricked us. As long as we are not doing what we are truly meant to do, we never get that satisfaction or mental content. Other than that what ever we do, we feel something amiss. Yes, we may have wealth, family, relationships, money, everything, but some 'it' is missing from our life.
This is how the Divine has wired our mind. Only when we pursue the deepest desires of our true heart we can find that joy and contentment. The feeling of 'we are alive and our life has a purpose'. This does not come with anything else. For me, it is blogging/writing/ mentoring and guiding. For another it may be music, creating melodious music. To someone, it may be dance. For another it may be taking care of their family-being the bread winner.
But within us, each of us has come with a deep desire. This desire is deeply connected with our joy and contentment. Any day we are not working towards this, we lose our joy or the will to live. This is what has happened nowadays. As we are going more behind our mind and all the knowledge, mind can get, we have lost our connection with our heart. Now, whatever we do, we are kept away from our joy. We do a million things. But we cannot have that joy.
Even after doing many things as we are not getting to that level of joy, we become disillusioned and confused. Now, we try to do another twenty more things. Again the same result. We become even more confused. This takes away the joy from our life itself. Instead, it is high time, humanity starts to turn towards oneself and connect with one's own heart. The heart where our deepest desires are encoded.
Finding our heart and connecting to our own desires bring out our true nature- who we are and what we want. Our search is over. We know what we want. We can set our intentions, focus our mind and will, then take actions. When our own nature shines through unobstructed and untainted, we are deeply connected to our heart and it's desires- true heart. We have found our Sat (true), Chit (heart).
The Ananda of the true heart (SatChit - Ananda): We have come to the true heart- Sat-Chit. Even now, we won't find the Ananda that comes with it. Because we have just realized who we are and our purpose. We have not started putting in the effort to set intentions and take actions. Now, here comes the next step. How much do you trust yourself and your heart that is sending you signals through the intuition.
Many people reach this stage of knowing what they want. But the task many times is like a gigantic mountain. It would be the question thrown to us. "How much do you want it? How much effort are you willing to exert?" Humans can become afraid and not take up the task. The path of our own purpose or Dharma is not easy. The only thing asking us to proceed would be our own heart strings.
This is because another spiritual law is at play here. "Our inner reality, shines outside". As of now, we have only realized our purpose. But the energy that is embracing us is still the old energy that could have persisted in our life for 15-20 years. Only after the actions, patterns and behaviors we are going to take according to our new knowledge, our inner reality is going to change. After that only, our outer reality would change.
So, as of now we would be working in two energies or realities. The previous old energy and the new energy of the new reality that is vying to make an entrance. Think about the confusion a human mind can go through. Within us, we know the new information. But many times we may have to hold back to wait for a correct time and space to set the new intentions to take actions- the Divine time. Things happen at that time, not at a human time.
Not everyone is courageous enough to fight the previous status-quo. It can be as massive as going to another country to get an education or as small as changing a behavior. All the related things would stare at our face. If it is the first case- Which University/ institution to apply? How to get the money for the studies? Where to stay? How to find room and board? I remember the story of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the charioteer of the Indian constitution. He was so poor, in Britain, he couldn not afford to have lunch every day. He used to skip lunch and be at the library ( I don't remember the name of the library). It seems the librarian noticed this and started to bring him an extra lunch everyday. I remember this story from my school days. Not sure whether my memory is holding me true.
So, it is not easy to pursue the path of our heart. But the Ananda or joy that comes from pursuing the desire of our heart is priceless. Nothing comes near to it. I can relate to how I feel about pursuing Biotechnlogy and how I feel about pursuing my new career. In Biotechnology, I was always happy when a new project, new result or a new concept came about. I would be happy for a few days, then the level would go down. Then the next new thing has to show up to give me the new shot of happiness. The exact energy of social media and internet. Up and down. Up and down.
But with my this career, it is a constant, steady state of joy. It is not upswing one day and down swing the other day. But a constant level of joy, being balanced and joyful in a steady state. The joy of pursuing my heart and purpose. The joy of having a meaning for my life in this time and space. Ananda!
Every one has access to it, if we turn within and find our heart. The joy of simply following our heart. Living from our heart and the joy of pursuing the deepest desire of our true heart! May the grace be upon everyone to find the bliss of their true heart pursuing the purpose they came here to do. Wishing this bliss upon everyone! SatChitAnanda!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Excellence be thy name!
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week we discussed the concept of Satchitananda! Let us delve into it more. In this modern age, where everyone is after happiness and fulfillment, this concept becomes even more important to discuss. The Upanishads, the Vedic treatise expands on such a concept. Last week, we discussed it as the bliss (Ananda) of a true (Sat) heart (Chit). But how can we find the true heart? The bliss of that heart comes only later. But first we need to get to the true heart.
We have discussed many times the difference between the heart and the mind. The heart we are discussing here, is not the physical heart, but the metaphorical one. Take many of the pictures in which the Master in Christianity, Jesus is depicted. He would have a red heart that is illuminated around with a halo. This halo we can interpret as Self-realization. At around the age of thirty, Jesus started his ministry of sermons. So, most probably he had his Self-realization before that.
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The image of the sacred heart with the halo! Image credits - |
Someone who needs to teach others, first should realize those concepts themselves. The spiritual and philosophical concepts are very deep and complex. A person who themselves don't know who they are cannot show the way to another. A guide who is ready to take you to the other side of the forest should know the path through the forest themselves. Here we are discussing the metaphorical jungle of life. So, Jesus, first realized who he was in his heart. This enlightened heart is what is depicted with the halo in many pictures.
Enlightenment: What is enlightenment? Light in its truest meaning is the wisdom. Anything that keeps us away from this wisdom is ignorance. So, as it keeps us away from the light, ignorance can be considered as darkness. Now, what is this darkness? We have many times discussed, that as a human we come to this physical plane to learn lessons through our life experiences.
These experiences are mainly emotional in nature. We come here to learn lessons about ego, greed, anger, guilt, shame, lust, rage, hate and more. These all are very heavy low vibration energies. A heart or a person bogged down with these darker energies are not ready to accept the light of wisdom. Think about it. A person is riddled with anger and regrets about some experiences in their life. They are bogged down by it. At that time, if someone goes and preaches to them about good will and positivity, will they accept it?
No. First they have to become comfortable in their inner space of regrets and anger and become okay with it. Once they are comfortable to look at it, they can understand those emotions and the lessons they bring. After embracing the lessons, the person can release those dark emotions. Until then, no amount of advising or guiding is going to help them. This is why inner work becomes extremely difficult. Only that person can do it. Others can guide or advise. But the work is theirs alone to do.
Only after working and releasing these lower emotions we can make our heart ready to accept the wisdom or light that wants to come. Take the example of an agricultural land. If it is overgrown by weeds, can you plant the seeds? First the weeds have to be taken out-removal of the lower energy. Then the land has to be tilled and made ready- the heart should be ready to accept the wisdom.
Only then the seeds of wisdom can be planted. Here, the emotion of Universal love becomes the water to nurture the seeds. That is why the seat of the higerSelf is in the heart and not in another place. Can we now realize why people take entirely different decisions when they listen to their heart than the mind. The heart is always provided with the emotion of Universal love, even above love for plants, animals and humans.
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The enlightened one, Buddha! Image credits - |
The heart which is open without all the vices and ready to accept the knowledge of one's own true nature- Self is the one that is depicted by the halo around the heart of Jesus. The readiness and acceptance of the light of Self-knowledge into one's heart- Enlightenment. Once all the lower energies that act as a mask are removed, the true heart and it's nature can come out. As long as we keep ourselves masked in energies that don't reflect who we are, how can the true nature come out.
Only after the removal of all the lower emotions, we can first find our heart itself- Chitha or Chit. Remember, this is the metaphorical heart, the knowledge of our own nature, who we are underneath, what are our deepest desires. But even after the removal of the vices, we may not become clear who we are. This many times escapes us. This is due to the fact, for that information of Self to bubble up, our heart space should be like the deepest still ocean.
Now, to access this, there is another humongous task we have to deal with first. We have to quieten our monkey mind. The heart lies much deeper than the mind. If the surface of the ocean is riddled with waves and eddies, how can we dive deep into the still ocean and collect our gems. So, once we make our heart clear, we have to work on our mind to keep it very quiet.
Heart vs Mind: Now, the tussle between the heart and the mind ensues. I have gone thorough this tussle. Even though in 2016, I cleared all the regrets and sadness I felt, due to a zero career in Biotechnology, the next internal question came up to me. Are you ready to fully leave Biotechnology? My rational mind said- "No way! How can you leave 20 years of Biotechnology just like that? Are you crazy? Don't go behind all these inner knowledge and intuition. You are wasting the years when you can work".
It became, if you want to know the next step, you need to close the previous door. I struggled with this decision almost for six to eight months. All those months I was kept very much in the dark of what is my identity and what truly I am meant to do. Total darkness. The question of trust and faith comes up again and again. Do you trust the guidance you are being given? Or are you going to keep your legs in two boats? You will fall into the middle. Either completely leave Biotechnology or just leave this inner search.
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The creative heart or the logical mind? Tussle! Tussle! Image credits - |
I looked back at my twenty years of Biotechnology and realized it has not given me much. So, why not take a chance and see. Around October 2016, I finally made that deeply painful decision to leave Biotechnology. Even after that my mind would poke me on the very wrong decision I was taking. Finally, the person would have to literally shut the mind down by commanding it so that it becomes quiet. A distracted mind is a nemesis to the deep inner work, hence people practice meditation, prayer and yoga.
I truly understand the struggle to keep a mind quiet. It has become even more challenging in this modern age of internet. When so many dazzling and glittering things are there to explore, who can keep the mind quiet and meditate. But it is even more needed in this internet age to tackle our mind, so that our life doesn't become a heap of distractions. Only a very focused mind can help the heart to tap into creativity. If the mind is distracted, how can it listen to the heart?
It is in our core, the knowledge about whom we are, our purpose and how to go with that flow is etched. We have to keep our mind very quiet, tap into our heart to know this information and then using our rational mind, make logical intentions, chart our rational steps and take the needed actions. Listen to any leader. This is what they say, "Follow your heart". Joseph Campbell said it as "Follow your bliss".
True heart: Only when we are deeply plugged into this knowledge, our life takes the form of the highest potential. You see, this is how the Universal energy has tricked us. As long as we are not doing what we are truly meant to do, we never get that satisfaction or mental content. Other than that what ever we do, we feel something amiss. Yes, we may have wealth, family, relationships, money, everything, but some 'it' is missing from our life.
This is how the Divine has wired our mind. Only when we pursue the deepest desires of our true heart we can find that joy and contentment. The feeling of 'we are alive and our life has a purpose'. This does not come with anything else. For me, it is blogging/writing/ mentoring and guiding. For another it may be music, creating melodious music. To someone, it may be dance. For another it may be taking care of their family-being the bread winner.
But within us, each of us has come with a deep desire. This desire is deeply connected with our joy and contentment. Any day we are not working towards this, we lose our joy or the will to live. This is what has happened nowadays. As we are going more behind our mind and all the knowledge, mind can get, we have lost our connection with our heart. Now, whatever we do, we are kept away from our joy. We do a million things. But we cannot have that joy.
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The joy of simple pleasures of life! Image credits - |
Even after doing many things as we are not getting to that level of joy, we become disillusioned and confused. Now, we try to do another twenty more things. Again the same result. We become even more confused. This takes away the joy from our life itself. Instead, it is high time, humanity starts to turn towards oneself and connect with one's own heart. The heart where our deepest desires are encoded.
Finding our heart and connecting to our own desires bring out our true nature- who we are and what we want. Our search is over. We know what we want. We can set our intentions, focus our mind and will, then take actions. When our own nature shines through unobstructed and untainted, we are deeply connected to our heart and it's desires- true heart. We have found our Sat (true), Chit (heart).
The Ananda of the true heart (SatChit - Ananda): We have come to the true heart- Sat-Chit. Even now, we won't find the Ananda that comes with it. Because we have just realized who we are and our purpose. We have not started putting in the effort to set intentions and take actions. Now, here comes the next step. How much do you trust yourself and your heart that is sending you signals through the intuition.
Many people reach this stage of knowing what they want. But the task many times is like a gigantic mountain. It would be the question thrown to us. "How much do you want it? How much effort are you willing to exert?" Humans can become afraid and not take up the task. The path of our own purpose or Dharma is not easy. The only thing asking us to proceed would be our own heart strings.
This is because another spiritual law is at play here. "Our inner reality, shines outside". As of now, we have only realized our purpose. But the energy that is embracing us is still the old energy that could have persisted in our life for 15-20 years. Only after the actions, patterns and behaviors we are going to take according to our new knowledge, our inner reality is going to change. After that only, our outer reality would change.
So, as of now we would be working in two energies or realities. The previous old energy and the new energy of the new reality that is vying to make an entrance. Think about the confusion a human mind can go through. Within us, we know the new information. But many times we may have to hold back to wait for a correct time and space to set the new intentions to take actions- the Divine time. Things happen at that time, not at a human time.
Not everyone is courageous enough to fight the previous status-quo. It can be as massive as going to another country to get an education or as small as changing a behavior. All the related things would stare at our face. If it is the first case- Which University/ institution to apply? How to get the money for the studies? Where to stay? How to find room and board? I remember the story of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the charioteer of the Indian constitution. He was so poor, in Britain, he couldn not afford to have lunch every day. He used to skip lunch and be at the library ( I don't remember the name of the library). It seems the librarian noticed this and started to bring him an extra lunch everyday. I remember this story from my school days. Not sure whether my memory is holding me true.
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The simple bliss of being alive with a true heart! Image credits - |
So, it is not easy to pursue the path of our heart. But the Ananda or joy that comes from pursuing the desire of our heart is priceless. Nothing comes near to it. I can relate to how I feel about pursuing Biotechnlogy and how I feel about pursuing my new career. In Biotechnology, I was always happy when a new project, new result or a new concept came about. I would be happy for a few days, then the level would go down. Then the next new thing has to show up to give me the new shot of happiness. The exact energy of social media and internet. Up and down. Up and down.
But with my this career, it is a constant, steady state of joy. It is not upswing one day and down swing the other day. But a constant level of joy, being balanced and joyful in a steady state. The joy of pursuing my heart and purpose. The joy of having a meaning for my life in this time and space. Ananda!
Every one has access to it, if we turn within and find our heart. The joy of simply following our heart. Living from our heart and the joy of pursuing the deepest desire of our true heart! May the grace be upon everyone to find the bliss of their true heart pursuing the purpose they came here to do. Wishing this bliss upon everyone! SatChitAnanda!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Excellence be thy name!
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