The Word - Hidden Potential!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.
Wishing all the Souls who identify themselves as the Other, a very beautiful, joyful and creative Pride month. I also like to wish every one joy, peace, happiness, equality, equal voice, equal value, equal opportunities and equal justice in this brand new Federal holiday of Juneteenth starting from 2021 in the USA! Blessings, grace, peace, love and light, all!
Hope, all are keeping safe and healthy. Sometimes I wish the world was different and we can find ourselves as it was in 2018 or 2019. The mind always wishes to go back to what we used to know, whether it was our childhood, school days, college days or how things were before something changed in our life. Same way all of us wish for a break from the sudden changed status quo we find ourselves in. But if we truly understand the only thing that is constant in this world is change.
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Colors of the Pride month (USA)! Image credits - |
Paradoxical, isn't it? The only thing that is constant is never ever constant. According to science even the so called we- the humans are not the same. Every seven years, every single cell in our body changes. We are not the same person seven years ago; every single cell has changed. Even the cells that hold our memory has changed. So, the past we hold onto so dearly is most probably in something that we don't have as such in the body itself. Okay, that is not the topic of this current post. So, let us bring it back to focus. Hope all of you are well and good, practicing every kind of measure that keeps us here on Earth for some more time.
Last week, we discussed the topic of originality. It is possible to practice only from the space of the heart, not form the mind. It is only when we stand and operate from the space of our heart that too within our deepest personal truths, the locks that have been put on our hidden talents get unlocked. As of now from the way I see humanity, many have no clue about this concept. People understand themselves from the mind and how much ever they realize and are aware of themselves, that is where their limit is.
The mind: If we understand the paradox, we become flabbergasted so much, we laugh at it crazily. We need the mind to live a good and even great life. But the mind is the blockade or obstruction for the hidden talents to come out. But for the hidden talents to come out you need the mind. So, again, the mind is the block for the hidden talents. But to find the hidden talents, we need the mind. In other words, the problem itself is the solution. What?
Yes. This is the eternal circle of life that is depicted as a snake eating itself in Greek mythology called the Ouroboros, the snake eating its tail. The snake has to uncoil; but if it keeps on eating its tail, how can it uncoil? I just extrapolated it to the mind. The mind has to calm down, move to the side, be silent so that the higher Self from the heart can take over. But when it has no plans to move or keep quiet, what would the higher Self do? Don't think it would just sit quietly and wait patiently for eternity.
There are things the Soul can do. One, as the mind is not listening and doing nothing towards its Dharma or purpose, it can pull the plug on the human. The Soul itself took a life here on Earth to pursue a specific purpose. Sometimes even in the chaos of this world, the purpose happens. For example, a foreign correspondent for a newspaper many times has to live decades in war torn countries, among humanitarian crises, climate-change crises or in enemy countries under hiding. We can think, isn't that person trying to put himself/herself in trouble by taking up such a kind of job?
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The mind that can be the lock as well as the key Image credits - |
But that is our judgement. May be for this particular lifetime, that Soul was meant to learn how to thrive in chaos, conflicts and problems ridden situations. Anything in this Universe, the best way to learn is by doing it. In the real life of the Soul, everything is practical experience. Nothing is theory. Only humans have no clue and get it. So, it is not necessary that a Soul by being in conflict and drama is not doing its duty. It can and may. So, we actually don't really know, how another's life is. But in case, the Soul is not getting ahead with its purpose, it can pull the plug on a life.
Second way, it can vibrate at another frequency, it brings very different circumstances as experiences to our forefront. Many times, we have no clue how we attracted these experiences. Because our mind wishes for something and the Soul sitting in the heart brings very different things that we don't like for our palate. An example, I wanted a good biotech job that I can go for from nine to five pm. I stood on my head and made myself into a pretzel trying and wishing for one. But it was not to be. It brought toxic office circumstances, moody bosses, intimidating colleagues, competitive environments and basically tough experiences, Until I was studying it was okay, even cool. But a job, any job brought scores of people who just were functioning from their lower minds and emotions. Why?
The purpose: Because I was meant to do something very different, way different. It was not my duty to be in a laboratory and being a scientist. Of course, very definitely I was meant to have the science knowledge, because in the space I am going to work people bring their debates and value points with logic/ rationality. So, to say my two cents from that space, I would have to know my science, DNA, its effects on the individual, the difference in expression (how it shows up physically) on the person due to Epigenetics and more. As I have my science knowledge when I say about spirituality or concepts people cannot come and put me down saying it is total irrationality. So, I was meant to study my science and have knowledge on it.
That is about it. Above that my purpose in this lifetime is different. So, my mind was wishing and bringing interviews or recruiter calls. But my Soul most probably was vibrating at a very different level and either I won't get selected in the interview, interviews would get magically canceled, the laboratory I would join would have heavy work with peanuts for pay or a very toxic intimidating environment. Finally, even that came to an end. My duty was to go within and do the inner work for the next four to five years. Now, here I am totally at peace and joyful in my small space in this world. I cannot put into words the freedom, joy and peace, I feel. Grace! 😊🙏
The same way, each of us come with a greater Soul purpose. Many times, this Soul purpose is not aligned with an outer duty we feel from our mind and these become loggerheads with each other. In many cases, the mind is like a clueless youth apprentice of eighteen or twenty years and the Soul is the bearded wizard of a grandfather who gives a knuckle head knock on the kid. Because the kid needs to behave so that the grandfather can teach and make the kid do the duty the youth was meant to do.
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A life where Purpose is the central focus Base image credits - |
The mind was not meant to run a free ring circus of a show with hand in every pie. Instead, it was meant to listen to the heart, get involved with that single, but the most magnificent pie it can ever make and partake. Our own life, career and creativity! That is the single pie we are meant to concentrate on. Instead, we focus on everything else other than that which was meant and cut out for us. When I realized this truth in 2016/17, after a lot of thrashing from my own higher Self, I was flabbergasted. What? How did I miss this?
In this lifetime, first and foremost we are meant to take care of ourselves, our Dharma, purpose or duty. Pretty much every single thing whether it is our own education, career, creativity (kids indeed are our creation and many people find bringing up kids as their purpose) is aligned towards this truth. Only as humans we have zero clue about this.
So, purpose! Only if this is aligned with our life, our own hidden potential lying deep within us in our subconscious and the DNA wakes up. If we realize, all our previous lifetimes as a Soul, all the gifts and talents of our ancestors (of course we may have to deal with their bad behaviors also which they would have passed to us) are hidden deep within us. Have we ever wondered why some people are amazingly talented like (Michael Jackson or Madonna) while others struggle even to make it through life? Most probably these awesome Souls have found a way to tap into their own Soul as well as the ancestral gifts. My question, if they can tap into their inner gifts, other ordinary mortals like us should also be able to, isn't it? We should and we must!
Creativity: Only when we go deep within ourselves, overcome our own smaller ego, pull out the weeds within us, cut out all the dead branches of emotional and mental hang ups, and access our Soul and ancestral gifts, the hidden potential in each one is unleashed. The thirteenth century Persian mystic Jalaluddin Rumi has quoted- "Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion!" What a beautiful concept. We as humans act very small with our selfish pride and arrogant ego, sitting within our own tiny Self of a life.
As long as we act and live from this perspective, our life stays small, constrained and restricted. The hidden gift of treasures that lies within us never finds the light of the day. We live as very small and self-contained beings, never to find and live from that SELF-contained greater way of existence. Remember, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson or Madonna were/ is single, individual beings. What is so different in them compared to us?
Yanni's song with the concept of living from the higher Self- The Soul!
Nothing, except we, the smaller beings live from the mind, never understanding or realizing our own inner gifts collected through our own lifetimes and from our own ancestral bunch. This sits within us dormant, deep hidden within our own Souls never seeing the outside world. We sit wondering how that one person accomplished so much, while we struggle to find a great avenue for our own creative expression and difficulty to make the ends meet.
It is truly and totally our fault that instead of turning within and accessing our inner gifts, we keep our focus outside, finding leadership in other leaders and other concepts. Yes, that also is needed. We can always read the thoughts, concepts and autobiographies of great beings, actually a must. But while accessing all these outer blessings, shouldn't we also listen to what our inner leadership team has to say? Our own Soul, intuition, ancestral guides, ascended Masters and spiritual teachers? Should we throw them under the bus? Because they are the guidance who would help to open the locks on the dormant wisdom and knowledge of the DNA.
Is it easy? No, tough. That is why the middle way, of not becoming too rational and not becoming too emotional is considered tough, very difficult. Weaker minds and softer wills cannot do it. Because it would test our everything- patience, persistence, determination, dedication, will power, intelligence, intellect, boundaries, emotions, mindsets, aptitudes, perspective, values, worth, honesty, virtues, ethics, and another thousand there are. Because the hidden potential is truly great power, honor, grace and blessings.
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Rumi Quote Base image credits - |
It should not fall into the hands that are selfish, arrogant, entitled, greedy, envious, jealous and materialistic. It is said - "With great power comes great responsibility". We can see how the previous American Presidency brought out the worst of great power with pathetic leadership, accountability and responsibility. This inner knowledge and wisdom are accessed and given only to those Souls who are ready to take up the task, duty, responsibility and effort. To no one else.
Because in this Universe there is no free lunch or entitlement. Every being has to put in the deserved effort to get the deserved results. If someone finds themselves having more opportunities in this life, they have put in the work in some other lifetime So, if the hidden potentials need to be unleashed, it becomes the duty, responsibility of the being whether to take up the inner work or not. Without that work, the locks are in place, the chest shut tight and locked in the inner most recess the core of our Soul. Whether to unleash that kind of potential and creativity- 😊- Always, the free will and choice of the being!