The jump from Kethu to Rahu!
Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Hope all of you are doing well. For the past few months we have been discussing a lot of Philosophy about the mind and the Soul. How about this week we discuss some astrology, of course Vedic astrology. We have discussed a lot about the mind and how a mind can really help a person, if they are aware about the nature of it. Most problems of the world are caused by the unruly and unrestrained mind of a person, whether it was Hitler or Mussolini or someone else.
Mind: An unaware person and an associated mind can create havoc if their tendencies are towards the darker side. And if that mind gets associated with Rahu or Kethu, then that mind can take on different energies and that can manifest as very different outcomes. The mind is represented by the Moon in Vedic astrology. It is feminine, intuitive and emotional energy, the Yin.
As we all know, the Moon in the physical world waxes and wanes. This is taken into account in Vedic astrology (Now onwards if I say astrology, please take it as Vedic. I don't know Western astrology). So, according to the crescent of the Moon a person is born in, their mindset, attitude and thought process differs. The dark or the light phase adds another layer to the mind. The planetary as well as the constellation (Nakshatra) aspects affects the moon as well, by virtue of which, the mind.
Noting all these things, take the mind of a person. Above this, the DNA, family, society, culture, religion and other conditioning affects a person. So, each single person is extremely different and unique. Many energies are influencing the mind. If a person is not aware of themselves, they can be very well influenced, manipulated or taken advantage by another individual. That is why Buddha quoted, "We are what we think". All the thoughts arise from the mind.
Instead of realizing our own mind that causes every kind of emotions in us, we go behind everything outside ourselves. But the thoughts that creates intentions and later actions sit within our mind. The thoughts are what makes our life as we take actions according to our mind. If we aware of our mind, how can we take actions that can create our life? We as humans are powerful beings. But the caveat is, to capture this power, we need to fully know ourselves. Until then this door remains closed.
Two people who were extremely opposite used their minds to bring very different outcomes, one very positive and one very negative. Mahatma Gandhi who had an epiphany in Durban, South Africa, went back to India, worked with other leaders, aligned millions of freedom starved Indians to bring freedom to the country and millions of people. While Hitler, making a Nazi party aligned other party and military leaders to sow death and destruction to millions of people across countries. The mind of a single person. Very different outcomes!
One person inspired millions of people to stand tall in front of the batons and rifles of the British. Another manipulated and introduced propaganda to fool and brain wash a country of people to become his puppets. The manifestations of a single mind. Mahatma Gandhi was a realized man of his own mind. I can see those inclinations from his own autobiography. About Hitler, I am not sure how much realized he was of his own mind. But definitely sure, he knew how to use his mind and words to influence people.
So, we should never underestimate the power of the mind and the words, whether written or spoken to influence people. A pen or in today's world a computer is sharper than a sword. It can create deep everlasting changes in the society. So, it becomes utmost important how one uses words, thoughts, speech and writing. Every day I am very aware of it, and try to use my words with extreme care. In these confusing times, I should never add more fuel to the fire of division and chaos.
This was to show the importance of our own mind. It is a very powerful asset. If used correctly, it can create magical wonders in the world. If used carelessly it can cause destruction and death of unparalleled proportions. Here as this blog is only about Dharma, the ethical and correct way of leading life, I have no intention of analyzing Hitler's mind or another devious mind. Even thinking and talking about evil, do bring evil into our midst. I don't even want to take that chance. So, let us discuss a mind and it's Dharma, good, divine purpose from ethical standpoint.
Kethu: As all of you know, Moon has two nodes, or shadow points called Rāhu and Kethu. Kethu is the south node of the Moon. It denotes the wisdom we are bringing into this life from past lives. The wisdom of our ancestors and family lineage. This comes through our own DNA. Our ancestors, great-grandparents and others have a big say in our DNA. According to the encoded DNA, our body, conscious and subconscious mind is formed.
It is not the wisdom alone. The patterns the family plowed through also comes to us through Kethu/DNA. If one of our great-grandfathers was addicted to alcohol, sure, we are going to have that tendency in our DNA. If our grand-ma went through terrible years of famine, that likelihood of stinginess is going to appear in us. Our great-uncle suffered from depression, which may appear as tendency. Another ancestor loved to gossip and was distracted, and no wonder we like gossip and are scatter brained.
So, Kethu along with the wisdom also brings the vices the family suffered. As Kethu denotes the subconscious mind, we as a being would have no idea that we have these tendencies. It is the subconscious. We act as if we are being switched on, as a robot. Exactly as the picture of Kethu denotes. A headless, snake body with a long tail. The symbolism is extremely apt. Let us look at the symbolism.
Here, the head symbolizes the rational or the logical mind. Anything to make sense, we have to use the conscious, rational mind. Why are we doing, what we are doing? The subconscious or emotional mind can provide feelings, emotions, intuitions, inklings, insights. But the sense comes from the rational mind. Here, Kethu has no head. So, metaphorically no thoughts. Only a snake body.
In Hindu mythology, snakes, more aptly serpents are considered very wise. They embody the esoteric, hidden and enormous amounts of wisdom. The king of the Nagas (serpents), Adisesha is considered very wise. In some lores, the serpent Vasuki also is considered the king. Anyway the serpents hold enormous amounts of wisdom. This is depicted as a jewel, which they hold on their head. Head- jewel- wisdom. See, the connection. People many times consider this as a literal jewel. I consider this as the metaphorical jewel of wisdom.
Anyway, Kethu has no head. The snake body or planet has a lot of wisdom. But no idea how to use it. Even before that no idea, they have the talents or knowledge or wisdom. Kethu in astrology matures at 48 years. Now, we can understand why the midlife- crisis hits around late forties. Until then the person has no idea about the truth of their own heart. My own career crisis happened around 44/45 years of age. Until then the person most probably was living very far from their own truth.
At around mid forties, the Soul with its subconscious energy pulls circumstances to itself when the things that were working until then stops working. Jobs get lost, careers decimated, relationships fall apart, a person finds themselves homeless, a death happens in the family. A major circumstance happens. Things stop working. The person would have no idea what is happening. Why things suddenly stopped working.
Even after a lot of thought, when they could not make sense of the situation, they start to search within for answers. This may not bring answers. Finally, they fully surrender to the Divine within for guidance. At that time, due to mere grace, the person would be shown an insight, epiphany, inkling, comment, dream or even a random ad on TV. The guidance can come any which way possible. They have to be extremely open and aware. Otherwise, it would be missed. I could have very well missed the thought, if I was distracted.
The person has to make sense of the thought or the insight being provided. Remember, the planet Kethu has no head. The information coming in would be extremely confusing. You have to find a rational head that sits on top of the Kethu body. Who is that rational head? Your own rational mind. Yes, the person is supposed to use their logical mind, fix it tightly on the Kethu snake body, use the insight being provided. Suddenly Kethu is with a head. One's own head-the logical mind. See the beauty of the Universal intelligence?
As long as we don't fix our logical mind onto our Kethu in the chart, we are kept away from the wisdom of Kethu. The key to access Kethu is our own mind. Once we use our rational mind to decipher Kethu, we can use that wisdom. In each chart Kethu is different according to the house, placement, other planets conjunct, aspects, the strength. Even the strength of the Moon.
Yes, a strong and blessed Moon or mind is needed to decipher the puzzle of Kethu. Not an easy task. That is why people find it so difficult sometime to understand what they need to do with their life. Already the mind is confused and distracted with life, circumstances, internet, social-media and physical existence. Above this, the wisdom that needs to find the path of Dharma (purpose) is put in a planet that is headless and has no clue how to decipher itself. The ways of the Universal intelligence are hilarious, isn't it? Can you feel the paradox? Hahaha!
Only after deciphering this paradox we can unlock the wisdom or gifts we have from our ancestors. Until then we may use it without awareness. But to use it with awareness we need to build a head for Kethu. It's own real head is on the otherside of the chart. Rahu. So, Kethu is our comfort zone. The place we feel nice and cozy. But this home also can come with leaks, faulty foundations, moldy celings, broken faucets and more. All the vices or lower energies we get from our DNA, ancestors and family.
Rahu: It becomes our duty to secure the foundation, repair the taps, clear the molds, fix the leaks and make the home worthwhile and cozy to live in. It is our home, isn't it? Should another being fix our home? No. They have their own home to fix. It is our life. It is our duty to fix ourselves, so that our home or life provides us security, safety, comfort, value, a place in the world and the power of the being. Even working on ourselves and removing all the bad behaviors that work against us becomes part of our Dharma.
Many times we think of Dharma or purpose in very narrow terms. No. Dharma is very expansive. The duty is first towards ourselves. To fix our bad behaviors, patterns, habits. Anything and everything that is working against us, even ourselves. We choose where we want to live. In a moldy, leaky, toppling house or a solid, beautiful mansion with a lovely garden to go with it. We make our own life with our thoughts, intentions, words and actions. Very much.
In society, we can see people capturing their own life or losing out terribly by their own thoughts, intentions, words and actions. Many times we take life as very shallow, go with the flow, fly like a balloon, wherever life takes me, let me go there attitude. But a person who truly understands the power of their own life, would have all the fun in the world, but being in the solid house or security they built for themselves. This security is not just wealth alone. That is again a very narrow perspective. But all around success as a person. After making their home strong, they even invite people to their garden to share the joy. Ofcourse, metaphorical
Think of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama. A single person who shared their mental gifts with a whole lot of people, For the next fifty generations they would provide inspiration and encouragment to become the best they can be. The security, strength and value of the home/legacy of their mind, they built.
They also were like any other human, made of bones and blood. They were not made of steel and diamonds. But the things they accomplished- enormous. I intuit they fixed their own mind onto the body of their own Kethu and proceeded towards their Rahu. As most of you know, Rahu and Kethu falls on the opposite sides of the chart, seven houses apart. In the Rasi chart they are always 180 degrees apart. Always!
This is very intentional. If Rahu and Kethu are together, the being has no work. They come into their life, do their part, go back to wherever they came from. That is not how it is supposed to be. A person either is born with a deep desire to do something or their joy and peace are totally associated with their Dharma. Until they find that, the being always feels, 'something is missing'. This feeling is to push the person to find and act on their Dharma.
As Kethu and Rahu are seven houses apart to fulfill the total Dharma, a person has to jump or make a bridge between Rahu and Kethu. This bridge is made by the mind. One's own mind, the Moon. Now, standing in this space think about the value and power of a strong, focused mind. It holds enormous potential. But a human never even comes anywhere near realizing it's ten percent of the potential. We take our mind for granted without registering its power.
The wisdom is not really in the physical structure or chemistry of the brain. It is how a person takes all the information from the sense organs, brain, emotional mind and veiled/unveiled circumstances, use all of them to come to sharp, focused decisions and conclusions. Then make the intentions, plans and act on it effectively. A focused, sharp mind or Moon is the biggest blessing a chart can have. That is a true grace from the Divine. Even if all the other eight planets are very well placed, a damaged Moon would lead a person down a hell hole. And he/she also would drag others along with him/her. We already have an example-Hitler.
So, mind. A sharp, alert, focused, well directed mind. Nothing comes close to it. It helps to make the bridge from Kethu to Rahu to fulfill our purpose in the most brilliant, expansive, majestic way the Divine imagined for us. Now, the question is are we ready to do the work towards it? That is always a being's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Why are Rahu and Kethu, shadow planets?
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Hope all of you are doing well. For the past few months we have been discussing a lot of Philosophy about the mind and the Soul. How about this week we discuss some astrology, of course Vedic astrology. We have discussed a lot about the mind and how a mind can really help a person, if they are aware about the nature of it. Most problems of the world are caused by the unruly and unrestrained mind of a person, whether it was Hitler or Mussolini or someone else.
Mind: An unaware person and an associated mind can create havoc if their tendencies are towards the darker side. And if that mind gets associated with Rahu or Kethu, then that mind can take on different energies and that can manifest as very different outcomes. The mind is represented by the Moon in Vedic astrology. It is feminine, intuitive and emotional energy, the Yin.
As we all know, the Moon in the physical world waxes and wanes. This is taken into account in Vedic astrology (Now onwards if I say astrology, please take it as Vedic. I don't know Western astrology). So, according to the crescent of the Moon a person is born in, their mindset, attitude and thought process differs. The dark or the light phase adds another layer to the mind. The planetary as well as the constellation (Nakshatra) aspects affects the moon as well, by virtue of which, the mind.
Noting all these things, take the mind of a person. Above this, the DNA, family, society, culture, religion and other conditioning affects a person. So, each single person is extremely different and unique. Many energies are influencing the mind. If a person is not aware of themselves, they can be very well influenced, manipulated or taken advantage by another individual. That is why Buddha quoted, "We are what we think". All the thoughts arise from the mind.
Instead of realizing our own mind that causes every kind of emotions in us, we go behind everything outside ourselves. But the thoughts that creates intentions and later actions sit within our mind. The thoughts are what makes our life as we take actions according to our mind. If we aware of our mind, how can we take actions that can create our life? We as humans are powerful beings. But the caveat is, to capture this power, we need to fully know ourselves. Until then this door remains closed.
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A brilliant mind to make sense of our every day life! Image credits - |
Two people who were extremely opposite used their minds to bring very different outcomes, one very positive and one very negative. Mahatma Gandhi who had an epiphany in Durban, South Africa, went back to India, worked with other leaders, aligned millions of freedom starved Indians to bring freedom to the country and millions of people. While Hitler, making a Nazi party aligned other party and military leaders to sow death and destruction to millions of people across countries. The mind of a single person. Very different outcomes!
One person inspired millions of people to stand tall in front of the batons and rifles of the British. Another manipulated and introduced propaganda to fool and brain wash a country of people to become his puppets. The manifestations of a single mind. Mahatma Gandhi was a realized man of his own mind. I can see those inclinations from his own autobiography. About Hitler, I am not sure how much realized he was of his own mind. But definitely sure, he knew how to use his mind and words to influence people.
So, we should never underestimate the power of the mind and the words, whether written or spoken to influence people. A pen or in today's world a computer is sharper than a sword. It can create deep everlasting changes in the society. So, it becomes utmost important how one uses words, thoughts, speech and writing. Every day I am very aware of it, and try to use my words with extreme care. In these confusing times, I should never add more fuel to the fire of division and chaos.
This was to show the importance of our own mind. It is a very powerful asset. If used correctly, it can create magical wonders in the world. If used carelessly it can cause destruction and death of unparalleled proportions. Here as this blog is only about Dharma, the ethical and correct way of leading life, I have no intention of analyzing Hitler's mind or another devious mind. Even thinking and talking about evil, do bring evil into our midst. I don't even want to take that chance. So, let us discuss a mind and it's Dharma, good, divine purpose from ethical standpoint.
Kethu: As all of you know, Moon has two nodes, or shadow points called Rāhu and Kethu. Kethu is the south node of the Moon. It denotes the wisdom we are bringing into this life from past lives. The wisdom of our ancestors and family lineage. This comes through our own DNA. Our ancestors, great-grandparents and others have a big say in our DNA. According to the encoded DNA, our body, conscious and subconscious mind is formed.
It is not the wisdom alone. The patterns the family plowed through also comes to us through Kethu/DNA. If one of our great-grandfathers was addicted to alcohol, sure, we are going to have that tendency in our DNA. If our grand-ma went through terrible years of famine, that likelihood of stinginess is going to appear in us. Our great-uncle suffered from depression, which may appear as tendency. Another ancestor loved to gossip and was distracted, and no wonder we like gossip and are scatter brained.
The shadow energy of the south node of the Moon, Kethu! Image credits - Wikimedia Commons Arjuncm3 [CC BY-SA] |
Here, the head symbolizes the rational or the logical mind. Anything to make sense, we have to use the conscious, rational mind. Why are we doing, what we are doing? The subconscious or emotional mind can provide feelings, emotions, intuitions, inklings, insights. But the sense comes from the rational mind. Here, Kethu has no head. So, metaphorically no thoughts. Only a snake body.
In Hindu mythology, snakes, more aptly serpents are considered very wise. They embody the esoteric, hidden and enormous amounts of wisdom. The king of the Nagas (serpents), Adisesha is considered very wise. In some lores, the serpent Vasuki also is considered the king. Anyway the serpents hold enormous amounts of wisdom. This is depicted as a jewel, which they hold on their head. Head- jewel- wisdom. See, the connection. People many times consider this as a literal jewel. I consider this as the metaphorical jewel of wisdom.
Anyway, Kethu has no head. The snake body or planet has a lot of wisdom. But no idea how to use it. Even before that no idea, they have the talents or knowledge or wisdom. Kethu in astrology matures at 48 years. Now, we can understand why the midlife- crisis hits around late forties. Until then the person has no idea about the truth of their own heart. My own career crisis happened around 44/45 years of age. Until then the person most probably was living very far from their own truth.
At around mid forties, the Soul with its subconscious energy pulls circumstances to itself when the things that were working until then stops working. Jobs get lost, careers decimated, relationships fall apart, a person finds themselves homeless, a death happens in the family. A major circumstance happens. Things stop working. The person would have no idea what is happening. Why things suddenly stopped working.
Even after a lot of thought, when they could not make sense of the situation, they start to search within for answers. This may not bring answers. Finally, they fully surrender to the Divine within for guidance. At that time, due to mere grace, the person would be shown an insight, epiphany, inkling, comment, dream or even a random ad on TV. The guidance can come any which way possible. They have to be extremely open and aware. Otherwise, it would be missed. I could have very well missed the thought, if I was distracted.
The person has to make sense of the thought or the insight being provided. Remember, the planet Kethu has no head. The information coming in would be extremely confusing. You have to find a rational head that sits on top of the Kethu body. Who is that rational head? Your own rational mind. Yes, the person is supposed to use their logical mind, fix it tightly on the Kethu snake body, use the insight being provided. Suddenly Kethu is with a head. One's own head-the logical mind. See the beauty of the Universal intelligence?
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The world of the logical mind- puzzles and words! Image credits - |
As long as we don't fix our logical mind onto our Kethu in the chart, we are kept away from the wisdom of Kethu. The key to access Kethu is our own mind. Once we use our rational mind to decipher Kethu, we can use that wisdom. In each chart Kethu is different according to the house, placement, other planets conjunct, aspects, the strength. Even the strength of the Moon.
Yes, a strong and blessed Moon or mind is needed to decipher the puzzle of Kethu. Not an easy task. That is why people find it so difficult sometime to understand what they need to do with their life. Already the mind is confused and distracted with life, circumstances, internet, social-media and physical existence. Above this, the wisdom that needs to find the path of Dharma (purpose) is put in a planet that is headless and has no clue how to decipher itself. The ways of the Universal intelligence are hilarious, isn't it? Can you feel the paradox? Hahaha!
Only after deciphering this paradox we can unlock the wisdom or gifts we have from our ancestors. Until then we may use it without awareness. But to use it with awareness we need to build a head for Kethu. It's own real head is on the otherside of the chart. Rahu. So, Kethu is our comfort zone. The place we feel nice and cozy. But this home also can come with leaks, faulty foundations, moldy celings, broken faucets and more. All the vices or lower energies we get from our DNA, ancestors and family.
Rahu: It becomes our duty to secure the foundation, repair the taps, clear the molds, fix the leaks and make the home worthwhile and cozy to live in. It is our home, isn't it? Should another being fix our home? No. They have their own home to fix. It is our life. It is our duty to fix ourselves, so that our home or life provides us security, safety, comfort, value, a place in the world and the power of the being. Even working on ourselves and removing all the bad behaviors that work against us becomes part of our Dharma.
Many times we think of Dharma or purpose in very narrow terms. No. Dharma is very expansive. The duty is first towards ourselves. To fix our bad behaviors, patterns, habits. Anything and everything that is working against us, even ourselves. We choose where we want to live. In a moldy, leaky, toppling house or a solid, beautiful mansion with a lovely garden to go with it. We make our own life with our thoughts, intentions, words and actions. Very much.
The shadow energy of north node of the Moon, Rahu! Image credits - Wikimedia Commons E. A. Rodrigues [Public domain] |
Think of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama. A single person who shared their mental gifts with a whole lot of people, For the next fifty generations they would provide inspiration and encouragment to become the best they can be. The security, strength and value of the home/legacy of their mind, they built.
They also were like any other human, made of bones and blood. They were not made of steel and diamonds. But the things they accomplished- enormous. I intuit they fixed their own mind onto the body of their own Kethu and proceeded towards their Rahu. As most of you know, Rahu and Kethu falls on the opposite sides of the chart, seven houses apart. In the Rasi chart they are always 180 degrees apart. Always!
This is very intentional. If Rahu and Kethu are together, the being has no work. They come into their life, do their part, go back to wherever they came from. That is not how it is supposed to be. A person either is born with a deep desire to do something or their joy and peace are totally associated with their Dharma. Until they find that, the being always feels, 'something is missing'. This feeling is to push the person to find and act on their Dharma.
As Kethu and Rahu are seven houses apart to fulfill the total Dharma, a person has to jump or make a bridge between Rahu and Kethu. This bridge is made by the mind. One's own mind, the Moon. Now, standing in this space think about the value and power of a strong, focused mind. It holds enormous potential. But a human never even comes anywhere near realizing it's ten percent of the potential. We take our mind for granted without registering its power.
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Moon- the mind, that helps to unravel the puzzle of our Dharma and the Universe! Image credits - |
The wisdom is not really in the physical structure or chemistry of the brain. It is how a person takes all the information from the sense organs, brain, emotional mind and veiled/unveiled circumstances, use all of them to come to sharp, focused decisions and conclusions. Then make the intentions, plans and act on it effectively. A focused, sharp mind or Moon is the biggest blessing a chart can have. That is a true grace from the Divine. Even if all the other eight planets are very well placed, a damaged Moon would lead a person down a hell hole. And he/she also would drag others along with him/her. We already have an example-Hitler.
So, mind. A sharp, alert, focused, well directed mind. Nothing comes close to it. It helps to make the bridge from Kethu to Rahu to fulfill our purpose in the most brilliant, expansive, majestic way the Divine imagined for us. Now, the question is are we ready to do the work towards it? That is always a being's free will and choice!
I wish you a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Why are Rahu and Kethu, shadow planets?
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