Walls transformed to doors!

Hello all,

Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. 

Last week we just celebrated the new year and the start of the new decade. Within nine days it has changed so much. An Iranian military leader was killed. The USA and Iran are almost on the brink of war. People of Iran are on the streets against the USA. Other countries are scrambling towards world peace and to have restraint. The people in India are on the streets against the citizenship law. The Chinese government is shelling and teargassing people in Hong Kong. Australia is burning due to the wildfire. In between a Ukrainian flight crashes to the ground killing 176 people aboard. The world is literally burning in a huge metaphorical fire.

Mindset: No, this blog is not about politics or religion. There are thousand other News sites and channels for that. This blog is indeed about higher ideals and thought. A higher way of living. Let us come back to the basics. What do every sacred text of this world asks a human to do? To see the Divine in everything, and every other human. To have open mindedness, compassionate stance and love for another. But reading the previous paragraph, what is your opinion about how we are doing?

We have discussed before about the 'collective unconscious'. Each of us, humans have a mind. The mind is pure mental energy. An individual mind has only so much of energy. But that is not the case when a million or a billion minds come together. That is a huge mass of strong mental energy that can decide on the direction the world may move. As of now from the current News it seems humans are taking the world to the direction of war and chaos. The world has already seen two World wars and associated deaths, diseases, chaos, confusion and famine. Do we need another?

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The realm of the mind and thoughts!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

This leads to another important topic. The people we choose as leaders to lead us. It is an extremely important matter. Because the leader is going to lead. But where is it, he or she is leading? How do we know whether a leader has honest intentions? Where can we check? How can we realize the inner thought process of a leader? There is always proof in the pudding. We just have to be smart to find it.

Let us look at a Vedic law. "Our inner reality shines outside". The mind ramblings of a person comes out as the proof, words. We have discussed before that above words. But look at words, look at actions. Yes, that is extremely important, as the words come into physical manifestations through actions. But words are also important. The words are a mirror to the inner reality of that person. Many times when fight erupts, if a person use a bad word we take it as, they are saying it about us. True. But there is another deeper reality as well.

The person thinks so low of themselves they are feeling okay to use that particular bad word. We should instead of feeling bad for ourselves should feel pity for that person who is feeling very insecure and think very low of themselves within that mind space to feel okay to use that bad word. A person who thinks great of themselves and has confidence in themselves would not even think of bringing such words to their mouths.

Now there is another danger also here. A person who is insecure within themselves is not secure. They don't feel confident in themselves and their capabilities. Now, they are driven by fear. A great example was Hitler. There has been so many psychological profiles made about Hitler. Even though he put out a very brave persona outside, within himself he was a very fearful man. He became fearful that the Jews would take over Germany and the German people would become the eternal slaves. This drove him to round up Jews, millions of them from Germany, Poland, Austria and other countries and train them to concentration camps. This led to the deaths and destruction in the form of the world war two.

Fear: Last week we discussed fear at an individual level. This week let us discuss at a global level. Now, reading the previous paragraph, read again the first paragraph. Why are such globally far-reaching events happening? Fear. Fear that privileges would be gotten rid of. Fear that freedoms would be lost. Fear that groups of people are going to be persecuted. Fear that people would be kept away from the basic needs. Yes, people are worried that they would find themselves in worry and pain. Many of these fears are actually very real. Authorities with supreme or ultimate power can indeed cut down the choices of people.

So, here is where a true leader comes about. A leader who once in that position leads everyone to their very best version. Not just the people who have the same skin color as them or those who have the same religion or party politics. As long as they are in a party, it is fine. But once they take the oath of the office or the true leadership position, then the position decides who are they leading. Now, the dynamics has changed. They have become the leader or voice of that country. They have to always keep this aspect in mind. It is not the party or those who elected them anymore.

It is the whole group of people they are leading. This was the win Abraham Lincoln had as a leader. Even though he was elected as a Republican Party candidate, (unfortunately it is not the party of Lincoln anymore.) he was able to capture the hearts of a lot of very normal every day people. The 'long fellaw with a top hat, beard and a very honest and commanding voice'. 

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The heart space of the Universal will with rainbow colors!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

People fell for the honesty, integrity and character of 'Honest Abe'. That gave Lincoln a 'God like persona'. People started to deeply believe in him. The difference between today's leaders who are all for themselves and their flock and Abraham Lincoln who was very much a loner. I have read in a book, instead of going to party fund-raisers and to party dinners, Lincoln used to go to the 'Library of Congress' to read books.

Reading books and a very deep, contemplative thought process gave Lincoln a window into the working of the human mind and character. Thus understanding it gave him an opportunity to start acting from his heart. The people were taken over by his authenticity and integrity. A true leader. Even more than that a statesman. A leader takes care of just himself and his folks. A statesman takes care of all. That is the difference between today's leaders and Abraham Lincoln. 

Does that mean a leader cannot develop those qualities? No. They can. But they need to put enough work into their own mind and how it relates to others in life. But in this chaotic, busy, frazzled world of the 'modern mind', who has the time, space and attitude to do inner work? So, now we have leaders who take decisions only to get elected in the next election cycle, not to think how the country would be in another hundred years. Among this chaos, the climate change is doing its part as well. Then the question becomes, who knows whether the globe would be livable in another hundred years or not? Questions and questions. No answers.

 A true leader: A true leader is someone who understands the hearts of the people. What do they want? They can sense the pulse of the society. Their vision and intuition starts working towards this end. They are led by their own heart. That is the difference between the heart and the mind. The mind thinks. Rationalizes. It finds the best way to do things. It may be the very best way. But it may not work for a lot of people.

When something, even if it is the greatest choice, works only for  a few people, is that a good choice? At that time it becomes imperative to choose a less great choice that works for everyone. This many times doesn't happen when we are led by the mind. The mind tries to bring up choices, rationalize everything and many times the choices arrive at much lesser solutions. But that is not the case, when one is led by the heart.

Heart is the space where the Soul or that speck from the Universal Soul resides. The second we access this, we start to have a feeling, we are not ourselves. We are part of a greater will, the Universal Soul. When we access this space, many times choices start to show up which were not there previously. Let me describe it in other words.

Anything when we look at it from a mind's perspective, we see only walls. The whole issue becomes obstructed by walls, as in obstructions, no viable solutions or plain hurdles. This is because the mind always by its own stance only sees so much. It is the view of a bird who is in the ground eating a grain looking up at the tree and the sky. The person is deeply embedded within the issue. From the perspective of the mind- looking from bottom to the top. In this position, one can only see so many solutions.

Now, when we start to operate from the heart space, the Anahata chakra, the Universal will is locked in. This is the purest of the vibration, green in color. The vibration of love. When we start to operate from this space, we are overtaken by a deep love for humanity, to do the very best for everyone, the globe and the Universe itself. Our perspective starts to expand. The vision and intuition starts to kick in. We start to get a higher perspective that of an eagle, spanning huge area, to see the big picture, in which along with our problem to be solved, we see a mental picture of everything/everyone involved. A view of the whole puzzle. An eagle's view.

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Doors to newer realities!
Image credits - Pixabay.com

Walls transformed to doors:
When we start to operate from this space, we are deeply logged into the heart, the heart of the Universe, in other words our own Soul. Here the divisions blur, the demarcations dissolve. We start to feel like we are part of a greater destiny, not just our own in the body level. But many times as humans we never reach this space. We get stuck in our mind space, the very limited divisive perspective. Look at the world nowadays. Who is operating from a heart space? Everything has become mental strategies and rationalizations. Rationalization solves
 so much. The higher perspectives are never tapped into.

So, leaders should not be just leaders. They should become statesmen. Above their own country and region, they should start to think about the welfare of the world, not just for the next election cycle or just ten years, but for the next 100 years. Even 200 years. If we start to operate from that Universal will space, we become the eagle with a vision spanning huge areas from the realm of the sky. Our perspective becomes wide and expansive. The support of the Universe starts to flow.

The space where there were only walls, doorways starts to form, through which true diplomacy can happen. I have even read, many times the doors don't exist. There would be only walls. But when we move to the higher perspectives, due to the attraction of energy, new doorways to newer solutions to problems are actually created. Before, these solutions won't be available when one operates from a mind space. These solutions are only accessible from the heartspace.

This concept has happened in my own life. All through 2000 to 2015, I was trying to solve the problem with my career using my thinking and mind. Each time I won't get a good solution and I would become stuck in front of a wall of obstruction. How much ever I tried, the wall just sat there. In the mindspace, the door to a newer reality was just not available. Only in late 2015/early 2016, at my wit's end I had to turn within and access my intuition. 

The minute, I accessed my intuition, the door to my heart space or higherSelf opened. A new reality started to take shape. The walls started to give way to doors. These doors were not accessible or not even created before. My intuition brought me the epiphany of my 'spiritual gifts'. Doors to newer realities started to open. This blog led to Quora answers, which is now leading to my own brand new entrepreneurship. This was not accessible from a mind space.

People need to start functioning from the heart space to bring in newer higher realities and dimensions. This is especially true of leaders who are there to lead a lot of people. If the leader himself/herself is astray, think about all those who are following them. From this heart space, there won't be any terrorism, blood shed, divisiveness or 'me against you'. When all of us are the tiny specks of a greater reality, what is you and me? All of us are colors of a huge rainbow called the 'Universe'. There would be only doors leading to newer and newer solutions compared to walls and divisiveness.

High time, leaders embrace this concept of a greater reality and the numerous doors that would be created by virtue of a higher perspective. This was the concept Joseph Campbell, the American mythologist was sharing in his quote.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Doors instead of walls!
Image credits - BrainyQuote.com

I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday!

Next week: The global mind!

Pixabay.com and Brainyquote.com


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