Satyam Eva Jayathe-The Truth alone Prevails!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.
Last week, we discussed the values and the qualities, a true leader should embrace. As, all of us know, the world is observing holding it's breath. One of the elections, may be the most important one of this century is happening in the US, for the last three days. Like any other person, I also voted as my mind. Let us see what happens. At this time, I invoke the Universe (Brahman)- may the best results, good for the people, country, globe as well as the Universe happen. Thadastu! Remember, words are powerful! Mantras are powerful! Invocations are powerful! May the very best result happen. So, it is.
So, a leader should not be like any other person. A lot of people are looking up to them. So, it matters what/how they intend, think, speak and act. But to act as a leader it takes value systems, deep thought process and contemplative nature. An ordinary person may have leaders, colleagues, managers to lead them. Of course, a leader would have advisors as well as strategists. But finally the decision rests on the shoulders of the leader. They have to decide what to say, what to do and how to act. So, it becomes imperative to have a value system, a deep intelligence and a sharp intellect to draw upon. Because their decisions determines many times the future of the people, country and sometimes, even that of the globe itself as per the influence of the country has on the globe. So, leadership and the value of the leader are very important.
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Leadership is about taking charge and leading! Image credits - |
Internet/social media age: As all of us realize, the modern age is nowadays defined by the internet and the social media. The power of the people. Yes, television is important and reach a greater audience. But every person, through the internet is getting an outlet to put out their thoughts, ideas and perspectives. Power of the individual. But that also means there are million different perspectives, so many countries and so many people. So many perspectives and so many value systems. This is about the individual person.
Above this, there are individuals as well as regimes that are trying to push their belief systems, agendas and propaganda. All these are churning in the cauldron of the human mind. Which to believe, which to choose and which to value. Hope, you remember the posts, I wrote about, Samudra mathanam- Churning of the milky ocean! As of now, each individual mind is getting churned in the cauldron of the mental realm, between truth and lies, genuinity and falsity, and honesty and deceit. One side are the rakshasas, vices holding the head of the snake and on the other side are the devas holding the tail of the snake.
It really rings true, isn't it? It is the liars, cheats and deceitful persons who keep on putting the toxins and poisons into the mental world. Now, to those people who are not able to understand, the deeper levels of the Universe are mental, emotional and experiential. Let me, elaborate from a scientific point of view. The reality we are experiencing is the sight, sound, taste, touch and smell as impulses that come through our sense organs. This inverted stimulus goes to our brain where it is reverted and a correct picture is produced. This picture from the brain is later interpreted by the mind. Many times scientists think, brain and mind are the same. Nowadays, my thought process is, brain is the physical structure. But the faculty that interprets the image and gives us the underlying perspective is our mind.
So, in the deepest sense, below the material, physical Universe comes the mental-mind Universe and the emotional-experiential Universe. But humans many times never ever realize this aspect. So, even though we are sitting within our four walls due to a pandemic, the churning of the mental/emotional ocean- Samudra Mathana, is still happening. Only, we humans have zero clue about it. Above, this our physical reality has become restricted and this even more leads us to the mental/ emotional reality to take center stage.
In the last twenty years, as the internet and social-media have come into importance, the amount of fake news as well as conspiracy theories have exploded. We read the Vedic mythology as stories, oh, rakhasas, the demons and devas, the virtuous beings. But we humans in our limited mind think of them as beings who are like us humans. How about if we slightly change it and think of them as energies. These energies can come in any form isn't it? The Vedic mythology is filled with stories of rakshasas changing forms. In the epic Ramayana, Ravana was a master of form change or shapeshifter- the magician. The energy of Rahu.
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The modern age of social media and the Internet Image credits - |
Myths at work: Now, bring these energies into the modern age. Still the rakshasa, the energy comes. At the current time, the energy of rakshasa can come as a conspiracy theory, fake news, lie and deceit. Whoever takes up that energy becomes the rakshasa- the vicious being. It is not needed that in this internet- social media wielding modern age, rakshasa should come as Sakatasura or Mahishasura. The asura can come as people who take up the deceit, deception, fake news and conspiracy theory and propagate it. The same way whoever stands on the side of truth, honesty, value, justice and equality becomes Vishnu decimating the rakshasas as Rama or Krishna or Durga-the lady form who protects all the virtues against the demon Mahishasura.
A magical thing is Rahu, who in the lower vibration brings chaos, confusion, deception, fake news and conspiracy theories, in Astrology is lorded by the Goddess Durga herself. What a wonder, isn't it? The same Durga tells Rahu to propagate truth, knowledge and wisdom in her highest vibration. So, what did I do on the election day, very first thing in the morning? I first prayed to Ganesha- the wise elephant God to remove any obstacles, so that people are able to vote nicely without riots and problems. Then, I prayed to Durga, to bring the very best, honest and authentic outcome for the elections.
These are huge Universal/ global energies. A single or group of Souls can't do much. But the genuine intentions from a few pure hearts are very powerful. The big Universal energies listen and come to help. In Hindu mythology, Durga was created by the trinity- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and later every God provided her weapons, so that she can overtake and kill the demon Mahisha. She accepted all the weapons, went ahead, had a war with Mahisha and killed him eventually. Praying to such a Goddess is very powerful and paradigm shifting. Here, I invoke her again, Hey, Durge, bring the necessary change and resulting prosperity to this world using your power! Namaste!
In the same way, in the story of Samudra Mathana, (The black and white snap shown is a picture is from a 100 year old book available in the British Library, London) Vishnu cut the head of Swayambaru who tried to get to Amrita through deceit and deception. Now, here is a concept. Many of you would have seen the images of Vishnu, lying on a big snake. This snake is called Anantha Sesha, the older brother of the king of serpents Vasuki. In Hindu mythology, Rahu as well as Kethu are also snakes, when joined together becomes the demon Swayambaru.
By extrapolating both thoughts, we can come to another concept. This struck in my thought while I was answering a Quora question. If Swayambaru the snake, in his lowest vibration, exists as Swayambharu. In his highest vibration he can exist as Anantha Sesha, correct? The vibration changes whether Rahu comes as Swayambharu or Anantha Sesha. The second, the snake-news or knowledge changes as Anantha Sesha, who comes to sit or lie on him? Vishnu. Then, if we further develop this thought, Vishnu becomes the truth- Satya!
Vishnu as Satya! Humans many times don't get this concept as well. We have become so much engulfed in our mind and intellect, we have left our heart and truth behind. We are living in a surface, mind level, it is taking away our heart and humanity from the picture. We, just go to the temple and pray to the God, Vishnu. Yes, Vishnu as a God/idol is important. But who is the true Vishnu? The truth, Vishnu of our heart, who is sitting or lying on Anantha Sesha, the genuine, true, authentic knowledge as well as news. Wherever Anantha Sesha - true knowledge/ news comes into the picture, Vishnu as truth comes to sit on him.
This is why journalists/ TV channels/ newspapers who hold truth and honesty above everything else finds even though deeply challenged, even losing their lives many times, finally at the end are victorious. Sathya or truth always comes out. Hence it is said- Truth shall prevail. Vishnu in the magnificent form is Viswaroopa, the Universe- Brahman itself. When Brahman, the truth comes into the picture can anything stand in it's way- whether a fake news/ conspiracy theory advocate or a leader who is a puppet in someone else's hands?
We only give so much importance to truth and honesty. But where news and information exists as fake news, conspiracy theories and deception, the snake takes the form of Swayambharu. Then, the truth as Vishnu comes and cuts the head of the asura who tried to gulp down the nectar of immortality (Amrit) before truth can catch up. But the place where news and information exists as knowledge and wisdom, the serpent becomes Anantha Sesha and the truth, Vishnu sits/lies as the God on top of him.
This is why with fake news and conspiracy theory, we feel as chaos and confusion. This falseness comes to confuse our mind, to keep us away from the truth-Satya-Vishnu! True knowledge and wisdom that encompass truth are simple and straightforward. There is nothing to hide, deflect, create chaos or illusion. Hence, in the astrology chart, the Soul at deeper layers becomes the Sun. Self-lighting, brilliant and nothing to hide.
So, Souls who understand this would always operate on the side of truth or Satya. Because Rahu only gets so much of time to hide, fake or take someone to task . Soon, enough the truth as Vishnu is going to come to take charge of the situation, cut the head of lies. Only the human mind in the rush behind wealth, money, power and prosperity tries to embrace falsity and lies, again and again. This fight between truth and lies is happening from time immemorial. Only without realizing this the human Souls fall for the charm of Rahu again and again. He then just shows us the illusion and takes advantage of the situation. (The picture shows, Vishnu at Badami Caves.)
Satyam Eva Jayathe: This is the ultimate truth. Truth shall prevail! Yes, it may take sometime to take charge, it may take it's sweet time. But the truth would finally strike it's victory pole. For example- Look at the counting of the US votes that has been happening from Tuesday afternoon/ evening. I am writing this on Thursday evening. A winner as next President has yet not been declared. By the time tomorrow, when you read this blog post, you may very well know it.
So, as a human we need to know that, any day we choose to walk the path of lies, deception or falsity, our downfall is a given. It may happen in this lifetime or another lifetime, but it is a given. But at any given moment, the Soul has the free will and choice to change. We always can sit within our smaller mind and bring in thousand justifications and excuses. But when the sword of justice (Vishnu) comes to cut our head, there is no point in cribbing or crying.
At that time, the truth would look squarely into our eyes and ask as Vishnu- "When I sent you as a Soul to the Earth realm, I strengthened you with the fiber of free will and choice. You had every chance to make honest and faithful intentions and take honest and true actions. Why didn't you? Why did you side with Rahu, the asura and his deceptions /illusions. You did have your free will and choice, isn't it? Why didn't you use it?"
What is our answer going to be? Are we going to hide behind another barrage of fake news and falsity or are we going to be truthful and genuine? Both options are within our hand. But even after reading about the stories of Vishnu and Krishna, we still operate from our lower mind falling for illusions, falseness and lies. We can see even now, people standing and protesting for something that indeed is not good for them and their own leader through his fear and hate mongering is bringing the followers and their life down. Unfortunately, they themselves don't even understand it.
It is not about just this life alone. It may be even about next ten lifetimes. We can be stuck in the negative energy for pretty longtime and even eternity. I have read stories about the death row prisoners waiting in the US for some outcome. If you ask, what do they say? It is not the punishment itself of being in the prison that is slowly eating and killing them, but the waiting, waiting and waiting........That is a harsher punishment compared to the punishment itself.
Now, take the same scenario and put it into the energy sense. Think of a Soul who because of their bad deed is made to wait for eternity, eons and eons. Is there any worser punishment? So, we need to realize what we are doing in the physical life with a mind, limbs and sense-organs. This is the chance we have at improving our grace by working for ourselves and the greater good of others. That brings deep Universal grace and blessings.
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Satyam Eva Jayathe-The truth alone prevails! Image credits - |
Whether we like it or not, the truth alone prevails. Vedic philosophy is loaded with discussions on Satya-truth and Dharma-purpose. The truth of the heart! Even the Universe bows to a person who deeply upholds his/ her truth under any circumstance. Other humans may find fault. But a person who operates with truth and integrity always finds a best friend in Vishnu himself- the truth as Brahman, because it is a given- any situation, circumstance or perspective- Saytam Eva Jayathe - The Truth alone Prevails!
I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday!😉
Next week: Amrit-The celestial nectar!
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay.
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