Soul-Self (Atma Swaroopa)!

Hello all,

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.

First of all, I want to Thank all my blog readers, who were part of my blog journey for the last three years. No. No. I am not stopping the blog.😊 But soon, I would be entering the fifth decade of my existence, here, in this material realm. I just wanted to express my deepest appreciation for all my blog readers and the grace, Brahman, the Universe has given me to be a guide/mentor/ teacher, in this lifetime. Yes, I had my own tough struggles, so that I become aware of my own potential and spiritual gifts. I have learnt deeply, it is always better to keep ourselves on life's good side, by  pursuing our deepest desires, talents and Dharma. So, here, I want to Thank all from my deepest heart, for coming along with me on this blog journey. Today, what a blessing to write about Soul Self. Now to the post.

Last week, we discussed, how to get into the path of the Soul. The only way to access our Soul is through our heart, emotions and intuition. There is no other way. As long as the being doesn't realize this, they never get close to their path or Dharma. As the logical mind is important, so are the emotions, intuition and heart. This is how, I have understood the inner landscape from my own inner inquiry, thought process and contemplation. This is my idea. Another being may have a very different perspective.

Each of us as a being come, fitted with a mind, a heart, an intuition to go with it and the real us, the Soul. The mind, has two parts, the logical mind, that is mostly outward facing and the emotional mind, that is also outward facing to start with. So, a being in a non-aware state is mostly facing outwards with all these faculties at their disposal. Experiences, people, situations, come and go. Some are very pleasant, some tough and some giving us deep distaste. 

We keep on reacting to them, dodging this way and that way, all through our lives. As we are reacting, we are always trying to escape or protect ourselves from life. When we are in that defense mode, how can we embrace life? We cannot. We are not comfortable and happy in our own life, so that, we can take charge of our life. I was not privy to this information, myself. It took all of my forty-five years of existence to come to the realization about this truth.
Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
The reactive outward facing mind!
Image credits - Pixabay

Now, as we are in this reactive mode, the logic, emotions and intuition becomes a jumbled mess. For some the logical/rational part of the mind is stronger. Then, they live life trying to make sense of it logically and taking decisions. But even here, the existence is outward facing and reactionary. Another set of humans are highly emotional. They live life, reacting to circumstances and people from one emotion to the next. Again very reactive. In these types of living, we never fully use our logic or emotions. If we are not even accessing this properly, forget about heart and intuition. Now, after this comes the Soul self. We would think, "What the heck, are you talking about?"😮

The proper way:

I am not saying, I know the most correct way. No. Each individual comes to conclusions from their own life and experiences. I am writing here, as I intuitively feel. So, again mind, heart and intuition.  As per psychological experts, the logical mind is used twenty percent of the time, compared to the remaining eighty percent of the emotional mind. Both should work in tandem. Now, the emotional mind is deeply connected to the heart, the metaphorical heart. In energy system, this heart encloses the sacred energy center- Anahatha chakra- heart center. This is where the Soul, the true immaculate being is placed.

This Soul through the voice of the heart, intuition speaks to us. It is with the Soul, the basal code or life script for our  current life is placed. This script answers the deep life questions for each of our individual life, such as- Why am I here in this Earth realm at this current time and space? What is the meaning for my life? How can I capture that meaning? What is my correct path and purpose? What is my truest duty-Dharma? The deep Why and How questions for our own life. This code is kept hidden and sacred with the Soul. (Now, I always wonder, why this drama, mystery, thriller, esoteric, occultism? Why? Can't a good nice mentor/ guide, come to each of us and let us know, what we are supposed to do? But that is the Universal way. Universe, likes drama, what can I say?😊)

But, then what happens? As we, the being is always facing outwards into the world, we miss the intuition and the voice of the Soul through the heart. This important piece of data gets lost in our own life. We never turn to the true direction, which gives us the correct guidance. Let us take an example. In this scenario, we are placed within a cricket field. Yes, we have the physical eyes. The balls are coming from all around. 360°. We are just reacting, hitting the balls, any which way we can.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
Inward looking responsive mind!
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But, if we start to listen to our intuition, suddenly we are provided with metaphorical eyes. The eyes that somehow give us a feeling, this is what I am supposed to do. As we have not listened to it for a very long time, even for decades, it may be very feeble and almost non-existent at first. Any thing, we keep on using, becomes stronger and stronger. With intuition also it is the same. As we were taught from an young age to listen to teachers and leaders, outside of us, we never listened to our own inner teacher, the Soul. Nobody said, we should not listen to our teachers and leaders. We should. But along with that, we also should listen to the one sitting within, the one with the map. The Soul script.

The Soul script: 

Each one of us has come with a script within ourselves, what should we do with our life? The Soul knows the path that is very perfect for ourselves, all our innate talents, skills and passions aligned. Knowing this, listening to our intuition, and then if we listen to our teachers and leaders and select the courses, classes that deeply interests us, we align our Soul purpose with our career path. This type of working and living gives us a deep sense of meaning and purpose for our life. Many of us are too late in our own life and this may not be possible for beings who are already well into their career of forty or fifty years. The decades and a lot of time has passed.

But what about the young ones, the sons, daughter, grandsons and grand daughters? We can help them to choose. They don't have to make the mistakes, we did. They can exactly go after their heart's deepest desire and bring in meaning and purpose for their own lives. When we start to listen to our intuition, the Soul's voice through the heart, here also, we are still in the same cricket field. The balls are coming at us, from all around. But here along with the physical eyes, as our metaphorical eyes of intuition are also open, we sense many times before itself the direction of the ball coming, so that we can align properly our response. Not to react, but to respond. That is an empowered position.

But as beings are turned outwards all these inner guidances are lost. It becomes just a being standing in a cricket field with balls coming from everywhere and the person trying to dodge and deflect. Because the being feels no control for themselves in their own life, they have to use the logic and rationality to the ultimate extent. Control in a life, where there may be actually no control. Because as a being, we cannot really control anything outside of us. The unfortunate truth of life. Circumstances and situations would definitely come and go. As a being, we can only control so much.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
The Soul script we are born with!
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Nature, even though we may feel we are controlling, we cannot control much. Hurricanes, natural disasters, accidents, sicknesses, Covid-19, all happen. But one thing we can control, ourselves and our response. That we can control. But above this, when we align with our Soul script, another faculty starts to open up, our vision for our own life. The intuition starts to get stronger and stronger and the mental realms start to open up. It starts to show- What can be? The potential for ourselves and our life.

Many of the great leaders of this world, say about having a vision for our own life. This vision we don't have to build it. It is already etched in the script our Soul brings into this life, the Soul script. But the key to unlock this is through our emotions, heart and intuition. Unfortunately, as we are looking outside, we miss every aspect of this. We go behind something our logical mind points towards leaving our emotions, passions, heart, Soul and the Soul script, behind. It doesn't take much for us to lose the meaning and purpose for our life.

I feel, this is the underlying societal cancer, that has gripped the society in the modern day. Consider, the major percentage of people who have lost meaning and purpose in their own life. When a person becomes deeply dissatisfied, that emotional dissatisfaction starts to show up in the mind, which later starts to show up in the body as diseases. Nowadays, I intuitively feel, every disease has an emotional and spiritual aspect to it. Only as a being we have zero clue and idea.

The Soul Self: 

The Soul script encodes the major aspirations, desires, passions and talents we bring, into this material realm as a Soul. This is the blue print that is embedded within our deepest heart. Some beings know from the moment they took the first breath, what they wanted to be. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig Van Beethoven knew from the moment they were born, they wanted to be pianists. Both were child prodigies. But not everyone is as graced as that.

For many, it is so deeply embedded in our Soul, we have no clue what we want to do or pursue. It is hidden beneath layers and layers of social conditioning, family/ ancestral patterns, our own emotional, social and mental hangups. All these stand between us, the conscious being and our Soul code, that bring us meaning, purpose and joy to our life. The only way to access this, turning within. No other way.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
The brilliance of the Soul Self!
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This Soul Self, is the real deal. The person, us the being is only may be 1-2% of the Soul, the mother ship. If with 1-2%, we are able to do so much, think about the potential embedded within each of us. We as beings have no clue to the inner power all of us have access to. Above this, we have social hang ups, like- what would others think, what would they perceive, how can we stand apart, and our own fear of being separate from the crowd. We have already discussed several blog posts about this innate fear of being away from the group, mentality.

These all are deep chasms of barriers, a being has to cross before reaching anywhere near to our own heart. Only after that intuition, vision, Soul script and even the Soul self comes into picture. Knowing this deep inner, higher Self is know as Self-realization. The realization of the Self- the Atman in Vedic philosophy. This higher-Self has acquired lifetimes of deep knowledge and wisdom. But that is not accessible to the being just like that. For that deep inner work is to be performed. We, as a being has lot of junk and gunk we have acquired through lifetimes and even in this lifetime itself.

Without removing all these hangups, we can't bring our own logical and emotional mind into balance, so that the mind is a crystal clear mirror that can reflect and access our own higher Self. Think about a being, who is operating from 1-2% and another being able to access 90-95%. Isn't that a lot of potential that is very hidden, being wasted. I cannot draw every Soul's Soul script. But I definitely know, each individual has the capacity to find their own script, with solid inner work. Nope, the path of inner work is not easy. It is challenging, tough and very solitary.

Nobody can help the individual, but themselves. Sometimes, it does take a toll of the mind. If the mind is weak, it can even push the mind to insanity or near to those realms. A very strong willed mind is necessary and a must. Unfortunately, that is how the dynamics has been set up. In such a scenario, the Atma Swaroopa becomes the form or essence of the Soul. Let me just finish with my own experiences.

For around, 25 years of my life, I was living from a very rational scientific mind. All of logic. Yes, in my childhood, I used to enjoy mythology, Hindu stories, morals and Hindu historical anecdotes. Even in my dream, I didn't consider a career that would deal with spirituality, mythology or Vedic philosophy. That is how deeply hidden it was. The only manifestation was a deep interest I had in mythology and Hindu mystical stories. Another proof was Vedic astrology, just like that came to me. Very easy, while many people struggle to even understand the basic concepts. I just like that, got it.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
The Soul, where our life script is encoded!
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Is it, I developed that knowledge in this lifetime or I already have lived a life of an astrologer for many lifetimes and this awareness of astrology, concepts and philosophy was kept hidden from me, so that I can have the grace of experience in Science, ethics and logic? May be I was slightly weak in that area and I needed the DNA/molecular biology/ ethics knowledge to really understand the ancestral and familial patterns and when the time for my awareness to open came, it was opened for me?

Most probably that has to be the truth, isn't it? The grace of awareness being granted at the correct time, so that I can start the true purpose for this life? But this awareness came about after a solid 3-4 years of inner work. I deliberately took upon myself the challenge of knowing my deepest Self. But it became 45 to 48 years of age. People don't have to wait so long. You are already provided the best pointer towards this purpose- an intuition and a compass of the heart.

So, my question is, why not use it and make your own life worthwhile, meaningful and purposeful? Any way, we are living. Why not live an authentic and original, life, isn't it?? I cannot and should not push anyone. The Universe deeply runs on individual free will and choice. So, as always ending with- Yes, it is very much an individual's free will and choice!

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The power of intellect!

Image Credits:  Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay


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