The global mindset!
Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week, we discussed how our own individual mindset decides which way our life evolves. Many times we lead our life thinking we are our minds. We are not our minds, in one sense. We are our minds in another sense. Why contradicting statements? Let us delve into this concept.
Who are we? Nowadays, as I understand, the second we come into existence as a being in the womb, we, the Soul is given a mind and a body, in that order. The Soul or in other words our heart is 'us' the being. This is closely connected with our emotions or the subconscious mind. But this subconscious mind has no language. Emotions are its language. It usually works through the right brain. Now, the logical mind or more of the left brain is the language, words, logic and rationality. This is the thinking and talking mind.
That is why if a person has deep damage to the left brain, they can produce and feel emotions. How much ever they try, they can't put it into words. The logical mind has been tampered. In the heart, we have been born with very deep desires. These are our true authentic desires. But remember, the Soul has no voice. It has only a very deep connection to the emotional mind. Even the emotional mind has no voice. It has only the language of the emotions.
This is another reason when a person is highly emotionally charged they are not able to talk. The logical mind has shut down and the emotional mind has taken over. But its language is emotions, not words and sentences. So, words escape, when a person is emotionally enraged. For the Soul or the heart to make the person or the conscious mind aware of their deepest desires, it has to use the emotional mind. The person may feel that they need to do something.
But the logical mind has no clue. They feel the need to do something about a something they feel. But what it is, how to put it into words, how to bring about they have no idea. So, the real way to do things in our life is to first know what we feel, the deepest desires of our heart. This, the emotional mind would let us know with feelings. If we cannot understand the feelings, we can ask an inner question and the answer would be provided through insights, dreams or random comments from someone. The Soul can use any method it chooses. Now, we need to take these feelings, concentrate on them, analyze them with our logical mind, strategize, envision, make plans, set intentions and take actions. Here the part logical mind plays is huge, literally enormous.
So, as I said before, we are not our minds, first tenet. We are not. We are the real beings, the true hearts that exist behind the emotional and logical mind. The deep inspiration and motivation comes from our heart. That is why when we do something without our heart in it, whether it is a job, career or relationship, we lose steam later. Because our heart was never in it. Only the rational mind decided and took action. But the motivation always comes from the deep heart. The person loses interest eventually. In career, they face job burn outs.
Now, the second concept. We are our minds. Here, the logical mind is the one that has been given the active tools. A mouth to speak, voice opinions. Eyes to see. Ears to hear. Hands to hold, touch, type, write words. Skin to touch. Limbs to walk and take actions. The logical mind has the outward action bringing faculties. So, whatever we feel or think, by our actions we can bring into our life and physical existence. Here what we feel or think within, through our pure actions we bring outside. Now, from this perspective, we are indeed our minds. Whatever we feel/ we think, we manifest through our actions.
That is why Upanishads calls for restraint and balance with the mind. A self-realized mind can very much call forth its deepest desire. An unaware, egotistic mind can create havoc and confusion, big time. Whatever we feel or our inner reality portrays, through our actions we bring to our outer reality. So, the spiritual law works, fully and beautifully. 'Our inner reality shines outside'.
Our minds: Now, this is just with one person. Within a person their Soul, heart, emotional mind, rational mind, body and actions create their reality. So, think about the importance of the mind. It becomes very important to know and become aware of our mind. What do we want? What do we desire? This is where the importance of deep desires come. Each of us is born with some innate very deep desires. We took birth in this physical realm to fulfill these desires.
But the mind has a big say in whether or how to achieve these desires. The words, voice and logic is with the rational mind. It can shut down what we feel within a second. It can also read other thoughts, concepts and perspectives very much intellectualize and go after its own desires. This is where, as of now each human and humanity is finding themselves. Towards that the internet and social media are becoming the fuel and fire.
We, as humans have metaphorically 'lost our minds' to different principles, propaganda, ideas, concepts and notions. Many times the truth of the heart is ignored by the people. When a lot of people ignore their own truths and values, that creates societies where values and truth are not given importance. How can I even start to explain these phenomena? I understand it well. But to put it into words of very simple concepts, extremely difficult. Anyway, let me give it a try.
Each one of us is born with our own innate truths. This truth is deeply embedded in our DNA, in our soul and in our subconscious mind. This is the truth. But as we live in a family, society, country, this truth gets masked by layers of conditioning, mindsets, attitudes and concepts. But the truth is still there, masked by layers and layers of conditioning. Let us take an example.
Say a young kid. Let us take him as a boy. He is growing up, very imaginative, loves nature, writes poetry and feels one with the environment. He feels at home among trees and butterflies. Now, he starts school. There he meets other friends and kids. Those kids are interested in sports, Science or internet sciences. Now, our kid is finding the internet very interesting and social media exhilarating. He uploads pictures, snap chats, posts Instagram posts and loves the internet. He decides to pursue pure internet and digital marketing in college.
Later he finds himself a great job and is having a good career. But after few years the career starts to go downhill, he feels burnt out, not interested and the job feels like drab. What happened? He loved internet and was having fun with it. Shouldn't he thrive in the world of digital and media marketing? Why is he feeling disillusioned and stagnant?
This is where the values of the heart and the imaginations of the mind has come into war. The heart and mind are battling each other. The heart is that of a poet/ nature lover and the mind ignoring the truth of the heart went behind the area it felt fancy about. This person has now lost the motivation and inspiration of the heart. Life becomes just stagnant, stale and gray. This is the phenomena that has grasped the world. The globe is finding the charm of the internet and social media trendy, glitzy and glam. It is high stimulus, but low value environment.
Addiction of the modern human: It is not necessary that mind should be addicted to only drinks, drugs or gambling. The mind can also be addicted to other things- social media, internet, news, politics, chaos, religion or parties. But remember, the mind doesn't relay our truth. The heart does or the true being. So, the truth and values become lost. The mind is getting pulled into different directions through the social media and internet.
Can we now relate to the loss of value, the societies are feeling all over the world? There is an underlying deep fight between the values that hold the humanity to high standards and the modern internet, social media or digital world values. The true values the humanity embraces such as honesty, integrity, character, ethics, honor, humility, trustworthiness, dignity all come from the deep core, our heart. These are also the principles that are upheld by the spiritual laws.
The truth of our heart. Who are we? What is our personal truth? But in the rush towards embracing this new internet savvy, social media wielding modern world, we let go off these deep values and embrace the reality show of showmanship, dishonesty, fraud, shallow stance, fakeness and intellectualization of all these. Now, from this standpoint look at the impeachment trail that is happening in the US senate. Can you see the deep struggle of Dharma and Adharma, happening?
Dharma-ethics and righteousness. Adharma- the show of righteousness, but deep dishonesty and unethical behavior. Show is just a show. It won't become the truth. A lie or dishonesty can even mask in the form of 'truth', come and deceive us. Here let me discuss, the energy of Rāhu, when the vibration is low. Rāhu, in the highest of vibration is the energy of a healer who is able to heal even the most difficult and mysterious diseases. But in the lower vibrations, he is a cheat, charlatan and a liar.
If we have 'the eyes' to see with awareness, there is a deep struggle going on between Dharma and Adharma. Adharma or immortality can take the form of honesty and try to present the facts. In the story of Samudra Mathana, Rāhu, the asura or demon went and sat in between the line of Gods. Putting the mask of honesty, while working for the side of dishonesty. People should give attention to things that portray that it is honest, but underneath is deep dishonesty.
But in the deep addiction of the internet, social media, information deluge, data and metrics, humans are losing the deep values humanity has always embraced-ethics, morality, honesty, integrity, compassion, love and kindness. Our eyes should not be glazed over the quick stimulating, 'high' giving addiction of the internet. By the time humanity wakes up we would have lost a lot of values that made us who we are -human.
Global mindset: The mindset of humanity should change. Think about it. If each one of us is rushing after our mind, discarding our heart, already we are lost. We are running very far awar from the truth or the purpose, Dharma we came to finish. Above that add the confusion and chaos of the social media and internet. Is there any wonder humanity has lost it's footing in the modern times. As I have mentioned before Hinduism and Buddhism consider the mind as the sixth sense organ. It is just a sense organ that is supposed to be used by the being or the Soul.
But a sense organ, the mind is running the show nowadays. The divine speck or the Soul is the connection we have towards the divine intelligence. When it is pushed to the sidelines and the mind has taken over, is there any doubt why humanity is reeling with chaos, confusion, anger, hate and rage? Mind is just a tool. The real deal is the Soul. Now give a thought to the billions of people in this mind over heart, chaotic mindset. This is why the negative emotions have become so rampant.
The mind has no grounding. It is just rushing all over the mental realm acquiring information. Information can come in million ways. But the information becomes knowledge only if we can put it to work towards our life. Now, the knowledge becomes wisdom only when it is tested in the cauldron of life experiences. What is the use of a whole lot of information that is sitting somewhere in our mind? What is even the point?
Humanity needs to realize this and change the global mindset. We as humans need to become aware of our intentions. Why are we doing these actions? What do we need to know when we visit a website? Why are we visiting a website? What is the purpose underneath that? Otherwise our life, the limited amount of seconds or minutes we have would be lost in random thoughtless, mindless activities. Whether we realize this or not, each of us is provided only with a limited amount of time. It does not increase even a second.
So, shouldn't each of us use our time on well thought out, mindful, actions with awareness, so that each human benefits the utmost from their own life. If many humans live like that, think how the global mindset would change. Such a mindset would bring highly productive, efficient, mentally fulfilled societies. The human race won't be knocking at the doors of doctors, trying to fix their broken life. It is the Soul that is being ignored and the mind feels the life is becoming broken. So, humanity, become aware! Let us empower ourselves with wisdom and take charge of our life!
Ofcourse, that is always our free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: The power of Dharma!
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last week, we discussed how our own individual mindset decides which way our life evolves. Many times we lead our life thinking we are our minds. We are not our minds, in one sense. We are our minds in another sense. Why contradicting statements? Let us delve into this concept.
Who are we? Nowadays, as I understand, the second we come into existence as a being in the womb, we, the Soul is given a mind and a body, in that order. The Soul or in other words our heart is 'us' the being. This is closely connected with our emotions or the subconscious mind. But this subconscious mind has no language. Emotions are its language. It usually works through the right brain. Now, the logical mind or more of the left brain is the language, words, logic and rationality. This is the thinking and talking mind.
That is why if a person has deep damage to the left brain, they can produce and feel emotions. How much ever they try, they can't put it into words. The logical mind has been tampered. In the heart, we have been born with very deep desires. These are our true authentic desires. But remember, the Soul has no voice. It has only a very deep connection to the emotional mind. Even the emotional mind has no voice. It has only the language of the emotions.
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Who are we? Image credits - |
This is another reason when a person is highly emotionally charged they are not able to talk. The logical mind has shut down and the emotional mind has taken over. But its language is emotions, not words and sentences. So, words escape, when a person is emotionally enraged. For the Soul or the heart to make the person or the conscious mind aware of their deepest desires, it has to use the emotional mind. The person may feel that they need to do something.
But the logical mind has no clue. They feel the need to do something about a something they feel. But what it is, how to put it into words, how to bring about they have no idea. So, the real way to do things in our life is to first know what we feel, the deepest desires of our heart. This, the emotional mind would let us know with feelings. If we cannot understand the feelings, we can ask an inner question and the answer would be provided through insights, dreams or random comments from someone. The Soul can use any method it chooses. Now, we need to take these feelings, concentrate on them, analyze them with our logical mind, strategize, envision, make plans, set intentions and take actions. Here the part logical mind plays is huge, literally enormous.
So, as I said before, we are not our minds, first tenet. We are not. We are the real beings, the true hearts that exist behind the emotional and logical mind. The deep inspiration and motivation comes from our heart. That is why when we do something without our heart in it, whether it is a job, career or relationship, we lose steam later. Because our heart was never in it. Only the rational mind decided and took action. But the motivation always comes from the deep heart. The person loses interest eventually. In career, they face job burn outs.
Now, the second concept. We are our minds. Here, the logical mind is the one that has been given the active tools. A mouth to speak, voice opinions. Eyes to see. Ears to hear. Hands to hold, touch, type, write words. Skin to touch. Limbs to walk and take actions. The logical mind has the outward action bringing faculties. So, whatever we feel or think, by our actions we can bring into our life and physical existence. Here what we feel or think within, through our pure actions we bring outside. Now, from this perspective, we are indeed our minds. Whatever we feel/ we think, we manifest through our actions.
That is why Upanishads calls for restraint and balance with the mind. A self-realized mind can very much call forth its deepest desire. An unaware, egotistic mind can create havoc and confusion, big time. Whatever we feel or our inner reality portrays, through our actions we bring to our outer reality. So, the spiritual law works, fully and beautifully. 'Our inner reality shines outside'.
Our minds: Now, this is just with one person. Within a person their Soul, heart, emotional mind, rational mind, body and actions create their reality. So, think about the importance of the mind. It becomes very important to know and become aware of our mind. What do we want? What do we desire? This is where the importance of deep desires come. Each of us is born with some innate very deep desires. We took birth in this physical realm to fulfill these desires.
But the mind has a big say in whether or how to achieve these desires. The words, voice and logic is with the rational mind. It can shut down what we feel within a second. It can also read other thoughts, concepts and perspectives very much intellectualize and go after its own desires. This is where, as of now each human and humanity is finding themselves. Towards that the internet and social media are becoming the fuel and fire.
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The inner realm of the mind! Image credits - |
We, as humans have metaphorically 'lost our minds' to different principles, propaganda, ideas, concepts and notions. Many times the truth of the heart is ignored by the people. When a lot of people ignore their own truths and values, that creates societies where values and truth are not given importance. How can I even start to explain these phenomena? I understand it well. But to put it into words of very simple concepts, extremely difficult. Anyway, let me give it a try.
Each one of us is born with our own innate truths. This truth is deeply embedded in our DNA, in our soul and in our subconscious mind. This is the truth. But as we live in a family, society, country, this truth gets masked by layers of conditioning, mindsets, attitudes and concepts. But the truth is still there, masked by layers and layers of conditioning. Let us take an example.
Say a young kid. Let us take him as a boy. He is growing up, very imaginative, loves nature, writes poetry and feels one with the environment. He feels at home among trees and butterflies. Now, he starts school. There he meets other friends and kids. Those kids are interested in sports, Science or internet sciences. Now, our kid is finding the internet very interesting and social media exhilarating. He uploads pictures, snap chats, posts Instagram posts and loves the internet. He decides to pursue pure internet and digital marketing in college.
Later he finds himself a great job and is having a good career. But after few years the career starts to go downhill, he feels burnt out, not interested and the job feels like drab. What happened? He loved internet and was having fun with it. Shouldn't he thrive in the world of digital and media marketing? Why is he feeling disillusioned and stagnant?
This is where the values of the heart and the imaginations of the mind has come into war. The heart and mind are battling each other. The heart is that of a poet/ nature lover and the mind ignoring the truth of the heart went behind the area it felt fancy about. This person has now lost the motivation and inspiration of the heart. Life becomes just stagnant, stale and gray. This is the phenomena that has grasped the world. The globe is finding the charm of the internet and social media trendy, glitzy and glam. It is high stimulus, but low value environment.
Addiction of the modern human: It is not necessary that mind should be addicted to only drinks, drugs or gambling. The mind can also be addicted to other things- social media, internet, news, politics, chaos, religion or parties. But remember, the mind doesn't relay our truth. The heart does or the true being. So, the truth and values become lost. The mind is getting pulled into different directions through the social media and internet.
Can we now relate to the loss of value, the societies are feeling all over the world? There is an underlying deep fight between the values that hold the humanity to high standards and the modern internet, social media or digital world values. The true values the humanity embraces such as honesty, integrity, character, ethics, honor, humility, trustworthiness, dignity all come from the deep core, our heart. These are also the principles that are upheld by the spiritual laws.
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Addictions of the modern human! Image credits - |
The truth of our heart. Who are we? What is our personal truth? But in the rush towards embracing this new internet savvy, social media wielding modern world, we let go off these deep values and embrace the reality show of showmanship, dishonesty, fraud, shallow stance, fakeness and intellectualization of all these. Now, from this standpoint look at the impeachment trail that is happening in the US senate. Can you see the deep struggle of Dharma and Adharma, happening?
Dharma-ethics and righteousness. Adharma- the show of righteousness, but deep dishonesty and unethical behavior. Show is just a show. It won't become the truth. A lie or dishonesty can even mask in the form of 'truth', come and deceive us. Here let me discuss, the energy of Rāhu, when the vibration is low. Rāhu, in the highest of vibration is the energy of a healer who is able to heal even the most difficult and mysterious diseases. But in the lower vibrations, he is a cheat, charlatan and a liar.
If we have 'the eyes' to see with awareness, there is a deep struggle going on between Dharma and Adharma. Adharma or immortality can take the form of honesty and try to present the facts. In the story of Samudra Mathana, Rāhu, the asura or demon went and sat in between the line of Gods. Putting the mask of honesty, while working for the side of dishonesty. People should give attention to things that portray that it is honest, but underneath is deep dishonesty.
But in the deep addiction of the internet, social media, information deluge, data and metrics, humans are losing the deep values humanity has always embraced-ethics, morality, honesty, integrity, compassion, love and kindness. Our eyes should not be glazed over the quick stimulating, 'high' giving addiction of the internet. By the time humanity wakes up we would have lost a lot of values that made us who we are -human.
Global mindset: The mindset of humanity should change. Think about it. If each one of us is rushing after our mind, discarding our heart, already we are lost. We are running very far awar from the truth or the purpose, Dharma we came to finish. Above that add the confusion and chaos of the social media and internet. Is there any wonder humanity has lost it's footing in the modern times. As I have mentioned before Hinduism and Buddhism consider the mind as the sixth sense organ. It is just a sense organ that is supposed to be used by the being or the Soul.
But a sense organ, the mind is running the show nowadays. The divine speck or the Soul is the connection we have towards the divine intelligence. When it is pushed to the sidelines and the mind has taken over, is there any doubt why humanity is reeling with chaos, confusion, anger, hate and rage? Mind is just a tool. The real deal is the Soul. Now give a thought to the billions of people in this mind over heart, chaotic mindset. This is why the negative emotions have become so rampant.
The mind has no grounding. It is just rushing all over the mental realm acquiring information. Information can come in million ways. But the information becomes knowledge only if we can put it to work towards our life. Now, the knowledge becomes wisdom only when it is tested in the cauldron of life experiences. What is the use of a whole lot of information that is sitting somewhere in our mind? What is even the point?
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The brilliant truth of the heart! Image credits - |
Humanity needs to realize this and change the global mindset. We as humans need to become aware of our intentions. Why are we doing these actions? What do we need to know when we visit a website? Why are we visiting a website? What is the purpose underneath that? Otherwise our life, the limited amount of seconds or minutes we have would be lost in random thoughtless, mindless activities. Whether we realize this or not, each of us is provided only with a limited amount of time. It does not increase even a second.
So, shouldn't each of us use our time on well thought out, mindful, actions with awareness, so that each human benefits the utmost from their own life. If many humans live like that, think how the global mindset would change. Such a mindset would bring highly productive, efficient, mentally fulfilled societies. The human race won't be knocking at the doors of doctors, trying to fix their broken life. It is the Soul that is being ignored and the mind feels the life is becoming broken. So, humanity, become aware! Let us empower ourselves with wisdom and take charge of our life!
Ofcourse, that is always our free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: The power of Dharma!
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