The power of the intellect!
Hello all,
Last week, we delved into how, each of us have our truest, authentic Self, we bring with us from lifetimes of experiences, wisdom and knowledge. But many times this gets masked in familial behaviors, ancestral patterns, subconscious holdups and our own subconscious habits. All these mask the spark of the Atmaswaroopa- the inner divinity. This divine Soul brings with it abundant imagination, creativity, and ideas.
But these gifts can never be accessed just being in the logical or even emotional minds. We would have to go even deeper into our intuition, will power and the heart space- Anahatha chakra- the heart energy center. But to remove all the veils of ignorance we have, we need to develop deep awareness, about ourselves, our lives, our intentions and our purpose.
The mind (Manass): We have very definitely discussed about the various aspects of the mind. As per my understanding, nowadays dire rationalization and intellect has overtaken this whole globe. I already wrote a blog post about intellectualization. Yes, intellect of the mind is very much needed. Let us take an example. We are browsing through the internet. Suddenly on the side of the screen a nice advertisement about a quick rich scheme comes up. Our desirous mind starts to jump with joy. Wow! getting rich fast. Why don't I click that link.
But is it correct? What does your logical mind say? Don't we really know, every great endeavor in this world took effort, energy, time and mental might on the part of the person, who did it? Nothing comes about just like that. The get quick rich schemes are the realm of Maya- the energy of Rahu, the magician, the snake charmer or the person with a mask. So, here the person should know through intellect, that clicking on the link can bring unwanted person or energy into our life.
Same with spam phone calls. It is the energy of Maya enticing us to take the phone call from a person, we don't know. We definitely have the option of not attending the phone call. As a being, we have the free will to take or not take the phone call or click on the link. Hope you have heard about the term 'Click bait'. It is a cool term nowadays used on the social media and internet. Click bait is a kind of deceptive advertisement where a heart warming picture is put with a very eye-catchy caption, so that we the consumer would click on that link or the picture. It is baiting the consumer to click. The picture or the catchy phrase is the earthworm (bait) on which we, the consumer (fish) bites. Once we click, either the site gets money for the advertiser or we are hooked into their scheme.
Like this, the world is filled with Maya- the illusion of material and cozy comfort. The energy of Maya, the illusion is always there- fleeting, pleasant and pleasure giving, but never permanent. The energy of Rahu works solidly, if there is a Jupiter or Saturn giving it strength. Otherwise Rahu would show us the dreamy, fancy world- but nothing would be real. We, the consumer would sit with our desire of getting rich, while in reality, the scammer/ hacker/ con-artist would be in another state or even country enjoying our hard earned wealth and underlying trust.
Later, it takes the victim, several days and even months to clean up the atrocious act of mistrust being committed. The waste of time, money and the associated mental strife. Many times their trust in basic humanity itself gets lost. If one person can cheat us, can't in the same way another one take us for a ride? In this social media and internet age, it becomes even more imperative to develop a very cutting intellect to understand what is right from wrong. Remember, the Universe is very just and truthful. It always stands on the side of justice and Dharma, even with all the violence, chaos and confusion.
Intellect (Buddhi): As I was saying, in these times a very sharp and cutting intellect is needed to cut through the illusion/falseness that is playing all over the globe in social media, internet, news and other channels of information. Any piece of information would knock on our door, only if we allow it. We can actually choose the information, we want for our life. We can ask the Universe what we want by our deliberate choices.
To understand this, we need a very sharp intellect. Intellect is the faculty that helps us to organize our life into neat and very clear compartments. It brings order to our life. Once, this order is achieved, then each of our action is a selection, to let the Universe know. If we choose, news, gossip or other juicy details, soon enough we would see, our life is bombarded by gossip and juicy stuff. We would feel a pull to open Facebook. Suddenly a lot of gossip. We would go to the market and the gossip lady of the neighborhood would show up at the same time in the market place or while we are deep in office work, the gentleman from two blocks away would show up at our cubicle.
Here, the fault is not theirs. It is in our inner reality and mindset. Because, we ourselves are interested in the gossip, it finds us where we are. The energy we are embracing is that of a gossiper. By embracing that energy, we are allowing that energy, permission to enter our life. Without our innate permission, pretty much no energy can enter our life. There is a concept in Vedic philosophy. It is called 'Neti Neti'. Usually it is used to realize our Atma Swaroopa- the Soul Self. Neti- Not that, Neti- Not that. I am not that, I am not that- like this, with deep inner inquiry, we find our true, authentic Self.
The same concept we can use for our choices and what appears in our life as well. By not selecting what we don't want and by selecting what we want, we can again and again bring in the energy we want for our life. For example, I don't like electronic gadgets. I don't. Of course, I do have a computer and a phone, for my needs. Then, a Kindle as well. That is all I have. So, by not searching around for electronic toys, things I don't need, I am letting the Universe know, I don't want the energy of electronic gadgets in my life.
Instead, I totally love Vedic philosophy and spirituality. By choosing those books, websites, and thought processes again and again, I am letting the Universe know, I want this energy in my life. Then, the Universe provides me with even more avenues to tackle spirituality and philosophy- like blog posts, Quora answers, and now an entrepreneurship and a store. Like this choosing again and again what we want for our life, we let the Universe know what we want. But to understand this concept we need a sharp intellect. Otherwise, we end up choosing anything and everything.
Durga: Here, I would mention a technique, I use. In Hinduism, if you know, there is a Goddess called Durga. In many Indian temples, this Goddess Durga is idolized with a sword in her hand. In mythology, she uses this sword to cut the head of the Asura, Mahisha. But if you deeply think, you can relate the Mahisha to the energy of Rahu- the confusion causer, the arrogance, the ego and prideful person. Here, the same energy can be thought of as all the confusion, fake news, hoax, scams and con artists who come along in our online and offline life.
This sword of Durga can be thought of, as the intellect that is used to cut all the confusion and chaos from our life. Because we are thinking of our intellect as the sword of Durga, the divine energy of Durga also helps us to cut through all the confusion and see the flaming sword of truth. In my life, anytime I had to understand the truth, I invoke the power of Durga and ask her to make my intellect as her sword. Then, use the intuition to access the truth. The truth comes into our own mind as the shining light of glory. No. Never once this technique of the Goddess Durga has failed me. Never once. The integrity and the truth of the divine.
Another fascinating detail is, in Vedic astrology, Durga is the Goddess of Rahu. What a wonder, isn't it?? When Durga asks for the truth, Rahu cannot hide the truth. She would cut the energy of Rahu like Mahishasura. Whenever my own mind is not able to make sense of any scenario or situation, I ask Goddess Durga for help. She has always come through in her, brilliant, authentic and truthful self.
This same technique can be used in other religions as well. I know a bit about Christianity. People who know Christianity knows about angels. In the modern Christianity people shy away from talking about angels. But in very esoteric Christianity, still angels are a big part. In that one of the angels. Archangel Michael has a flaming sword of truth. He can cut the confusion, chaos, hoax and falsity. The same type of energy. In Hinduism, the energy is given a Goddess aura and in Christianity it is given an angelic aura.
But I am positive, whether it is Durga, Archangel Michael or another divine with a sword (Veerabhadra is another deity in Hindusim), if we invoke the energy with respect, sacredness and deep devotion, the energy would indeed show us the truth. No, the actions of anything for our life, we would have to take. But the truth, the divine energy with the sword would show you. This technique I have been using for the last 5-10 years. Never, it has let me down. Never. The flaming sword of the truth!
Truth: But for this to operate in our life, we have to be very true with ourselves. As Hindus know, Durga is a very powerful and strong Goddess. If we, the being is false within ourselves, then going and praying to Durga won't bring any results. Durga's question would be- "You yourself are not true to yourself. Not aligned with your inner higher being. You are coming and praying to me, to show the truth. How can I show the truth, if you, yourself are false?" The thought process is true, isn't it??
Many times humans crib and complain about things not working in their own life. I have also complained and cribbed my heart out. Things were not working because, I, the individual was not aligned with my own higherSelf- the truth of my spiritual gifts. My own higherSelf tried thousand different ways to make me realize. But I was so bull headed, I just wanted to listen to my mind. Another concept is, truths won't be realized until it's timing has to come about. Until then, even if we take or do the thing, nothing really happens.
For example, if you go to my Blogger profile, you would see as Blogger from August 2011. Actually to comment on another blogger's blog post, I took a Blogger profile in 2011.Without a Blogger profile, I could not comment. For that, I took an account. Later, I forgot about it and never deleted the account. In 2017, when I decided to write the blog, I realized that, the account was already made in 2011 itself, six years before. It was waiting patiently for me, for another six years, until I was made aware that I have to write a blog and the time to start the blog was in April 2017. Like this, every thing has a divine timing involved. Every single thing. Before that, how much ever we try, things may not proceed as we want. How much ever we try.
Nowadays, we as humanity has left all these magical and mystical aspects of life. behind. We have become intellectual robots, plugged into our electronic devices with a glassy eyed look. This is why people are becoming lost in their own lives. Life is not supposed to be led from just the mind and the intellect. Yes, both are extremely important. We need our sword of an intellect to cut through the chaos, confusion, and falsity life/others or even people in authority position who have ulterior agenda bring. Yes, intellect is needed.
But intellect becomes more powerful when it is aligned with the intuition. Remember, the sword should be in the hand of Durga to become powerful. Not in the hand of some random person. Durga makes that intellect powerful. That Durga (Archangel Michael or Veerabhadra or any other deity of your choice) is already within us, our higher Self. Very true, very authentic and very genuine. When we realize this, and start to live from our Soul, we become very powerful beings, as powerful as Durga.
I have before itself written- Man was made in the image of God- Bible. Only as a being, we have zero realization of this truth. We just sit in our cozy insignificant self and pray to Durga, Veerabhadra or God. No. That is not how it is supposed to be. Why is it so difficult to grasp. Why? Why? Most of us are living a very small life compared to the potential with which we were sent here. Access that power. The power of the Soul. Embrace the energy of the Soul as Durga, so that our intellect becomes the sword in the hand of that Durga- powerful, strong, cutting and shining- so that every untruth that comes in front of our eyes gets destroyed like Mahishasura in the victorious story of Durga.
That is the strength of a very powerful intellect. Ready to work for us, our birth right. Only if we care to use it by being very truthful with ourselves. Genuine, authentic and very true to ourselves. Leaving with a four line sloka of Durga, which I always chant.
Ashtou bhujangim Mahishasya Mardinim
Sasankachakram Sara Sula Dharinim |
Tham Divya Yogim Sahajatha Vedasim
Durgam Sada Saranam Aham Prapadye ||
Meaning: Someone who has eight hands, someone who killed the asura, Mahisha, who is adorned with conch, disc, bow and spear (she also has a sword 😊), to that lady, who is a sacred sage, who was born along side the sacred books called Vedas, to that Durga, I give my deep bows.
Let us bow for her grace in our lives!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The power of intention!
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.
Last week, we delved into how, each of us have our truest, authentic Self, we bring with us from lifetimes of experiences, wisdom and knowledge. But many times this gets masked in familial behaviors, ancestral patterns, subconscious holdups and our own subconscious habits. All these mask the spark of the Atmaswaroopa- the inner divinity. This divine Soul brings with it abundant imagination, creativity, and ideas.
But these gifts can never be accessed just being in the logical or even emotional minds. We would have to go even deeper into our intuition, will power and the heart space- Anahatha chakra- the heart energy center. But to remove all the veils of ignorance we have, we need to develop deep awareness, about ourselves, our lives, our intentions and our purpose.
The mind (Manass): We have very definitely discussed about the various aspects of the mind. As per my understanding, nowadays dire rationalization and intellect has overtaken this whole globe. I already wrote a blog post about intellectualization. Yes, intellect of the mind is very much needed. Let us take an example. We are browsing through the internet. Suddenly on the side of the screen a nice advertisement about a quick rich scheme comes up. Our desirous mind starts to jump with joy. Wow! getting rich fast. Why don't I click that link.
But is it correct? What does your logical mind say? Don't we really know, every great endeavor in this world took effort, energy, time and mental might on the part of the person, who did it? Nothing comes about just like that. The get quick rich schemes are the realm of Maya- the energy of Rahu, the magician, the snake charmer or the person with a mask. So, here the person should know through intellect, that clicking on the link can bring unwanted person or energy into our life.
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The complicated and very elaborate mind! Image credits - GDJ / CC0 |
Like this, the world is filled with Maya- the illusion of material and cozy comfort. The energy of Maya, the illusion is always there- fleeting, pleasant and pleasure giving, but never permanent. The energy of Rahu works solidly, if there is a Jupiter or Saturn giving it strength. Otherwise Rahu would show us the dreamy, fancy world- but nothing would be real. We, the consumer would sit with our desire of getting rich, while in reality, the scammer/ hacker/ con-artist would be in another state or even country enjoying our hard earned wealth and underlying trust.
Later, it takes the victim, several days and even months to clean up the atrocious act of mistrust being committed. The waste of time, money and the associated mental strife. Many times their trust in basic humanity itself gets lost. If one person can cheat us, can't in the same way another one take us for a ride? In this social media and internet age, it becomes even more imperative to develop a very cutting intellect to understand what is right from wrong. Remember, the Universe is very just and truthful. It always stands on the side of justice and Dharma, even with all the violence, chaos and confusion.
Intellect (Buddhi): As I was saying, in these times a very sharp and cutting intellect is needed to cut through the illusion/falseness that is playing all over the globe in social media, internet, news and other channels of information. Any piece of information would knock on our door, only if we allow it. We can actually choose the information, we want for our life. We can ask the Universe what we want by our deliberate choices.
To understand this, we need a very sharp intellect. Intellect is the faculty that helps us to organize our life into neat and very clear compartments. It brings order to our life. Once, this order is achieved, then each of our action is a selection, to let the Universe know. If we choose, news, gossip or other juicy details, soon enough we would see, our life is bombarded by gossip and juicy stuff. We would feel a pull to open Facebook. Suddenly a lot of gossip. We would go to the market and the gossip lady of the neighborhood would show up at the same time in the market place or while we are deep in office work, the gentleman from two blocks away would show up at our cubicle.
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The compartmentalization of the intellect (Guilford model)! Image credits - Tekks / CC BY-SA |
Here, the fault is not theirs. It is in our inner reality and mindset. Because, we ourselves are interested in the gossip, it finds us where we are. The energy we are embracing is that of a gossiper. By embracing that energy, we are allowing that energy, permission to enter our life. Without our innate permission, pretty much no energy can enter our life. There is a concept in Vedic philosophy. It is called 'Neti Neti'. Usually it is used to realize our Atma Swaroopa- the Soul Self. Neti- Not that, Neti- Not that. I am not that, I am not that- like this, with deep inner inquiry, we find our true, authentic Self.
The same concept we can use for our choices and what appears in our life as well. By not selecting what we don't want and by selecting what we want, we can again and again bring in the energy we want for our life. For example, I don't like electronic gadgets. I don't. Of course, I do have a computer and a phone, for my needs. Then, a Kindle as well. That is all I have. So, by not searching around for electronic toys, things I don't need, I am letting the Universe know, I don't want the energy of electronic gadgets in my life.
Instead, I totally love Vedic philosophy and spirituality. By choosing those books, websites, and thought processes again and again, I am letting the Universe know, I want this energy in my life. Then, the Universe provides me with even more avenues to tackle spirituality and philosophy- like blog posts, Quora answers, and now an entrepreneurship and a store. Like this choosing again and again what we want for our life, we let the Universe know what we want. But to understand this concept we need a sharp intellect. Otherwise, we end up choosing anything and everything.
Durga: Here, I would mention a technique, I use. In Hinduism, if you know, there is a Goddess called Durga. In many Indian temples, this Goddess Durga is idolized with a sword in her hand. In mythology, she uses this sword to cut the head of the Asura, Mahisha. But if you deeply think, you can relate the Mahisha to the energy of Rahu- the confusion causer, the arrogance, the ego and prideful person. Here, the same energy can be thought of as all the confusion, fake news, hoax, scams and con artists who come along in our online and offline life.
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Durga, the Goddess who grants cutting intellect! Image credits - Rama19920 / CC BY-SA |
Another fascinating detail is, in Vedic astrology, Durga is the Goddess of Rahu. What a wonder, isn't it?? When Durga asks for the truth, Rahu cannot hide the truth. She would cut the energy of Rahu like Mahishasura. Whenever my own mind is not able to make sense of any scenario or situation, I ask Goddess Durga for help. She has always come through in her, brilliant, authentic and truthful self.
This same technique can be used in other religions as well. I know a bit about Christianity. People who know Christianity knows about angels. In the modern Christianity people shy away from talking about angels. But in very esoteric Christianity, still angels are a big part. In that one of the angels. Archangel Michael has a flaming sword of truth. He can cut the confusion, chaos, hoax and falsity. The same type of energy. In Hinduism, the energy is given a Goddess aura and in Christianity it is given an angelic aura.
But I am positive, whether it is Durga, Archangel Michael or another divine with a sword (Veerabhadra is another deity in Hindusim), if we invoke the energy with respect, sacredness and deep devotion, the energy would indeed show us the truth. No, the actions of anything for our life, we would have to take. But the truth, the divine energy with the sword would show you. This technique I have been using for the last 5-10 years. Never, it has let me down. Never. The flaming sword of the truth!
Truth: But for this to operate in our life, we have to be very true with ourselves. As Hindus know, Durga is a very powerful and strong Goddess. If we, the being is false within ourselves, then going and praying to Durga won't bring any results. Durga's question would be- "You yourself are not true to yourself. Not aligned with your inner higher being. You are coming and praying to me, to show the truth. How can I show the truth, if you, yourself are false?" The thought process is true, isn't it??
Many times humans crib and complain about things not working in their own life. I have also complained and cribbed my heart out. Things were not working because, I, the individual was not aligned with my own higherSelf- the truth of my spiritual gifts. My own higherSelf tried thousand different ways to make me realize. But I was so bull headed, I just wanted to listen to my mind. Another concept is, truths won't be realized until it's timing has to come about. Until then, even if we take or do the thing, nothing really happens.
For example, if you go to my Blogger profile, you would see as Blogger from August 2011. Actually to comment on another blogger's blog post, I took a Blogger profile in 2011.Without a Blogger profile, I could not comment. For that, I took an account. Later, I forgot about it and never deleted the account. In 2017, when I decided to write the blog, I realized that, the account was already made in 2011 itself, six years before. It was waiting patiently for me, for another six years, until I was made aware that I have to write a blog and the time to start the blog was in April 2017. Like this, every thing has a divine timing involved. Every single thing. Before that, how much ever we try, things may not proceed as we want. How much ever we try.
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The deep integrity of truth! Image credits - |
Nowadays, we as humanity has left all these magical and mystical aspects of life. behind. We have become intellectual robots, plugged into our electronic devices with a glassy eyed look. This is why people are becoming lost in their own lives. Life is not supposed to be led from just the mind and the intellect. Yes, both are extremely important. We need our sword of an intellect to cut through the chaos, confusion, and falsity life/others or even people in authority position who have ulterior agenda bring. Yes, intellect is needed.
But intellect becomes more powerful when it is aligned with the intuition. Remember, the sword should be in the hand of Durga to become powerful. Not in the hand of some random person. Durga makes that intellect powerful. That Durga (Archangel Michael or Veerabhadra or any other deity of your choice) is already within us, our higher Self. Very true, very authentic and very genuine. When we realize this, and start to live from our Soul, we become very powerful beings, as powerful as Durga.
I have before itself written- Man was made in the image of God- Bible. Only as a being, we have zero realization of this truth. We just sit in our cozy insignificant self and pray to Durga, Veerabhadra or God. No. That is not how it is supposed to be. Why is it so difficult to grasp. Why? Why? Most of us are living a very small life compared to the potential with which we were sent here. Access that power. The power of the Soul. Embrace the energy of the Soul as Durga, so that our intellect becomes the sword in the hand of that Durga- powerful, strong, cutting and shining- so that every untruth that comes in front of our eyes gets destroyed like Mahishasura in the victorious story of Durga.
That is the strength of a very powerful intellect. Ready to work for us, our birth right. Only if we care to use it by being very truthful with ourselves. Genuine, authentic and very true to ourselves. Leaving with a four line sloka of Durga, which I always chant.
Ashtou bhujangim Mahishasya Mardinim
Sasankachakram Sara Sula Dharinim |
Tham Divya Yogim Sahajatha Vedasim
Durgam Sada Saranam Aham Prapadye ||
Meaning: Someone who has eight hands, someone who killed the asura, Mahisha, who is adorned with conch, disc, bow and spear (she also has a sword 😊), to that lady, who is a sacred sage, who was born along side the sacred books called Vedas, to that Durga, I give my deep bows.
Let us bow for her grace in our lives!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The power of intention!
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