The Word - Conspiracy theories!

Hello all,

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post. 

Last week, we were discussing the concept of how, our own words become our reality. This is a concept in Sanatana Dharma- Aham Brahma Asmi- I am the creator (of my life and experiences)! Then, this week I was thinking of writing about anti-vax movements. Before that, I realized I needed to discuss the conspiracy theories.  Without trying to make sense of the conspiracy theories, it is not worthwhile to discuss, the anti-vax movements, which is a major conspiracy theory going around in these days of the Covid-19.

As we all know, we are in the middle of a pandemic. But the conspiracy theories that swirl around makes the mind confused and the human becomes very disoriented to know what and what not is the correct decision or mindset to have. So, before anti-vax movements, it is needed to take a deeper look at the conspiracy theories. So, why not let us look into it before going ahead with anti-vax movements.

Facts and Truths: This is one question, that comes up again and again, in my Quora questions. People come and challenge what I write saying, I am trying to break and topple facts and that I write misinformation. So, first let us look into what are facts and what are truths. Why not we look at it with examples.

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States. Joseph Biden is the forty-sixth President of the United States. The Prime minister of India is Narendra Modi. The capital of India is New Delhi. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The first World War was from 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War from 1939 to 1945. Martin Luther King Jr., led the Civil Rights Movements in the USA and Nelson Mandela was the leader of the movement against the Apartheid regime in South Africa. The antibiotic Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 and Edward Jenner was the physician/scientist who first figured out the concept of vaccines. All facts.

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Facts and the source of the facts are important
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As vaccines have become the talk of the town, nowadays, why don't we remember the work of Edward Jenner in one paragraph. He was the scientist who first created the vaccine against the disease smallpox. He used to work on a very similar virus to the smallpox called cowpox, whose name was Variolae vaccinae. It was from the species name 'vaccinae', the term vaccines and vaccination were derived. In late 1800s and early 1900s, people were shunned when they got smallpox. There had been incidents in many parts of the world, where humans were burned along with the house/ thatched house itself to stop the spread of the disease. (Think about the horror of the diseased human burning alive within their own home.) Thank God, today we can look forward to vaccines and find a respite from an epidemic or pandemic. 

So, all the above said things are facts. They don't change. Facts are facts. For example, Abraham Lincoln is the sixteenth President of the USA, not eighteenth or thirty-fifth, but sixteenth. So, facts are the truths, that are true for a particular time, era, space. Abraham Lincoln had to fight a civil war and segregation. Today, segregation is not the truth (of course segregation still exists in the minds of people big time, whether between whites and blacks or Hindus and Muslims, in India. Will write about it, in another post. High time, I write about true Sanatana Dharma- the eternal way). So, facts don't change.

Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner - Pioneer of vaccines
Image credits - See page for author, 
via Wikimedia Commons
But truths, especially personal truths do. For example, for around forty-five years, Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer helping the South African expatriate Indians. But then an epiphany made him aware of an even deeper personal truth, that he was supposed to lead the fight for Indian Independence. His, previous surface level truth became much deeper authentic personal truth. Now, another scenario. In the 18th century US, slavery was an everyday truth. Not anymore. The truth changed to more equality, even though, US has many miles to traverse. Global travel was a dream in the early 20th century. Not so much nowadays. (It is pandemic season. Don't travel!) I can say, from my own personal experience. My truth was being a scientist until 2014/15. Now, it has changed to embrace even more of my spiritual gifts. More deeper truths.

People mistake facts and truths. Facts don't change. But truths, especially personal truths can change as the person evolves more and more towards higher ideals and thought process. For example, in my younger age, I used to think there was an outer God sitting to help/ save me. But today, I understand, I have a more chance of getting saved by my own inner personal God-the inner Brahman sitting within as Soul, compared to a Brahman in swarga (heaven). So, facts are facts. Facts at that particular time are truths. 

Universal truths are solid, unchangeable. For example, if we are born, we have to die. If we jump down from a 20 storey building, we will die. Humans grow and become old. We as humans cannot fly, normally cannot make it out of our body. But personal truths can change. They can change according to our mindsets, evolving life and deeper transformative life situations. But many times, people don't understand the difference between facts and truths. Many treat it as the same. Not so. Truths are truths and facts are facts. My blog, I write from the point of my personal truths and experiences. Now, the next point.

The part the Internet plays: As all of us know, the internet appeared in the general world some thirty years ago. Before that, the humans used to get information through newspapers, books or magazines. But whenever a newspaper, magazine or book was published, the author/writer used to research on the subject, make sure the information was correct, then the editor used to verify the facts again and then, the matter used to get published. So, there was 2-3 levels of verification. Except in shady, bad press, usually newspapers, books or features need to be truthful standing on the facts and writing about it.

But what is happening, nowadays? The internet came along. Now majority of humans have access to the internet. So, we write, create, speak our mind. But many times, as humans, many don't take the time to explore what they are writing, forwarding, reading or contemplating on truths based on facts. People many times don't give importance to that. Another important value comes into the picture.

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The charm of the social media and the Internet
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This value plays a very major role in how we deal with information, truth and mis-information. Trust and trustworthiness. Ask an age-old brand or newspaper. They would let you know, the amount and decades/centuries of time, it took them to build the trust. Here, let us look at trust and the time from a Vedic astrology point of view. Trust is a value. It is an honest emotion. Anywhere, honesty, Saturn comes into the picture. Saturn is the judge. A judge has to be deeply honest. Saturn deeply loves honesty. As it is a value, Venus also comes. Saturn is the best buddy of Venus. That is why Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra, the house of his friend Venus. 

That is why trust and honesty bring beautiful feelings to the mind. Along with Saturn, the judge, Venus the planet of beauty also comes into the picture. So, people look up to honest people, the value Venus brings. But trust is ruled by Saturn due to honesty. Anytime Saturn comes into picture, it takes time, dedication, determination and effort. Therefore, it takes time to build the trust. It takes time and effort for a brand to build the trust. So, newspapers and magazines spent decades building that trustworthiness.

The internet is electronic media, Rahu, the ruler of Aquarius. He likes the news fast, now. Who has time to check the authenticity of the news, whether it is true or genuine? He likes to gorge up on the information. Rahu is anything electronic, fast changing, cycles, trends and tricks. Think about internet, electronic media and social-media. It is ever changing- news cycles, current information, the data driven culture and the intellect/ logic trying to make sense of it. Logic is Mercury- a teenager kind of energy and Rahu- the energy of the dragon head. Think of a teenager driving a very fast BMW (Mercury+ Rahu).

But then, we forget another thing. Let me add an emoji to bring in the emotions. 😄. The co-ruler of Aquarius is Saturn. Even on the Internet, if humans want to make their presence/ idea/ thought process known for a very long time, better have a time-tested, dedicated, determined way. Here, Rahu and Mercury should work with Saturn. Then, whatever the company, brand or the person creates/puts out will be highly innovative, futuristic- Aquarius, Rahu, very logical/commonsense/informative- Mercury and deep/ authentic/ honest/ trustworthy- Saturn, with added element of value/beauty- Venus. Best of four worlds.

Conspiracy theories: Conspiracy theories happen when Rahu and Mercury act without the help of Venus and Saturn. Venus brings the deepest of value and worth, while Saturn brings the time-tested approach, dedication, determination and persistence. The conspiracy theory also needs another important ingredient- the Moon- the mind. The Moon, upon the influence of Rahu, can believe the smoke and mirrors Rahu brings. Because Rahu can bring deception in a masked, 'truth-like' way. But it is not truth, instead a lie. So, here, the mind becomes flustered/confused not knowing what is the truth and what is the lie. This is from the individual mind's perspective.

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The hoax of conspiracy theories
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Above this, when leaders who are supposed to lead are involved in cheating/ deceiving, the mind of the follower becomes even more confused. Here, the mind, which is the Moon wants the light from the Sun, the leader. Sun is the star in Vedic astrology that gives the light of truth. Self-illuminant. But that same Sun in lower vibration is the arrogant ego and selfish pride. That kind of Sun can mislead. When the Sun, the leader instead of light-the truth gives falsity, that Sun actually becomes Rahu, in his lower form, deception and lying. 

From this, we can understand how leaders instead of being truthful, can become false and deceive. This is what happened in the US. When the leader who was supposed to lead the way, told the followers, don't consider pandemic as important, no need to wear mask or socially distance, the Moon, the follower's minds listened. They didn't wear masks, socially distance or wash their hands. Many ended up in the hospital. People got deceived and ended up in the hospital with ventilators, ICUs or in mortuaries.

Above this, Rahu or an egotistic, negative Sun can reiterate lies so many times, it becomes loud and people believe it as the truth. The art of rhetoric has the capability of morphing a lie to look as if it is the truth. According to what I understand, a Moon that is caught in the grasp of Rahu or Kethu, in the lower vibrations, can have a very tough time to know what is the truth and what is falsity. As you may remember, Swayambharu whose head was Rahu was cut into two, when Vishnu came into the picture. When Vishnu, the truth comes, Rahu has no way of escaping.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, trea
Seated Mahavishnu at Chennakeshava temple,
Hassan Dist, Karnataka
Mashalti, via Wikimedia Commons
So, with every conspiracy theory or lie, finally it has to surrender to the truth-the Vishnu in the situation. When the followers mind-Moon finds their own Sun- truth in the chart, rather than the Sun of the leader, in case it is a fake leader, their awareness to the truth-Vishnu, opens. The person's mind comes out of the grasp of Rahu and sees/ embraces the truth. But for this awareness to open, there should always be the grace of Vishnu, the divine-Brahman. Then, the being gets the grace of awareness. 

This is shown again and again, in every concept, every mythological story and every philosophy. The truth of the heart and Soul is very divine in nature-Vishnu, Universe as preserver at play. The being that gets to find this Vishnu, inner truth for their own life is blessed and graced. So, the world or the Internet may be deeply drowned in lies, falsity and conspiracy theories. But if we decide to live from our own inner truth- Satya, our chariot of a life starts to get the charioteer as Sri Vishnu or Sri Krishna (as we the being, desire). That Vishnu makes sure we are guided, avoiding every pitfall, deceit and lie towards our own deepest grace of a purposeful, content, and fulfilled life.

Now, whether to follow our Vishnu standing in the power of our inner truth? That is always our free will and choice!

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: The Word - Anti-Vax movements!
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay.

















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