Spiritual power- Part 6!
Hello all,
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last few weeks, we have been discussing the way spiritual power works, and how our inner truth has a big say in our life and how we get spiritual protection. All these levels are very important for us to lead a deep spiritual and authentic life. But many times while living our life, we start to put on masks and personas, which overshadows our inner truth. Now, we start to live a very inauthentic or a fake existence. This takes a toll on our mental as well as physical life.
We have no idea what we are missing out by being inauthentic. We didn't come to this material realm to live an ordinary, every day life. We came here to understand and learn deep lessons that help to evolve our Soul. Without any concern for this, when we just live a materialistic life, we lose touch with ourselves. This leads to loss of meaning in life. Nowadays, aren't we seeing so many people who don't find value in their own life? This is due to this in-authenticity,
A vibrant life: Think when we were kids. How we used to look at our life as magical and extraordinary. From that how did we become drab and lifeless adults? Shouldn't we have maintained the same vibrancy even when we are adults? Who said we should lose our 'magical touch' with our own life? Nobody needs to be serious and in a strict attitude. We, being adults can still maintain that joy of a kid at heart.
Let us look at nature. Every thing lives with a playful attitude. The birds fly around. The animals while doing their own every day tasks many times play around and have fun. Look at monkeys or even big cats. They do play and get into friendly fights even as adults. But we humans, once we become adults, we leave behind all the playfulness and become ultra serious. The mother Goddess in esoteric wisdom (Hinduism) is called Lalitha- the one who plays. It is said in Devi Mahatmya, it is her deep play that manifests as the Universe. So, if the mother herself plays, shouldn't we her kids also have a playful life?
It is when we are playful, our creativity flows. Any day, I am very serious about writing my blog post, ideas just do not emanate. I have to go have some refreshments, get into a zone of funny mode for the concepts to flow. It is when we make vibrancy part of our life, life takes a magical attire. Many times in modern life, people treat emotions as a weak part of the mind. But this is not true. High creativity is aligned with our emotions. An emotionless life deprives us of our creativity. Why do people feel mental blocks? It is because we have rejected our own creative side of being.
In our modern life we embraced too much of rationality and moved far away from our own deep creativity and inspiration. Yes, logical mind is needed to analyze the creativity, the emotional mind brings up, to take that information and create something brilliant for our own lives. Instead we remove our emotional side itself and go fully into a rational mode. Now, we become a shell. The heart has become suppressed. Only the emotional mind can access the heart of the being. Now, we have become robots in our own life.
When we become a shell in our own life, we cannot access our inner truths or inner spirituality. A life being too much in the rational mind. As we are not in touch with ourselves, the systems in our body do not function very efficiently. Yes, medicine and drugs are needed to help us find an ease of state, when we are sick. But in today's world, being 'too modern' we have foregone things that make us whole and human. How can I put into words, what I feel?
In search of modernism and progress, we also left behind everything that gives us value and moved more towards a mental, shell like existence. It was just a matter of time, this 'stylized, mental way' of living brought a whole lot of diseases- whether cancer, other chronic diseases or now this pandemic called Covid-19. Yes, progress and innovation are needed to live a very modern life. But in that rush, we also should not leave behind things that make us who we are. There is a huge difference between a human and a robot.
Yes, a robot is very logical and intellectual. But what makes a human different from a robot is the emotions, creativity, the connection with spirits and higher realms. Yes, an AI (Artificial intelligence) may be able to create. But can it access the guidance of original thought, creative inspiration and guidance from spiritual Masters of higher/inner realms? Most probably not, any time soon. (Any one who is interested can read up more on the Turing test.) May be such a type of AI can come into picture in another 50-100 years. Any way here we are dealing with humans and human nature, so let us comeback to humans and not discuss AI.
Intuition: So, both emotional and logical minds are important. One is through which we access our heart to bring out our creativity and original thoughts. The other is to take those emotions from the heart and see how we can use it towards our life, logically. So, logical and emotional mind should work in tandem, not negating one to access more of the other. But as of now, in this world either we have become too emotional or too logical. Instead both sides should be taken, aligned properly and used to the very best of our capability.
So, we discussed the logical, emotional, heart, Soul, Soul family and finally last week inner truths or our own personal truths. Now, the next level. How can we capture the creative spark within our own heart? Through the intuition. This is what I understand nowadays. For spiritual evolution, the mind is the biggest obstacle there is. First it is the logical mind. It creates it's own thoughts and can keep us stuck within our own heads. We don't understand, which thought is productive for us and which is not. So, logical mind has to be quietened down a lot.
Now, the emotional mind. If we are stuck in the emotions of every day life and swing between fear, guilt, shame, anger, apathy and all the other lower emotions, who will take the bold decisions, we are supposed to take for our own life? An emotional rag doll on the floor cannot truly live an authentic, true and original life. So, sensitivity of mind is needed and great. It allows us to access great imagination and creativity. But the emotions should not be allowed to over-run us so that we are always in an emotional roller coaster. That also won't allow us to live a powerful and balanced life.
Only when we can put the emotional and logical mind in their place we can even think about accessing our intuition. Intuition is the language of the heart. But if we are bogged down in the mind, how can we access the heart? The mind itself would keep us away from our heart. So, mind has to be quietened very much. It should be the still lake. Then the channel for intuition to flow through the same mind is clear. Intuition is the way the heart speaks. The heart is the place where we get the guidance from our ancestral and spiritual guides. So, the channel of intuition has to be kept very cleat and uncluttered.
I can say an example from my own life. I was a Scientist for some 25-30 years. If I had taken the decision to write a blog from my mind, the subject of my topic very definitely would have been science and biotechnology. Logically isn't that the correct thing to do? I have studied that for the last 25 years. So, why did I chose to write a blog on spirituality and Vedic philosophy? Of course, if I want to choose, I can write an occasional science or biotech post as well for sure. If I think logically, writing a spirituality blog is mere non-sense, as I have taken zero courses on religion, theology or even psychology in this lifetime.
But the decision to write a blog was not a decision from my mind. It was my intuition guiding me to start something through an epiphany, bypassing the mind. So, as a human being many times we have knowledge we can access through our own intuition. It is like a muscle. Only when we start to use it, it would develop. For that we have to first trust ourselves. Inner trust. Faith in ourselves that we would take good decisions.
Many times this become utmost difficult for us. From a very young age we have been guided to look outside for guidance. Yes, through books, teachers, professors, schools, colleges, universities, leaders and more. Yes, all of them provide us knowledge and guidance. Taking all the knowledge, we have to analyze and later use our own judgement and intuition to take the very best decisions for ourselves.
Imagination and Vision: We discussed intuition as the language of the heart. As we keep on using the vision, another faculty starts to open up. I never had an idea about this faculty in my biotech days. As I was always in my mind, listening to my mind, the heart was not that much in the picture- a very rational scientist. But here once we start accessing more and more intuition, another feeling starts to overtake-we just know things or information. Just know. Don't ask me how, that is how it is.
This is because, the mind is not interfering anymore. But we have a deep channel called intuition to the spiritual realm and our inner masters. As we keep on using the intuition, insights and inklings start to pour in. Many times the flow of concepts and thoughts are instantaneous. This is not about spirituality alone. How does musicians make music? Lyricists make lyrics? Painters make fantastic creations? Same idea. We get an original thoughts as words, images, insights or clues. Later the person use the logical mind to elaborate on that ideas.
This type of thought process happens only when we have access to the intuition. When we are always sitting within our mind, where is the intuition or insights? This opens up another greater realm, which when in our mind, we have only an idea about- imagination. One of the greatest powers, humans have capacity for. Any thing one can imagine, if they have the inner faith and grit can manifest into their reality.
That is why the visionary scientist Albert Einstein said, "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Logic is from the rational mind. It only has so much capacity and it's capabilities are limited. It is when we can access our heart or Soul, we can start to imagine things for ourselves and our own lives. Yes, here also logic is needed. We should be rational as well. We cannot dream to build a house in Jupiter, the planet. That is impossible. But we can imagine building a house in a favorite place here on Earth. Of course, it becomes the duty of the being to put in the hard work, as well.
So, imagination can be accessed only from the realm of the intuition. Same way a vision for our own life can be developed only by accessing our intuition. When we keep on accessing our intuition slowly our third eye energy center starts to open. The Ajna chakra- the center of Ajna or command. Not to command someone else, but to command and take charge of our own life through vision for our life. Any one who has seen the picture of the Hindu God Shiva would have seen the eye drawn in the middle of the forehead. This is not the literal eye, but the metaphysical eye of vision.
When we start to open this eye, we are able to capture details and inklings for our own life that has not even manifested anywhere near our current physical life. That is the power of imagination and vision. We are able to perceive things beyond our own mental and emotional capability. This is the level of perception and awareness waiting for us, for our own life, in case we are ready to put in the inner work.
When we have so many spiritual gifts ready to be opened for ourselves, why are we as humans still choosing to exist as the ten or twenty percent of a very rational being? I feel it is this total rational or emotional mindset that keeps us stuck in the space we always feel we are supposed to be in. The spiritual powers if a being is able to access is very powerful. This is the sixth part, I am writing about spiritual power. If I have to write so much to explain it, think how much there should be and how much I may have no clue about?
We humans are extremely powerful spiritual beings. But we ourselves should believe or realize we have this spiritual power. Praying to God or Krishna or Jesus or Allah would only bring so much of grace. We have to believe or have faith in ourselves, then use all the lessons of these spiritual teachers or masters towards our own life. The true guidance that comes up in my mind is - Don't just pray to Krishna, Jesus, Allah or God. But embrace those qualities and lead a life as close to these masters or to the Universal intelligence itself- Become the spiritual being!
The Amazing power of a spiritual being- powerful, creative and purposeful! That is the gift waiting for every one of us, if we choose to avail it!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 7!
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay
Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website-swaroopa.net. Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.
Last few weeks, we have been discussing the way spiritual power works, and how our inner truth has a big say in our life and how we get spiritual protection. All these levels are very important for us to lead a deep spiritual and authentic life. But many times while living our life, we start to put on masks and personas, which overshadows our inner truth. Now, we start to live a very inauthentic or a fake existence. This takes a toll on our mental as well as physical life.
We have no idea what we are missing out by being inauthentic. We didn't come to this material realm to live an ordinary, every day life. We came here to understand and learn deep lessons that help to evolve our Soul. Without any concern for this, when we just live a materialistic life, we lose touch with ourselves. This leads to loss of meaning in life. Nowadays, aren't we seeing so many people who don't find value in their own life? This is due to this in-authenticity,
A vibrant life: Think when we were kids. How we used to look at our life as magical and extraordinary. From that how did we become drab and lifeless adults? Shouldn't we have maintained the same vibrancy even when we are adults? Who said we should lose our 'magical touch' with our own life? Nobody needs to be serious and in a strict attitude. We, being adults can still maintain that joy of a kid at heart.
Let us look at nature. Every thing lives with a playful attitude. The birds fly around. The animals while doing their own every day tasks many times play around and have fun. Look at monkeys or even big cats. They do play and get into friendly fights even as adults. But we humans, once we become adults, we leave behind all the playfulness and become ultra serious. The mother Goddess in esoteric wisdom (Hinduism) is called Lalitha- the one who plays. It is said in Devi Mahatmya, it is her deep play that manifests as the Universe. So, if the mother herself plays, shouldn't we her kids also have a playful life?
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The vibrant space called the Earth! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
In our modern life we embraced too much of rationality and moved far away from our own deep creativity and inspiration. Yes, logical mind is needed to analyze the creativity, the emotional mind brings up, to take that information and create something brilliant for our own lives. Instead we remove our emotional side itself and go fully into a rational mode. Now, we become a shell. The heart has become suppressed. Only the emotional mind can access the heart of the being. Now, we have become robots in our own life.
When we become a shell in our own life, we cannot access our inner truths or inner spirituality. A life being too much in the rational mind. As we are not in touch with ourselves, the systems in our body do not function very efficiently. Yes, medicine and drugs are needed to help us find an ease of state, when we are sick. But in today's world, being 'too modern' we have foregone things that make us whole and human. How can I put into words, what I feel?
In search of modernism and progress, we also left behind everything that gives us value and moved more towards a mental, shell like existence. It was just a matter of time, this 'stylized, mental way' of living brought a whole lot of diseases- whether cancer, other chronic diseases or now this pandemic called Covid-19. Yes, progress and innovation are needed to live a very modern life. But in that rush, we also should not leave behind things that make us who we are. There is a huge difference between a human and a robot.
Yes, a robot is very logical and intellectual. But what makes a human different from a robot is the emotions, creativity, the connection with spirits and higher realms. Yes, an AI (Artificial intelligence) may be able to create. But can it access the guidance of original thought, creative inspiration and guidance from spiritual Masters of higher/inner realms? Most probably not, any time soon. (Any one who is interested can read up more on the Turing test.) May be such a type of AI can come into picture in another 50-100 years. Any way here we are dealing with humans and human nature, so let us comeback to humans and not discuss AI.
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The intuition that lies behind the mind, in the heart! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
Intuition: So, both emotional and logical minds are important. One is through which we access our heart to bring out our creativity and original thoughts. The other is to take those emotions from the heart and see how we can use it towards our life, logically. So, logical and emotional mind should work in tandem, not negating one to access more of the other. But as of now, in this world either we have become too emotional or too logical. Instead both sides should be taken, aligned properly and used to the very best of our capability.
So, we discussed the logical, emotional, heart, Soul, Soul family and finally last week inner truths or our own personal truths. Now, the next level. How can we capture the creative spark within our own heart? Through the intuition. This is what I understand nowadays. For spiritual evolution, the mind is the biggest obstacle there is. First it is the logical mind. It creates it's own thoughts and can keep us stuck within our own heads. We don't understand, which thought is productive for us and which is not. So, logical mind has to be quietened down a lot.
Now, the emotional mind. If we are stuck in the emotions of every day life and swing between fear, guilt, shame, anger, apathy and all the other lower emotions, who will take the bold decisions, we are supposed to take for our own life? An emotional rag doll on the floor cannot truly live an authentic, true and original life. So, sensitivity of mind is needed and great. It allows us to access great imagination and creativity. But the emotions should not be allowed to over-run us so that we are always in an emotional roller coaster. That also won't allow us to live a powerful and balanced life.
Only when we can put the emotional and logical mind in their place we can even think about accessing our intuition. Intuition is the language of the heart. But if we are bogged down in the mind, how can we access the heart? The mind itself would keep us away from our heart. So, mind has to be quietened very much. It should be the still lake. Then the channel for intuition to flow through the same mind is clear. Intuition is the way the heart speaks. The heart is the place where we get the guidance from our ancestral and spiritual guides. So, the channel of intuition has to be kept very cleat and uncluttered.
I can say an example from my own life. I was a Scientist for some 25-30 years. If I had taken the decision to write a blog from my mind, the subject of my topic very definitely would have been science and biotechnology. Logically isn't that the correct thing to do? I have studied that for the last 25 years. So, why did I chose to write a blog on spirituality and Vedic philosophy? Of course, if I want to choose, I can write an occasional science or biotech post as well for sure. If I think logically, writing a spirituality blog is mere non-sense, as I have taken zero courses on religion, theology or even psychology in this lifetime.
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The quality of inner trust! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
But the decision to write a blog was not a decision from my mind. It was my intuition guiding me to start something through an epiphany, bypassing the mind. So, as a human being many times we have knowledge we can access through our own intuition. It is like a muscle. Only when we start to use it, it would develop. For that we have to first trust ourselves. Inner trust. Faith in ourselves that we would take good decisions.
Many times this become utmost difficult for us. From a very young age we have been guided to look outside for guidance. Yes, through books, teachers, professors, schools, colleges, universities, leaders and more. Yes, all of them provide us knowledge and guidance. Taking all the knowledge, we have to analyze and later use our own judgement and intuition to take the very best decisions for ourselves.
Imagination and Vision: We discussed intuition as the language of the heart. As we keep on using the vision, another faculty starts to open up. I never had an idea about this faculty in my biotech days. As I was always in my mind, listening to my mind, the heart was not that much in the picture- a very rational scientist. But here once we start accessing more and more intuition, another feeling starts to overtake-we just know things or information. Just know. Don't ask me how, that is how it is.
This is because, the mind is not interfering anymore. But we have a deep channel called intuition to the spiritual realm and our inner masters. As we keep on using the intuition, insights and inklings start to pour in. Many times the flow of concepts and thoughts are instantaneous. This is not about spirituality alone. How does musicians make music? Lyricists make lyrics? Painters make fantastic creations? Same idea. We get an original thoughts as words, images, insights or clues. Later the person use the logical mind to elaborate on that ideas.
This type of thought process happens only when we have access to the intuition. When we are always sitting within our mind, where is the intuition or insights? This opens up another greater realm, which when in our mind, we have only an idea about- imagination. One of the greatest powers, humans have capacity for. Any thing one can imagine, if they have the inner faith and grit can manifest into their reality.
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The power of imagination! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
That is why the visionary scientist Albert Einstein said, "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Logic is from the rational mind. It only has so much capacity and it's capabilities are limited. It is when we can access our heart or Soul, we can start to imagine things for ourselves and our own lives. Yes, here also logic is needed. We should be rational as well. We cannot dream to build a house in Jupiter, the planet. That is impossible. But we can imagine building a house in a favorite place here on Earth. Of course, it becomes the duty of the being to put in the hard work, as well.
So, imagination can be accessed only from the realm of the intuition. Same way a vision for our own life can be developed only by accessing our intuition. When we keep on accessing our intuition slowly our third eye energy center starts to open. The Ajna chakra- the center of Ajna or command. Not to command someone else, but to command and take charge of our own life through vision for our life. Any one who has seen the picture of the Hindu God Shiva would have seen the eye drawn in the middle of the forehead. This is not the literal eye, but the metaphysical eye of vision.
When we start to open this eye, we are able to capture details and inklings for our own life that has not even manifested anywhere near our current physical life. That is the power of imagination and vision. We are able to perceive things beyond our own mental and emotional capability. This is the level of perception and awareness waiting for us, for our own life, in case we are ready to put in the inner work.
When we have so many spiritual gifts ready to be opened for ourselves, why are we as humans still choosing to exist as the ten or twenty percent of a very rational being? I feel it is this total rational or emotional mindset that keeps us stuck in the space we always feel we are supposed to be in. The spiritual powers if a being is able to access is very powerful. This is the sixth part, I am writing about spiritual power. If I have to write so much to explain it, think how much there should be and how much I may have no clue about?
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A vision for our life! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
We humans are extremely powerful spiritual beings. But we ourselves should believe or realize we have this spiritual power. Praying to God or Krishna or Jesus or Allah would only bring so much of grace. We have to believe or have faith in ourselves, then use all the lessons of these spiritual teachers or masters towards our own life. The true guidance that comes up in my mind is - Don't just pray to Krishna, Jesus, Allah or God. But embrace those qualities and lead a life as close to these masters or to the Universal intelligence itself- Become the spiritual being!
The Amazing power of a spiritual being- powerful, creative and purposeful! That is the gift waiting for every one of us, if we choose to avail it!
I wish you a good and safe weekend and I'll see you next Friday! 😉
Next week: Spiritual power- Part 7!
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay
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