The Word- Words do matter!

Hello all,

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for Souls who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post. 

Last week, we discussed, how Self- deception through the mind, can mask the heart and the being ends up deeply believing the mind. Today, I was planning to write about Anti-Vax movements in a Covid scenario. But this week, calls for another topic. As the world knows, there is a second impeachment trial of the previous US President, Donald J. Trump is happening. In that trial the Democratic Impeachment managers used the phrase many times, "Words do matter"!

So, I thought today, I would write about that concept under the shadow of the second impeachment trial. I remember, I already had written some concepts on the same topic. But that day, I didn't have this backdrop of an impeachment trial. So, felt, I needed to elaborate more on this topic. What we think, intend, say, write and speak matters. The consequence of that is enormous. Many times, the writer themselves have no clue, how their writing or words are influencing others. I am a blogger/ writer. Nowadays, I am deeply aware of what, how and why I write.

Words are powerful: We have discussed many times before. Words are very powerful. We humans have no real clue of the power of words. The power of the words are mentioned in metaphorical and esoteric forms, all through the religious literature. But it is so deeply hidden in metaphors, people many times don't understand. Now, I am not a religious or a philosophical scholar. I write my blog through my own life and life experiences. But I can elaborate on this concept using two of the tenets, I have come across in Hinduism and Christianity. 

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma has the Upanishads. The main and biggest one is the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In it comes, the foremost tenet- "Aham Brahma Asmi". I am the creator (of my experiences)! Brahma is the creator God in Hinduism. He using his mind, creates. Here, the tenet is saying the same concept. Using our mind, we can create. When our desires, thoughts, intentions and actions align as a single, streamlined energy, our desires manifest as actions and physical reality in our life. Yes, we only take the actions. But the intentions and our thoughts push us to do stuff.

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In the beginning, was the WORD! Bible - John (1:1)
Image credits -

Now, in Christianity, the Bible, New Testament starts with the three sentences. "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God" (John 1:1). Here also, the new scenario or reality starts with the word. Now, this was with God. Usually, we think of God as someone sitting in heaven or in some unknown place. But in esoteric spirituality of any religion, the human is asked to turn within. So, in that case the God becomes our Soul. Same with Sanatana Dharma. Now, from this Soul, through the heart, thoughts, mind, intentions and if we take a deliberate action, then that becomes an action from the God- our own Soul within. Now, this thought- metaphorical inner form of word, which later becomes the outer form of actions/speech/writing, is still with God- our inner God. But using our actions, we are acting on that thoughts and intentions. See, how our own God- Soul plays the role of God in our lives. We act based on our thoughts- which are actually inner metaphorical/mental forms of words that bring later our physical reality.

We think, "Oh, the milk is getting less"- thought. "I need to go to the grocery shop, to get the milk"- intention. Now, we get into the car, drive to the shop, get the milk- actions. In this simple example, we can see how our own inner thoughts through intentions transformed into actions. This process is very subconscious. As we have done this so many times, we are not consciously aware of it. But we do this creation of our own physical reality, all the time. Humans do it. But most of the times, we are not consciously aware of it.

Now, think of the danger, if we can create a reality, but are not consciously aware of it. If we don't really understand and think, why are we doing- what we are doing? This can be very dangerous. If we are not aware of our own intentions and actions, someone can talk to us, influence us and we would be acting on their intentions and agenda. We would have zero clue about, what we did or why we did it. This enters into the realm of manipulation and hypnotism. A stronger mind can manipulate weaker minds. If that stronger mind's intentions are not good, then be very careful!

Danger of not consciously aware of our intentions: Now, let us come to the topic of this week. The second impeachment of the previous President. On January 6th, the President conducted a rally in Washington D.C. where after 2-3 hours later, his supporters walked down Pennsylvania avenue at one end of which is the US Capitol building. The then President energized the crowd with very inflamed and angry slogans and rhetoric. Last week, we discussed how the lady Ashley Babbit, who took part in the mob storming of the Capitol, got killed.

Let us discuss the supporters of the previous President. When President Trump started with his 2016 election campaigns, in late 2015 and early 2016, he sensed the emotional pulse of the crowd, who came for his campaign rallies. America was changing and the demographics were changing with people from other countries coming in. The people who were coming to the Trump rallies felt disenfranchised and felt taken away from the way of life, they knew for centuries. I even heard a journalist mentioning that when in 1930s to 1960s, where they used to see only one colored faces, now they saw brown, black, Latino and Asian faces. All these changing demographical dynamics brought fear, anger and doubts into them. Are we becoming irrelevant in our own country?

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Lies can be masked as truth and fed to people
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The candidate Trump saw the opportunity here. We just have to go back to a page from history where an Adolf Hitler saw the fear, anger and doubts in the German people against Jews. The Jews in those days in Germany/Poland were more prosperous and used to lend money to other Germans. So, they were financially and economically well off. This brought a lot of anger and hatred in other Germans. An Adolf Hitler who understood these emotions capitalized on it. He told Germans, give me your votes. I would bring change. They overwhelmingly voted for him and made him der
Führer (The Leader). Now, what did he do? 

He got the free reign on power. He removed anything and everything that gave identity to the Jews. Removed names, family names, jobs, the family connections, career, creativity, friendships, homes, heirlooms and everything that gave them identity. Once they were dehumanized and objectified, each was given a number and put in concentration camps. Now, with each mere number they could do anything to them. They were sent into gas chambers, shot in the head execution style in a line-up, given poison drinks, subjected to eugenics and other science experiments, sent to do hard camp labor, beaten, taken to task, spied on, being told upon, raped, preyed upon by each other and every other inhumane thing possible.

Now, bring the same concept to the campaign days of the 2016 Trump Presidential campaign. Here, Trump could sense the anger, fear, and doubts. It was a small fire burning in the minds of a group of people. The fire of doubt, anger and fear was already there. He just had to add the fuel to the fire. He brought the gasoline jerrycan, truckloads of them and poured it into the fire. He used his inflammatory tone, devaluing rhetoric, and hate speech, so effectively it inflamed the crowds. Emotions started to rise and the logical mind took a hike. 

Emotions: Here, the followers didn't use their logic. Think, like this. The candidate came from midtown Manhattan and Queens. He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He rubbed elbows with the elite builders in New York city. Could he relate to the coal mine worker of West Virginia, the corn farmer of from Iowa or the small business owner from the deep South. Probably not, because he has not lived that life. I have read, showing empathy or soft emotions was considered a weakness in the family. It was considered bold to win in everything, every project, every contract at any cost. Such a person, can they relate to the struggles of every day farm worker or coal miner, who struggles to put food on the table for the kids or have a roof over the head for the family? Probably not.

It is a well-known fact that many contractors who worked for Trump were not paid many times. He had to go through five bankruptcies and always kept the corporations very far away from his own personal wealth. To help business people who are in dire straits, there is an options for businesses to make the corporations bankrupt while keeping their personal wealth intact and the business itself intact. But what if that is considered as a loophole and someone uses it to their advantage? In this way bankruptcies were used to restructure and not pay many of the contractors and service providers who worked for their company at some particular times. 

Ladies and children, Hungarian Jews, walking towards their death from gas chamber, Auschwitz II, 1944
Ladies and children, Hungarian Jews, walking towards their death
from gas chamber, Auschwitz II, 1944
Image credits - anonymous, possibly SS photographers E. Hoffmann & B. Walter,
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

My question- someone who used the bankruptcy options to not pay workers or contractors, is such a person concerned about the farm worker of Iowa or the coal miner of West Virginia? But many times, people fall for the emotions and the words. No one checks whether the words transform into actions. It is a known fact, Covid-19 spread could be reduced by wearing of mask. So, if a President was truly interested in the welfare of working man/woman, they would not have asked people to come for campaign rally and crowd the stadiums without masks. This itself shows, the intentions were not to help his followers. He even told followers, not to bother about masks. Dismissed the idea of a national mandate on wearing masks. The intentions were always to get his agenda done and prosper his business aspirations. Thank God, it didn't move towards the level Hitler was able to reach. We never could imagine what can happen, if a country gets deeply into the hands of very corrupt and unethical individuals. It almost did. We can just take a sigh of relief.

But the followers who were hurting and fearful of the changing demographics deeply believed his words and didn't see whether those words had the follow through with actions. Now, there were groups of White supremacists who wanted the country only for the white race, the alternate right white nationalists. They were waiting for someone to bring out their own agendas and violence. This situation of candidate Trump became the perfect hand in the glove. The same scenario worked for the candidate as well who was waiting for someone to take up the mantle of his agenda of dividing the country and then, he could take up his place as the savior of the hurting people.

Here, the normal every day person didn't see or understand the agenda of the candidate Trump or the white supremacists. They only wanted better days and food/shelter/health/wealth for their own family. They didn't see, in this mix, nobody had the intention of truly helping them. The Republican party leaders who were afraid of this dynamic, kept quiet. They shied away from speaking one word against this dynamic, lest the candidate/later President shreds them to pieces through his words. He already had used effectively his words and rhetoric to bring seventy million people under his propagandic umbrella. Speaking against them could become dangerous. See, how the web of lies and deceptions are being laid for around seventy million people who were/are deeply trusting him.

Words do matter: As logic took a walk in these cases, people started deeply believing the previous President's words. As in the second impeachment hearings, the house managers put out, the followers were led step by step to believe the web of lies and deception, President Trump and his cronies laid out. If the President was so interested in his followers, why he didn't operate as an ethical President and adhere to the Foreign Emolument Clause? The clause is put in place for the then President, not to take advantage of the position that has been bestowed upon him by the country and its people.

You were given a position trusting you would do the best for whole of the country, not for your party and followers alone. But even if you are operating for your followers alone, instead of taking care of your followers, is it okay to just take care of your business interests? As the two links suggests, the Trump administration used the position of the Presidency totally to their advantage to benefit from foreign governments. Even though, the case in the first link was ended by the Supreme court in January 2021 as Mr. Trump is no longer President, that does not leave the previous President from unethical behavior.

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Storming of the Capitol building by mob on January 6, 2021
Image credits - Tyler Merbler from USA, via Wikimedia Commons

A person who is not ethical and takes advantage of the chair he has been bestowed upon, can't his intention also expand to take advantage of his followers? It could and it did. That is what happened on January sixth, 2021. After failing to erase the election win of Joseph Biden's in the courts with some seventy cases, Mr.Trump had no other way, but to incite his followers to go and do his bidding at the Capitol building, where the election results were being certified. Mr. Trump wanted to win the election by hook or crook. The only way was to incite and inflame the followers. That is what he did on January 6th, early morning at the Trump "Stop the steal" rally.

By constant rhetoric and flaming the fire, he had primed the followers for around five years. The house impeachment managers put out the videos beautifully showing one by one, how the followers were primed. Remember, in this blog, I write about the mind. You keep on adding fake news, dishonesty and falsity drip, by drip by drip to the mix. Think like this. We have a jar of pure white milk. Using a dropper, we are adding drop-by-drop blue color poison. The color of the milk slowly changes color. It becomes very slightly blue, then mid-blue, then deep blue and finally so dark as blue, the jar of milk looks black in color. It is not milk any more. But it is deep, bluish black poison. Same concept.

By constant inflammatory speech and falsity, the followers were primed and brain-washed, step by step by step. But as the campaign rallies were emotionally charged affairs, logic and facts were not given importance. The leader was looked upon as 'The Final Word". The followers deeply trusted their leader. The leader prodded them to take charge, be bold, go and take the country back. The followers listened. They charged forward down Pennsylvania Avenue as a mob. But in that chaos, they never noticed whether the leader was with them or not. The leader never had the intention of walking along with them. Pure words of falsity!

They went, trusting that their leader is the last hope they have. Stormed the Capitol, terrified the Congressmen/women, Senators, Staff, overwhelmed the Capitol police, man-slaughtered one of them using the flag pole, which is the symbol of the country and desecrated the building, that was one of the temples of the government. Above this, they vandalized the building, trespassed the speaker and other official offices and sowed four to five hours or pure terror and chaos. The leader who incited them was enjoying the true reality show on TV sitting in the White house, while the Senators and Congress people were cowering for their life. The followers even brought out gallows to hang the Vice-President Mike Pence and chanted Hang Pence!

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
Truth, honesty, integrity, ethics and values do matter. Always!
Image credits -

Is this the signature of a true leader? A leader who without any compassion for his own followers used them for his agenda. The white supremacists who saw the opportunity aligned with him and deceived the followers, the true ones even more. Now, the effects waiting for the insurrectionists are federal prison sentence and decades of life behind the bars. For whom did they do it? For someone who doesn't even care an iota about the followers who are ready to die for him. The followers still clueless would help him again, if they get a chance. 

So, words do matter! But even above that our own mind and logic do matter! Because whether the previous President goes to prison or not, some 200-500 people are going to go to federal penitentiary for a pretty long time, may be for decades or even centuries.  

So, shouldn't our own brain, mind and logic work for our life or should it only work for others who can make us puppets in their hands? Humanity, think! Think with deep awareness and logic, to make your life work for you in the very best way!!

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: The Word - Conspiracy theories!
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay.




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