Is it time to be more positive?

Hello all,

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. Now to the post.

I want to wish all my blog readers from the US, a happy fourth of July - Happy Independence Day! Unfortunately, this year is not how we wish it could have been. But let us celebrate being here on Earth today and pray for all those who didn't make it to this Independence day. We always write about Philosophy and mindset in this blog. I think, it is time for one such post to look deeply into humanity's behavior and mindset. Is the train of humanity off the rails and falling deeply into mental/emotional and psychological chaos. Look, where our own mindsets have brought us. I am going to share some of the latest world news today, this very second as I am writing this blog post. Here they are.

From the WHO website: Confirmed Covid -19 cases: 10,533,779, Confirmed deaths: 512,842 Countries and territories affected -216, as of July 1, 2020. Mind you, this is not to scare any Soul. No, that is never my intention. The intention of my blog is always to encourage and inspire people, to become their very best potential. I am elaborating this to show, how did as humanity we get here? If we look at the reality, we lost a year-2020. If we are not careful, we may lose 2021 and may be even 2022. What led to this utter mishap?

Division, chaos, anger and hate: If we go back through our memory lane, as human race, we were very angry, divisive and chaotic, the last 3-5 years. Every where people were having fights, divisive attitudes, race fights, fights between religious groups, fight for value, equality and justice. Let me share some stories. There was the Syrian conflict, then the division between Chinese and Uighurs, Iraq wars, ISIS, Taliban, many chaos in India, the new kind of politics in US, the list goes.

Covid-19 Outbreak World Map as of July 2, 2020
Covid-19 Outbreak World Map as of July 2, 2020
Image credits - Raphaël Dunant, Gajmar (maintainer) / CC BY 4.0

Even though we read these news every day with complacency, each of these news are thousands or million mind that are deep in their own mental conflict and chaos. Buddha some 2500 ago said, paraphrasing- "You are your thoughts. You create yourself with your thoughts". If so many people are living in such deep mental and emotional chaos, what should we expect to show up in our physical life? Exactly- chaos.

Is there any wonder as humanity, we are reeling under a pandemic that is trying to get out of control, day by day? This huge pandemic didn't happen in one day. It slowly started building up day by day. mind by mind, mindset by mindset. Humans are always under the impression, anything we don't like, we should fight against it or make it so unreasonable in our own mind, which leads to inner chaos. Chaos has very disjointed, erratic, sporadic energy. A human mind that is addicted to chaos always stays at the surface level.

To really delineate the fact, let us compare two very different personalities. Take a politician and a sage. The politician is always surrounded by an entourage (especially in India, sometimes in US) as well. The ideas are going all over the place. Every person has an opinion to share. Ideas clash, opinions fly around, sometimes names are called, sometimes people are bribed, put down, metaphorically guillotined. Think of the energy that is percolating it. This is the energy of Rahu- the material world. Rahu if not properly controlled is chaos. Pure chaos.

Now, take a sage, for example Ramana Maharshi. People used to flock to his hermitage (Ashrama). Even peacocks, dogs, cows and other birds used to visit. The energy of this place is a deep calmness, that allows the wind to blow gently. In such an environment, the energy becomes relaxed, gentle, beautiful and nurturing. As gentle as a cow, that is very nurturing. This is the real energy of the Earth- calm, relaxed, nurturing. Only in such conditions deep, original thoughts arise.

But the other energy of polity and party are chaotic. It can't be controlled. It keeps on changing according to the person, policy, the day, the matter at hand, the deals that are made. Very chaotic and sporadic. The way the leaders led us in the last four years speak volumes of where we are today. The pandemic is spreading so fast we are seeing the window of opportunity closing. Even in this dire stage, many politicians are living in an illusory world having tough time to admit, the time for action passed three months ago.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Buddha Vairochana, Mandala (Japan)
Image credits - Unknown author / Public domain

Responsibility and accountability: This is a concept, I want to discuss. Many times people especially many leaders have tough time to take total accountability and responsibility. Many try to push the blame or responsibility onto anything or everything that comes along. We have many times discussed the concept of power here, inner power.

A Soul gets amazing inner power, when they take total responsibility, yes, total responsibility for their thoughts, intentions and actions. As long as a person is not ready to take total responsibility even for their thoughts, true power never finds them. Most of the time, the person becomes entangled in financial dealings, underhanded projects or emotional quagmires. Yes, total responsibility even for your thoughts. Above that, the words that come out of our mouth.

Humans have become very irresponsible with our own words. Nowadays, the internet also is there at our fingertips. So, just post, write, forward anything and everything that one feels like. As the Souls are not taking responsibility for their thoughts, intentions, actions and words, we end up creating what we never intended. Once more to reiterate,"We are our thoughts. We create our selves with our thoughts". Now, as we didn't even care about what we thought, we end up creating something about which we have zero clue.

With this concept in mind, think of all the minds that were in chaos, division and deep anger for the last five years. What were we creating? We created a massive negative energy and put it out into the Universe. Anything we put out into the Universe, we receive back. It was only a matter of time, either a pandemic or another world disaster showed up. Buddha taught us, 2500 years back. Did we learn, then? No. Are we learning now? No.

Humanity keeps on repeating the same mistake, millennia after millennia. We keep on trying to fix our outer circumstances. Our great- grandparents tried, then our grandparents, later our parents and now us. The circumstances to be fixed are not outside, but within. A change in the mindset. Without that brand new perspective of peace, equality, love, prosperity and justice for all, within us, the outer circumstances are never going to be fixed. After another 2000 years, if humanity is around, (If it goes like this, Earth would be there, but humanity may be long gone. Climate change is still happening, alongside.) we would be still fighting about a resource or having power plays.

Happy Independence Day - July 4th!
Happy Independence Day - July 4th!
Image credits -

Time for a positive mindset: Yes, I totally understand, this is not the time to ask for a mindset change, in the middle of a grim pandemic. But somewhere we should start, isn't it? Already we are dealing with deep negativity. Above that, if we allow our mindset and attitude also to be negative, we would fall into deep, emotional and mental darkness. This is what happened to the Indian actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Some how, some where most probably he lost the inner connection with himself, the deep trust that comes when we delve deep within ourselves to find our inner resilience. May his Soul, rest in peace.

This Covid-19 pandemic has tied us within our homes, socially isolated, quarantined, covered in face masks, washing our hands frequently, terrified, worried and frustrated. But think about the doctors and medical professionals who have to go to the hospitals every day and deal with very sick patients who are staring at the face of death, worried about their own safety. It becomes our duty as normal, every day people to do everything in our hands to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, very far away from the hospitals.

But that is not enough. We have to turn this huge energetic wheel, which we most probably invited into our midst with our very negative mindsets for the last 5-6, around. Whether we accept it or not, there is definitely a spiritual law called "Law of Attraction", which by our emotional makeup and mindset we invite into our life. What we think emotionally comes into our life and gives us results.

What seven billion people or even 2-3 billion people think affects the global human psyche. Each mind puts out thoughts and intentions. That is one unit of mental energy every second. Same way if a whole lot of people have negative mindset, that is a lot of units of mental energy going into the Universe. Because we are so angry, divisive and very passionate about it, the Universe listens. It understands, "Okay, humanity is asking for it, very passionately. Let me respond by giving them abundantly". We end up in the vicious cycle of negativity.

As of now, humanity is caught in the middle of a very negative cycle. To take humanity to better days and higher ideals, it becomes the responsibility of each human being to start think positive and bring love and compassion into our lives. Atheists and people who think very rationally may pooh-pooh this idea. But, that does not change the truth, not even a fact, that, "We are what we think". Buddha already guided us some 2,500 years ago.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, ICe-cream, internet, social-media
Be positive and share the love!
Image credits -

Even after two millennia, with every modern gadgets and progressiveness, we are still finding it difficult to accept this ancient wisdom. So, in truth have we progressed in our minds? Whether anyone accepts or not, it is the truth. We are what we think. We create our reality by our thoughts. When we accept this truth, take deep responsibility and accountability for our thoughts, intentions, actions and our life, we become a strong willed being. This is a very powerful stance.  The power of the Soul and the ancient wisdom. When we operate with deep gratitude and positivity for our life, loved ones, health and well being, the Universe seeing the deep ask we are doing, would flung it's door of abundance, health and prosperity towards humanity.

Usually I end every post with, it is the free will and choice of a being. But today, I can't end this post like that. Because, if we live in our negative mindset, we as humanity may stay indoors even for the next three years. That is not good enough for us. So, do all the Covid-19 health routines, which is very important. Wear masks, socially distance, don't go for group activities, wash one's hands regularly, keep up with all the health updates and stay well. Above that, make a promise to oneself- a deep promise.

"I would keep my mindset, attitude and mentality, very positive and loving. I would only put out thoughts and intentions that are very positive. I take total responsibility for my thoughts, intentions, words and attitude. I will make sure, I create the very best, positive outcome for myself and others. I also would urge all those whom I know, to embrace a very positive mindset."

Because finally it matters what we think and intent, as We are what we think. We create our reality by our thoughts. As simple as that!

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉

Next week: Responsibility and accountability!
Image Credits:
  Wikimedia Commons
and Pixabay


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