The Power of the Truth!
Hello all,
Last week, we discussed about the obstruction, Rahu, the shadow planet causes in the material realm, coming between the Sun, the truth and the Moon, the mind. In Hindu mythology, this was elaborated by the Samudra Mathana story, where Rakshasa encompassing Rahu and Kethu, Swayambharu, went and sat between Sun- the truth and Moon-the mind. This is about the greater metaphysical narrative. This story repeats within human societal and personal narratives. Only we as humans need to see this story playing out again and again. Let me give a few examples to show, how it happens in greater societal sense and later in an individual personal sense.
Societal sense: Of course, I am going to take the story of deception that played in global stage and how a huge group of people, bought into it. Hitler and 1930s Germany. Germany even though had it's problems, the German people and the German Jews were living peacefully after World War 1. They had deep economic problems due to Versailles treaty, which was hard on Germany. Above this, foreign tariffs further brought down the value of German Marks. Even then, the people were trying to come out of it. At that time Jews, who were good at trade and finance were doing well compared to others. It was this social situation, into which Adolf Hitler came into picture.
He could sense the deep dissatisfaction, stress, anger and worry, the Germans other than Jews were feeling. He took advantage of the situation, to make circumstances aligned to his agenda with his fiery writings and speeches. In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a magician of communication and words. Communication and words are the realm of another Graha, Mercury. Rahu, is a higher octave of the same communications, words and concepts. Rahu, in lower vibration uses the words and concepts, totally for himself- selfishness. In higher vibrations, the same Rahu is the magician of a healer who takes the same words, concepts and communication to heal the world, encourage and motivate. For example, Jesus could have had an excellent Rahu in his chart.
So, back to Hitler. Hitler was operating from a lower vibration of Rahu. Here, the truth, Sun was the people were hurting due to economic burdens, the Versailles treaty after First World War. The German Marks was losing value due to the inflation and things were becoming costly to buy. That was the truth. The Moon, the collective mind was that, people were stressed out, angry, upset about the rising prices, and slightly jealous of the Jews who were more wealthier among the Germans. The Rahu in the form of Adolf Hitler could sense this deep divide between people. In higher vibrations, the same Rahu would have used every resource available to put the very best projects to bring prosperity and wealth to people.
But, Adolf Hitler was the lower vibration of Rahu- the cheat, the slick snake oil/ car sales man. All works that align to bring his agenda to fruition, nothing about the people or to heal the nation. (One can draw parallels to some current countries, if we have eyes to 'see', where chaos and confusion is an every day way of life.) He foresaw the opportunity that was amidst the deep divide people were feeling and the mental stress people were going through. He sat between the truth of economic problems, tariffs and falling German Marks (Sun) and the mind of people-stressed, angered and pained. Hitler took advantage of this situation and created the Nazi Germany systematically, keeping people dazed, hypnotized and brain-washed. His fiery speeches and writing brought out a persona, that became larger than life, for the German people. Step by step, it took Germany and the world towards World War 2.
Individual perspective: Now, from a personal perspective. Many of you would have heard about the story of Bernie Madoff. He was the master mind of a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is fraud where the earlier investors of a business receive money from the later investors. The whole enterprise, stands as a pyramid scheme, where the top, earlier investors get money through the bottom, later investors. The whole enterprise is a fraud and people are always kept in the mindset, their money would be coming to them soon.
Bernie Lawrence Madoff founded his brokerage firm in 1960s, which grew into his securities firm in the 2000s to become the top investment firm in Wall Street. Wall Street is the street in the business district in Manhattan, New York, USA. The 2008 US financial crisis brought to light this Ponzi scheme into which 48,00 clients bought in. The fraud was worth 64.8 billion dollars. Today, Madoff is serving a federal prison sentence of 150 years. He is currently, 81 years of age. One of his sons, Mark Madoff committed suicide after two years and the other son Andrew died of Lymphoma.
Let us analyze the scenario. The Sun, truth here is value for building anything is a slow, committed, long term, organized and very dedicated process. The realm of Saturn. People in this enterprise tried to make value and bring in wealth through short cuts. Rahu is the cheat. Short cuts, fake data and misinformation is his forte. The people who fell into this Ponzi scheme had a mind (Moon) to make money as fast and easy as possible. Rahu, when it eclipses the Moon, the mind of the person can become greedy, all about wealth and money. (Again can draw parallels to current society and political scenario.) Rahu, eclipses the mind so much, the truth- it was a Ponzi scheme got hidden. Maddof in his race to make wealth and acquire a lot of money, forgot the ethics and the principle part of business. A business is to make profit through just way, not by swindling investors by sweet talk.
The investment advisor, Mr. Madoff became the Rahu here, who hid the truth that it was a Ponzi scheme from the minds of the people (Moon), who due to the influence of Rahu, bought into the mindset of greed, easy wealth and more money. Rahu, the magician of words, concepts, trade and business, eclipsed the Sun as well as the Moon. Mind you, Rahu is also a great business man, trader, and a communication specialist about business and trade. But the energy manifests as cheat or a healer according to the mind of the person.
The sad part is, here Bernie Madoff who also had a great mind (Moon) bought into the cheating energy of Rahu. If his energy was high, he would have used the same mind (Moon) to take the energy of Rahu in a good way to build a great/ true business to help a whole lot of people. So, the energy of Rahu, manifests as a cheat or healer according to the mindset and energy of the person who deals with that energy. Rahu comes enticing the person to be greedy, make a quick buck and run away with all the money in the world. "If one can get a whole lot of money or material comfort, why care about Dharma and ethics- whether it is business ethics or personal ethics?" Rahu, nudges.
A person who has awareness and deep will power won't fall for the Rahu trap and instead transform the energy of Rahu in their mind/ life, to bring in the energy to heal the community, society, country or the globe. Now, we can understand why some people bring great energy into politics like Abraham Lincoln or why some people cheat people like Adolf Hitler/Bernie Madoff. It is according to the awareness- Sun as well as the Moon- mind of the person.
So, this concept of Rahu, Sun and Moon plays out again and again, in societal, professional and personal relationships. In personal and professional relationships, Sun then transforms into our inner truth. Are we listening and living by our inner truths? Does our mind, Moon align with our inner truths or has it fallen for the Rahu, magic of power, influence, money, wealth, greed, addictions and vices. Rahu can appear in any form. To realize this energy, there is one energy that comes in handy always.
The grace of the Divine: In the mythological story, the scene proceeds further, where, soon Sun and Moon realizes the imposter Swayambharu who has taken the form of a Deva, celestial being to acquire the wisdom of eternal knowledge (Amritha). Both Sun and Moon notifies the Divine, Vishnu who has come in the attire of a lady, Mohini who using her discus kills the Rakshasa, Swayambharu into two pieces, Rahu and Kethu, who are considered the shadow planets in Astrology.
As Rahu and Kethu are shadow planets, their energy never comes into our physical world. Their path is to affect the mind, Moon through their energy and make the Moon take the actions. To clarify, in the case of Adolf Hitler, Rahu energy pushed his mind to start a German nationalistic movement, where Jews were captured treated as objects, dehumanized and put into concentration camps. Rahu energy pushed. But it was Moon/ the mind and it's intentions, Sun- the personality and the person's actions, which actually brought about the situation. The mind could have resisted the Rahu energy and done the correct action for the well being of all.
The energy of Sun also exists in three forms. In it's lower vibration, it is the arrogant, egoistic personality. In the balanced, normal vibration, it is the healthy ego or life force of a person. In it's highest vibration, the same Sun becomes the Divine- the Brahman or Vishnu in the Rahu-Kethu story.
When the person aligns with their inner truth of the Soul, the same Sun becomes the healthy ego of the person as well as the Divine Brahman. The person's life force or ego transforms into the Brahman or the Divine force itself.
So, now in the case of Bernie Madoff, when he started his brokerage firm, when money and wealth started flowing, most probably his healthy ego would have warned him to look where he is crossing the borders of ethics into the realms of fraud. His mind (Moon) as well as the ego/personality had the choice either to align with the lower Sun of ego and related Rahu of greed or higher ideal of Sun- the Brahman/ Divine and the corresponding Rahu- the healer. But he chose to align with the lower version of Sun as well as Rahu, with a mind that was captured by Rahu.
In every person's life, this shadow energy of Rahu comes, to hide the truth. In the case of a politician it can be power, wealth, money, influence in the form of bribery, corruption, or hush-money. In the case of business/ profession, it may be bribery to get the loan, get the approval or get that position. In the case of personal life- it can be that one puff you feel like having, that one more scoop of ice-cream or that one more round at the gambling table, drug needle or the red light street. The shadow energy of Rahu, who captures the mind and later uses it to satiate the arrogant ego and personality.
But when the same person aligns with their inner truth, the same Sun, the ego becomes healthy aligned with the inner truth. The ideas, thoughts and the intentions of the person becomes one with the Soul itself, which is a speck of the inner Divine. So, now that person aligned with their Soul becomes part of the Brahman itself. In this state, the ideas, thoughts, intentions and the actions of the person becomes deeply divine.
The power of the truth: From this point, think of the phrase from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad- Aham Brahma Asmi - I am the creator of my experiences, by virtue of that, my reality. As we align with our inner truth/Soul/Divine speck/Brahman/Universal wisdom itself, our thoughts, ideas, intentions, mind, will power, intellect, intelligence and actions are deeply supported by the highest Universal wisdom.
This stance is very authentic-true. The ideas/intentions/ thoughts/mind/words/ actions of the person becomes very powerful. Such a person, when they utter anything, due to the deep truth embedded, it becomes the power of the truth. That power of truth makes their words powerful and true. This is how Ramakrsihna Paramanhansa or Ramana Maharshi could say something and it turned out to be the truth. Their words were weaved with truth, the Universe itself came to support them.
In the Mundaka Upanishad, the mantra comes- Sathyameva Jayate - The truth always wins! This mantra is also etched under the three headed lion symbol of the Republic of India. The truth always wins. This is the power of truth- whether personal, professional, societal or global. The energy of Rahu as corrupt politicians, officials, propagandists, terrorists, cheaters, charlatans or any one with ulterior motives can come anytime to capture the mind. But any mind that is deeply aware of it's own inner truth and aligned with the Soul is always blessed with the Divine grace- the Universal grace.
Standing here, think about the first Bible Psalm John 1:1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Any person who is deeply aligned with their inner truth becomes entrenched in the Divine grace, as they are being true to themselves and the inner Divine. Their words become powerful and true. The word was with God, the person who speaks from their inner truth becomes God itself.
So, the Psalm is just pointing, anyone who stands in their deep inner truth is God itself and their words become powerful and true. Anything powerful and true is Divine. So, now, their words itself becomes true, powerful and Divine- The word was God. The reality, the words can bring when they are used properly or poorly. This is the underlying deep meaning of this Psalm.
It warns, use your words very properly and carefully. Because, when you deeply align with your truth and speak, those words manifests as reality into your life. It is the same concept. In Hinduism, it is said as Aham Brahma Asmi and in Christianity, it is said as In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Unfortunately I am not able to write about other religions, as I am not knowledgeable in that. Even Christianity, I know very less. But one day, I want to read Bible and Quran, when I get a chance.
This is the power of the truth. When we stand in our inner power of truth and speak, those words manifests as truth in our life. Now, think, how many of us are using our words with respect, dignity and sacredness. When we start using our words with such deep respect and truth, our own life starts to align with the highest of truths- the Universal truths. That is the power of our own inner truth of the Soul! No amount of information, knowledge, analysis, data, reading or thinking ever comes anywhere near to this. All those are from the mind.
But the truth of the Soul is from the heart (The metaphorical heart, always). A mind should be deeply aligned to it's own heart to understand this truth. In this Rahu ridden informational age, social media, internet, trends, tricks, vogue, trolls, scams and hacks era, who cares about the heart? It is all Rahu and the moon, the mind trapped in the Rahu glitz and glam. Let us pull up a chair and enjoy the show! Hopefully one day, the show would be over and humanity would wake up to it's heart and the embedded truth. I am hopeful, one day😊!!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Heart versus the mind!
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.
Last week, we discussed about the obstruction, Rahu, the shadow planet causes in the material realm, coming between the Sun, the truth and the Moon, the mind. In Hindu mythology, this was elaborated by the Samudra Mathana story, where Rakshasa encompassing Rahu and Kethu, Swayambharu, went and sat between Sun- the truth and Moon-the mind. This is about the greater metaphysical narrative. This story repeats within human societal and personal narratives. Only we as humans need to see this story playing out again and again. Let me give a few examples to show, how it happens in greater societal sense and later in an individual personal sense.
Societal sense: Of course, I am going to take the story of deception that played in global stage and how a huge group of people, bought into it. Hitler and 1930s Germany. Germany even though had it's problems, the German people and the German Jews were living peacefully after World War 1. They had deep economic problems due to Versailles treaty, which was hard on Germany. Above this, foreign tariffs further brought down the value of German Marks. Even then, the people were trying to come out of it. At that time Jews, who were good at trade and finance were doing well compared to others. It was this social situation, into which Adolf Hitler came into picture.
He could sense the deep dissatisfaction, stress, anger and worry, the Germans other than Jews were feeling. He took advantage of the situation, to make circumstances aligned to his agenda with his fiery writings and speeches. In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a magician of communication and words. Communication and words are the realm of another Graha, Mercury. Rahu, is a higher octave of the same communications, words and concepts. Rahu, in lower vibration uses the words and concepts, totally for himself- selfishness. In higher vibrations, the same Rahu is the magician of a healer who takes the same words, concepts and communication to heal the world, encourage and motivate. For example, Jesus could have had an excellent Rahu in his chart.
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The political unrest in Germany in 1919 US Newspapers / Public domain |
So, back to Hitler. Hitler was operating from a lower vibration of Rahu. Here, the truth, Sun was the people were hurting due to economic burdens, the Versailles treaty after First World War. The German Marks was losing value due to the inflation and things were becoming costly to buy. That was the truth. The Moon, the collective mind was that, people were stressed out, angry, upset about the rising prices, and slightly jealous of the Jews who were more wealthier among the Germans. The Rahu in the form of Adolf Hitler could sense this deep divide between people. In higher vibrations, the same Rahu would have used every resource available to put the very best projects to bring prosperity and wealth to people.
But, Adolf Hitler was the lower vibration of Rahu- the cheat, the slick snake oil/ car sales man. All works that align to bring his agenda to fruition, nothing about the people or to heal the nation. (One can draw parallels to some current countries, if we have eyes to 'see', where chaos and confusion is an every day way of life.) He foresaw the opportunity that was amidst the deep divide people were feeling and the mental stress people were going through. He sat between the truth of economic problems, tariffs and falling German Marks (Sun) and the mind of people-stressed, angered and pained. Hitler took advantage of this situation and created the Nazi Germany systematically, keeping people dazed, hypnotized and brain-washed. His fiery speeches and writing brought out a persona, that became larger than life, for the German people. Step by step, it took Germany and the world towards World War 2.
Individual perspective: Now, from a personal perspective. Many of you would have heard about the story of Bernie Madoff. He was the master mind of a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is fraud where the earlier investors of a business receive money from the later investors. The whole enterprise, stands as a pyramid scheme, where the top, earlier investors get money through the bottom, later investors. The whole enterprise is a fraud and people are always kept in the mindset, their money would be coming to them soon.
Bernie Lawrence Madoff founded his brokerage firm in 1960s, which grew into his securities firm in the 2000s to become the top investment firm in Wall Street. Wall Street is the street in the business district in Manhattan, New York, USA. The 2008 US financial crisis brought to light this Ponzi scheme into which 48,00 clients bought in. The fraud was worth 64.8 billion dollars. Today, Madoff is serving a federal prison sentence of 150 years. He is currently, 81 years of age. One of his sons, Mark Madoff committed suicide after two years and the other son Andrew died of Lymphoma.
Let us analyze the scenario. The Sun, truth here is value for building anything is a slow, committed, long term, organized and very dedicated process. The realm of Saturn. People in this enterprise tried to make value and bring in wealth through short cuts. Rahu is the cheat. Short cuts, fake data and misinformation is his forte. The people who fell into this Ponzi scheme had a mind (Moon) to make money as fast and easy as possible. Rahu, when it eclipses the Moon, the mind of the person can become greedy, all about wealth and money. (Again can draw parallels to current society and political scenario.) Rahu, eclipses the mind so much, the truth- it was a Ponzi scheme got hidden. Maddof in his race to make wealth and acquire a lot of money, forgot the ethics and the principle part of business. A business is to make profit through just way, not by swindling investors by sweet talk.
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Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme Image credits - Security and Exchange commission, U.S. Federal Govt. / Public domain |
The investment advisor, Mr. Madoff became the Rahu here, who hid the truth that it was a Ponzi scheme from the minds of the people (Moon), who due to the influence of Rahu, bought into the mindset of greed, easy wealth and more money. Rahu, the magician of words, concepts, trade and business, eclipsed the Sun as well as the Moon. Mind you, Rahu is also a great business man, trader, and a communication specialist about business and trade. But the energy manifests as cheat or a healer according to the mind of the person.
The sad part is, here Bernie Madoff who also had a great mind (Moon) bought into the cheating energy of Rahu. If his energy was high, he would have used the same mind (Moon) to take the energy of Rahu in a good way to build a great/ true business to help a whole lot of people. So, the energy of Rahu, manifests as a cheat or healer according to the mindset and energy of the person who deals with that energy. Rahu comes enticing the person to be greedy, make a quick buck and run away with all the money in the world. "If one can get a whole lot of money or material comfort, why care about Dharma and ethics- whether it is business ethics or personal ethics?" Rahu, nudges.
A person who has awareness and deep will power won't fall for the Rahu trap and instead transform the energy of Rahu in their mind/ life, to bring in the energy to heal the community, society, country or the globe. Now, we can understand why some people bring great energy into politics like Abraham Lincoln or why some people cheat people like Adolf Hitler/Bernie Madoff. It is according to the awareness- Sun as well as the Moon- mind of the person.
So, this concept of Rahu, Sun and Moon plays out again and again, in societal, professional and personal relationships. In personal and professional relationships, Sun then transforms into our inner truth. Are we listening and living by our inner truths? Does our mind, Moon align with our inner truths or has it fallen for the Rahu, magic of power, influence, money, wealth, greed, addictions and vices. Rahu can appear in any form. To realize this energy, there is one energy that comes in handy always.
The grace of the Divine: In the mythological story, the scene proceeds further, where, soon Sun and Moon realizes the imposter Swayambharu who has taken the form of a Deva, celestial being to acquire the wisdom of eternal knowledge (Amritha). Both Sun and Moon notifies the Divine, Vishnu who has come in the attire of a lady, Mohini who using her discus kills the Rakshasa, Swayambharu into two pieces, Rahu and Kethu, who are considered the shadow planets in Astrology.
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God Vishnu cutting the head of Rahu! Image credits - Ramanarayanadatta astri / Public domain |
The energy of Sun also exists in three forms. In it's lower vibration, it is the arrogant, egoistic personality. In the balanced, normal vibration, it is the healthy ego or life force of a person. In it's highest vibration, the same Sun becomes the Divine- the Brahman or Vishnu in the Rahu-Kethu story.
When the person aligns with their inner truth of the Soul, the same Sun becomes the healthy ego of the person as well as the Divine Brahman. The person's life force or ego transforms into the Brahman or the Divine force itself.
So, now in the case of Bernie Madoff, when he started his brokerage firm, when money and wealth started flowing, most probably his healthy ego would have warned him to look where he is crossing the borders of ethics into the realms of fraud. His mind (Moon) as well as the ego/personality had the choice either to align with the lower Sun of ego and related Rahu of greed or higher ideal of Sun- the Brahman/ Divine and the corresponding Rahu- the healer. But he chose to align with the lower version of Sun as well as Rahu, with a mind that was captured by Rahu.
In every person's life, this shadow energy of Rahu comes, to hide the truth. In the case of a politician it can be power, wealth, money, influence in the form of bribery, corruption, or hush-money. In the case of business/ profession, it may be bribery to get the loan, get the approval or get that position. In the case of personal life- it can be that one puff you feel like having, that one more scoop of ice-cream or that one more round at the gambling table, drug needle or the red light street. The shadow energy of Rahu, who captures the mind and later uses it to satiate the arrogant ego and personality.
But when the same person aligns with their inner truth, the same Sun, the ego becomes healthy aligned with the inner truth. The ideas, thoughts and the intentions of the person becomes one with the Soul itself, which is a speck of the inner Divine. So, now that person aligned with their Soul becomes part of the Brahman itself. In this state, the ideas, thoughts, intentions and the actions of the person becomes deeply divine.
The power of the truth: From this point, think of the phrase from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad- Aham Brahma Asmi - I am the creator of my experiences, by virtue of that, my reality. As we align with our inner truth/Soul/Divine speck/Brahman/Universal wisdom itself, our thoughts, ideas, intentions, mind, will power, intellect, intelligence and actions are deeply supported by the highest Universal wisdom.
This stance is very authentic-true. The ideas/intentions/ thoughts/mind/words/ actions of the person becomes very powerful. Such a person, when they utter anything, due to the deep truth embedded, it becomes the power of the truth. That power of truth makes their words powerful and true. This is how Ramakrsihna Paramanhansa or Ramana Maharshi could say something and it turned out to be the truth. Their words were weaved with truth, the Universe itself came to support them.
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The Milky way galaxy, the part of the Universe, we reside in! Image credits - |
In the Mundaka Upanishad, the mantra comes- Sathyameva Jayate - The truth always wins! This mantra is also etched under the three headed lion symbol of the Republic of India. The truth always wins. This is the power of truth- whether personal, professional, societal or global. The energy of Rahu as corrupt politicians, officials, propagandists, terrorists, cheaters, charlatans or any one with ulterior motives can come anytime to capture the mind. But any mind that is deeply aware of it's own inner truth and aligned with the Soul is always blessed with the Divine grace- the Universal grace.
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Satyameva jayate- Truth always wins! Image credits - Ministry of Home Affairs / Public domain |
So, the Psalm is just pointing, anyone who stands in their deep inner truth is God itself and their words become powerful and true. Anything powerful and true is Divine. So, now, their words itself becomes true, powerful and Divine- The word was God. The reality, the words can bring when they are used properly or poorly. This is the underlying deep meaning of this Psalm.
It warns, use your words very properly and carefully. Because, when you deeply align with your truth and speak, those words manifests as reality into your life. It is the same concept. In Hinduism, it is said as Aham Brahma Asmi and in Christianity, it is said as In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Unfortunately I am not able to write about other religions, as I am not knowledgeable in that. Even Christianity, I know very less. But one day, I want to read Bible and Quran, when I get a chance.
This is the power of the truth. When we stand in our inner power of truth and speak, those words manifests as truth in our life. Now, think, how many of us are using our words with respect, dignity and sacredness. When we start using our words with such deep respect and truth, our own life starts to align with the highest of truths- the Universal truths. That is the power of our own inner truth of the Soul! No amount of information, knowledge, analysis, data, reading or thinking ever comes anywhere near to this. All those are from the mind.
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The brilliant truth of the Sun (The Soul) ! Image credits - |
But the truth of the Soul is from the heart (The metaphorical heart, always). A mind should be deeply aligned to it's own heart to understand this truth. In this Rahu ridden informational age, social media, internet, trends, tricks, vogue, trolls, scams and hacks era, who cares about the heart? It is all Rahu and the moon, the mind trapped in the Rahu glitz and glam. Let us pull up a chair and enjoy the show! Hopefully one day, the show would be over and humanity would wake up to it's heart and the embedded truth. I am hopeful, one day😊!!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Heart versus the mind!
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