The power of the intention- Part 1!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.
Today, the day this is getting published is September 11, 2020. It is 19 years ago, today, some 3000+ very innocent lives were cut short. They found themselves in the hands of death, for no fault of their own. People who lead a life of violence, terror, rage and anger, should realize. You are also destroying your own and your loved ones lives, while sowing terror. Whoever may not be sad, your own mother is going to be very sad, for the rest of her life. The punishment you are giving her to be your mother. I want to give my deep respects to every mother, father, spouse, brother, sister, friend who lost their loved one in the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Your loss is indeed a very deep loss. Hope time and strength has helped you to come to terms with your loss and helped their memory to enrich your life in thousand other beautiful ways. Rest in peace, Oh, beautiful Souls! May you find the deepest peace, where you find yourself now!! RIP!
Last week, we discussed how a sharp sword like intellect is needed to cut through options that won't work for our life. When we truly understand our own life, (of course from our adult life on wards), it is choosing what we want and rejecting what we don't want. As we keep on doing this, our own life starts to glow with value, authenticity and originality.
There are a few things, that are out of our choice as well. Those things we can't choose. The family we were born into, our parents and the kind of children we have. These are out of our choice. So, there are things that we have no choice, but there are many number of things, we can choose. The things we can't choose like family, parents and kids, we actually earn through our deeds of previous lifetimes. If we have earned a lot of good Karma points, we are born into a good family with loving parents and other adults. If we choose our own good intentions and deeds in this life as well, that grace extends to our next generations- the kids.
So, it matters, what we do as an individual. Our life, is very much decided by the deeds, intentions and actions, we take. Above that, our deeds affect our own family and then lot of other people as well. Our mind tries to divide as us and them. But when we start to live from our heart, the first principle of the Universe becomes blindingly clear. All are well interconnected! Yes! All! Every single thing, in this Universe! Every single atom in this Universe! Only the mind has zero clue and knowledge. Zero.
That is why all the sacred books hint to follow our heart and through it our higher Self- Atman- The personal Soul. These concepts can be realized only from the truest heart, not the mind. Hence, the heart or more correctly the Soul, is the master. The mind is a mere servant. The servant should follow the Master. The servant must follow the Master. If the servant is trying to play around, it should be whipped to shape to follow. Because, mind is excellent in taking orders. But as a Master- terrible. It has no clue, how to proceed with the life.
The Master plan for that is within the heart, in the hands of the Soul. Think about the jolt I got, in 2017, when I realized this, after following my mind for some twenty years to make something of my career. Hahaha! My mind had no clue. There was a battle of the wills going on. My heart's will and my mind's will. Who do you think finally won and took the crown? Of course, the heart. The Soul has come into this life, to finish it's purpose.
The body and mind are just a tool for it to take on it's purpose. It will take the person to task, if they are not going to listen. In extreme cases, it would even go out of that particular life, it the person doesn't shape up. Of course, there are also Souls who come with very light purpose to live out- just to have some fun and go. Every kind of Soul and their purpose comes along. In many cases, only deeply graced Souls get to do their purpose or to become aware of it, even in the first place.
Hence in Vedic astrology, the yoga called Dharma-Karmadhipathi yoga is kept as the true blessing. A Soul who becomes aware to know their purpose and is able to do that purpose as their vocation. Someone who is able to do their Dharma as their Karma. To do this, the person should be deeply self- aware, self- knowledgeable and self- realized. Then, they should have the will power to use the mind to help in the Soul's agenda.
Look at all the criteria that is involved. Soul, heart, mind, intuition, awareness, will power, boldness to take the steps, intentions, plans and finally actions. The world only sees the last step of actions. Every other thing is within that person. That is why many times someone who is an entrepreneur is applauded by the world.There are a lot of inner steps involved. Even, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi were entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurs!
Social entrepreneurship:
Abraham Lincoln:
Nowadays, it is a big trend on social media, a cool thing😎. Social entrepreneurship! But much before internet appeared on the horizon, Lincoln and Gandhi may have used the principles of social entrepreneurship. Both were true social entrepreneurs. Today, we would discuss about Lincoln who himself became a victim of terror, apt to discuss on the same day, his country reeled in a terror attack, nineteen years ago. Abraham Lincoln brought in a new reality to America, a slave free country. Before that, the current reality of those times were slavery, where a huge portion of people had no freedom. Yes, no freedom. Let us for a second, think about such a life. Imagine this scenario.
A baby is born into a family. The second they are born, they are a slave to someone else. No freedom. They have to play nearby, near their shed. By any chance, if they wander away to the master's house or surroundings, they would be whipped till their skin breaks out into bloody gashes. Their mom may have to sleep with the master bearing his kids, many times. Their dad would be a very pained, internally very angry and an enraged man. Above this deep shame and guilt, not to able to protect their family or woman. Their Mom, teary eyed, shamed and crying silently in the middle of the night, not to let her husband know.Their dad many times, suddenly one day missing- sold out to another master. At 15-16 years, they themselves are sold to another master away from dad or mom, many times not to see them, ever again in their life. Think of that.
Yes, today, kids go to another country or area of the planet. But that is their choice and intention. Here, no choice, no opportunity and no voice. In the new place, the new master can be a terror, making them to work till their back breaks, from dawn to dusk. No respite. No value. No say and no freedom. In case, they ever tried to escape, there are bounty hunters roaming around on horses, who get money if they caught the escapee and presented back to the Master. So, even if they try to escape, they can get killed or be badly beaten. Then, both males and females are sold as meat in the slave market place- prodded, poked and tested to see- How good are you?? Men have to be afraid of beating, whipping and even death. Ladies above all these, have to be afraid of their body, femininity and value.
It is into this state of reality, Abraham Lincoln, a very poor white man was born. No, he was not rich. He was very poor, dirt poor. Even though he had great interest in reading, poetry and intellectual thoughts, he had to do manual jobs to earn money. His normal school education was only until around six or seven years of age. After that, whatever knowledge he acquired, he learned himself. He had to work for his dad, to earn money until twenty one years of age, where his own desires, intentions and thoughts were not valued. Thomas Lincoln was an every day manual laborer, whose thought process was, one has to do hard labor to make oneself rich and prosperous. In such a mindset Abraham Lincoln's desire to read and think, was treated as a thorn in the greater scheme of family wealth and prosperity. A waste of time and energy.
So, son Lincoln had to work and could very well relate to the then reality of slavery. Around his young adult hood he also did hard labor on flat boats, which were taken for timber trade to the deep south, Louisiana, New Orleans. Here he saw slave trade, first hand. It deeply affected him mentally and emotionally. There in those times, his mind started to imagine a slave-free America. He was able to deeply sense and capture the pain and emotions of the slaves. This was in his twenties. He did the Emancipation Proclamation around his early fifties. So, that vision of abolition of slavery took thirty years in the making.
Lincoln, at that time did Emancipation Proclamation to save the Union of the states. The country of the USA is The United States of America. Abraham Lincoln needed to abolish the slavery in the Southern States, so that the black men would be freed and could join, the Northern forces to fight against the Southern Confederacy. At that time, Lincoln specifically wrote, he was taking the action of freeing the slaves to save the Union. Even though his personal wish was for every black individual to be free, he didn't allow his personal wish to over-shadow his Presidential duties ( Just give a thought, how the Presidency is, nowadays). Standing within his Presidential powers, to save the Union, he took the action of Emancipation Proclamation.
Deepest intentions:
Now, let me analyze, the situation a bit from my own thought process. Here, even though Lincoln, himself said he freed the slaves, to save the Union, the agenda to free the slaves, doing an Emancipation Proclamation was set thirty years before, when he came across slave trade in the deep south, New Orleans. Remember, the title of this blog post is 'The Power of the intention'. Abraham Lincoln who could very much relate to slavery, was most probably much disgusted with slavery. He could have been deeply pained the way young girls and boys were prodded and poked.
He himself was a youth, though a white male. Due to his deep caring nature would have put himself in their shoes. This experience would have deeply affected him and got etched into his subconscious mind. Anything that gets deeply wired into the subconscious has the enormous power to move mountains. As humans, many times we don't realize the power of the subconscious.
Subconscious mind is a very powerful factory of emotions, where deep intentions come to life. Most probably Lincoln's Dharma or purpose was to alleviate the suffering of people, some way. In those New Orleans young days, finding himself in the slave market perfectly placed his emotions aligned to a higher Soul cause. Helping the slaves find their freedom. Seeing the slave trade, deeply affected a loving, compassionate heart and their pain became the deepest emotions that got etched into the subconscious mind, as a very powerful intention.
Most probably Lincoln himself, may not have realized this. He would have deeply affected by it, that is all. But when the emotions of the subconscious mind are deeply felt, this is a green signal for the Universal energy to take notice. We have discussed before, that emotions are the language of the Universe. Anyone if deeply affected by a strong emotion, they are put in touch with the Universal energy of consciousness. Here, Lincoln feeling deeply about slave trade, started to put actions into motion, as if in a chess game.
Here, I want to mention, another person. Ralph Waldo Emerson. He has talked about this concept. When a person is deeply moved by something and start to emotionally connect to that particular concept, the Universal engine is put into motion. Things, people, circumstances start align into place, where the person is pushed forward through circumstances by the will of the Universe. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a transcendentalist, who used to have faith in a power of something greater than oneself, in our own life. He has quoted, "Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen."
Anyone who notices the events in Abraham Lincoln's life would have only thought, he had an amazing chance at luck to reach the highest office of the country from being one of the poorest in the country. Even Lincoln would never have thought it was his deepest Soul intention as well as the affected emotions, that started a chain of events, which slowly but surely led him to the one chair, from where he could make the Emancipation Proclamation, though thirty years later.
The power of the intention:
This may sound like magical thinking and writing. But in truth, it is not. Emotions are the way the Universe works. Anytime a person is deeply affected by something, the emotions get plugged in and the person starts to get enormous emotional energy to consistently, determinedly to move ahead with whatever they feel like doing. As the person with dedication starts to put themselves to work, due to the passion of emotions they have, the other side of the equation, the Universe also starts to move people, circumstances, where the person who has the deepest passion is slowly pushed as if on a gentle current.Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog. Now to the post.
Today, the day this is getting published is September 11, 2020. It is 19 years ago, today, some 3000+ very innocent lives were cut short. They found themselves in the hands of death, for no fault of their own. People who lead a life of violence, terror, rage and anger, should realize. You are also destroying your own and your loved ones lives, while sowing terror. Whoever may not be sad, your own mother is going to be very sad, for the rest of her life. The punishment you are giving her to be your mother. I want to give my deep respects to every mother, father, spouse, brother, sister, friend who lost their loved one in the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Your loss is indeed a very deep loss. Hope time and strength has helped you to come to terms with your loss and helped their memory to enrich your life in thousand other beautiful ways. Rest in peace, Oh, beautiful Souls! May you find the deepest peace, where you find yourself now!! RIP!
Last week, we discussed how a sharp sword like intellect is needed to cut through options that won't work for our life. When we truly understand our own life, (of course from our adult life on wards), it is choosing what we want and rejecting what we don't want. As we keep on doing this, our own life starts to glow with value, authenticity and originality.
There are a few things, that are out of our choice as well. Those things we can't choose. The family we were born into, our parents and the kind of children we have. These are out of our choice. So, there are things that we have no choice, but there are many number of things, we can choose. The things we can't choose like family, parents and kids, we actually earn through our deeds of previous lifetimes. If we have earned a lot of good Karma points, we are born into a good family with loving parents and other adults. If we choose our own good intentions and deeds in this life as well, that grace extends to our next generations- the kids.
So, it matters, what we do as an individual. Our life, is very much decided by the deeds, intentions and actions, we take. Above that, our deeds affect our own family and then lot of other people as well. Our mind tries to divide as us and them. But when we start to live from our heart, the first principle of the Universe becomes blindingly clear. All are well interconnected! Yes! All! Every single thing, in this Universe! Every single atom in this Universe! Only the mind has zero clue and knowledge. Zero.
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Deeply interconnected with the Universe! Image credits - |
That is why all the sacred books hint to follow our heart and through it our higher Self- Atman- The personal Soul. These concepts can be realized only from the truest heart, not the mind. Hence, the heart or more correctly the Soul, is the master. The mind is a mere servant. The servant should follow the Master. The servant must follow the Master. If the servant is trying to play around, it should be whipped to shape to follow. Because, mind is excellent in taking orders. But as a Master- terrible. It has no clue, how to proceed with the life.
The Master plan for that is within the heart, in the hands of the Soul. Think about the jolt I got, in 2017, when I realized this, after following my mind for some twenty years to make something of my career. Hahaha! My mind had no clue. There was a battle of the wills going on. My heart's will and my mind's will. Who do you think finally won and took the crown? Of course, the heart. The Soul has come into this life, to finish it's purpose.
The body and mind are just a tool for it to take on it's purpose. It will take the person to task, if they are not going to listen. In extreme cases, it would even go out of that particular life, it the person doesn't shape up. Of course, there are also Souls who come with very light purpose to live out- just to have some fun and go. Every kind of Soul and their purpose comes along. In many cases, only deeply graced Souls get to do their purpose or to become aware of it, even in the first place.
Hence in Vedic astrology, the yoga called Dharma-Karmadhipathi yoga is kept as the true blessing. A Soul who becomes aware to know their purpose and is able to do that purpose as their vocation. Someone who is able to do their Dharma as their Karma. To do this, the person should be deeply self- aware, self- knowledgeable and self- realized. Then, they should have the will power to use the mind to help in the Soul's agenda.
Look at all the criteria that is involved. Soul, heart, mind, intuition, awareness, will power, boldness to take the steps, intentions, plans and finally actions. The world only sees the last step of actions. Every other thing is within that person. That is why many times someone who is an entrepreneur is applauded by the world.There are a lot of inner steps involved. Even, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi were entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurs!
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The new age of social media! Image credits - |
Social entrepreneurship:
Abraham Lincoln:
Nowadays, it is a big trend on social media, a cool thing😎. Social entrepreneurship! But much before internet appeared on the horizon, Lincoln and Gandhi may have used the principles of social entrepreneurship. Both were true social entrepreneurs. Today, we would discuss about Lincoln who himself became a victim of terror, apt to discuss on the same day, his country reeled in a terror attack, nineteen years ago. Abraham Lincoln brought in a new reality to America, a slave free country. Before that, the current reality of those times were slavery, where a huge portion of people had no freedom. Yes, no freedom. Let us for a second, think about such a life. Imagine this scenario.
A baby is born into a family. The second they are born, they are a slave to someone else. No freedom. They have to play nearby, near their shed. By any chance, if they wander away to the master's house or surroundings, they would be whipped till their skin breaks out into bloody gashes. Their mom may have to sleep with the master bearing his kids, many times. Their dad would be a very pained, internally very angry and an enraged man. Above this deep shame and guilt, not to able to protect their family or woman. Their Mom, teary eyed, shamed and crying silently in the middle of the night, not to let her husband know.Their dad many times, suddenly one day missing- sold out to another master. At 15-16 years, they themselves are sold to another master away from dad or mom, many times not to see them, ever again in their life. Think of that.
Yes, today, kids go to another country or area of the planet. But that is their choice and intention. Here, no choice, no opportunity and no voice. In the new place, the new master can be a terror, making them to work till their back breaks, from dawn to dusk. No respite. No value. No say and no freedom. In case, they ever tried to escape, there are bounty hunters roaming around on horses, who get money if they caught the escapee and presented back to the Master. So, even if they try to escape, they can get killed or be badly beaten. Then, both males and females are sold as meat in the slave market place- prodded, poked and tested to see- How good are you?? Men have to be afraid of beating, whipping and even death. Ladies above all these, have to be afraid of their body, femininity and value.
It is into this state of reality, Abraham Lincoln, a very poor white man was born. No, he was not rich. He was very poor, dirt poor. Even though he had great interest in reading, poetry and intellectual thoughts, he had to do manual jobs to earn money. His normal school education was only until around six or seven years of age. After that, whatever knowledge he acquired, he learned himself. He had to work for his dad, to earn money until twenty one years of age, where his own desires, intentions and thoughts were not valued. Thomas Lincoln was an every day manual laborer, whose thought process was, one has to do hard labor to make oneself rich and prosperous. In such a mindset Abraham Lincoln's desire to read and think, was treated as a thorn in the greater scheme of family wealth and prosperity. A waste of time and energy.
An young Lincoln, with his most favorite thing- A book! Image credits - Sculpture: Charles Keck (1875-1951)Photograph: Work of uploader: Alanscottwalker (talk)/ Public domain |
So, son Lincoln had to work and could very well relate to the then reality of slavery. Around his young adult hood he also did hard labor on flat boats, which were taken for timber trade to the deep south, Louisiana, New Orleans. Here he saw slave trade, first hand. It deeply affected him mentally and emotionally. There in those times, his mind started to imagine a slave-free America. He was able to deeply sense and capture the pain and emotions of the slaves. This was in his twenties. He did the Emancipation Proclamation around his early fifties. So, that vision of abolition of slavery took thirty years in the making.
Lincoln, at that time did Emancipation Proclamation to save the Union of the states. The country of the USA is The United States of America. Abraham Lincoln needed to abolish the slavery in the Southern States, so that the black men would be freed and could join, the Northern forces to fight against the Southern Confederacy. At that time, Lincoln specifically wrote, he was taking the action of freeing the slaves to save the Union. Even though his personal wish was for every black individual to be free, he didn't allow his personal wish to over-shadow his Presidential duties ( Just give a thought, how the Presidency is, nowadays). Standing within his Presidential powers, to save the Union, he took the action of Emancipation Proclamation.
Deepest intentions:
Now, let me analyze, the situation a bit from my own thought process. Here, even though Lincoln, himself said he freed the slaves, to save the Union, the agenda to free the slaves, doing an Emancipation Proclamation was set thirty years before, when he came across slave trade in the deep south, New Orleans. Remember, the title of this blog post is 'The Power of the intention'. Abraham Lincoln who could very much relate to slavery, was most probably much disgusted with slavery. He could have been deeply pained the way young girls and boys were prodded and poked.
He himself was a youth, though a white male. Due to his deep caring nature would have put himself in their shoes. This experience would have deeply affected him and got etched into his subconscious mind. Anything that gets deeply wired into the subconscious has the enormous power to move mountains. As humans, many times we don't realize the power of the subconscious.
Subconscious mind is a very powerful factory of emotions, where deep intentions come to life. Most probably Lincoln's Dharma or purpose was to alleviate the suffering of people, some way. In those New Orleans young days, finding himself in the slave market perfectly placed his emotions aligned to a higher Soul cause. Helping the slaves find their freedom. Seeing the slave trade, deeply affected a loving, compassionate heart and their pain became the deepest emotions that got etched into the subconscious mind, as a very powerful intention.
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First reading of the Emancipation Proclamation! Image credits - Francis Bicknell Carpenter / Public domain |
Most probably Lincoln himself, may not have realized this. He would have deeply affected by it, that is all. But when the emotions of the subconscious mind are deeply felt, this is a green signal for the Universal energy to take notice. We have discussed before, that emotions are the language of the Universe. Anyone if deeply affected by a strong emotion, they are put in touch with the Universal energy of consciousness. Here, Lincoln feeling deeply about slave trade, started to put actions into motion, as if in a chess game.
Here, I want to mention, another person. Ralph Waldo Emerson. He has talked about this concept. When a person is deeply moved by something and start to emotionally connect to that particular concept, the Universal engine is put into motion. Things, people, circumstances start align into place, where the person is pushed forward through circumstances by the will of the Universe. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a transcendentalist, who used to have faith in a power of something greater than oneself, in our own life. He has quoted, "Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen."
Anyone who notices the events in Abraham Lincoln's life would have only thought, he had an amazing chance at luck to reach the highest office of the country from being one of the poorest in the country. Even Lincoln would never have thought it was his deepest Soul intention as well as the affected emotions, that started a chain of events, which slowly but surely led him to the one chair, from where he could make the Emancipation Proclamation, though thirty years later.
The power of the intention:
Think like this. From the mind, thinking about it, Lincoln would have been a single mind, working against the energy of the Universe, as if swimming in a downward current, upstream. Very difficult. We have to swim against the people, circumstances and situations. It would have been an uphill battle. Instead, due to the way he was moved seeing the slave trade, his emotions got locked into the Universal vibrations. He became a buoy floating along with the current of the river, with the Universe deeply aligned with him. Circumstances, people and their agendas came together, to push the one person who deeply wanted to change status-quo to bring in a new reality of slave free country, to the one chair where he would be able to undertake the task.
Yes, Lincoln did many other things along his Presidency. Emancipation Proclamation was just one among many of his five and half years as President. But when I look at the events, that was the one main purpose of his life, for which most probably he would have even taken birth, which he himself would have had no idea about. The power of the subconscious intention that got lodged within his young mind at twenty one years of age. We have discussed co-creation, here on the blog. This is a perfect example of co-creation, where Lincoln himself would have zero idea that he was being pushed to do the thing, his subconscious mind was very much wishing to do. Working along side the Universe for a greater cause.
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Statue of President Abraham Lincoln at Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC., USA Image credits - Daniel Chester French / Public domain |
The power of true subconscious intention that can even move mountains. It was never possible for a single person to do so much if he just had put mind to it. No. Things happen when one aligns with the Universal energy and starts to live for a mission/ value, greater than himself or herself. But here the point is, a person cannot just tailor such circumstances. Nope. The Universal energy won't fall for that kind of gestures. It should be something the person deeply values and very much wants, to alleviate people and bring relief to them.
This is the difference between the social media trending social entrepreneurs and true social entrepreneurs. The social media entrepreneurs want to do it and take steps, which may reult in success. The true social entrepreneurs are deeply moved by some human suffering and want to very much alleviate their pain. It is a very natural response to human suffering. Not a social- media capturing because that is the cool thing to do, but wanting to alleviate something. The Universal energy does not care about cool-factor, following or likes. It cares about emotions, deepest of intentions and how dedicated the being is, towards the subconscious intentions, they carry within themselves?
Abraham Lincoln was all these. Deeply caring about fellow humans, highly compassionate to relate to another's pain and suffering and deeply dedicated towards the cause or mission he always undertook. Abraham Linclon found himself at the right place and right time, aligned with the power house of Universal energy. It was only a matter of time, he would find himself at the Oval office, in the President's chair signing off, on the Emancipation Proclamation! The true power of the subconscious emotions and intentions!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: The power of the intention- Part 2!
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay
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