The Word - Creativity!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.
Wishing all the Souls who identify themselves as the Other, a very beautiful, joyful and creative Pride month. I also like to wish everyone joy, peace, happiness, equality, equal voice, equal value, equal opportunities and equal justice to all!
Last week, we discussed the topic of originality and how every single Soul is a unique individual. Before proceeding further, hope all are staying safe, sane and with good health. Why sanity? As we know, wherever we are there is our mind. Humanity always had gone out and about, doing their stuff. Now, for the last one and a half years, people are stuck within the four walls. That is a very different dynamic. People can think, get into a rabbit hole and lose mental peace and calmness. So, maintaining emotional and mental calmness is deeply important during a pandemic. Like we take care of our physical health, mental and emotional health also are important. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
Back to originality. We saw how from the heart, original thoughts and ideas emanate. If a person is just living from the mind and heart is not involved, the person is leading a shell of a life. Yes, outside they may have every kind of blessing, wealth as well as prosperity. But within they are as poor as a beggar or a pauper. Many times, Souls bring these inner circumstances from other lifetimes. As all of you know by now, I intuitively feel other lifetimes to exist.
Otherwise, what is the reason for a bunch of spiritual gifts to suddenly open up in my life at forty-seven years of age? Before that even if I was doing shades of the same activities, I had no clue and my awareness was also not developed or open to accommodate a very different reality that was existing deep in my subconscious mind. Also, how suddenly knowledge that I had never gone a single course for opened up? We need to realize, in this lifetime to develop a skill, we go for twenty to twenty-five years of school and college. Minimum that much of studies and knowledge are required to get somewhere in our life. Then, knowing something without reading or studying? Most probably the knowledge and information had been acquired in another lifetime in another space. Only there was a greater timing at play and the individual has zero clue until that exact moment.
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The inspiration from the heart later becomes physical manifestations Image credits - |
Inner Child: From only one such incident we can understand there are a lot of things we humans have no clue about knowing or perceiving, because the Universe is only so much physical. A major part is mental and emotional. What we understand and perceive. The same incident ten people view as ten different things, because each one brings their own upbringing, childhood and circumstances. That incident each one looks through the filter of reality they have developed through the lens of their life experiences.
Many times, people find it extremely difficult to have common ground, because their own reality is so varied, there is nothing common about it. But if the same person rewinds their life and goes around 2-4 decades, they find themselves in their childhood. Many of us have gone to schools and primary classes. Those days all the difference and divisions never use to come and haunt us. This is because we used to live from the heart. Only the other kid and his/her interests were visible and enchanting to us.
Then, we grew up, studied, learned a lot of perspectives, used our mind to make sense of the world. Now, what happens? The mind showed a very different reality of the current social, political, economic and cultural difference. Then, it asked us to choose. Choose the best way that places you at the best place in your own life. We perused and explored. Where can I be the very best in my life? Let me listen to my mind. As the mind is focused on all that would place us in the very best spot, for ourselves, it becomes I against the world. There, we have found ourselves in the competitive, chasing and achieving mindset.
Suddenly we are competing with everyone in the world. How can I make it? How can I achieve the best in my life? I! I and I! The friends whom we were very close with, seems to feel like strangers. Actually, it is not the friend who has changed, but we have decided to live from the mind rather than the heart. The heart sees the human underneath everything and the mind sees all the outer trappings the human wears whether of religion, political stance, cultural difference or any other attire we wear for this lifetime.
While we live in this mental space, we still crave for that younger Self or the inner child we left behind. Unless we don't understand, we live between these two realities. Craving for a magical, freer younger Self and living from a mind with its divisions, attitudes, perspectives and analysis. Mind always likes to "think". But if we are not careful, we think, bring many perspectives and divide among ourselves as well. Who are we considering as us and them?
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The inner child who lives within each one of us Image credits - |
All of us were born here, in this blue-green planet called Earth. Did anyone come magically from outer space? As of now, in these fifty years of lifetime, I am yet to come across such a person. We can imagine, ideate and create. But as of now whomever I know in this world has taken a birth in the normal way. So, the technique is to live from the heart and use our mind to live that way of the heart.
Heart: If a person deeply realizes, every culture or religion in its deepest core takes an individual to the heart space where our own higher Self or Soul resides. This space even at fifty or seventy or ninety years of age is still mystical and magical with perspectives that embrace everything in this life/Earth and of beyond.
But in our hurry-berry to make something of this life and become someone, we leave our own heart behind and embrace our mind that too the divisive aspect of the mind fully. Suddenly, we find living with everything that the Earth can provide except a hole in the place of the heart. If we realize this world is filled to the brim with people who have holes for the heart. Then, for the next 30 or 50 years we live lifeless and as grey beings. Yes, we put on a mask for everyone to see.
But what about the time we are just falling into our sleep, alone as a Soul in this world? Is a smile playing on our lips as we are falling into sleep? If it is, we are indeed blessed to find our heart and live from that heart space. If not, we would be stressed out thinking about every small detail, every small division and everything that is not working in our life. Because mind divides, if not led by a higher Master- the Soul sitting in the heart. Hence the Upanishads warns us not to follow the mind, who is the servant, instead follow the Master, the Soul sitting within the heart, of course with the help of the mind.
This is what is missing in our modern life nowadays, that is bogged down with internet, social-media, glitz and glam. The human heart! Look at the world! Is it living from it's mind or the heart? Why are we only seeing divisions of parties, politics, religions, cultures, ethnicity and another thousand different things? We are called as the humanity of the world. But where is the human in it and the human heart? Missing and absconding!
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Imagination from the heart and mind Image credits - |
So, whenever people bring divisions, view points, perspectives, debates and arguments, I realize- okay, so you are living from the mind, not the heart. If you are living from the heart, you would be asking the other more about themselves. Where do "you" come from? What are "your" desires, aspirations and interests? How do "you" live? What do "you" like? Not I, I and I. But You, You and You. Heart always tries to find a common thread or a common ground.
Imagination: Now, as heart is missing another huge part also is lost. Imagination that has to emanate from the heart with the help of the mind. Imagination needs the colors or emotions of the heart. But when instead of a human heart, if there is a hole, how can the person imagine? Anything as a human we want to bring into our physical reality, we should first be able to picture it in our mental reality.
But here without imagination, what to picture? The person becomes lost to the connections of the spiritual world and grander potentials that are yet to come alive. The human becomes deemed to the every day hustles and bustles of life. Now, can we see why people who live from the mind or even atheists who always bring reality and physical world are not able to go beyond the barriers of the mind? Because there is only mind and no heart.
As we have discussed many times before, the human mind is very limited and bounded. But it becomes very expansive, overtaking the edges of the Universe if it aligns to the heart. Once it aligns to the heart the person gets access to the abundant pastures of the imagination. There in that fields of imagination the person gets to meet their own younger, vibrant and freer Self. This is the difference between humans who live from the mind and those who live from the heart.
The person who lives from the heart gets to embrace the inner child in their life and live from heart and the mind united. But those who just embrace the mind, miss the heart and lives with a hole in the heart. It is not the Gods- Shiva, Vishnu, Allah, Jesus or God that divides, or even the perspectives, viewpoints, political parties or religious differences that divide, but the minds that take up all these perspectives, viewpoints. Put it into their subjective filter of perspectives and find the other operates different. So, it is the mind that sees the difference and tries to divide people as us versus them.
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Imagination that inspires creativity Image credits - |
So, as a single Soul what is our duty? To see that the mind is not taking us for a ride and keep it at it's place with a rebuke, whip lash or a stare, behind the heart which is led by the Soul. The Soul, higher Self for You and I is always the Master who should lead our life with the help of the mind using the vehicle for this life- our body. The correct way of using our Divine given faculties for a fulfilling, content and creative life.
Creativity: This leads to the heading of today's topic, creativity. As I mentioned a deep imagination is needed for creativity to happen. We need to see concept first in our mind's eye before it can be brought out into the physical world. But a mind that has a missing heart cannot imagine as the clay needed to mold the sculpture, the heart and the emotions are missing. That is why people who are deeply drenched in logic and intellect find it very difficult to imagine, ideate and create.
When you deeply embrace the mind and want nothing to do with emotions or heart, what imagination and what creativity? Nowadays, emotions are considered feminine, soft that needs to be pushed aside to think very logically and rationally. Those who are just embracing the mind say -"Be real. You cannot live in the clouds, come and be on Earth". But people forget something. All the major inventions, innovations and progress first happened in the mind/heart and later took a physical form outside.
Now, after all these progress and modernity, we are saying heart, emotions and idealism are valueless? Come on. Give me a break! Let me give a few examples. Thomas Edison had to imagine direct current in his mind, Nikola Tesla- alternating current, Steve Jobs-iPod/iPad, Bill Gates- personal computer, Mark Zuckerberg - Face Book, Jeff Bezos - Amazon, Elon Musk- Tesla. The mega minds of imagination who later gave employment, food, water and shelter for umpteens of other humans.
So, people who "Pooh Pooh" heart, emotions, idealism, imaginations and ideas need to think again. Are you truly correct to just embrace the logic and rationality? Yes, logic and rationality is definitely needed, very definitely. Those are the qualities that make the physical life possible with the mind. But before coming to physical reality, with every new idea or imagination, there is first emotional reality and later a mental reality. Today, after writing for four years I am very definitely able to articulate.
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Creativity that is a manifestation of the imagination and emotions Image credits - |
But just ten years back, it was not so. The emotions, heart, mind, idealism, rationality, logic, intellect and intelligence, all together used to create a mush in my mind. What is what? Which is which? A mind that is given equal amounts of all finds it very difficult to make sense of everything. There were times where I have been afraid that I am losing it and going nuts. Nope. I was not crazy. Only I didn't understand the different inner as well as outer realities.
This is how it is- the major realities as a human. The deepest spiritual reality, then above that comes the emotional reality (emotions) of the heart, next the mental reality of the mind and from all the three through idea, imagination, intentions, plans and actions the physical, rational and logical reality. Without the inner three properly working, it is almost impossible for the outer reality alone to work. Because the rocket is ready. But there is no fuel, no software, no scientist, no Math and no infrastructure for it to be launched. A human operating from the pure mental perspective.
Creativity is an outward manifestation of inspirations and emotions that are almost divine in nature. It is this innate spark of divinity as of now humanity has lost. All of us are running around as emotionless human zombies finding fault with the outer attire of another never to take a second look at their heart. Now, whether to capture one's own emotions, heart and live a very creative, vibrant life or not? Always the free will and personal choice of a Soul!