Heart versus the mind!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my website-swaroopa.net. I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.
We have many times discussed the subjects of heart and mind, in this blog. As I am revealed new new concepts, I tend to write it in my blog. So, may be I have written about this previously. But definitely there may be something new I have to share; therefore I am being asked to share something from this topic.
My perspective about the Soul and the being:
This is my perspective that I am writing as I understand it. There may be other opinions and viewpoints. This is how I think of it nowadays. Each of us is a being that has at our core a heart that is deeply aligned with the Soul. Our Soul is the Universal being, who has gone through many many life times, even may be thousands as worm, tree, animal bird or a human. Many attires. Then, there may be other life forms about which we as humans may have zero clue. In all these lifetimes, the Soul has collected knowledge that becomes it's innate core knowledge.
Another new concept I was made aware of is, it is not necessary that the Soul should progress from BC to AD to 2020. That is our mental rational perspective. My Soul, which is writing this blog can take birth back in 1400s later or even in 3500AD. Or another aspect of my Soul or another being can be currently living another life at this same moment. In such a case, our mind would have to break the barrier of time. Physicists many times discuss about these parallel realities.
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The energy of the Soul- all encompassing! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
This makes us understand, everything is happening at once, past, present and future. Only inside our logical mind, everything happens at a logical order, one after the other. So, the Soul has no restrictions that it should logically proceed from one lifetime to the next. At one life time, it would be living in the internet age. Next lifetime would be in the jungles of Indonesia in the 1100s and the other time it would be in 5000 AD. All the three can be happening at the same this moment as well.
Now, stand here and think of the Universe. It is not a logical, one dimensional Universe. Most probably it is million dimensional with time and Soul lives happening according to that dimension. Past, present, future, in between times with many, many planets, many many galaxies and many many star systems. In such a case there may be Souls that never got a chance to come on Earth, even once. Already there are seven billion Souls on this Earth. Now, think of trillions of Souls who may not have gotten a chance.
In such a case isn't our life totally precious, here. We as a Soul has been given a chance to come to the material realm.Yes, with all it's heavy energy, pain, stress, anger and other emotions. There could have been many Souls who never made it to the Earth. Another perspective. Each of us came from one egg and one sperm- you and as well as me. But think about the million eggs and sperms that never made it into a baby. The potential of a particular Soul, who could have had a life here.
Here, I want to mention a heart breaking subject-Suicide. I don't want to write about it. But then, I also want to write about it. Nowadays, we hear many many people taking their own lives. As of now India is roiling in the (alleged, as criminal investigations are still going on) suicidal death of the bright, upcoming actor Sushant Singh Rajput. May he find eternal peace as a Soul and hope the family is able to find strength and comfort in each other's arms. A precious life cut short so suddenly by unfortunate events and circumstances. May the law, legal system and courts give the family the true justice they need, if any underhanded activity was perpetrated. Let the truth always come out brilliantly shining!
But standing in the concept I explained, think of the awesome and amazing chance one has been given to have a material life in this physical realm of Earth. According to the concept I discussed, it may take another million eons for a Soul to get another chance to come into the Earth. So, shouldn't it becomes the duty of every Earthling to become very empowered and give our life all, we have got. But even here, there may be Souls who want to go through every kind of experiences. So, we should never judge any being's actions. But hope people struggling with such deep mental issues and worries find apt social help and strong familial and moral support.
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Will all the stress and pain, life can be enchanting, if we find some genuine support! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
The taboo surrounding mental illness, depression and the related emotional problems should stop. There are so many sicknesses that are considered just a sickness, like Coronavirus disease or Cancer. In the same exact way, each human comes with a faculty called mind. Unfortunately some beings come with a not so healthy mind. It is a disease of the mind. Dis-ease, lack of ease.
Like any other organ or faculty, mind can also become sick. Such a person needs genuine treatment and necessary help. Think about that being. Above dealing with a sick mind that obstructs them to function well for their own life, they are also subjected to torture and bullying from the society. Not at all good. It is not the mental patients who need to change, but the perspective of the society to include them as full individuals, who are dealing with some mental challenges.
So, the chance at life in this Earth realm is precious. We may have to wait for a very long time to get another chance, as per the concept, I intuitively feel. Sometimes we may never get one again. So, let us embrace our life with deep respect and sacredness. Let us do everything in our hands to make it the very best. Felt like, I needed to put in my two cents.
Back to the being:
The seat of this Soul is within our heart. The true being- You and I. This being, that also encompasses the physical body has come with a mind. This mind is a tool that has been fitted to us the being, so that we use it to live our life well. Now, if we are not careful, this mind would run the life for the being, It is the tail wagging the dog. Not the dog wagging the tail. It is ever ready to take over our life and wag the dog. You know, our own mind is so self-less, it puts in every second available to it to see, how to run our life. (Of course, sarcasm!)
This is not the correct way. The blueprint for our life- our Dharma and purpose are etched within our Soul. This Soul's throne is within our heart. Any living away from the heart is so much away from the Dharma or purpose we came to undertake here for our life. This blueprint is within our heart in the Soul, not with the mind. This is why when people live from the mind, they find many times their life hollow and meaningless. They have lost the 'Why' for their own life.
Why am I here? What is the point for my life? What is the purpose for my life? Only from a heart centered living, where mind becomes the very devoted servant, we can capture this deep meaning for our own life. Look at the social media and websites. We see discussions on depression and people lost in their own life. All of us read sacred books, chants, Psalms, go to church, temples and mosques. Even then, why are we fearful, worried and stressed out? According to the chants and sacred books, shouldn't we feel amazing and exhilarant? Why are we going behind every technique, any trick and every title that says they can fix our pain or stress?
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The stress and pressure of the modern internet times! Image credits - Pixabay.com |
Shouldn't we feel enchanted, happy and thrilled, out of trillions of Souls, we, seven billion of us were given a chance for a rendezvous with this material realm? Why are we stressed out and dazed? This is due to the Maya-the grand illusion of the material realm, that captures the mind. As mind has no direct connection with the Soul, the mind becomes disenchanted. The same scenario we discussed very elaborately last week, Rahu- the illusionist (Maya) capturing or eclipsing the Moon, mind. It works exactly into the realm of that concept.
Here, I want to share a small fun fact. In the mythological story of the birth of Krishna (apt week to discuss this story. Happy Janmashtami, all- Krishna's birthday this year was on August 10, 2020) Krishna was the eighth child. Before that, the seventh baby for Krishna's parents Vasudeva and Devaki was a girl. When Devaki's brother Kamsa came to kill this baby girl, she slipped from his hands, took the form of the Goddess Yogamaya and warned Kamsa, the next, eighth baby will kill him.
This Yogamaya is another form of the Goddess Durga, who happens to be the Goddess ruling over Rahu. The same Maya-the grand illusion we discuss, in the lower vibration comes as the illusion of Rahu itself. In the higher vibrations, she becomes Yogamaya, Durga herself, who helps in the removal of illusion to show the truth to bring the energy of Rahu as a healer. In higher vibrations, Rahu is a healer. Fun fact, isn't it?
Mind aligned with the heart:
This shows that it matters, how we live our life- from the heart or the mind. A mind that is very logical and on it's own has only 20% capacity. The remaining 80% of the mind, the emotional mind is deeply aligned with the heart. This does not mean logical mind is not needed. It is essential to take all the creativity, passions, imaginations and ideas the emotional mind provides to use well, in a very logical way.
For example, in early 2017, I knew, I needed to start using my creativity- as concepts, ideas, and imagination. That was the why from the emotional mind, heart and Soul. But the How- I definitely had to figure out using my logical mind. How? Writing? Videos? Podcasts? Blogs? YouTube channel? Quora answers? Entrepreneurship? Business? How?
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Krishna, the Soul teaching Arjuna, the mind! Image credits - Unknown author / Public domain |
This is the gist of the knowledge that is given in the Hindu sacred text Bhagavad Gita. Let Krishna, our Soul through the heart guide us as the charioteer and our whole mind-logical and emotional mind as Arjuna, surrender to Krishna, so that the chariot, our physical body is guided through the war of Kurukshetra- the Maya of the material realm. We, the beings are literally at war with many different energies as vices fighting us on the opposite side. The vices can come as electronic gadgets, social media, trends, hypes, avatars, big data, marketing strategies, drugs, drinks, gambling, sex, addictions or any number of things.
The chances for us to be lost in our own life are enormous. To drive our chariot of life, our heart and mind should be deeply connected to the Soul, with a crystal clear and cognizant mind that surrenders to the true Master- our Soul, that speaks through our heart. No other way of living gives us the satisfaction of a true, genuine, authentic and original being- Swaroopa- Swa- one's own, Roopa-nature.
So, there is a huge difference between living from the mind or heart centered living. One is partial compared to the other which is whole and vibrant. Leaving with a sloka from Krishna to Arjuna, during this week of Janmashtami- Birthday of Krishna! तस्मादज्ञानसम्à¤ूतं हृत्स्थं ज्ञानासिनात्मनः ।
छित्त्वैनं संशयं योगमातिस्क्ठोत्तिष्ठà¤ारत ॥ ४२ ॥
Quote credits - Wikipedia
Meaning: Oh, prince of Bharatha, weild this truth of knowledge (that Soul is the charioteer) and kill any doubts or worries that arise in the heart due to ignorance, surrender to truthful living (Yoga) and stand up with courage.
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Way to the Soul!
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